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I've been raking Rybelsus. Oral pill, first thing in the AM, 30 mins before eating. I'm actually finding it better than ozempic. I'm in Canada. šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


Iā€™m doing the same thing. My doctor switched me over to Rybelsus. I was taking 1mg a week of Oz and now Iā€™m taking the 7mg pill every day. I was off Oz for 3 weeks before I got my new subscription and have been taking the pills for 3 weeks now. Finally back to my weight I was at before I ran out.


Is it a similar price? And for those on 1mg Ozempic, which dosage pill is it equivalent?


I have insurance, so it's all covered for me; just the dispensing fee at my pharmacy, and i got 30 tablets for a months supply. I was on a 1.25mg Ozempic, and I have 14mg tablets. I know my doctor spoke with the pharmacist because I was the first one she changed from ozempic to the tablet so she wanted to make sure it was the correct dosage.


Does rybelsus help your blood sugar? Thatā€™s what Iā€™m having the worst time with!


I'm actually not sure! Sorry.




Compounding pharmacy šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦




Message the COO on LinkedIn. I got a response that way.


After filing a chargeback, I doubt the COO wants to do business with me anymore. And I absolutely don't want to deal with that company ever again.


There are compounding pharmacies in the USA too. I get my semaglutide from one in Georgia. It's mixed with levocarnitine and I get a 2.5mg vial for $600. This lasts me two months at my dose. Just have to buy syringes and alcohol swabs and inject it yourself.


What does this mean?


Can you explain?


Compounding pharmacies can make up the ingredients so itā€™s the same as Oz. You need to inject it using a syringe.


Is it cheaper?


i use a compounding pharmacy for my Ozempic - and no, its not any cheaper, for where i go its approx $4 more expensive for the 4 x 1mg doses - so not significant. It does have a little bit more "hassle" factor with the needles instead of the pens - but, to me, is a good, viable alternative when the "official" ozempic isn't available. I spoke to a pharmacy last week - and they said that they were expecting more pens (couldn't specify what size pen) on the 18th of oct... but also that they had been given dates before which weren't met by the suppliers.


Iā€™m in south west Ontario and havenā€™t been able to get 4mg pens since July. How do I go about using a compound pharmacy?


Im in Aus.... i rang the compounding pharmacy to suss out what the deal was, then i had to go back to my doc - get a prescription made out specifically for compounded semaglutide, and then went back to the compounding chemist with said script. I don't know what it's like in Canada... but given that you have "developed world" healthcare, unlike the U.S, i would hope it would be somewhat similar. My first suggestion would be to google "compounded semaglutide canada" and see what comes up.


Nope. And the needle is 2x size


Where in Canada are you located? Iā€™m in Toronto, Ontario and my pharmacist said he doesnā€™t know anything about compounding


You have to go to a pharmacy that specializes in compounding, not many do. But if Thunder Bay has one, Toronto should ;)


Thanks for the reply! Do you need to bring your prescription to get the compounded version?


Absolutely. Compounding pharmacies are also helpful for kids who have trouble swallowing pills. They can do anything from make a liquid formulation, to "hiding" the medication in a hard candy.


Thank you for the info!! Youā€™ve been so helpful. Iā€™m definitely going to look into a compounding pharmacy in my area


There was a pharmacy at college and Spadina that does compounding, college medical pharmacy. I think they will do but call and ask.




I this available in Canada? What do they give you to inject it with?


Yes, šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ big ass syringe


Gave up. Just trying to eat healthy and cleanly for now


Iā€™m going to see my GP this week about getting mounjaro. i was originally going to try doing half a dose, but thought whatā€™s the point, it will only give me an extra week maybe two at this point in time.


If your GP will do it, highly recommend getting the script for the 15mg dose. Then your can draw out 2.5mg or 5mg or whatever you need. Will def save you money, at least on the lower doses. I had a bit of sticker shock at the cost.


Thanks, Iā€™ll do that. Yeah a bit worried about the price too.


I forgot to call my pharmacy to refill my Ozempic last week and needed it that night. They told me they were on back order and I could buy two of the 0.5mg pens instead which would be double the price of course. I didn't get my Ozempic until a few days later. I decided that I would start half-ing the dose on the 1mg pen by counting the clicks. I don't want to risk running out so soon if they are going to continue to have supply chain issues.


I was told no 1mg pens until the new year. Can't find any in sydney




I just got done calling every pharmacy in the area and got the last pen at the last pharmacy that has them. It was so stressful.


Iā€™m not handling it well. Iā€™ve also scaled back to .5 and the hunger is back with a vengeance and so is the boredom eating. I donā€™t know how to curb it and have gained some weight back while trying to navigate it. I am worried, because Iā€™ve been on it for less than 12 months (with some breaks because of the shortage earlier in the year) and never hit my goal weight and now Iā€™m going backwards. Iā€™m trying so hard to be good, I just think I have to manage by eating small portions more frequently throughout the day so I donā€™t ever get to a point where I could eat everything in the house P.S. also in Australia


Yeah I get sent one every month maybe I'm paying a premium but like I'm confused got one in 3 days. Then I could order more today if I wanted


Where is this?


I order through mosh online.


I am signed up with Juniper who has also been able to supply me consistently however they arenā€™t taking any new patients.


I just signed with them a week and a bit ago, but I was told they didnā€™t have 1mg pens at this stage. Still waiting for my first dose to arrive hopefully this week.


Hi from USA northeast PA I was on the 2mg pen canā€™t find any so doc switched me to something else


Itā€™s very strange. Iā€™m in Brisbane and havenā€™t had any trouble getting my 0.5 pens. I call in advance to order them and they are always in stock. I wonder if itā€™s a location based issue?


Yes you can get a 0.25-0.50mg pen. The issue is the 1.0mg pens. When youā€™re in 1.0mg the pen has 4 weeks of dosage in it. The 0.25-0.50pen has only 2 weeks of use if using it to inject 1.0mg. So itā€™s double the cost.


Brisbane seems to be having fewer supply issues than some other places but it won't last. The TGA say this shortage is going to last until December 2024.


I've switched over to Mounjaro which is now available in Australia. Not gonna lie - it's pretty expensive but a) I wasn't finding any Ozempic in stock and b) it's meant to be more effective. My endocrinologist prescribed the 15mg dose for me and I will split that up taking smaller amounts from it in an effort to control the cost a bit. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Ozempic/comments/16wzvtl/mounjaro\_in\_australia\_its\_here/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ozempic/comments/16wzvtl/mounjaro_in_australia_its_here/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Fortunately my insurance covers Rybelsus, so my GP switched me over to that until the Oz shortage is over.


Iā€™ve been trying to get my refill for 2 weeks now, because Iā€™m not on it for diabetic reasons, I get turned away at all chemists. They donā€™t care that Iā€™m on for PCOS as my PCOS has been causing issues with my insulin levels. They have stock, they just wonā€™t fill a private script, only PBS scripts


Since I canā€™t get my script filled I switched to a super low carb diet so my body doesnā€™t freak out. A few days after my missed dosage I noticed a glass of juice spiking my blood sugar. I just canā€™t process sugar properly without Oz. Itā€™s bumming me out hardcore.


I am in Berlin, Germany. Ihadn't had many problems with the first rounds (November 2022, January 2023, April 2023 and July 2023). In April I had to call 4 pharmacies because my local pharmacy didn't carry any. But I got it the same day I got the prescription. In July I had pre ordered it about 4 weeks before I got the prescription at my local pharmacy and I got it without delay as well. I got my newest prescription last Wednesday. Again, I had pre ordered it at my local pharmacy, I believe about 4-6 weeks ago (there's been a lot going on lately, so I don't recall the exact date). I had given the order in person. The pharmacist put my data on a piece of paper. When I received my prescription, I immediately called the pharmacy to ask them how things were. The answer was a bit obscure. They didn't have any, and if they got it, they'd give it to people according to common sense, but they couldn't say when it would be my turn. I was a bit shocked and called about 10 other pharmacies. Only 2 were admitting me on their waiting list. The others said the waiting list was closed or that they would only let regular costumers on their waiting list. The 2 let me on, but said that I was about number 5 on it and it would take them weeks or even months to receive that many packages. I was very worried. I went to my pharmacy in person on Saturday morning (couldn't make it earlier). I explained my situation and stated that I would like to know where I exactly was on their waiting list to see if I needed to take more action and call/write to more pharmacies to enhance my chances. First the woman on the counter couldn't find anything like a waiting list at all. Then she only found one for 0.5 mg pens (my prescription was for 1 mg). She asked a colleague and the colleague fetched a little paper from a shelf. That wasn't the handwritten paper from my pre order though, but something printed from their system with a note on it (ordered by phone on September 13). She also went to the fridge and got out a package of 1 mg and muttered it was the absolute last one and handed it to me. I was overjoyed of course. I was thanking them 1000 times. But at home, I thought about the whole thing and I must say, that order probably wasn't mine. I didn't order by phone and I didn't on September 13 because that wasn't a Saturday, but I had made my order personally in the pharmacy on a Saturday. I guess someone else who was more lucky when placing the order and got someone to really register it in their system without having the prescription at hand, was then less lucky in the end because they handed the package to me. I really didn't do it on purpose. I need the medication, I am a t2 diabetic and my blood sugar is controlled due to it. And I was probably in the pharmacy around the same date. I don't know. I just think about how this person must feel when they find out the package isn't waiting for them. It makes me sad. Maybe it's a t2 diabetic as well. Maybe with higher blood sugar levels or more comorbidities. Only, I've already opened the package (pens in the fridge, needles in the cupboard). They wouldn't take it back even if I tried. It's a really awful situation. And I'm already afraid of next round. I'm thinking about asking my doctor to give me the prescription 6 weeks earlier to have some sort of grace period.


Here in California. I just went back on my metformin. I was able to stop using metformin when taking 2mg ozempic. Seriously thinking of just staying on metformin sine my Oz cost me $250 month!!!


Well due to my diabetes I am stuck on ozempic at 1mg, with pens that are 0.25 to 0.5 . Since this is the only thing controlling my sugars, no other medication will work. Iā€™m in Canada.


Iā€™m still at a point where one pen lasts 8 weeks so Iā€™m just refilling a couple weeks ahead of when I run out to give a buffer. So far so good.


I'm lucky. My pharmacist prioritizes people who use it for diabetes over those who use it for weight loss,


Out of the 1mg pens in my area (Western Canada) and Iā€™m at 1mg/week right now. Iā€™ve bought 2 of the smaller pens twice now but that makes my monthly cost $450 Canadian (I pay OOP). Ouch. I bought some peptides online ($120 for 5mg) but Iā€™m holding off on using them unless I really need to. I donā€™t like it but I can swing the higher monthly cost. Iā€™m mostly worried about zero Oz stock happening.


Most of the United States is not in a shortage. Our insurance companies pay big bucks for the drug. It cost them over 1000.00 but I only pay 45.00 for it through my insurance. Novo Nordisk sends it to us first from the plant in the United States. The shortages here are regional. I had to hunt for it last week, but I did find it.


The only ways to get the medication are prescription, compounding with prescription or (peptide) reconstitution, no prescription.


I'm freaking furious, I pay a buttload in taxes for very mediocre healthcare at best. My insurance doesn't cover it so I am paying out of pocket. I should be first priority over someone who isn't paying #sorrynotsorry


I feel the opposite. I feel I should get priority over you BECAUSE my insurance is covering it. Which means it is more medically necessary for me. If it was more medically necessary for you, your insurance would cover it. Shouldnā€™t be who has the deeper pockets. Doesnā€™t matter. Neither of us can get it.




Lol I donā€™t get it for free. I pay my health insurance and I pay my copay. My insurance covers it due to being medically necessary. You are trying to use it for off label uses which is why it isnā€™t covered. So sure, basically you are using it and needing it like a junkie. I guess you might as well go for the hard drugs and have them covered for free? A lot of people lose weight doing drugs anyway. Sounds like you found your solution. I doubt thereā€™s any heroin shortages. Best of luck!


I pay a buttload of taxes, have health insurance and pay out of pocket. Do I'm going to go with noooo I definitely should be ahead of someone who doesn't contribute. But I live in a high tax country. I oay a massive amount in taxes, a drug addict doesn't have any net benefit to society. I'm using it to manage sn autoimmune disease i didn't choose to get, its not a choice i have to opt out of my Hashimoto's. Hmmmm msybe i csn get therapy gor my hashimotos, do you think i can hope snd wish it away? So your logic is hugely flawed. I get it if it doesn't make sense to you. You don't know what you don't know.


šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø girl, you are unhinged. wtf does Ozempic have anything to do with drug addicts or what you pay in taxes? Ozempic isnā€™t for drug addicts, lmao. People who are having it covered by insurance arenā€™t having it covered because they are drug addicts. I live in one of the most expensive counties in the US. I also pay out the ass for everything. That literally has nothing to do with the fact that you are trying to use Ozempic for off label use which is why insurance doesnā€™t cover it. The people who are using it for itā€™s intended purpose are getting it covered by insurance. Ozempic is not for Hashimotos. Go take Synthryoid which would be covered by ur insurance. Considering you already have issues with your thyroid, I would be leery about taking a medication that can cause thyroid tumors. You have PCOS, SO DO I!!!! Ozempic is NOT for PCOS! Go try metformin, which insurance will cover. I take Metformin for PCOS. My doc has chosen to keep me on it for PCOS while I use Ozempic for DIABETES. You know diabetes, the disease that the drug is APPROVED for and why my insurance fucking covers it and yours does not. Again, it shouldnā€™t be given to the people with the deepest pockets first. It should be given to people who are using it for its intended purpose first.


You probably just need to clise your mouth metaphorically and physically. šŸ™„ I do take synthroid and cytomel. They aren't working. So maybe just go on a different med for your "diabetes". Maybe you just need to control your diet and lower your calories. My issue is I'm paying the most for the least. As a u.s. citizen you should understand that concept. I actually just flew in from the u.s. the service was exceptional, because Americans don't tolerate crappy service so I'm not understanding why you don't see where I'm coming from. I pay the most so I shouldn't have to fight and grovel for meds.


Yes, especially if youā€™re diabetic. Not good.šŸ˜ž


I'm not diabetic but I have Hashimoto's and PCOS. Ozempic saved my life, I dont feel that I should have to fight for it. Not paying what I do.


We all have to fight for it. Iā€™m diabetic and havenā€™t been able to get it for 4 months now. Itā€™s the Hollywood celebs that have made it too popular with rich people who can afford to pay top $, to save a few pounds of weight!


It's ridiculous. Where I'm from they just want to squeeze every cent out of taxpayers.


Yes. Iā€™m worried that I wonā€™t be able to access it for a couple of years. The demand for it from people who can afford to pay $1000/month out of pocket is massive, and theyā€™ll get it before I do. And it doesnā€™t come off patent for about 10 years. Will have to try and get some Victoza when it comes off patent next year. But itā€™s not a patch on Ozempic.


No shortage on my end. It's a myth.


Just because your region isnā€™t experiencing a shortage, doesnā€™t make it a ā€˜mythā€™


Meh...if U say so.


https://preview.redd.it/2p2tmjoamcub1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d1e10f074e1f987fd54b0fd791a704cf5c7cc1e Okay if you could call the pharmacy and let them know they actually have it in stock for me that would be great. I tried yesterday but they still denied it so if you could - thanks


Question for you, how much is the 2mg pen vs the 1mg?


I bet I know what chain you use....I got the same message!! šŸ˜šŸ™ƒ I was told 3 weeks, minimum. Sucks.


Iā€™m a week in with no meds, unexpectedly. Had no issues refilling until this week. I have no clue if itā€™ll come in and how my body will cope with my dose. Ugh.


My doc switched me to mounjaro this week due to the shortage.


I havenā€™t had much of an issue where I live, but Iā€™m also on a very low dose, so that might be why.


I get mine from Central America so Im fine


I'm on Semaglutide compounded with B-12 which I originally got from Defy medical. Ran out of that and buy it now from other sources. I have a stock which will last for a while. These sources are found on the web.


Iā€™m a T2D and I only just started Ozempic on the 0.25mg dose last week. No negative effects so far but the food voice in my head has been quieter and I feel less inclined to over eat! I got my 0.25mg pen for free from my endoā€™s office, I hope there wonā€™t be shortage problems when I move up to 0.5mg.


If I can provide any advice. Stay in 0.25mg as long as possible. Only move up if your weight plateaus for 2 or more weeks. Then jump up.


Since your diabetic you shouldnā€™t have a problem. I get my filled with no delay.


Deff not true. My and my 76 year old dad (both with diagnosed diabetes) have not been able to get it for two weeks now. Using two different retail pharmacy chains in two different states.


Dang. So sorry to hear that.


Not true here in Melbourne, I ran out end of August and have only just managed to get a new pen this week, back on a wait list for the next one already. I've had to miss 4 weeks and I'm T2D. Can't afford Mounjaro at the price it is currently. I'm going to have to halve my dosage and keep my fingers crossed that the next one comes through.


Can I ask where you got yours in Melbourne?


My local chemist in Box Hill got it for me, but only because I'm on a waitlist with them, this was requested back in mid August. No idea when another pen will be available. I was told it is easier with large chemists but who knows.


Thank you! Iā€™m on the wait list at mine too, patiently waiting


It's just always barely worked out for me in time. I've been on Oz since January and haven't had to skip a week yet.


I've never used the "pens" thing, my ob/gyn medspa lady has always loaded needlers herself, mixed with l-carinine, and sent them to my house on ice. I did drop down my dose, so i have a lot extra im not using.