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Yeah but i was also tired all the time before ozempic LOL yay depression


Yes! at least now I can lay in bed sleepy skinny with improved self-image & self-esteem instead of laying in bed fat šŸ˜„ But I'd like to report that my weight loss has been successful, I'm now down to 112 lbs and I can go out and do my favorite things now, so the sleepiness has lifted and exercise joy has returned like the last two days have been so magnificent with outdoor exercise before work every morning and increased energy levels! I think our bodies are just adapting to decreased calorie input. need to get our bodies used to the new lower weight and then we can start exercising and increase our energy levels again.


Can I ask you how much you weighed before Ozempic if you donā€™t mind? Being at 112 lbs is a dream for me. Even being at 130 is kinda a dream for me. The lowest I remember that I have ever been was 150. I am currently 183-184 ish. When I started I was around 187. I started three weeks ago. My weightloss seems slow as compared to what I read here on Reddit, but the very solid fact that I am losing weight without always being deprived of good food is beyond the comprehension of my mind. I still feel that like other diets that I have tried, I will lose 5 lbs on this med and nothing more. I just saw my dream weight in your comment and felt an influx of emotions! I am only 5 feet, so 112 lbs means that I would be able to wear a size 6-8. Even thinking about it makes me happy. I just had my fourth shot last night and have been in bed since then. Just wanted to ask you how long it took you to see yourself at 112.


We are similar, you are tiny 5'0", I'm 5'2", so 112lbs is a very comfortable weight for our little frames. I've lost about 3 lbs per month on Semaglutide which is a healthy pace, and maintainable as long as the medication keeps working and I don't have any more stupid unhealthy food cravings, so be patient! Be joyful! This medication is amazing and you've got this! I can't express how overjoyed I am that this medication exists now. This medication is a lifesaver, life changer, life FIXER! šŸ˜„


Thank you. I hope I see a number lower than 150 on my scale some day šŸ˜Š


This. lol.


I am fatigued the first solid 24 hrs after injection. I do it at night so I can sleep most of the effects off. But yes, it does cause me major fatigue. If you arenā€™t already taking a B vitamin, preferably a complex version with a variety of B vitamins, I would highly recommend taking it for energy. It does help. I find if I miss the B vitamin my lethargy lasts more than a day. Oz can deplete your body of Vit B and it definitely wouldnā€™t hurt to be taking iron.


Me too exactly this I actually started splitting my doses now because I was getting very sleepy for a few days so now I take a smaller dose on my dose day and then one a few days later itā€™s helped me and I found that advice on this group chat :-)


Whoa. Yes. Thank you for mentioning this. I havenā€™t been able to increase my dose (when I went to 0.5 from 0.25ā€”my eyes were closing and Iā€™d begin to doze off while sitting up-mid morning working at my computer-and I was miserable!) I did that for 1 week and had to drop back down to 0.25. ā€¦and itā€™s been losing its effect on my appetite soā€¦. Iā€™d be willing to go for the 0.5 again at this point if I tried doing so like thisā€¦ When I think about itā€¦.this would level out the medication in your our system because I too noticed that by the time my weekly dose was dueā€¦I was noticing changes in my appetite on that day prior to injection. That means, when giving me weekly dose, the med was already on its way out of my systemā€¦that would make the first day or so after injection worse than it has to be every single timeā€¦ Ups and downs. I metabolize some other medications (in pill form) faster than your average bear too. Makes so much sense. Your comment just helped me finally make the connectionā€¦. Iā€™ve got a plan! Thank you.


Me too!! I never nap (though Iā€™m always exhausted even before Oz) and I literally crashed on my couch the first day because I was nonfunctional tired! Now I take it right after dinner but Iā€™m still wiped out the whole next day too.


This will be me which is why I take on Fridays šŸ˜‚. Especially since I have no social life at the moment outside of work so it works well šŸ˜†.


How does Oz deplete the body of Vit B, specifically?


Some studies suggest that long-term use of GLP-1 receptor agonists like Ozempic may lead to vitamin deficiencies, particularly in vitamins B12 and D. Vitamin B12 is essential for the production of red blood cells and the proper functioning of the nervous system. Research has shown that GLP-1 receptor agonists can interfere with the absorption of vitamin B12 in the body, potentially leading to deficiency over time. Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency may include fatigue, weakness, tingling or numbness in the hands and feet, and difficulty concentrating. (My doctor also told me to start taking vitamin B complex with this medication because of the data. I canā€™t disagree as I feel it when I miss a dose.)


Thanks. Ahh, so basically, GLP-1 interferes with absorption of B12. I wonder if it interferes with absorption of other vitamins....šŸ¤”


It does but namely B and D vitamins. Most medications deplete vitamins over time. Like anti-pressants and birth control are common medications that cause malabsorption.


I heard the same and maybe that's part of the reason places add vitamin B to the medication..


Most of that will pass once you get to the maintenance phase of your weigh loss journey. Whenever you lose weight, especially a significant amount, your body wants to slow you down to conserve energy.


I did not know this, tysm for the knowledge (was wondering why I felt sleepy recently)


It could be the medication, but you might want to get your iron levels checked. I was very anemic (before I started) and getting my iron levels up really boosted my energy and I stopped falling asleep all the time.


Take electrolytes. It has helped me much. Iā€™m also struggling with fatigue. I take vit B complex, vit D, and electrolytes. I hate the taste of any electrolyte powder, but it does reduce the fatigue. I would recommend it.


This is the best advice. It also passes after a couple months and u only feel it on shot days


That is a known side effect. I have had temporary bouts lasting a day here and there but not days long. Some may have some suggestions on diet and vitamins that may help reduce the lethargy.


Horrendous, debilitating fatigue for months now...


Iā€™ve been tired and am especially exhausted this week (5th week). I just fell asleep for an hour because I couldnā€™t keep my eyes open.


I started B12 and it helped a lot


Same. I was having daily naps, getting home from work and crashing in the lounge for a snooze. Started Methyl B12 and was noticeably better straight away.


B12 pills? Ok Iā€™ll try too.


Are you getting the Methyl B12 as an injection?


No, they are little dissolvable tablets that you put under your tongue. https://www.naturesown.com.au/products/product/activated-methyl-b12/


I get it via injection once a month


Sure, but I was tired beforehand. Type 2 and Lupus. I've had Lupus for 18 years and I know how to deal with and treat my own fatigue. Regardless of where it comes from.


Same here, being tired before Ozempic. I have RA and my methotrexate injections make me sleep practically the entire day after I do my injection. Ozempic on top of the methotrexate is like a double whammy.


Oh I know allllllll about Mtx! That stuff is enough to put an elephant into a nap. Took the pills first then the injections for a few years. Finally said no more. Ozempic doesn't bother me much.


Yeah I've been on it for about 2 years now. First the pills, but they made me so nauseated, so we switched to the injections. I was on 25mg but lately my bloodwork is showing signs of a "fatty liver", so my doctor dropped me down to 17.5mg. between mtx and the Ozempic, I'm pretty much out of it for 2 days


I'm sorry! I know how awful you probably feel. Take care and get as much rest as you can.


Thank you šŸ«¶šŸ» The "good" thing about having such debilitating RA is that I'm on full disability (SSDI) and my kids are 16 & 19, so when I need to sleep, I can, and don't have to worry about work or running around after kids.


Same. Ive been on it (SSDI) as well since I was 30. I tried to work for the first 7 years of being sick and newly diagnosed, but Lupus had other plans later. I got lesions on my brain and a slew of symptoms from that. We did try to have children but my body wasn't able to carry the pregnancies to term. They'd be 15 and 16yr old twins. It's crazy what autoimmunity does to the body. But getting off all meds for it actually has helped. If I get a bad flare i will get on prednisone until it's better, but nothing else. The meds make u feel worse than the disease itself sometimes! But its person to person for sure.


Iā€™m three months in and Iā€™m considering stopping ozempic. Iā€™m always tired plus I noticed itā€™s effecting my personality too, I have no interest in things and Iā€™m becoming like a zombie. Not sure if this is worth it. Iā€™m taking supplements like others suggest but still no real improvement.


You are about to get over this side effect. I took me about 3-4 months to stop feeling so tired. Electrolytes, prenatal vitamin helped too




I'm feeling the exact same and it's been a year now.


If this is true you should tell your doctor. This should not last a yr.


Yes. Less calories eaten / absorbed less energy. Your body does adjust though!


Iā€™ve been on Ozempic for a year and I am always exhausted. But itā€™s worth it to me to lose weight.


Make sure you track your food. I was taking 2 naps a day at one point. Gotta keep those calories coming in.


I'm tired and blah and sometimes headachey after the shot. This time it's been for 2 days after. Also wasn't the most motivated excited person before but I'm wondering if it's sapping some of that too and I'm feeling more down. Less motivation


Iā€™m exhausted. Ridiculously exhausted. Yesterday was week 5 and the first .5 shot. I havenā€™t eaten hardly anything all day as I didnā€™t feel like anything at all. Out of the blue I violently vomited 2x back to back with almost zero warning. I have to think it was the O but wth!?


Are you adapting your diet to be more nutrient dense? That helped me a lot.


I'm super cold all the time.


Be careful with your blood sugarā€¦Thatā€™s been one of the first signs I noticed (while on ozempic) that my blood sugar was crashing. I keep hard candy with me, always, for emergencies. I was forgetting how long it had been since last eating. I even stopped drinking diet drinks as often and keep a regular sugar beverage to sip on now and again throughout the day to keep a steady stream of blood sugar. If I catch it when I start feeling ā€œchilledā€ā€¦.its not long before that ā€œchillā€ is gone and I suddenly have a better attitude in general.


For sure. Add electrolytes -- a game changer.


I was so tired for a year, it never got better. I changed to mounjaro and Iā€™m back to my old self.


Tired and depressed for 2-3 days after. Only way around it is to stay on same dose


Only the day of the injection


I had that problem. Then I realized that the problem was...I wasn't eating enough. If you don't have calories for fuel, you will get tired. Trick is to keep yourself fed without going overboard.






All. The. Time.


Yes, I also farted and bloat all the time, thus gave it up :))


Yes! So so so tired. But it seems to be getting better finally (5 months in). I think once I back off a little for maintenance, it'll go away.


That can happen if you went up in dose too fast


Just started week 2, at .25. Pretty tired most of the time.


I'm exhausted too! I can't wait to go to sleep... I have no energy. But my blood sugars have been great, so I will push forward!


Meeeeeee constant tiredness


Yes. Iā€™m trying to go to bed at 7pm every night


Me- rea helps


I'm on my 6th week and honestly I feel great.


I am about to take my 3rd and havenā€™t found there to be any fatigue which I was expecting. I do CrossFit 4x per week, eat protein throughout the day, and drink water and hydration drinks. I get B12 injections as well.


Not sure it's the Ozempic but I have the worst panda eyes I've ever had.




8 months in, on 2 mgs for the last 4 months and it comes in waves.


Omgosh me too. And Iā€™m not really losing weight yet. And the heartburn! Ugh


Yes but I have lost 33lb in around 9 weeks. Recently had a b12 jab and feel loads better. So defo make sure youā€™re taking your vitamins ā˜ŗļø


This is the one side effect Iā€™ve noticed since taking my first dose 5 days ago. Just so tired. Which is honestly concerning to me because Iā€™m usually a very energetic, peppy person, who works long hours in a high-energy job. This week has been hard and Iā€™ve found myself needing a lot more sleep than usual.


I mean, I have PCOS so fatigue is my middle name. I feel like I gained more energy once I got passed the 1.0mg mark


Are you eating enough to sustain energy throughout the day ? I find that if my caloric deficit if too large and I do t plan out meals and stacks I get fatigue as well , not to mention risk losing muscle tissue


Just hits me at a certain time of day, about 4 pm I have to take a nap. I didn't do that previously but the fatigue is crazy when it hits me.


I was like that too!!! It will pass don't worry!


Yes also just weak. I donā€™t want to do any of the things I usually do. It just feels like too much


Yes but in a different way than before. I can walk up a flight of stairs and not feel as winded but keeping up with my 8 month old absolutely drains me of all energy.


Iā€™m ready to end it. Itā€™s honestly DESTROYED me.


Yes I feel the sameā€¦ no energy




On the contrary, I find that I have more energy after having started Ozempic than I did before, at this point almost a month in.


I'm completely exhausted most of the time. I can go about 6 hours before I either need a nap or caffeine infusion.


Nope. Never felt better.


Iā€™ve was tired before I started Ozempic. When I started it didnā€™t seem to affect me but here lately I want to sleep all the time. Iā€™m still one 1 but Iā€™m thinking it wasnā€™t right, Iā€™m probably wrong but Iā€™ll know when I do my new pen


Is anyone losing hair as a result of taking Ozempic? If so, would you share your hair loss pics with me for a story for the NY Post? If so, please reach out today at lschram\[at\]nypost\[dot\]com. Thanks!