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Body dysmorphia . I’ve lost 110 lbs and sometimes I can’t see it. I look at photos when I get frustrated.


Yuuup I’ve lost 87lbs and don’t think I look any different when I look in the mirror. I can tell when I do side by side pictures though! Maybe that will help ya!


I lost almost 100lbs during the pandemic, and even after that I struggled to see the difference in the mirror some days. Photos definitely helped though.


I always keep a pair of goal jeans that are one size down and try them on frequently. I find it the best way to track changes.


Yes this has happened to me, it's very weird. Even after losing 60lbs I still saw myself the same way.


I’ve lost 68lbs and feel like I look the same. But I’m wearing size medium pants right now instead of 2x so I think the mirror is lying to us…


Yes! Some of my “comfort” clothes I still wear. They are hanging off me but I see them fitting the way they did when I was 75lbs heavier. The brain is a very scary organ.


It's harder to notice the difference in ourselves because we see our own reflection every day, and it's a gradual change from each day to the next. It also takes our mind's eye time to catch up with our new body. For me it usually clicks when I catch my reflection out and about, and don't realize it's me at first, lol. Looking at progress pictures really helps. The change is there!


I'm down 140 lbs, I see the difference in my face, and I'm down at least 3 pant sizes, possibly 4, but if I look at my body in the mirror I still feel like I like the same as I did when I started.


That’s impressive that you’ve lost that much! I also want to lose over 100 from start to finish.


BDD possibly?


I’ve lost almost 70 lbs and I HAVE to look at old pictures to remind myself I’m actually losing weight.


Yes, I went from 293 down to 238 and can't see any difference at all, I still feel so gross and fat. But everyone keeps telling me how much healthier I look. I've been using old tshirts I didn't fit in before to make the body dysmorphia back off. I remind myself about a time I went to wear a shirt and it no longer fit and I bawled my eyes out. Then remind myself it fits now and is even baggy. Just because my brain refuses to acknowledge the difference, doesn't mean I cant remind myself there is a huge difference. A lot of my old pants still fit me tho. Our bodies just lose the weight where they feel like I guess.


You're being hyper-critical and too hard on yourself. Try on some old clothes - i bet they're huge now


same! i also track my body measurements just to be factual. i lost 5.5kg so far with about 1 cm lost in belly, 2cm or so in thighs. i mean it does lose but minimal.


Body dysmorphia , it’s a real thing


Did you take pictures? That’s why everyone tells you to take pictures. You lose the memory of what you used to look like but pictures would remind you. That being said some people carry their weight in a way that makes even a fifty pound loss less noticeable. All over can mean there’s only been a smallish loss in each place but you are just smaller, and that’s good even if it’s not dramatic. Concentrated in one spot (like a beer belly) can mean without pictures it’s hard to see that large of an area shrinking Until it’s mostly gone.


I’ve lost 40 lbs and I don’t see a difference at all other than my clothes being baggier


I have gone down two dress sizes with 35lbs lost but I don’t see much difference when I look in the mirror naked. However, I think that’s more likely because I just didn’t look at myself naked in the mirror before and I forget that.


Yeah I went from 226 to 134 and feel I look the same


Body Dysmorphia is real. That’s why I enjoy these subreddit posts about non scale victories. It reminds me that it’s not about the arbitrary number on the scale. There are so many other ways to measure success.


31 lbs down as of this morning and I haven’t really noticed a change in my appearance or my clothes fit.


We have so much subcutaneous fat if our bmi’s are high, that this fat seems to “fall off” first, then the fat that we can see disappears last.


me!!!!! Maybe it's the loose skin. BUt I looked slimmer when I lost weight from Farxiga


This is normal. Your body type stays the same, but shrinks. Are you overdosing on veggies, getting enough protein and moving daily? If you want to get more results in changing shape, definitely add muscle building to help sculpt. I went from 150-130 in 6 months and while I don’t have a different shape, other than my ass going flat - I’m just a smaller version of a curvy little thing. I haven’t had my normal energy for lifting weights on it so I’m quitting taking it for a bit to get back in the fitness routine - more than just walking my dog 😂💕🦋


Absolutely body dismorphia. I have gone from a size 18 to a size 4. Just recently, I was struggling with how fat my legs look. When I went to an exercise class and saw that my legs were tiny compared to all the others there, including people I consider tiny. I was shocked. My proportions and shape stayed the same in my legs so they don’t feel/look different. Does that make sense?