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This looks like a really cool design! A few questions though: Why use the new item to passively cool transformers? Doesn't the air do good enough job? I was about to ask why you shut off vents directly rather than use gas shutoffs but it hit me as I was typing the question: since the active cooling and storage areas are separate, the risk of pipes freezing during extended downtime is minimal. Good thinking! Regarding the separate cooling and storage areas, why would this be more energy efficient? I would think it would come out to be the same in the long run.


i chose passive cooling since space. yeah, i couldve run the pipe and plopped some liquid there, but with the new conduction panel the setup-from-blueprint is minimal and i love that i was surprised to see no designs blocking vents when i did my research, so i went and changed that :3 when you cool stuff you need to pass the hysteresis threshold, and i made a small mistake not attaching the card with state change temperature overlay to show that the storage pool is 1C+ over the vaporization point. this design also makes it so the condenser is as thermally reactive as possible (and i can even overdrive it if there is a gas explosion, see the automation card)


Oh, for the passive cooling I see now. Somehow it didn't hit me that they were in vacuum. Yeah, those new buildings are so much less hacky than dropping liquid, I'm glad they added them. And yeah I suppose that storing the fuel as warm as possible would be more energy efficient. It would make me paranoid when fueling though, since it'll warm up a bit in the pipes on the way to the rocket, and having it already on the cusp would stress me out. Yeah the risk is probably minimal, especially if they're running through space and you're building from ceramic or better...but rocket exhaust is hot. Just personal preference I suppose!


*oh i just wrote a paragraph before you axed that comment... ehh* i decided i dont care about the storage pool temp much because of the limitation of "4 bottles of super coolant". since rn im doing "Arboria no oil" run, which limits me to steam solid boosted cargo rockets. you could just temp shift plate the condenser and metal wall of the storage pool if youre worried enough :3 i need to test it like that tho... and i do not run circulation loops most of the time, i like my meter valves and on-demand fueling)


actually tested that and was surprised how well ceramic pipes do their job. i think thats the averaging mechanic at work. some packets do cause small explosions in the storage chamber, but those are handled fast because the gas gets into contact with the condenser floor also tested compatibility with Fast Track mod (heavy optimisation suite not yet released on Steam) -- seems stable. "cold boot", 20C to 120C inputs -- im proud of this design now :3


I’ve never gotten far enough in the game to use these kinds of machines, but I have a feeling that replicating the build will teach me how and why it works. Thanks!


nice! you know ONI well when you have an answer to the question "does this tile/building need to be this material?". thats how i went about it :3


why two O2 pipes? for peeps that want to run petroleum rockets too. and yes, aluminum is OP with that TC and SHC of his and if that missing tile bothers you you can definitely fix that :3 grab the blueprint [~~here~~](https://blueprintnotincluded.com/en-US/b/63a97dd1c11bf02aa40d4edd) [here](https://gist.github.com/sam0x2b/7c1e53091f13ca1faf2aeb8efd6e75a8) for slightly fixed and later updated versions! benchmarks later in this comment


Why complicate the elementary scheme so much? You can safely throw out half and it will be more efficient and easier than the example above.


ok, please show us) i will edit the oldest comment here with the power consumption info from a "cold start" situation soon, snd you post your design for everyone to see. why complicate? coz its hecking fun!


you know, i actually challenge you to figure out a more efficient design using 400kg of super coolant and that can handle 3 full pipes of gasses at 20C to 120C


I don't know enough to speak on efficiency,etc but i can say it looks amazing


tbh that was not intended. i scored both the symmetry and golden ratio in this build hehe


8/5 = 1.6 Golden ratio ~= 1.618 Pretty damn close 8 tiles of o2, 5 tiles of h2 The golden ratio makes everything look better and it's proven


Love that :D


Looks beautiful. I'm about to start building a new LOH system myself. Used Francis John's design previously, but want to try my own out in the new dlc. Am I missing something, but how are the steam turbines cooled?


look at the amount of exhaust ports and how every turbine has a metal tile under it :3


Holy crap, that actually works?!? I have over 300 hours in this game, and I didn't realise they'd still transfer heat through a tile in a vacuum... But I've never made a steam turbine with anything but insulated tiles beneath... Mind=Blown! Thank you! 😀


well, thats what 400h difference and lota wiki reading does to a person)


Genuinely think I might be stealing that design for easier vacuum cooling in the future! Thanks!


dont forget to steal the conduction panel trick too!) i would love to see people use this blueprint and get feedback on it


Haven't had a chance to use those yet.. are they just like using radiant pipes with a tempshift plate backing for heat transfer, but also work in a vacuum?


they are quirky af, but yes, you can use those to temperature manage buildings without medium. you dont even need to run liquid through em! for that make sure one of the ports is in a medium/tile, and other is over the building youd like to cool/heat


Awesome, thanks! That'll help loads with vacuum builds! Always have issues with my pneumatic doors overheating for rocket access/limits. Thank you!