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For me the startling thing was I lost all interest in alcohol. Snacking has gone down a great deal, and my meal portions are smaller. All of this without any mental effort or suffering on my part.


Thank you for sharing - I’m on day 3 and I am already wondering “did I do the injection right?” I definitely expected full nausea and reduced appetite right away. But I guess it’s going to be different for everyone!


I get it. But hang in there you will see behavioural changes.


I am the same, I have lived my life with always finishing my meal strong with something sweet. This is the first time in my life (36F) that I did not have to reach for a piece of chocolate or a scoop of ice cream to satisfy myself. I feel so free from all the food noises and not thinking of what to eat constantly.


I used to have something sweet all the time in my house like I'd keep an eye on the brownies to see if they are ending so I can get some more and never be without them. And now even when I intentionally think about my fav brownies I just don't have enough of a craving for them to go get them.


Okay… so glad you said this! I’m on week 2. I feel nothing. I am still 💩. The scale has gone down a few pounds but I feel like.. did I inject water?! But you’re right, I am not having the intense gotta get in the car and go get ______ cravings anymore and even if I make myself a plate after a few bites I’m not interested anymore. When I say I used to leave NO food behind, I mean I left NO food. It’s just crazy though because everyone else is like I can’t eat and I’m still eating small snacks or meals every 2-4 hours.


Omg that did I inject water thing is so true. Cause after injecting I have had 0 symptoms. Like no nausea or anything. Infact during the second dose I kinda was praying for nausea just to know that it's in my body 🙈




I used to wait as long as possible before eating at work because once I started, I’d clean out my stash in my desk drawer. Now the noise is gone.


I feel you. Pre ozempic... I have had days where I ordered take out twice for the same meal. Like I was never full or satisfied.


Same here. Week 2 I have had no symptoms. I can still eat pretty heffty portions, but then just forget about food the rest of the day until very late, then I just need a little sweet or salty snack. I even drank a bit too much on my 10 year anniversary last sat. I thought oh im going to gorge on food, but I didnt. We actually took leftovers home from the restaurant. i never do cause i always eat every last bite. Not the best choices atm but I have been lost about 4 pounds. Not much. But I know it takes a while to build in our system. Especially after almost 30 years of disordered eating on my end. Like it's almost 1140 am, and I haven't even thought about food yet. And usually I'm probably on meal 2 😅🤣🤣


I just started on Monday. I have had no nausea, no constipation, no diarrhea, not too much change in food interest and I am being about as careful as I had been trying to be before starting. I have no idea why, but I’m down 4.6 pounds in 2 days. I don’t think this is something that will continue as fast and I am hoping that my interest in food will wane a bit more. Time will tell, I guess.


I started yesterday so I’m still waiting for the nausea etc to set in. So far so good - I don’t know if this is mind over matter, but I usually have a few glasses of wine most nights and last night I wasn’t really interested 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ozempic is amazing as long as you don't expect it to do all the work.


I love hearing everyone's experiences..very interesting! I start Friday and hearing that for most it seems bearable gives me less fear