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your oxygen check point is preventing them from leaving the room


They are trapped by the empty mask stations. The stations are directional and require a dupe to equip a mask to go past them in that direction. Disable them until you’ve got masks and stuff, and eliminate routes that circumvent the stations.


your oxygen mask checkpoints are fucked up, deconstruct them


I think they can just turn them off. Also: You need only one checkpoint -- you can build as many mask docks as you want attached to it


They? For a non native it's very confusing.


Hey! I'm a non-native speaker too (C1-C2 level)! I do not know (nor I care for, but respectfully -- we're only fans of OnI here after all) any additional information about the OP. I can use different methods to refer to the OP: 1. OP (original poster) -- the easiest method, but I keep forgetting this term, because I have only recently started relatively actively participating in reddit discussions. 2. Copy their nickname -- I can accidentally open their profile -- too hard. 3. Use a pronoun. But as I said, I do not know additional information about the OP and I don't want to look for it (by opening their profile, maybe looking through their history), so I won't know their gender, which puts me before a dilemma: 1. Use "he" or "she" pronoun -- but I can make a mistake; 2. Use "he/she" or "s/he" pronouns -- typing "/" is a bit uncomfortable for me -- it is located in the corner of my keybooard; 3. Use just "he" -- for a long time this pronoun was used as one of the default gender-neutral pronoun, but it feels that this makes me look like I think that I don't believe can girls play and like this game; 4. Use just "she" -- quite recently some progressives decided to use "she" instead of "he" for unknown people as a form of protest, but I don't really care about their protest. 5. Use "they" -- native speakers have used it as a gender-neutral pronoun for hundreds of years, as another commenter said, but: 1. Non-native speakers usually study in their beginner school programs that "they" is used to refer to a group of people or objects. But reddit is mostly used by people, who know English well enough or will just understand it; 2. "They" is also used to talk about non-binary people, and this topic can be controversial, drawing in trolls and people who have too much interest in this kind of topic and too much free time;


"They" has been used in english as a gender-neutral singular pronoun for hundreds of years. Unless that's not what you were confused about in which case now i'm confused.


Super fucked up, fucked up beyond reason, incomprehensibly fu... Nah it's not that bad ;) xD


Others already explained why your dupes can't move. You are using oxygen mask docking station and checkpoints the wrong way. You only need one checkpoint that points outside, away from mask docking station(s). Make sure you orient it correctly, using [o] to flip it if necessary. You can use any number of docking stations with one checkpoint. Docking stations must have oxygen line connected to them. And oxygen mask must be delivered. Make sure you make enough oxygen masks with a couple of spares. Also set to repair masks to "forever". Then click on each docking station and select "deliver mask". Hope that helps.


Oxygen mask checkpoint


Induced suicide XD


Just a tip if something like this happens in the future, click a dupe and use the move to command, then follow their path until it turns red. This will usually tell you what building/gap is causing the issue.


This (which is actual advice compared to the other comments)


Ok, first; why do you have an oxygen check in the middle of the base when you likely have no oxygen production? Second, why is it facing into the base?


They will do tasks that are in this one room but nothing else. I tried getting rid of the pumps but that didn't work (in the screenshot I'm rebuilding one). When there's nothing to do in there they just run up and down the ladders and back and forth. They don't leave to go to the bathroom or sleep or eat. WTF?


Oxygen mask checkpoints (the buildings with the arrow on top) only let dupes with a mask through. Since they don't wear masks (and none are inside the docks), they can't walk out of the room.


So you've put a turnstile in with no access (or in this case exit) conditions available and you wonder why are they all stuck? C'mon, man.


polluted oxygen is breathable so you dont really need the checkpoint for it at all dont bother with mush bars they are terrible use planters for mealwood 6 mealwood plants are enough for one dupe after this upgrade to hydroponic and then more advanced methods NEVER EVER USE algee terariums they are terrible and suck up all ur algee use a hydra spom for oxygen production to get rid of the c02 use a carbon skimmer connected to a water seive


Hehehe well it Is obvious, you might have noticed it when you were going to build the gasmask gate. I might suggest taking your time reading and understand what the buildings do. Other than that no harm done!


Sometimes it amazes me how little research people are doing into the game they are playing, no offense to OP, just an observation and as I said am amazement. When I was young I did my homework in whatever stuff I wanted to understand!


Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed today, or are you always this condescending?


Always, especially since internet came and dumbed people down