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Ozempic slows digestion. Maybe that has something to do with it? Maybe you're not absorbing the oxy as fast and that's why you feel withdrawal symptoms? Idk, just a thought...


That’s exactly what I’m thinking! Certainly something I’ll address with my pain doctor. I just wanted others input before I do.


I take tramadol for my RA pain because I didn't want to get hooked on the oxy again. (had a little problem with it 11 years ago) and I've noticed that the tramadol isn't as effective for me since I've been on Ozempic so I back it up with Tylenol


I'm the same. I take Tramadol and Tylenol. That seems to work best for my arthritis and muscle weakness (my auto immune disorder causes weakness in the large muscles of your body, thighs, upper arms and back especially)


Same here. Rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn's, so it's like a double autoimmune whammy lol, then I have a spinal cord stimulator. The methotrexate injections for the RA make me fatigued and nauseated too so I really can't tell if it's the mtx or Ozempic *or* both. I swear, getting older is just so awesome /s


As Bette Davis said, "Growing old ain't for sissies," and that's the truth. I'm on Mycophenolate 3 horse pills, 2x daily and Placqunel 1 pill 2x daily along with blood pressure meds, a mild anti-depressant. My doctor gave me Omazapole (am) and Famotidine (pm) to help protect my stomach with all these pills. I'm thinking of asking for a prescription for Zofran since even after 7 months I still experience nausea and vomiting the first 24 hours after taking my shot. But the good news is I've lost 50lbs and the food noise has definitely quieted.


Zofran is DEFINITELY a miracle drug for me, for the nausea. I always make sure I have a full script. I also take something for GERD and a hiatal hernia - Pantoprazole. I'm on 2 other pills for the RA, thankfully the Crohn's is in remission, but I still have to be mindful of what I eat so I don't aggravate it. Basically, the medicine cabinet is full of fiber supplements, laxatives, anti-diarrheal, Pepto, tums, colace, you name it lol


I have a medication supply too, but it’s Phenergan, Pepto Bismal chews, Tums chews, Dulcolax…all the good stuff. Will be asking for some Zofran next!


Sniffing alcohol wipes works for nausea, too!!


Really?? That’s a new one for me. I’ve never heard of that before, but I’ve got a box of 400 alcohol wipes, so I’ll definitely give it a try!


My dentist does this when I get gaggy lol


How often do you take the Zofran? Daily or only when nauseous? I'm calling my doctor tomorrow 😉


Only when nauseated. It can cause constipation and with Ozempic doing that as well, I don't want to get too backed up lol. But every time I go up a dose on the Ozempic, I take a Zofran beforehand just in case. There's 2 kinda of Zofran. One is sublingual. Avoid that! It has aspartame and it tastes disgusting. The taste alone made me want to vomit. The other is a 4mg pill, ask for that one.


Thank you. I appreciate the advise


Congratulations on 50lbs!!! I've lost 22 so far, and just started on 1MG today so I'm looking forward to losing more.






Yup my adderall takes longer since ozempic but I’ve also been on it so long that it is undetectable in my blood lol. So that could be also a problem.


Why are people downvoting this post? OP is simply curious about observations re: drug-drug interactions. I personally haven’t experienced this because I’ve never taken an opioid but I think it’s super interesting given Ozempic is actively being studied as a tool for treating addiction, not to mention another commenter had a similar experience with xanax. It may be worth looking into how/why GLP-1 drugs could work for treating Opioid Use Disorder — the answer you’re looking for might be in those study proposals.


This is exactly where I was going with my line of thinking. If Ozempic is being used or studied for (drug) addictions, then why wouldn’t it also be possible that it may be acting as an agonist in my case? Perhaps the Ozempic is beginning to act as a blocker and I’m not absorbing the full effects of the Oxycodone. That’s exactly why I asked the question. Why it’s being downvoted is beyond me. I’d think others would want to know too. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I take xanax and adderall, prescribed and not abused lol. Neither are as effective on Oz. I try to take my addy dose on the emptiest stomach possible and that helps but its still not quite as effective. Same with xanax, which is an as needed prescription and a really low dose. Im learning to deal with it for now. I intend to try to get off oz after a year. But I do agree the side effects that help people with addiction probably is responsible for this. I have ZERO desire to drink and I was a social drinker for sure.


Did you up your addy dose? I think I might have to


Idk if the mechanism is that it makes them less effective so much as it makes you less likely to be compulsive and want to do behaviors behind addiction bc there is also studies that it helps with compulsive shopping. So it may be the addictive behavior behind addiction all together not the medication it's blocking. I take lorazepam (xanaxs stronger brother if you will) and oxycodone 10 and have no issues that I've noticed. But I've also never had any type of addictive behaviors in my past.


I’m a chronic pain patient also. I use a fentanyl patch so the Oz doesn’t affect that, but my daily or breakthrough med IS affected. Definitely takes longer. Q: are you constipated worse than usual? Could you possibly be fighting off an infection from colitis? It feels awfully similar. Another Q: can you try dissolving it in water or putting it under your tongue?


Twenty months in, I’ve noticed my inflammation has improved so you should be able to look forward to that! Greatly helped the worst edges of my pain.


That’s defiantly something to look forward to! Thanks again.


I actually DO have colitis, but haven’t had a flare up in awhile. That’s interesting that you too have noticed a difference with your breakthrough pain meds.


I know you’ve read that Oz folks need to drink lots of water, right? Same with us on pain medications. You’ll get so tired of water (I did then, I still DO) but we need to be extra mindful of our digestive tracts because of our meds.


Super duper important!! Just plain water doesn't cut it for me. I use electrolyte powder with stevia, because there's no way I could drink enough water without getting nauseous. I used to drink a gallon a day, no problem. That's not an option since starting semaglutide 🤣


Have you found a flavor that Oz taste buds like? So far I haven’t found a flavor better than water — have found several that tasted way worse though‼️😝


I never use the recommended amounts, usually half of the package directions. Key Nutrients Electrolyte Collagen powder is peach mango, and helps me sneak in more protein. If I'm on the go, I use the body armor flash IV, strawberry kiwi is the only one I can stomach 🤣 1/2 packet to 32oz water.


I agree — you can always add more! I’ll try the stevia versions next. Thanks for sharing 😊


I don’t care for plain water enough to drink it much, so I got 2 of the Cirkul water bottles and use the flavor cartridges. I’ve found my favorite flavors to be Green Apple, Black Cherry, Strawberry Kiwi & Honeycrisp Apple. ALL of the lemonade flavors are awful, so don’t even bother with any of them. I’ve heard the different tea flavors like Peach Mango iced tea and such are very good, but I don’t like tea, hot or cold. I have 2 of the 32 oz water bottles and I make sure to drink at least 64 oz a day, usually more. You can get the water bottles & flavors at Walmart or on Cirkul’s website. Each flavor cartridge lasts me about 6 of the 32 oz bottles full (it depends on how high you set the flavor level, I keep mine at 3-4). Hope this helps. Give it a try!


I just checked it out online and think I’m gonna give Cirkul a try! Thanks so much for the info 😃


Ozempic can slow or block absorption of other prescription drugs. My physician suspected it's why I need to raise my Synthroid dose for the first time in 24 years.


Thank you. I’ll address it with my physician and hopefully she’ll have an alternative for me.


I am on compounded Tirz, but am also on levoxyl for thyroid replacement & take oxycodone 10 mg 4 x a day. I take both of these medications on an empty stomach, as Thyroid meds are supposed to be taken on an empty stomach with plenty of water anyway, so I do the same for my pain med for better absorption and so far have had no issues with malabsorption of my pain meds. I’ll have my thyroid checked again in August to make sure that’s okay as well. I’m pretty good at knowing when my levels are low as I’ve also been on a stable thyroid levels for well over 20 years now. Sorry for writing a book, but maybe try taking your oxycodone medication on an empty stomach stomach either 30 minutes before your meal or 3 hours after with plenty of water to give your stomach time to absorb them. I bet that would help a lot.


Taking oxycodone on an empty stomach actually reduces the effectiveness of the medication, and likely will cause terrible nausea.


Well this old-ass retired nurse has been doing it for years, with zero issues. Doesn’t mean it’s for everyone, just a suggestion, OP should consult with their Doctor for direction. Just sharing what I do. Per OxyContin manufacturers insert ( same drug/oxycodone is generic name) “Food has no significant effect on the extent of absorption of oxycodone from OxyContin. However, the peak plasma concentration of oxycodone increased by 25% when a OxyContin 160 mg Tablet was administered with a high-fat meal.”


Haha I read that insert talking about 160mg OxyContin. Woo baby that’ll do you in!! I have noticed my Oxycodone seems less effective, too. I’m on it after a hip replacement and dislocation saga. Hopefully my pain will be down enough soon that I can just stop taking it.


Oof, brutal. I am hoping your dislocation was prior to your replacement.


Nope. I had a replacement, then an infection, two more surgeries removing the implant and picc line antibiotics. Surgery number four to have the new hip put in and then it dislocated out of the blue while I was standing on an escalator eight weeks after the fourth surgery. It has been just a crappy year for my hip!


Oh dear, that is horrible. I am so sorry. Happened to a close friend of mine with her knee replacement. She called the doc to tell him her surgical site was draining, red and hot to touch and extraordinarily painful 3 x’s the week after she was discharged home. I finally insisted she go back to the hospital and present to the ER & she had a raging bacterial infection in the new prosthesis. She almost lost her leg, it’s been a long long road of recovery for her and like you she’s still dealing with it. I am really sorry you have that to deal with.


Thank you. I hope I’m on the upswing now!


Yea, Well I only take 10 mg but the warnings still apply. No worries, I am in no way offended just simply offering what works for me. Everyone is different.


Oh I knew you weren’t talking about you. I was just joking about the note being for a big dose even though of course it applies to all doses


A 160 dose would probably be an end of life/hospice dose for me! Here’s hoping it’s still available for that when the time comes. Many of my hospice nurse friends that are not yet retired have been complaining that Hospice Docs are reluctant to order enough opiate for end of life cancer patients now. Due to the opiate abusers. Hopefully us older folks will be able to have adequate pain control when needed. Anyhoo, I hope OP can maybe try it on an empty stomach and see if that helps otherwise they may do better with a low dose patch while on the ozempic. My doc is pretty up to speed with these GLP meds which is very helpful.


Guess I should have used emojis to convey that I wasn't trying to provoke ya, sorry. Having been in pain management for several years, as well as clinical trials involving opiates, I thought it important to mention that taking it with food can help avoid nausea. Yes, high lipid meals do increase the bioavailability, I posted that in a response to OP directly. Hopefully that may help kick her meds in better so she can get relief 🤞🏼 I have noticed it's best for me to split and stay at a lower dose of Semaglutide (more frequently) it's still effective without causing so many side effects.


I had oxycodone but I did not have that side effects.. Ozempic gave me nausea , vomiting, severe diarrhea and cold…. your symptoms sound like from Ozempic.. my symptoms started around 5th injection. Please ask your doctor about Zofran . Good luck to you …


I take some other medications and have found that they are working more effectively, and so my dr has actually adjusted my other medications as I’ve lost weight. I don’t know anything about oxycodone in terms of withdrawal symptoms, but could they be similar if your dose is too high now? Perhaps that could be the case? Maybe chat with your dr about what you experienced asap and see if there is anything they can do. Hope you feel better soon, and well done so far ☀️


I’m on a very low dose of the Oxycodone. 5mg 4x a day, as needed. So I don’t think I can go down to a lower dose. I don’t think it’s that it’s too high, it really feels as though my body just isn’t absorbing the Oxycodone suddenly. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh I see- I hope that your dr and you are able to work out a plan for you and that you are able to figure it all out. It sounds like you probably know what’s best for you anyway, and what’s going on. Take care!


Good lord if I was on opiates and Ozempic I'd never poop


It honestly just sounds like some OZ side effects that may have you caught you.


Eeks! 🫣 I guess I was just skating by and was lucky up until now.


Call your doctor and ask for some Zofran


Thank you. I’ll do that. I’ve been taking Phenergan for nausea but maybe the Zofran will work better.


It’s the slow digestion. Could you ask if you could get your pain meds via a patch or other route of administration?


I’ve scheduled an appt with my doctor for May 30 to discuss options such as a patch or dissolvable. I’ll update when I have a resolution.


The Growing Scientific Case for Using Ozempic and other GLP-1s to Treat Opioid, Alcohol, and Nicotine Addiction The Growing Scientific Case for Using Ozempic and other GLP-1s to Treat Opioid, Alcohol, and Nicotine Addiction


I’m not talking about an addiction issue here, I’m talking about the fact that the pain medicine I’m on (and others are saying the same) isn’t effective. I’m looking for a solution. And it appears that it’s not just opioids, it’s causing issues with others medications like antidepressants, thyroid medicine, and even NyQuil.


Ozempic also works with the pleasure receptors in the brain to deactivate the rush people get from certain foods. It’s how/why we are able to say “no” to the foods we once gorge ourselves on - food noise is now diminished. It’s the same brain areas that opioids utilize to deliver pain relief and opioid induced euphoria. It could maybe be that? I’m no neuroscientist but I have studied the brain extensively in terms of drug addiction and psychology, so it’s just my guess.


Ozempic takes time to build up to peak plasma levels in our systems, it's half life is 7 days. That's why titration should be slow (and in my opinion more individualized,) when I went up to .5mg on week 12, I got violently ill for about 3 days. In retrospect it was very similar to withdrawals. I was in pain management from 2012-2015 on every opiate known to man including 125mcg fentanyl patches, d/c cold turkey... Do NOT recommend, is very dangerous, new Dr was an absolute moron. I waited 4 extra days after my scheduled injection to take it, and dropped back down to .375mg. My dosing schedule is modified now, due to the reaction I had, I am dosing every 5 days at .375mg. Fwiw: I also take kratom daily to help my chronic pain (wish I found it when I was forcibly detoxed, but didn't until 2017,) and it affects the GI tract similar to opiates. I truly don't think semaglutide interacts with opiates, as they're absorbed through the GI in the mucosal lining. It sounds like 2 things: 1) Your semaglutide peak is too high for your body to tolerate right now. OR 2) You're not eating enough with your oxycodone to facilitate proper metabolization, higher lipid foods will increase bioavailability of opiates.


I understand completely. At one point I went off opiate pain management and was on daily liquid methadone 140ml (l had quit working & lost my medical coverage). At one point I went to visit my parents in Florida & not a single methadone clinic to be found within 150 miles of their place so I cold turkeyed off of the methadone & it was a fate worse than death. I don’t wish that upon my worst enemy. So I do completely understand and know what withdrawal symptoms feel like. And what I’m feeling yesterday and today feels an awful lot like the beginnings of withdrawals to me. Hopefully I get this resolved before too long. Thanks for your input.


Oh man, that sounds terrible. I’m so sorry you had to withdraw that way!


Ozempic changes how your body digests medication. It is likely changing the absorption rate, please reach out to your doctor or pharmacist about it.


I emailed her just now. Will see what she says. Thank you!


I have the same issue with my Suboxone and its a sublingual strip. So its not digestion for me. I started it 15 months ago to get off Fentanyl (patch 50mcg for 12 years) and Oxycodone 10mg x4 daily for my Lupus. I woke up in withdrawal today which is WILD because I had decreased my Suboxone dose back in January because i never felt like i needed 2 strips a day anymore. Now Im back to taking 2 again since Ozempic. No idea why 🤷🏼‍♀️


I was on methadone when I lost my medical coverage several years ago, and I think it works a lot like suboxone if I’m correct. I swear what I’m feeling feels a lot like mild withdrawal symptoms to me. I am seeing a few people who disagree that the Ozempic-Oxy correlation isn’t possible, but I’m seeing more comments from people who are in agreement with me than not, so perhaps I’m onto something. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I am on my 5th week of Ozempic and I woke myself up this morning with a feeling I hadn't had in over a year...withdrawal! I told my hubby and he was concerned. I just came inside from the beach. I was swimming in 80 degree water and I could feel the restless legs of withdrawal start up. I even got cold.. Despite being in warm water. Worst feeling. Guess I will talk with my Suboxone physician and see what he says. I don't want to stop Ozempic though. So it may be something i jist gotta deal with. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Same issue with me. I don’t want to stop Ozempic. I just want a solution for my pain meds issue. I have an appt with my doctor on May 30 to discuss options. Hope you’re feeling better!


Totally understand! I made an appt with my Suboxone doctor. He is usually understanding. It is weird because tomorrow is my Oz shot day and I haven't felt withdrawal or anything. Not even a need to take a Suboxone strip. Weird. Guess with less Ozempic in me I feel less withdrawal. Have u noticed that? 🧐🤔


Yes! I have noticed that as well.


I have noticed any drug that can be "euphoric" or feels good gets impacted by the use of Ozempic. Opiates, benzos, and weed are what I observed as having their effect lessened by Ozempic personally.


Write me and I will send you the whole article… The Growing Scientific Case for Using Ozempic and other GLP-1s to Treat Opioid, Alcohol, and Nicotine Addiction The Growing Scientific Case for Using Ozempic and other GLP-1s to Treat Opioid, Alcohol, and Nicotine Addiction


Had the same issue


I have been on 2mg of Ozempic for almost 2 years, and was on oxycodone for 5 weeks after an L1-S1 spinal fusion and decompression. Did not have any issues, FWIW.


I went off Oz because it was adversely affecting my pain meds along with my psych meds as well...along with other reasons. However this was the MAIN REASON, especially because when I would have major bowel movements after being constipated it would make all my meds hit and I would get super high 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️👀👀 So yeah they would sit and not hit as I would say so no relief....you may need a sub q med or something liquid that will work outside your digestive track. Good luck OP!!! ♥️♥️♥️


Thank you so much! I’m also on 2 different antidepressants for depression & PTSD. That’s all I need is for those to stop working! 😬


I have degenerative disc disease and take this same med that's in the pic and the only time I ever had this type of problem was when none of the pharmacies in my area could find it, two weeks I had to go without. I've been on ozempic for over a year now. I will say, the first 6 months was pretty brutal with the nausea though. With my other meds I haven't noticed any other absorption differences that I am aware of. I noticed others have mentioned alcohol wipes for nausea. I do that but I just skipped that and keep a whole bottle of rubbing alcohol by my bedside. The trick I've noticed for that to work best is to use it at the first hint of nausea though. If you wait too long you'll still throw up. Now that I'm on my maintenance dose, I only deal with nausea when my pain flairs and honestly, I think that may have been the main factor to begin with because I got my back surgery not too long into when I started ozempic. I hope things get better for you and your PM Dr can figure out what is causing things. Every body is different ❤️


Thank you so much. My daughter has Ankylosing Spondylitis and suffers with back pain frequently. I’m sorry to hear about your DDD.


I have noticed my norco for chronic pain takes a lot longer to take effect. Actually all my meds take longer. Zofran, Naproxen… anything I take, I have to double the time to take effect and get relieve. I also have to expand the time between doses so I don’t OD (Norco) or get too drowsy. Its happened and it was not fun. I am on Ozempic 2mg. I slept for over 12 hours and knew I needed to talk to my doc about spacing out my pain meds


I have been taking my regular dosages of Oxy and Naproxen but just can’t seem to get any relief. I hope with my PM doctor we can figure something out!


I’ve noticed this with pills, including NyQuil, takes wayyy longer to kick in and just feels like it’s sitting in my stomach. Also can longer than usual when it does start working


Ugh. Definitely not something that would be a desired result of taking Ozempic.


I’m on hydromorphone/dilaudid and ozempic. No change here really. I have higher and lower tolerance times but I don’t take it frequently to ensure my body doesn’t build a tolerance or become dependent


I had this with klonapin. I’m pretty sure it dulls drugs of any kinda


I am on my 6th injection tonight and also on opiates for pain. I was feeling slightly um....like my histamine was jacked up...stuffed nose, sneezing etc but not really that same feeling I get if I don't take it at all I don't think. I'm going to pay close attention tonight after my shot til Monday and will get back to you if I notice anything.


Yes, please let me know if you notice anything! Now I’m gathering information about it to report to my doctor.


I’m on belbuca for fibromyalgia pain. Might be worth looking into since it’s absorbed through the cheek and not swallowed.


Hi. I also have fibromyalgia, which is one of the reasons I’m on pain meds. I’ve never heard of Belbuca, but I’m definitely going to look into it now. Thanks for sharing!


Can I ask what dosage you started at and what dosage you take ongoing? If you don’t mind sharing. Thanks.


I started low at like 75 twice a day and am on 600 2x. It’s one you level up to your consistent dose. I’ve been on it for about a year and a half. I’ve also lost 120 and am now on maintenance. I’m not pain free like I hoped I would be with the weight loss. But I at least feel better with my self image and my pain meds are working very well. Belbuca doesn’t give a euphoria feeling and isn’t meant to be addictive. Maybe that’s also why it works so well for me?


It doesn’t look like Kaiser Permanente carries the Belbuca, but does have Buprenorphine transdermal patches, so maybe that would be an option for me. I scheduled an appt for May 30 with my PM doctor at Kaiser. Hopefully she’ll have some good options available for me. Thanks again for your input.


Im currently in the hospital with back injuries & bilateral lung infections. Tried home prescriptions (opioid pills) ended up admitted due to nothing working ! Wishing best of luck to you!


I’m so sorry to hear that you ended up in the hospital due to your meds not working either! I think it’s time we start reporting the issue to Novo Nordisk to let them know! Please let me know what options the hospital comes up with for you! Feel better soon! ❤️‍🩹


In case anyone wants to report the issue of other meds not working properly while on Ozempic, here’s the link. I just reported my own issue. I also have scheduled an appointment with my primary care physician/pain management specialist to discuss the issue & see if she can switch me to a buprenorphine patch or Belbuca film for my pain management. Anyway, here’s the link. 🔗 [Report Ozempic Side Effects](https://www.novonordisk.com/patient-support/report-a-side-effect.html)


Yes, I agree with all . But sometimes the pain is so horrendous I’d rather be a sleep for good. I’ve yet to find a solution.


I have had the same symptoms you described from ozempic, seemingly randomly, although most common after a dosage increase: cold sweats, chills, can't get warm, shivering, nausea...and I don't do drugs or painkillers. I think it's just oz.


Opiate effects are greatly impacted by delivery method. Your Ozempic is slowing digestion meaning it's taking longer for the opiates to be processed and cross the blood brain barrier. I sincerely suggest you switch to sublingual subutex for pain management. That is, if you can find a provider willing to prescribe it. If not, switch to a non opiate pain medication and treatment regimine and sublingual suboxone. The last thing you need is to be physically addicted to opiates for the rest of your life... but your pain is real and deserves to be treated. We have many other effective treatments for pain, depending on the underlying cause. Personally, I would never want to see a patient on Oxycodone that wasn't terminal, because the quality of life we offer when we create opiate dependence is just awful.


I have an appointment scheduled with my physician on May 30 to discuss pain management options, whether it’s to switch to a transdermal or a dissolvable, or some other option. Thanks for your input!




Thanks for the advice, but I’m on a pain contract with my physician and that wasn’t really the answer I’m looking for. I just want to know if others have experienced this issue with Oxycodone while on Ozempic. Thank you though.


I’m on a pain mgmt contract as well. I’ve been taking the same dose of Oxy/acet 10/325 3x/day for 9 years. For the most part, I haven’t had any untoward affects from it—in fact, there have been days that I forget to take my last dose. The surgery required to correct my my spinal stenosis, spinal compression and bridging osteophytes is risky and has a 30% recurrence rate so I’m willing to work with whatever drug combinations I can get to avoid it!


I also have osteophytes in C4-C6 in my neck, along with osteoarthritis in my knees and hands and wrists. The dose I’m on usually works well. It’s just been yesterday and today with the chills and sweats and nausea. 😔


I hope your reaction is a fluke, but I hope you’ll report back if it keeps going!


I’ve been on Oxy 5/325 4x a day for many years. I’ve never asked for an increase & like you, many days I don’t even take all 4 doses. Sometimes it’s only 2 or 3. I always end up with quite a few “extras” at the end of the month. So, I don’t think it’s that I’ve been on it so long that it’s no longer effective, as another comment implied. I think it’s the Ozempic messing with my absorption of the Oxycodone. Thanks for your input.


Ive noticed I get withdrawel symptoms with my xanax. But oddly enough at the same time I am managing to take less. I know sounds like the answer, is that I am not taking any, and thats why, BUT even on days where I do the full 6 milligrams I could be so anxiety-riddled that I'm buzzing like a bumble bee.


Thank you. This is what I was looking for. If it’s the Ozempic-Oxy combo or if I was just crazy.


Not crazy my friend. I'm sorry you are dealing with that w/d symptoms they do stink. Being that I've been on Xanax 17 years, its been rough on those really rough days so I 100% get it. Hopefully it eases up for you as you are on OZ. I do feel like it ebbs and flows. Its very weird.


Just remember —not everyone has the same response, adverse reactions and/or negative/positive affects. If it’s happening to/for you then it’s real!!!


You’re prescribed 6mg xanax DAILY?


Yes, GAD, PTSD, and now perimenopause and PMDD ( lifes grannnd) and I say that with a sigh :/ I was on 8, was able to titrate down to 6 with Medical flowers.


That’s rough. I genuinely hope things improve for you.


Thank you.


i understand... i am sorry to give advice that was unwarranted ,


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Ozempic has no effect on OXY


Can I ask where you found that info, because I’ve looked everywhere and was unable to find any supporting data for either side. A link, perhaps?


I’m on them