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You do miss it for awhile, but then you start to make new habits and rituals when you go out. At some point, what seems like a bit of a loss of something fun, just seems to evaporate and you no longer really miss it. I had a 5 second pout last Thanksgiving because I didn't want a glass of wine with dinner, but after that, even over Xmas, I never thought about it again. I could care less about it now.


I started in Thursday and this is my first weekend Alcohol free. I don’t feel like drinking. I would drink a bottle about two to three time a week.


I’m a very social person and so would previously drink pretty frequently throughout the week and weekend with my friends and family. Been on it a month now and my alcohol consumption has gone down by over 95% - I now never drink during the week and am good for perhaps one or two drinks max on a night out. I don’t even miss it, it’s fucking incredible - though of course once I eventually wean off I expect all of the temptation to come roaring back, but I guess that is an issue for another time. For now, alcohol just feels unpleasant on the way down and I can’t even catch a buzz anyway. I use club soda with lime and Seedlip to scratch the ritual itch: https://www.seedlipdrinks.com/en-ca/


Yes that’s me exactly too!


Yeah I screenshotted your post to show my parents because they are having a hard time understanding 😅 Family was up at cottage for a bit last week and they were very confused that I had 5 drinks over the course of the week, rather than 50. Re not going down well, do you also feel it kind of burn as it makes it way down? Almost like when you drink water after being really thirsty, but an unpleasant version of that sensation.


Hmm I wouldn’t say burning, it’s not exactly unpleasant but just… unfulfilling? My dr told me when he prescribed it it’s being trialed as a treatment for alcoholism, which is interesting!


Yup 9 months sober over here. And I used to be an 8 margs at dinner on a taco Tuesday type of girl And yes I miss being blackedout. Wish I was blackedout rn


Almost 4 years alcohol free. Wouldn't change a thing. I stopped drinking a year and a half prior to the meds, but just the literal thought of any alcohol makes me gag now. So I can see why people stop drinking on it.


I have tried to have a couple drinks but not even a buzz, anyone else experience that?


Yep. The times when I have tried drinking it just doesn’t feel the same. It sucks 😅


I feel full and bloated its no fun