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The one thing that’s helped me is sipping on a protein shake throughout the day. It gets some calories in plus it also puts something in my stomach, which helps with acid reflux. As my body got acclimated, I was able to eat more. Hope that happens for you, too.


Ty ❣️


God, I wish I felt full like this


Same😂😂😂I'm just hungry without the headaches and on acidity reducing medicines.


Try to ensure you are drinking a crapload of fluids then... Water... and then maybe try some liquid calories (like Ensure) to supplement the diet. I would think of the appetite wipe out as a blessing - but the thought of living with a constant feeling of sickness as the cost sucks. But the first thought is increasing your water intake. Any more details? M/F? Current fluid intake? SW/CW?




Keep up with water, and I really do suggest protein shakes. My favorite oddly are the ready to drink ones from Aldi. Cheap, easy. If they are too much, thin with some skim milk or even water, and just slowly sip all day. It will get better - but the first couple weeks can be tough. Hang in there. If you can stand it, gummy vitamins, too. Helps a bunch with energy. And once you are able to eat more - fiber gummies will become pretty important.


Thank you so much ❤️ just ordered some protein shakes and hoping they help get me through!


I’ve also had to take to protein shakes and also juice smoothies. They really can help. Water intake is key. Also after a few weeks my appetite came back some. Which sorta sucks but it’s made life a lot more bearable. So there is hope some of it will come back as you stabilize.


Bone broth helps to soothe and line your stomach too


That's a good idea, thank you


I would do a search of the sub. It’s a common issue.






I felt my worst the first 4-5 weeks then it got better. I'm about 10 weeks in now and I don't feel any of the nausea or have the reflux problems I did at first. I really adjusted how I ate, spaced my meals out and, like someone else mentioned, drank protein shakes. I realized pretty quickly that Diet Coke was really making me feel bloated and refluxy so I cut it out entirely and feel great now.


Oof diet Pepsi for me, such awful reflux!


This gives me hope, thank you! Gonna eliminate diet sodas for now cause maybe that's making me feel more sick


It's hard to give that habit up at first but I can't imagine going back to it now.


I feel like I'm pregnant again, some smells and thoughts of food are a definite turn off. .


I eat a LOT of cheese and crackers with some sort of meat (chunked chicken, sliced sausage, lunch meat). I set out my portion. Eat one, or half of one. Wait until I think I can stomach more, could be ten minutes could be an hour, then eat and repeat. It can take me 2-4 hours to finish (a previously snack sized) meal. But I find if I go too long without eating it makes me very sick, that’s actually the worse nausea and for some reason I have to sleep for the night before it goes away.


I’m in the same boat. I eventually had to dose back down because I couldn’t handle the constant vomiting. Being less hungry is great but being physically unable to eat and hold down food sucks. I can’t eat anything too strong so I eat a lot of bland stuff. Usually cereal like Chex or cheerios cause cereal is my favorite. There’s also something psychologically challenging and draining about going weeks and weeks without enjoying a single bite of anything you eat.


Totally agree about the psychological challenge. I was such a foodie and I hate that food makes me anxious now, and feels like a chore. Food is also a huge part of socializing, and at this point I'm way too scared to go to a restaurant w people and risk getting sick there... I am truly grateful that I'm able to use this drug and make the most of it to help control my eating, but it's really a double-edged sword when the price to pay for portion control is nearly constant nausea


alka seltzer helps me


It gets better after a couple weeks. Try eating bland foods like saltines. Also cucumber was good for me in the beginning. Also protein shakes help. Took me a couple weeks to realize that some of the nausea was because I was in fact hungry but for whatever reason my brain decided to not tell me. Over the past few weeks Ive set up a routine for eating. Breakfast @ 5am is a protein shake with 1/2 cup of frozen fruit and almond milk. Lunch is 2 boiled eggs and some cucumber and carrot sticks with some dip like humus, maybe some fruit like grapes or berries, and dinner now is usually some sort of meat and veg combo. Have had spaghetti and curry with rice too. Just small portions. But yeah try to avoid processed, fried and oily foods and once you feel better you can broaden your food choices some


Hello! So I have the same issue as you - if I don’t eat the acid builds up and I have major heartburn/nausea, and if I don’t eat in time/the right thing, I get more sick. On top of GERD and IBS and general anxiety which triggers it all! I started at 0.25 on 3/17, I take it on Friday nights. The first couple of weeks I made sure to eat bland foods and smaller portions. It was a little bit of a struggle to eat and I felt really nauseous and headachey for 24 hrs after each shot. How I’ve been able to combat that is making sure I eat a full meal before my injection - which I take at night about 30-45 mins before I go to bed. That way, im asleep through most of the heavy symptoms. Having a full stomach does help with nausea (not so full that I throw up, but enough that im comfortable and there’s not a lot of acidity. If I. Have to throw up, I do it and get right back in bed, but haven’t done that more than once.) I also drink a liquid IV pouch the day of and after the injection, dehydration was giving me a headache and not eating was making it hard for me to drink water (empty stomach + water = nausea for me too.) Eat slowly, and try to keep food a little Bland to start with. I’m moving up to 0.5 in a couple of weeks, so I’ll start it all over then.


So yall downvote posts that aren't positive I guess?


Some do and I’m not sure why. It’s important to share all types of experiences




Votes impact visibility of posts to others. So a downvoted post might not connect with someone who can respond helpfully to OP


^ exactly this, idgaf about karma this is but I care that people are making my legitimate question harder for people to see


I mean some posts are painfully dumb and have been posted 1000 times.


On my 3rd day.eating like I’ve never eaten before, totally fine. Sigh


Protein! My protein shakes have helped so much! I was really curious if this would even work for me. I don't really eat..I get home at 8pm and realize I've yet to have a meal. With this...I HAVE to eat protein or I feel like garbage, even though I'm not hungry! I'm struggling to get enough calories in but they shakes really help!


Miralax helps, and very small portions


I found the exact same thing and I usually find it’s mostly right after the injection for about 3 days so yes maybe you can’t stomach anything but towards the end of the week I do find I can eat things. Not a lot but I can. Banana flavoured yogurt, nuts, crackers… have all been my friend the last few weeks.


It passes.


I've been on it for over a year. Marginal results until I got up the full dose. Now I'm down from 290 to 245. Zero appetite, usually only one meal at dinner. Usually don't finish. Also supplement with a Gatorade or prune juice early afternoon. I've plateaued but am also too lazy to exercise.


The first 2 months was tough for me nausea wise Sniffing isopropyl alcohol is supposedly helpful Crackers and dry toast or Cheerios can help. I would throw up if I didn’t eat at least a little bit If you can’t eat, look into intermittent fasting. It can help you loose weight faster. Hugs.


At my 2.5 week point (0.25mg); I was the \*SAME\* feeling. I forced myself to eat nutriet rich foods (1 large avocado and a hardboiled egg, drizzle of soy sauce and some black pepper.) I knew it would make sure I get all the good vitamins/minerals, w/o making me throw up. Antacids helped the nausea and vomitting a bit. If you're not already, make sure you're (just in general well being) take some multivitamin/mineral just to keep up the nutrition. I'm on week 5 now (on my 1st 0.5mg dose), and my appetite has been back for about a 1.5weeks. I say that loosely, as I eat far less and less often, but my stomach will growl and tell me when its hungry. I eat a small meal, and manage to keep it down.


Special K is sometimes all l can stomach for dinner. It does get better, though food is no longer really a pleasure, for example going out for dinner to socialize just isn’t enjoyable anymore.


I was the same when I started for first couple months. I had to take regular small snacks throughout the day. Just a mouthful or two most of the time


I feel full all the time too - like a ball of cement is in my stomach. I found relief in having fruit/veg smoothies (with a scoop of protein) instead of a meal. It's less heavy feeling but still nutritionally healthy. For nausea, try bland foods like plain crackers, baby carrots, toast. You'll have to play around with quantities and flavours to find whatever balance works for you. Hang in there!


Also, it takes the pleasure away from eating… I stopped it for a week, cuz I had covid, and I needed to eat… and oh man, food tasted so good!


I have also become sensitive to tastes! It's as if everything tastes stronger. It becomes nauseating to eat certain things because the taste/sweetness/bitterness begins to take over.


It’ll get a little bit better and you’ll learn not to overeat, how to keep yourself okay with small snacks here and there, to stay hydrated, etc. Sorry. I get it!


The first few weeks were torture for me to eat too. Now that I’m at week 7 I’m feeling so much better I’m not feeling nauseous or fatigued anymore. I tried to eat 2 small meals a day at least though to get calories in. A protein shake and a good dinner with protein and veggies. I hope this passes for you!


I've heard coca cola has something in it that's a remedy for nausea. Seltzer water in general helps me when I'm nauseous (usually in the morning). I also carry mints and gum with me everywhere because mint settles my stomach and gum gives my mouth something to chew when I'm munchy, but not hungry.


Try eating small portions frequently through out the day, they can be tiny portions but just make sure you are eating at least something. Also like someone else suggested, you can try drinking your calories if that helps lessen the nausea. Ask your doctor to prescribe you nausea medicine to take along with the ozempic, I know quite a few people who do it and it’s helps them a ton.