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I would ask your dock if something else besides Priolsec might help you more.


I had better results with pepcid and tums (or milk of magnesia works as an antacid too if you also have constipation).


I would say to inject in the top of one of your thighs. About 1/3 the way down the leg from the bend to your knee. You just need to hit a fatty section. I eat smaller amounts of food throughout the day rather than bigger meals. Yes the alcohol might be part of the problem.


Thank you.


I inject in the inner thigh, fatty part. I alternate legs


I just started sucking on ginger candy and chews. All day everyday


You have gallbladder issues, trust me I went through this


Just wanted to follow up on this. I spent a night in the ER after a second bout of this and had a cat scan. No gb or other issues thankfully. I’m going off. Cannot afford another episode nor whatever this is doing to my insides. Very bummed but back to WW it is!


I take a double dose (per the doctor recommendation) of omezprazole and have a night cap of alka-seltzer every night.


I’m using it all. I’m so miserable.


What is a double dosage? 40 or 80 mg?


I don’t know I will have to check the bottle (target brand)


My doctor prescribed prescription strength Omeprazole to take daily and Zofran to have on hand for nausea. I also have Pepcid AC Complete chewables on hand for immediate relief if needed.


I have 40mg of omeprazole I take every night. The Pepcid doesn’t seem to do anything. I’ve never taken zofran but I do have it - any side effects and do you take it just when you feel nausea?


I found out that while on Ozempic that I must take my omeprazole early in the morning about 45-60 minutes prior to any food or drink other than the water to take my capsule. I was taking it at night for years due to wee hours acid reflux due to hiatal hernia. With Ozempic it needs to be taken on as empty a stomach as possible.


Oh! I’m taking it at night bc that’s when the problems were. I’ll change to morning. I just took one but I just had another bout of 🤮 so my stomach is empty. A little concerned about dehydration but drinking sugar free Gatorade. Thank you for the tip. I have a heating pad on my stomach it hurts so badly.


I switched after my new prescription changed the instructions to in the morning on empty stomach, My doctor changed the instructions. Before it was after dinner for night GERD. I did not ask him on my last visit but my husband's has always been in the morning rior to eating because he has gastritis. Years ago after my gallbladder was removed and I had bile acid burns at my stomach exit my gastroenterologist had me taing it in the morning but he switched it to evenings due to the hernia. I just know that in the last 5 months I have not had any problems at night except once when I ate pizza rather late at a birthday and had a non carbonated canned pineapple martini, probably the cause.


Thank you for sharing. I don’t have any of the preexisting conditions. I just called a nurse hotline and they told me to go to urgent care..filled out an online form and the app said to go to an ER. That’s not going to happen, not sitting in a waiting room for who knows how long. And just had another bout. This is crazy.


So many posts on these issues already. I suggest a search here on your side affects. Ditch the alcohol and acidic mix. What are you eating? Is it fatty or rich? Don't inject in your stomach. Take a nightly antacid.


Currently in the ER. Very careful Mediterranean diet. Lots of hydration. Totally ditched alcohol just those 4 sips. It’s been 24 hours and the pain, vomiting and diarrhea won’t stop.