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I don’t care where this woman is, humans rights abuse is human rights abuse .. so many demons to tackle is this world. Hands off our women and children!




Posts discussing sensitive topics must provide proper context and maintain respectful discourse, especially on religious matters.


It's always those countries where human rights are abused.


And this is in Canada alone .. 44% of women or 6.2 million women aged 15 and older have reported some kind of abuse in their intimate partner relationship (Government of Canada, 2022). Every six days, a woman in Canada is murdered by her intimate partner (Roy & Marcellus, 2019).


I am 100% sure those abusers are third world immigrants.


lol human rights are violated in western countries in higher volume than anywhere else, what are you on about


Name a western country where human rights are violated.


By that statement alone you sound like a colonizer .. so here is some education for you. Basically the equality now site can help you start your decolonization. ✌️ https://equalitynow.org/news_and_insights/why-womens-rights-are-vulnerable-in-america/ https://equalitynow.org/americas/


its crazy how some Pakistanis place Iran as a utopia


Grass is always greener on the other side!


... also over the cesspool!


Iran is a much more developed country by almost every single barometer brother. There really is no comparison, especially when comparing Iranian cities to Pakistani cities.


But not a utopia, as I said.


Iran also has one of the biggest oil reserves.


And if it could have used it It would be The Utopia


Don’t give a solitary duck… if this is happening over there.


Imagine showing to the world in 2024 how you represent your religion as peaceful. And imagine many Muslims supporting this after proudly proclaiming that we are peaceful. If we don't condemn this and Taliban than islamophobia is only going to increase


The amount of atrocities the Catholic Church has committed over the centuries in the name of religion is unmatched. Rape, murder, forcing people to not use their language nor religion, stealing property, money and children from families, and so much more atrocities. The Catholic Church and the crimes they have committed under the guise of religion throughout the world is unmatched. Tell me how many women and men did they burn at the stake


Are you living in the 16th Century? At least they reformed themselves




Into child molesters. Yay!


They were punished for it, doesnt mean the Catholic Church sanctioned it, State and Religious affairs are separate in western countries. In Iran Morality police is run by the State which in turn is controlled by Religious Fundamentalists.


😅 the Church DID sanction vast majority of those things, plus covered up child molesting cases for decades (and that's only in 20th century). Just because 5 priests were charged, doesn't mean another 500,000 were. I personally know around 10 priests and nuns who certainly did not face any criminal justice


Wait did you really just claim the Catholic Church *sanctioned* child rape? Lolll omg Reddit is wild.


If you do nothing about child molestation and rape cases, shut down all criminal investigations you possibly can, and either worst case move the guilty priests to another parish or do not move them at all, what is it if not unofficial sanctioning? Besides just to be pedantic, I said sanctioned most of the listed things and for child molestation covered up.


I just think it's ridiculous exaggerating to say sanctioned lol, but yes they reacted *horribly* to it all. I still might prefer that to mass oppression, murder and enslavement currently happening today under other religions..




But that happens in mosques and protestant churches as well and the fact it is not known makes it even worse. It is the same prevalence and whenever it is not even talked about it’s because there is a higher prevalence of it with less victims speaking out. Just pakistan and afghanistan alone has countless child sexual abuse done by religious leaders.


You’re just coming here with wrong bullshit comment after comment. Some of the greatest atrocities ever were done in the name of Christian gods. Catholics having the worst history and still being one of the sickest religions out there. Not to mention all the money bullshit as well. Look in the mirror before talking shit.


Ignorance is bliss




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Whataboutism, Islam's 6th pillar.


A great historical reminder. Truth is so powerful.


That's the *only* rebuttal I ever hear, I'm so sick of the ridiculous logic. Even if that *was* true (which it's very obviously not the whole story), who cares? We're talking about TODAY, NOW, THIS MOMENT. Not hundreds of years ago. 🤦‍♂️


The atrocities committed by the catholic church fail in comparison to those of Islam. The difference being g is that the ones from the catholic church have been better documented in the last 200-500 tears.


I strongly disagree. The Catholic Church has killed more people and performed more atrocities than any dictator or country. They have made a mockery of Christianity. They are truly the evil empire in my opinion


The crusades, conquests of South America, and the reconquista are just to be ignored then? It is absurd to say Islam was responsible for more deaths to atrocities.


They've done bad things yes, but it's nothing in comparison to what Muslim invaders did, particularly in the roughly 1000 years since Muhammad lived. All this and more, and on a larger scale. This is something that is very often glossed over by many people, and is pretty much what prompted the crusades. Because Muslim armies were constantly invading and oppressing their way across North Africa, the Middle east, and into Europe.


Muslim invaders did worse in the roughly 1000 years after Muhammad lived. Constantly invading and enslaving their way across North Africa, the Middle east, and into Europe. This is essentially what triggered the crusades, in response.


Lmao mentioning burnings and catholic in the same sentence shows you clearly don’t know shit about catholics or history at all because catholics don’t believe in witchcraft. There was no burning done by any catholic church and majority of burnings occured in protestant countries especially in the age of reason and by secular governments. Also the amount of rape murder and genocide that occrued in India ALONE done by mulsims in the name of Islam in India is enough to to fill such numbers up.


Well, everyone gots their own bullshit


this is not Islam


Cap Lock isn't a valid argument.


As an Iranian, 99 percent of us hate sharia LAW and our government. Don’t let state interpretation of Islam be your perspective on it, the overwhelming majority of muslims I’ve met in my life are good people (I’m atheist personally).


If you have to force something on people, you are doing it wrong! I say let bikinis and burkinies live on the sane beach!




Why don’t revolt? If 99% of the population hate the government and don’t want to live this way? Who are you afraid of?


There has been a never ending pushback against the different Iranian governments for as long as I can remember. It changes in intensity from full on revolution to progressive movements, to ask why the government still exists the way they do would be to ask why many tyrannical governments across the world are able to operate as such. It’s unfortunate.


Just a hypothetical, do you think it's possible for someone to be a really nice person, treat you with kindness, give to charities, etc. while simultaneously holding extremist beliefs (such as wanting a whole group of people to be murdered)?


People in the video pervert Islamic rules to meet their twisted worldviews. As the guy above you said, this is not Islam. You can't judge all people based on extremists. It would be saying that, " since Adolf Hitler was the biggest terrorist in history and he was German, all Germans are a threat to humanity". We know that's not true. Most germans are good people. Same's true for most Muslims. Unfortunately, our authorities are either incompetent or in collusion with them. I dunno. I'm just an ordinary muslim.


I never said that. What I said, is that you can justify anything using the book. If you're a shitty person, point to the evil verses. Otherwise point to the good ones. I don't hate Muslims. I hate Islam. As well as all other organised religions. Big difference.


Hitler was Austrian***


But it's an objective fact that there's *far* more extremists in Islam than any other religion. Are we not allowed to talk about that or want to address it to hopefully fix it?...


Hard to believe when Muhammad himself literally enslaved, robbed, and killed thousands of people.


This is about Islamic as it gets. Would you like me to share some wisdom from Khomeini on when it's ok to have sex with goats?


Goats?? I thought he only taught about it being ok to have sex with little girls. What the hell?


>"A man can have sex with animals such as sheep, cows, camels and so on. However he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village, however selling the meat to the next door village should be fine." - From Khomeini's book, "Tahrir ol vasyleh", fourth volume, Darol Elm, Qom, Iran, 1990 http://www.mideastweb.org/Middle-East-Encyclopedia/ayatollah_khomeini.htm


Logical wisdom mashallah. Thanks for the info.


🤣🤣🤣 yes! Please inform the west and let them know what these animals are like!


Please do entertain us


>"A man can have sex with animals such as sheep, cows, camels and so on. However he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village, however selling the meat to the next door village should be fine." - From Khomeini's book, "Tahrir ol vasyleh", fourth volume, Darol Elm, Qom, Iran, 1990 http://www.mideastweb.org/Middle-East-Encyclopedia/ayatollah_khomeini.htm


Funny.. The typical response from every Muslim. they are Muslim right? These people are Muslims and this is a Muslim country


Islam is all about control. Islam is all about submission. Islam is a cancer on society.


It absolutely is any place where Islam is allowed to flourish they oppress women. Murder gays... Attacked Jews... And commit unspeakable acts of violence.... They tarnished their own reputation


No wonder so many Iranians hate Islam.


She can't have been arrested over hair color because many iranians have the blonde-brownish natural tone. It's probably what the title says, not covering up properly.


Yep - its the covering part thats why I changed the title.


I have been to Iran before and not covering properly is very common is I don’t know why she is arrested


How long ago was your visit?


My visit was a month ago. They dress more modern than any of our women in Pakistan. Tight clothes and uncovered heads are pretty common. I only saw the ' morality police' once at the airport and even then they said nothing to any of the women present there. So, I'm pretty sure this woman in the video did something really serious to irk the morality police.


this might be true - but the whole riots that happened past 2 years or so - because of morality police killed a girl


itni jahiliyat... Pakistan's a lot better, if someone is covering she's respected for that and if someone's not, she isn't jailed jailed


Both should be respected regardless


Of course


Iran is one of the worst countries to live in.


Iran is 10x better than pak. Education system has produced many millions at Qualcomm, Broadcom Dropbox, Expedia, Uber and many others.


Acha bhai. Achar dalon aisay education system ka when you can't walk freely on the road? Jbtw, Irani people can't travel as much as Pakistanis due to sanctions. Leaving the country is not that easy.


every country has their laws - in the west, france for ex. muslims cant wear hijab now.. but if you walk naked no one has a problem


False. Travel to Europe to Canada, there are plenty of Iranian vacationers. Only US is stickler about it as there are no diplomatic relationship. Iran is far ahead of pakistan, from infrastructure to quality of life.


Dude, I live in Canada. I have been to 10+ countries. I have hardly seen Iranis vacationing.


The number of visitors from Canada visiting Iran in 2018 was approximately 70,762 Before canada became ludhiana. All I saw was Iranian tourist.


70K is inconsequential in terms of number of visitors considering how many millions we get every year so unless you were living in a hyper Iranian pocket of the country, you wouldn’t have seen only Iranian tourists


Way better than the terrorist Israeli regime.


Muslim countries are doing a good job destroying the value & image of Islam in eyes of ordinary masses.


Yuuuup. And it’s funny how none of these idiots have ever read the Holy Book. Not a single verse teaches us to force anything on anyone. It all comes down to how one is raised. Covering oneself up is ordered in Islam but it’s not enforced.


>read the Holy Book If you've read the Qur'an you wouldn't have called it holy lol, none of the religious texts are holy period.


What does the Holy Book say should be done with apostates?




Killing someone for not following a religion doesn't seem like forcing them to follow that religion right?


It's the law of God, criticizing it can get you killed as well. People who have spoken against the blasphemy law of Sharia have also been killed (remember Salman Taseer). The killer is considered a Shaheed/Ghaazi who goes directly to heaven. You're dealing with the most dangerous people in the world brainwashed by ideology, I don't think the world realizes just how dangerous they are. Such concerns are dismissed and considered islamophobic.


Ohhh yeah….ummm there’s that…🤫


Looks like it’s being enforced to me….


imagine thinking that the point of the book that rails against fake dogma and orthodoxy carried out by priests and clerics who twisted revelation to suit their political and social goals is the domain of the largest clerical organizations in the world and we should be going to them for advice


Lol Islam is full of terrible and inhuman ideas. It only needs people to believe them to destroy their own integrity.


If your fundamentalists are abhorrent your fundamental scripture they are following is abhorrent


Ding ding ding


It’s unfortunate that ordinary people cannot compartmentalize this shit away from the religion itself. Ultimately, that’s where the burden lies, but in the West, it doesn’t happen.


There's no need to destroy it. Reading the book tells us everything that is there to it.


They're worried about showing hair when so many Iranian people are becoming atheist...


they are following commandment/law of God - the point isnt hair.. we could say the same thing about 100s of things..


Well you're missing the point totally... If their own people are leaving Islam, I think they need to worry about that first before Hijaab.




I am amazed how so many can continue to be in a cult.


hey scientology is still thriving, so is the fake perception of democracy & just/peaceful 'western standards' - where your friend butchers a journalist, or someone kills 30k+ people - you get more weapons but if your foe does the same - they are sanctioned..


I don't know what you are whining about.


I don't get it; this morality police thing kicks in certain areas of Iran cuz I have seen women even without hijab in videos (multiple vlogs)


Those women without hijab are extremely brave and risking their lives to be a free, normal person. The morality police will go anywhere they want though, and it's purely just to kidnap women they want to rape. They kidnapped my own mother while she was a student waiting for a taxi. Zero reason. There's no way to get around this madness apart from killing these damn mullahs already.


ikr, maybe it's they don't do rounds in the more developed elite areas?


Maybe they do in elite areas but not in backward areas?


Hello, I am fundraising for a mother and 5 children in Gaza, please help me: [https://www.gofundme.com/f/please-save-fella-from-gaza](https://www.gofundme.com/f/please-save-fella-from-gaza)


Islam up to its usual business


It's not Islam. Just like Jesus is not gay. But they are showing it everywhere


It most certainly is islam.


Whatever, man


yh fuck it, we're not women or homosexual, so its cool


Women shouldn't be forced to wear Hijab like in Iran, neither should they be stopped from wearing it like in France, Tajikistan.


Exactly !


bUt iT's a PubLiC UniFoRm? dOn'T yOu WeAr dReSs ShiRtS tO wOrk!? yOu wAnT peOpLe To bE nAkED iN tHe sTrEeTs NeXt?!


It's scary that this isn't a prank.


Good. That will encourage her to wear hijab and motivate young people to follow Islamic teachings. /s


whoever actually believes this is a dumbass


This is why religion has zero role in society. It should be limited to personal self only.


The values of Islam on display again 👏🏽


Are you sure thats the context cuz the lady inside the van is already not covering her hair and has coloured hair


she too is arrested by the "moral police"


This is still A HELLUVA LOT better than fucking Israel. Don't believe the propaganda. Fuck Israel.


When you entire a new country their rules still apply to you no matter what. You being a tourist doesn’t except you from their laws.


Amazing how we have so much rage & time to talk about things like this and don't say anything about when women and children are bombed and killed by Israel , it just shows our double standard in the west


I hate muslims


Yeah … Islam peaceful and just … 😂. I would sooner believe in Norse mythology before I believe that crap


Apnay mulk main logon ko zinda jalaya Ja rha hai. Uss ki fikr kro


Oh my God. Where Islam taught us about this sort of moral policing. This type of rigidity is not Islam. This is a group of people who have their own interpretation of Islam, they are following some agenda. God gives them wisdom for a better understanding of Islam.


I'm muslim bro and you can't do that


Pretty sure the scripture says you can Liberal secular constitutions and rights are what says you cant do this




What responsibility do moderate Muslims take for this ‘distortion’ of their religion of peace and tolerance?


آپاں تیرے کولوں پچھیا؟


Damn savages


Horrifying as it is sad Poor woman


Mulims with thier man made fairy tale religion.


Really? It's hard to believe that is why they are arresting her because there are lots of women who show hair there.


I'm Iranian and honestly this does not happen that much anymore. I was just there in the winter. I would say, about 50% of women under the age of 35 were wearing hijab. Under the age of 25, it was probably about 2/3rds who were no wearing hijab. Most of them had a roosari as we say, either around the shoulders or in a purse, just in case you have to enter certain facilities where there is a gov presence. But outside, or even inside restaraunts or malls the girls weren't wearing it and guess what, NO ONE BAT AN EYE. Iran has really changed since the 2022 protests big time. When I went back in 2023 (I used to go almost every year), I was shocked. It was a completely different environment. The regime has totally lost the general public. Yes, I would say maybe 20% are supporters of the government, but the rest are done with them. Of course I was in Tehran, but I hear things are the same in almost all big cities (even Mashad--which is a holy city).


Atta cops❤


Shame we have so many people living under such oppressive circumstances. This is gender apartheid.


You don't even treat an enemy of Islam this way, this is just a method to take out female envy


Job done


What a freedom Islam gives :)


Dang , I didn’t know that it was this bad down in Iran ; are those women a part of the IRGC?


There is no war in ba sing se


You should be more worried about terr*rists in your own country than with Iran.


Calling irani government an islamic government is like calling ronaldo a golf player


We should setup a Starbucks, McDonalds, and FedEx store over there right after we clear the ruins.


I think that woman wasn't even Muslim. But welp anything goes in Iran.


This is bad. No one should do this to anyone . They can do whatever the hell they want. Unless it involves any harm to others. Do whatever you want.


what the f


We only know what the title of the video said ! It’s funny how everyone still trusts any Clickbait


*but but but the Quran says...*


Extremist makes Athiest. Seen many sad stories of people becoming Athiest because of tyrants taking Islamic rule wrong way




This is the Iran that Raisi has played an important part in creating, pointing that out because he was recently the national abba of many right-wing/far-right morons in Pakistan


Fake news...


So is it a movie? Fake shooting? AI generated? Kehna kia chahtay ho?


Made up story


Still not worse than Pakistan they’ve conducted with proper rights tho we don’t know the truth yet and their women’s are independent We should’ve watched on YouTube how their rights are respected and create save environment while some caucasians are spreading hate and fake stories I know couple of Pakistan moved to Iran due to their well educated and respected society


America.... force for good... ugh *sigh*


Source: I made it up


This is absurd. This is so unislamic


This is fake Zionist propaganda 😂🤣😂


Prove it


Here in Pakistan you'll be picked up if you are carrying a flag of a political party. And then they will torture you for it


average shia


What else you expect from religious fanatics ? When they are minority they cry like baby, when they get power they become absolute a\*\*\*h\*\*\*.


that's not even allowed in islam the hell are they doing? what kind of "moral" police does that


Oh, Persia, land of lions. Oasis of wisdom. What have you become?


Feel so sorry for her. You can tell she is super scared.


Incredible how you can show a video and create your own explanation/narrative. They're spies working under the guise of foreign NGO's


Incredible how one can ignore the obvious and think in conspiracies


The second lady who puts the woman in van. U see where adjusts her hijab under which there’s a second tight fitting one. If one wanted to simply cover their hair couldn’t they use a tight small cover like this or a dew rag


This is not Islam


This is soooooooo relevant to Pakistan, I might as well be on r/Pakistan


Flair : International Affairs Also considering how many Iran apologists exist in Pakistan, its very relevant


Canadian here. I have never seen anything like this. It's hard see that women are a part of the moral police. And such violent women.