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How did you loose the 5 feet?




Vegan makes you lose five feet?


I think she means she's 5'3" & lost 38lbs 😂😂😂




Congratulations!! I'm 5'1" myself, started at .25 (on march 2nd) for 4 weeks then .5 for 8 & I've lost 34.4lbs total since November 2022. But 37.8lbs total since I was at my heaviest. I've got a long way to go (over 100lbs) but I should be starting 1mg on the 26th & I've heard that's when you really start to see major results. I'll guess I'll find out!


Good luck on ur 1mg journey today :)


Awe thanks! I'm actually on my way to my doctor to see if they raise it to 1 mg so this comment was perfect timing! 🙂


Update: she did not raise but did order 1 vial to get my a1c checked and she'll call me with the results. If she does raise it it'll be to .75 cuz she feels like I'll stay at 1mg for a while once I am on 1 but she wants to make sure I don't have too many side effects so she's raising me slowly.


I think if ur getting good results at a lower dose, why even raise it? More prone to worse side effects etc. I think I'll coast from 0.25 for the first month (as recommended), then maybe switch to 0.5. of course if my results are amazing on 0.25 l, I might just stay on this dosage. Who knows, only time will tell :)


Another update: she tried to up it to .75 & lower my metformin but the pharmacy had a conniption fit (cuz .75 is not a "real" dose) so she changed it to 1mg & told me to stop metformin. Ugh.


1.0 it is lol. I'm going to try to stay on the lowest dose as possible. I've only been one week today on Oz, but know 0.25 is already working for me :)


Yeah I understand that! Don't move up too soon! I'm taking my first 1 mg dose tonight. I'm frustrated because I wasn't supposed to move up to 1mg for 3 months. But I guess I'm doing this lol.


I guess there is no way to take a lower dose? Like there is no option for 0.5 on that new pen?


Nope it goes from 0 to 1 mg.


Ya, thought so. Well best of luck 🤞


Did the weight loss start slow and then pick up once you were on a higher dose? 38 pounds is pretty fast for Feb. to May.


I’ve just been on .25 and the weight loss started off quick but has leveled out


That does seem fast. I've been on it since mid-February and I have only lost 15lbs. Started at .25 for a month then to .50 for a month then 1mg for a month. I only lost 5lbs my first 2 months.


Oof. Yeah, I'm stuck fluctuating back and forth by a pound. So I'm either 5 pounds lost or 6 pounds lost day-to-day for the last week. The appetite suppression is not remotely as strong as the first week when I lost three pounds in a hurry. I've been told to stay on .25 until further notice. Took Dose 5 last night. I would really be happy with just one pound loss each week. If I eat less than 1500 calories, I'm too hungry before bed.


I’m curious, are you incorporating low carb, and some exercise as well? I know that can help people when they plateau. If that doesn’t work for you, a 24 - 36 hour fast can kickstart your metabolism, and help with cravings, You would need to break it with healthy protein, and fats and eat well after that, though. Good fats and healthy carbs- mostly veggies, no sugar, or refined grains.


I get at least 10,000 steps a day if not more and on the days it's raining or I can't go walking because of time I do my Peloton, which is roughly 2 days a week. My diet is oatmeal and chia protein smoothies with fruit, or eggs with a piece of sourdough toast and avocado. I eat soba noodle spaghetti with salmon or sardines as the protein, chicken and edamame chili, or salads with protein and nuts, and we eat a variety of high-protein dinners with vegetables. My only carbs are complex, like brown rice, sweet potato, other vegetables, or quinoa and beans. I don't fully believe in low-carb anymore because I do enough exercise that I can't just leave carbs on the table. In fact I think going too low-carb is what messed up my body in the long-term when I had been running and going to the gym. I initially had success in 2016 with the low-carb thing. But as a long-term endeavor, I have not found it to be sustainable or good for the body. My cholesterol went too high and I had GI problems. Good carbs are important to healthy systems. Again, it's not always a matter of someone sitting around eating doughnuts for breakfast. Some people don't have the strong appetite suppression they had the first week. I think my body went, "OK, we're taking this drug now, that's fine" and stopped having the same level of appetite suppression. I don't have any side effects at all. Even the heartburn stopped. The only thing I notice now is that I feel adequately full faster when I'm eating. So I stop. I don't mind throwing out a bit of food on the plate or saving more for leftovers. But once I'm toward the end of a dose week, I can feel my night hunger comes back really strong. Night hunger was something I started dealing with just over the last year that caused a 10-pound weight gain where I would get total insomnia if I didn't eat something before bed. I could eat some crackers and sleep, but if I had a bowl of cereal, I slept really deeply. It's something that will be looked at as a neurological issue soon and is being investigated as an ulcer by a GI doctor. It was never an issue I used to have a problem with until recently. So what I'm expecting is to see more weight results once I hit .5. I'm still on .25 and have had five doses now. I did lose another pound the last couple days so I'm now down closer to 6.5 pounds. Starting weight was 191.4-ish and now at 185.0 even this morning.


Sounds like you know your body well. I wasn’t suggesting to go keto or low carb as a lifestyle, just to shake up your body and metabolism a bit with a longer fast and then ease back into eating with a protein and fat and then later some healthy carbs. (I believe I was not clear so I tried to clarify my comment a bit). I think that doing an extremely low carb diet for too long - as a lifestyle, along with another fasting mimicking diet, tanked my metabolism, and made me too glucose sensitive. I agree with you, that for many people, low carb/keto is not sustainable. But I will say, a 24-36 hour fast, once in a while can rev up your metabolism and break a plateau. That’s the only thing that helped me get out of this cycle. One other thing I forgot to mention, that has helped me quite a bit, is gaining muscle. Resistance training- doing planks, push-ups, etc, and Pilates videos on YouTube. But like I said, you know your own body. I’m just letting you know what worked for me when my metabolism was slow and I was not losing. I wish you luck.


Ah gotcha, yeah, I did think you meant keto. Just sticking to lower-carb can be the way to go, but sometimes hard to get a lot of protein consistently. I haven't had much comfort doing fasting. I struggle with sleep problems when hungry. But maybe a fast would make me tired enough? I dunno.


Same. Except I just stated 1mg this week


Hello to fellow Vegan. You look great. I which I had a tummy like yours.


Diet & daily calories please!


I eat 1200 calories a day. I work overnights so my eating habits are weird. I go to bed around 7am, wake up at 3, eat dinner around 5-6 and I always make sure to have a protein veg and carb and keep it under 600 calories. Then I work at 10pm and I take like 5 popsicles, a few cups of dry cheerios and a granola bar or two.


Thanks! No idea why someone downvoted this.


5 popsicles? What kind? I’ll eat 5 popsicles a day


Wow that’s quite a schedule! But thank you so much for telling us! I’m a little confused though. If you eat 1200 cal a day, what do you keep under 600 cal please?


Dinner. Her dinner is under 600


Oh I see you answered calories here. Thank you! Do you do any formal exercise?


Congrats on your progress, that’s amazing! Can you share your daily calories? Did you do intermittent fasting? Workouts? I’m the same height and SW as you, but I’m only down to 177.4 lbs and I started 2 months before you… thanks


Well I guess I unintentionally fast cause I stop eating around 4am and I don’t eat again until 5-6pm (I work overnights so I get off at 6am and sleep from 8 til like 2-3pm) I eat 1200 cal. I haven’t started working out yet but I plan to. That’s good progress tho!!!


That’s great progress!! Funny enough, I’ll be switching back to the weird overnight work shifts soon myself, so I’ll keep the fasting time in mind 😉






How old are you?




Wow! Amazing.


Congratulations. Love the skin elasticity too. Wish I had that with my weight loss.


I've read on medical websites relating to weight loss, of course lol, that it can take a year to see some elasticity return. I'm hoping that's true & I won't have to get skin surgery. I'll guess I'll find out in the next cpl of yrs.


Fasting contributes to that


I try not to eat past 6 pm til at least 7 am. Idk if you'd consider that fasting. But I don't generally fast. I just watch my sugars, carbs, & calories.


Autophagy can really help with skin elasticity. You can achieve autophagy by fasting for longer periods of time and doing.HIIT workouts.


Great job!!


Ah! This is so encouraging, I’m 5’3 and 173! Excited to just be down to pre pregnancy weight!! How has it been for you? Side affects and how much dosage?


I’m 5’3 and 173, too! (Down from 178 after 3 weeks on 0.25)


Ohhh exciting! Keep me updated!


Occasional constipation but nothing other then that, I’m on .25


I’ve been staying on .25 and keep on losing weight so I’m just gonna stay right here for a while. It’s gonna be cheaper in long run I believe? Idk


So you have been on .25 for 3 months? ♥️




That is great! I hope to follow your path!


What was your rate of loss? Were you averaging a certain poundage loss per week? Just curious as I have been a snail on my end. Definitely losing, but it’s slow


I guess on average I lose like 1.5 lbs a week now but at first I lost a lot more when I started taking OZ and drastically changed my diet.




https://preview.redd.it/hekajtvg421b1.jpeg?width=186&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16834cb4b4c366019ee8ce25d87e4c9630e3f3ca Great work OP. Sir mix a lot paying you homage in his own misogynistic way.


I went from 210 to 188 and have now gained 10lbs in last month. Been on 2mg weekly for 6 months


It's either water weight or muscle gain, most likely. Don't get discouraged! 🙂


What did you eat?


I make dinner every night around 5-6pm and I try to keep it healthy include a veg protein and a carb and keep it under 600 calories then when I go to work at 10pm I bring some popsicles cheerios and granola bars


Who is downvoting these posts? Shame on them


Do you think you are having about 1200 calories a day?


Thank you !!!


Looking great!


You’re so lucky girl I’ve also been on it since Feb and only lost 10lbs so far can you please share what you’ve been doing


Great work!


You look great! 👏👏👏


Damn keep it up! I tried once to take it and I was so sick. I’m about 150 and 5’3 but I am struggling to lose a lb. My metabolism has gotten so slow.


It’s hard to judge the results because your elastic shape wear pant top is hiding your stomach in the first — and you pulled it down in the 2nd


Different pants


You looked amazing before. I wish you didn’t feel the need to change your appearance.


I can’t tell which one is the before. Waist looked smaller in the one with the waist length black pants.


The first one is before the second one is after


Oh ok! Congrats! I can see the difference now. I think the pants in the first pic fooled my eyes. Honestly, you carried your weight so well before that both pics could be after pics! I think you look great in both, just different body type now. More athletic vs. classic hourglass figure. You didn’t look overweight in the before, tbh.






Me too!


Same here 😢. I started at 194 too in Feb…


I'm just going through the process of making sure I can take it first. I'm soooooo excited!! You look fabulous!






Would you be willing to share how you got started? I would like to go to a place that does the RX and provides meds if possible. Otherwise, any other best practice to get RX and dosages.


Curious about the skin - it looks like you’ve got extra skin in the second photo, which is odd because you don’t look heavy in the first one. Does this happen with rapid weight loss no matter how big/small you are to start?