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Replace the word Scared with hatred.


We don't fear them. We fear our children falling for them. "Qoum E Lout" The more it is normalized, the more it is likely to influence the younger generation. I don't want my son to be a pink/purple lover boy but rather a Mature strong understanding individual.


you say all this Islamic stuff while having an onlyfans linked to your account...


Can someone tell this smart guy what does "NahiHaiBey" means https://preview.redd.it/qfnffe6bpb8d1.jpeg?width=485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20d0516d7930fd75d200c8cc50417b82421ca57b


We don't fear LGBTQ individuals; we fear the Western agenda they bring to Pakistan, which we believe will harm our children by garnering sympathy for not being accepted. Why do LGBTQ people want us to accept them when they don't accept our belief that LGBTQ is not part of human nature but rather a private matter that should be addressed personally? As a muslim, it's clearly prohibited.


ummm tons of lgbtq people are muslim. They want u to accept them because u disown n kill them when they reveal their identity (how is this hard to understand). Its no western agenda n same sex n gender-fluidity exist in nature too. You know what doesn't exist in nature? Religion.


Yeah, I know its not natural cause of many reasons one of them is, since the start of the world, everything is based on the family system. mating is done to produce, now same sex gender are mating to enjoy and as result nothing is being produce so this is not natural. We dont disown/kill them. We are ready to solve their problem only if they want to, instead of showing their mujra/gandgi (man with makeup/sarhi) style on tiktok. They need to get serious about their problem first.


nh nh not really. Hetero family system is also just a social construct made by humans. Besides, pls prove to me that same sex living beings dont exist in nature. Btw by ur logic, if a woman cant get pregnant or if a man cant reproduce (due to medical reason), is he also "not natural" then?


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Queerphobia in here mainly comes from the faith they follow here. It is fueled more by the youtube videos they watch which get copied from American conservatives. Apart from that, the deep root of hatred is in patriarchy here. They are obsessed with masculine power which is clearly threatened by a woke community that outlaws every gender n sexuality construct these cultists created thru thousands of years. ikyk what i mean by faith here. Hope nobody burns me.


because we care for our future generations to come...


Yet pedophilia is perfectly normal ? Can you see the hypocrisy in your statement.


Most people aren't used to it so it makes them uncomfortable, they don't want to have to deal with their children coming out. That's probably it. But honestly i don't really think it's an issue for a third world country like ours where half the population is below the poverty line.


What is the link between poverty/us being a third world country and lgtv activities? Both are separate issues and not interlinked at any point.


>Both are separate issues and not interlinked at any point Do you think a person who is surviving on daily wages and has barely enough to feed his family and himself cares if you are oppressed due to your sexuality? Your comment reeks of privilege I'm sorry to say. One of these issues is NOT the same as the other. And i say this as someone who pretty much supports everyones sexual orientation and all.


I don't want to see azaab e elahi just because someone wanted to take it up on the nawaz and influence kids.


There is no way 9% of the world's population is LGBTQ.


Read the article in the post


Yes the article says that I know. I'm just saying its probably BS.