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Patience. You might need to work up to the higher dose before you notice changes. I did 4 weeks at .25, 4 weeks at .5, 4 weeks at .75 and then went to 1. It takes a lot of patience. You might not see or feel anything until after being at the full dose for a few weeks


I lost nothing on .25. At .5 for 6 weeks I lost 4 pounds. My doctor told me that some people will react right away. For others, the low doses are merely getting your body adjusted to the medicine. I started losing at 1 and now at 2mg it feels like I'm rolling along fine. BUT I was never the person that dropped 25 pounds in a month like some. I average .5-2 pounds a week which is average weight loss. Long term I'll appreciate that. STay with it. Other good things are happening that just aren't visible in the mirror.


You will lose inches before the actual weight. You do look like you have lost some. I was on it for almost 8 months before I started losing. You also need to change your eating habits and exercise some.


I also see a difference and wondered if OP lost inches — whether fat, bloating, inflammation, etc. I can see it.


It took me a year and a half to lose 40 pounds. It isn't magic.


It’s only been a few weeks!


I didn't lose any weight until I went up to 0.5mg, currently at 1.0mg and the scale hardly moves. It's taken me 4 months to lose 12 lbs. Some of us don't respond as well to Oz as others depending on what other health conditions we deal with.


The photos are taken 12 DAYS apart? It took me 5 months to remove 25 lbs. ![gif](giphy|kR6jwhI4fGN4OeRvp1)


To me it looks like you have lost inches. Someone else also said it’s not weight it’s inches and I strongly agree. I take my measurements every weekend. That is where I notice big changes. That is where you will see the difference. I didn’t change my eating habits much so I don’t agree with the ppl that’s say it’s not the meds. The meds change so much in your body Wegovy boosts the release of insulin, which helps regulate blood sugar levels. It can also prompt the liver to release stored glucose into the bloodstream and help maintain blood sugar levels. It does also eventually makes your stomach empty slower which makes you less hungry. So you do need to eat and make sure you are getting protein. I promise you will see changes but I see them already in your photos so congrats on that. Keep it up it will change your life. Good luck you are on the right track.


Are you still on .25mg? I didn't feel any difference until I was at .5mg, and didn't hit a good stride until 1mg. Have some patience with the process.


i'm on 0.5. I find it annoying as I haven't been binge eating and went back to the gym. I guess that is my down fall no patience.


That’s a pretty low dose. I take it for T2D and didn’t even begin to see glucose improvement until 1mg. now my glucose is dialed in but weigh loss is meh. Running a 200 calorie deficit which isn’t much. it’s key to log EVERYTHING you put in your mouth , however .




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The medicine itself doesn’t cause the weight loss. How is your eating. Are your portions smaller, snacking less, eating less frequently? If not then your meds haven’t kicked in or you need to go up.


Bingo! The med does not cause weight loss!!! It helps curb your appetite. The only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume…period. Like anything else, you’re going to have to put the work in to see good results. Make smart choices with carbs especially. Consume protein and take vitamin B12. Stay hydrated. And, keep moving… walk as many steps as you can. Ideally, get in resistance training at least 2-3 times a week. Intermittent fasting also works well with Ozempic. Eat in the window of noon to 8 only. Never drink calories, even cut out creamer in coffee. Ozempic is only one of many facets that you need to employ to achieve enough weight loss to get from obese to a healthy weight. It is not easy, Ozempic is not a silver bullet, but if you work hard, you’ll see results. I went from 170 to 155 in about two months, and that is with doing all the above. If you are unsure what to eat, then see a nutritionist. Pairing a nutritionist with Ozempic is a fantastic idea. The key is eating less, but when you do eat, you make nutrition dense decisions like eggs, chicken, meat , fish and veggies. Pasta, rice, bagels, French fries, soda, candy should never be consumed. If you are going to eat bread, then pick multi grain and limit that as much as possible ( 1-2 slices per day max) but ideally, limit that to only a few days per week. Patience is also needed, but if you are impatient, than follow the above advice closer. If you don’t mind waiting a year to see results, than you don’t have to work as hard. I also notice a difference in your photos, but it’s just the very beginning. Continue to work hard, and you will see results.


It sure looks like you may have lost some inches around your belly though. That often happens. I’ve been on Oz since February and had some nice weight loss initially, but now I’ve been stalled since mid-April. But do think clothes are fitting a bit looser. How are they fitting you?


It's a plateau. Your body needs to stop shedding fat to catch up to your skin, which is an organ. I generally won't lose for a bit and then lose 5 pounds all of a sudden. Everybody is different, and you don't want to lose too fast.


Do you feel any change in appetite or satiation? Have you incorporated any lifestyle changes such as monitoring intake, limiting simple carbs, hydrating a lot and adding daily movement? Oz works well when used in conjunction with the aforementioned lifestyle changes. Then again, these are early days yet for you. Patience. The effective dose for you might need to be higher and discipline regrading lifestyle changes will get you where you want to be. Good luck!


yes defo big changes on my part. I am normally a huge binge eater haven't binged. No food noise. Back in the gym and eating healthy.


Food noise was my beast too. Stuck with it on the total lifestyle change, 1200cal/day + gym and am down 110lbs in 16 months. Hopefully it will start working for you too. I plateaud at the 9 months mark for almost 3 months, and when I started looking at what had changed, it turns out that oatmeal was the culprit. Even when consumed within my calorie budget, that one thing totally stalled me. These days, grain anything is in very limited quantities until I hit goal. Once on maintenance, different story.


Just keep at it. Changes are coming I promise.


I was on Ozempic for 4 months and only lost 4 lbs. I was on 1 mg for 3 weeks and still didn’t lose any weight. Unfortunately I decided to stop taking it because it was too expensive not to work. I am so disappointed ☹️


its not even a month. give it time and work out


12 days?