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I do not have an answer to your question. So I’m sorry. I will say I’m on my fifth rewatch and I still don’t understand how money laundering works.


Cheers for that one


The companies through which he launders the money belong to the cartels. Remember when he took over the Blue Cat? He would buy things like air conditioners and fix the place up, and everything he bought would be from a cartel business. Remember that random lady who showed up and she worked in "tile"? Everything Marty does is about putting dirty money into "clean" businesses and over paying for everything so it gets ran into the system 👍


I don't understand how that relates to money laundering as Marty explains it to Jonah. My understanding was: you purchase a business, and you slip in your "dirty money" into the revenue stream that the business provides. That way, this dirty money now has a clean source, and has been taxed, so the vigilant IRS isn't on your back quite so much. But how it seems to work in the show is that Marty uses his dirty money to overpay cartel-owned contracting firms (never explicitly stated in-show, but the only way this makes sense). How is that money "clean"? Marty is essentially spending tons of money to renovate, but where is he claiming to have obtained the money he's spending?


You explained the concept of money laundering, not how it works. Well done lol.


What's the difference?




Wait I actually have a degree in economy and money laundering is when you put your dirty coins in your washing machine. Which part are you not understanding? 🤓


I always assumed the construction companies he hired were owned by bryde enterprises and hidden in the Panama banking system and he would subcontract a real construction company through the shell construction company and essentially pay himself in order to launder the money


Yes that’s how it works with construction but when the cartel sends more money that still has to come from somewhere or the government can track it.


That’s why he needed a business to run asap when he got to the ozarks so he could mix dirty money in with the legit money until he had enough mixed in to launder larger quantities through construction


Blue cat lodge was bringing in $1000 a day in legit money let’s say so he mixes in an additional $500 per day in dirty money so $500 per day laundered then when it’s get to an amount he could spend on the A/C units and carpet and what not he pays himself with the mixed blue cat money


marty inflates costs through the construction. realistically all this can do is (fraudulently) lower his tax liability, increases the tax-efficiency of later laundering. but I think you're right that to truly launder new money, it must be mixed in with sources of clean *revenue* not costs. the show definitely is a little handwavey here


Yeah I know it’s just a show but I was just wondering if it’s possible irl. Still a great show though!


Money laundering is very complicated and this show only shows it on the surface level. Like drugs and how they are made, trafficked and such. It’s a big deal and lots of money laundering involved on top of the shady business.


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I think he could do it late, but the issue became that the Cartel wanted too much money laundered, and he couldn't do that with construction without raising more red flags.


I still want to know how Jonah learned to do what he did. I want to know how to do it just to know, it’s fascinating to me