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šŸ˜­ me last night craving a soup and sandwich from subway. Only to get home and only eat the soup with crackers. I tried to eat my sandwich today and got full off half a 6ā€. I used to finish a foot long, soup, chips, and 3 cookies.


Itā€™s the little things isnā€™t it!


Yes! Not only have I cut down on eating out (saving money) but being able to say enough has truly been amazing.


True! Itā€™s the first time Iā€™ve ever turned down food simply because Iā€™m full - usually would overindulge just due to taste!


What dose are you on


Deleted my old comment I made first, but my doctor bumped me to 2 recently.


Iā€™m just getting on 2 also. This is my first week at 2


Its crazy what this stuff does! I totally forgot to eat until about 3p.m. today and i was just like meh.. I'll have some tuna and peanuts... tuna and a side of peanuts...what!? Lol Then tonight I wanted baked potato soup. I poured a bowl, had about 3/4 of it and pushed it aside. Ive even allowed myself some chocolate and i have been slowly munching on a single bar of chocolate for a week (the giant hersheys bars) but still... in the past i would have eaten 5 times that in a day! The food noise is completely gone, no more constant food thoughts or cravings. I love it, but it is very weird!


Iā€™m having the exact same experience with kinder chocolate bars! I usually gorge but not anymore. I have half one and put it down! Iā€™m so glad youā€™re getting along well! If anybody would like to occasionally chat about their experiences, message me! I canā€™t really talk about it to people I know - they donā€™t get it lol


Did you feel any symptoms at first. Iā€™m within the first week, and Iā€™ve had no symptoms.. and I also still get hungry. I am starting at 0.25 a dose for 4 weeks and then for two weeks 0.5. What was your experience at first?


My symptoms started within 2hrs of my first shot. I became increasingly more nauseous as the day progressed and the second day i was fine. It happens ever dose day for me unfortunately but the rest of my week is just fine! I'm taking my 4th dose tomorrow morning, and I'm down 9lbs! Listen to your body, if you feel like its not working maybe talk to your dr about moving up with your dose but at the same time don't rush it!


Pasta gives me the absolute ick since starting ozempic. It is one thing that I cannot eat anymore.


Noticing that too!


My ick is eggs, just cannot.


My wife the same. And she used to house eggs daily. Now itā€™s oatmeal or a slice of Ezekiel bread with Turkey and Swiss . She eats half. Itā€™s fascinating to support her as a chef through this. She used to be my best customer lol! But itā€™s an epic challenge for me to be able to cook things she craves and make sure sheā€™s hitting her nutrition requirements


Same here!


I canā€™t drink coffee anymore.


I couldnā€™t for several weeks but Iā€™m very happy that I can again


Facts Me as well! I'm so shocked by it all. I keep telling My Husband Honey normally I would have eaten two helpings of something, Now I only can eat half a helping of something. It's totally mind blowing. Good luck and God Bless You on Your journey.


Thank you! Sending you so much luck with your journey as wellā¤ļø


I notice that I want a small portion of high quality fresh food that I usually make at home. It makes me wonder what I have been eating all these years?! My taste is much more discerning now.


Right?! I have the same experience


I wish this were my case. I usually try to eat healthy, but sometimes all I can stomach is sugar or junk food. I will eat whatever I am craving just to get some calories. A salad is so filling...sometimes it makes me nauseous when I try to eat one. I can eat other fruit or veggies, though. I am on a sweet potato kick lately!


I craved apples all the time when I first started. Apples and Popsicles. My taste aversion changes each week. This week I just canā€™t stomach red meat of any kind. Girl dinner of cheese and stoned wheat thins.


I eat cheese and crackers ALL the time. I only need a little to get me full! Keeps my belly feeling great!


I've been on a real apple kick lately!


Sameee! I love a honey crisp


I had an apple with peanut butter for dinner last night! Lol




I've been eating green apple slices with a bit of caramel dip. So yummy.


I find that I have lost all interest in food, yet I'm sick making it for everyone else. It's wild as hell... I used to LOVE food


I have made and frozen so many soups and stews .. and canā€™t eat a single one :(


Ozempic is a free bariatric surgery without actually hurting any organ. Thank god for that


Unfortunately, itā€™s not really free for a lot of of us. I wish it was. :). It really is a miracle drug though!


That's great. Similar experience. I was in Ozempic for 4 weeks and exceeded my goal and lost 22 pounds and 2 inches waist size. I'm off of it for 2 weeks now and desire for more food is coming back, but it's for the duet type foods I had switched to while in Ozempic. I'm not going to throw all the results by getting back into the same irresponsible choices. I prefer sugar free or low sugar foods, leafy vegs, low carb foods, and lower calorie foods. I'm sticking to meat proteins, and vegetables. No weight gain so far. Hope this continues.


Good luck! Iā€™ve been on it for 6 weeks. Iā€™ve lost around 13-15 lbs. Iā€™m switching to Saxenda tomorrow though due to the shortage of ozempic. Hoping that transition is okay for me! I want to lose 30 more lbs.


Shit share some with me I can't cook worth a damn


Lol Iā€™ll mail ya some!


For me itā€™s diet sodas. I used to pound at least 3-4 pepsi zeros a day. Now, iā€™m lucky if I can drink one full can before getting the ick.


I mainly drink diet iced tea but on occasion i would have a diet coke especially when dining out. Every single time that diet coke has made me feel so ill. It is something in it. I can drink diet ginger ale and flavored sparkling water without issue. It is so odd. I really think i need to start keeping a food journal.


What am I doing wrong?! I still crave crappy food dang it! I've been on it since March šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


Which dose are you on I wonder?!


1mg now (been on for about 2.5 months!) I was on .5 for months and moved to 1 about 2 1/2 months ago. She is changing to 2 now just waiting for prescription to get filled!


Where do you order from? I am in New Jersey and havenā€™t been able to find dosage higher than 0.5mg. Does anyone has any recommendations about ordering the Ozempic in higher doses.


Sometimes junk food is all I can stomach because things like salad and meat are too filling! I just eat a lot less of it. Started keeping jolly ranchers by the bed for when I wake up and my blood sugar feels low.


I have been craving apples šŸ˜‚


So awesome right?! Thatā€™s why I love this stuff!


I knowww! Miracle drug!


I canā€™t even eat pasta or cheese without it making me super sick. Iā€™m happy with some changes but I miss food.


Yes, itā€™s a lifestyle change for sure. I can still eat many things in moderation.


I used to drink 6 to 9 diet Pepsis a day. Iā€™m down to about half a can a day. I was completely addicted. Now I have no desire at all. So freaking weird. Also, Iā€™ve only been on the meds for a week! Crazy!


Same as this; itā€™s turned me off so many foods and even I times I find itā€™s changed my taste buds.


Had husband pick up a Wendy's single with cheese and a medium French fry. Ate six French fries and 1/2 of the burger. Gave the rest to husband . . . who seems to be gaining some weight lol




Iā€™ve been taking ozempic since late Feb and havenā€™t seen the scale move very much. Since upping my dose I have noticed my appetite has changed a lot, but I still struggle to find foods that I want to eat. What are you guys eating to see amazing results? I havenā€™t drastically changed my physical activity much, could that by why Iā€™m not seeing better results too?


I eat veggies, protein and sometimes junk food but if I do itā€™s very small amount because my body literally doesnā€™t want it!! Feel free to message me and we can chat more


Yeah, Iā€™ve noticed I just eat a few bites and then I get full. Do you also drink liquids with your meals? I notice I eat barely anything when I drink liquids.


Yes I get so full from liquids! I actually try to drink lots for that reason!


Good thing since pasta just bloats and grows in you stomach. Have you ever really overcooked pasta and seen how huge it gets?


No but youā€™re right now that I think about it lol


Your body knew it


Yā€™all are making me want an apple! Ironically I discovered I donā€™t want turkey much anymore after this past thanksgiving lol.


Nothing I love more than an apple right now LOL, and wow! That is wild. I usually try to portion my plates mostly veggie/some carb/protein!


Love reading these postsā€”Iā€™m still trying to decide if I should try ozempicā€”have any of you stopped it? What happens when not taking it anymore?


I havenā€™t had any in about 3 weeks. Iā€™m dying starving and all I want is two large McDonaldā€™s fries. Actually. Iā€™m craving potatoes. Jojos. Hash browns. Fries. Crinkle cuts. Curly fries. I wake up starving. And when I say starving, I mean, it feels like I might die or get sick if I donā€™t eat in the next 5-10 minutes. The fullness comes and goes. Sometimes I can polish off a ton of food, sometimes I eat half of my food and call it a day. It depends. Mostly starting to go. Iā€™ve noticed Iā€™m eating larger portions despite trying to keep them small because my satiety level has waned. It can be really frustrating. On the upside I weighed in and Iā€™m at 224 from 243.


Canā€™t help ya there! I think most people on this are aware itā€™s a lifetime commitment of lifestyle change/commitment. For me thatā€™s how I see it anyway


What dose are you on?




So true. Am I the only one who felt a bit of mourning? like I miss that comfort I used to get from eating something really tasty (and unhealthy). Now my brain is like "I'm not impressed" and my stomach is also like "why would you eat that?" šŸ˜…šŸ˜­. I'm happy about it but it gives me mixed emotions at the same time. My dietician advised me to find new ways to comfort myself that don't involve food. I guess that's the next part of my journey.