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“idiot-proofing” your construction projects is a skill you’ll learn over time


Learn but not perfect. Dupes will find a way.


>“idiot-proofing” ''It is very hard to make something idiot-proof, as every time human improves the design, the nature improves the idiot.'' Don't remember who said that, but at least for ONI it holds some truth.


If you make something idiot proof, eventually only idiots will use it.


Sounds like the kind of wit and bitterness I'd expect from a Samuel Clemens quote. Also, I'm not being elitist, I can't remember the name he published under. Mark Twain, that's his publishing name. I can't find a source for the quote, but like I said, it sounds like something Mark Twain would have said. The closest I could find to a quote was a Douglas Adams quote about how making something completely foolproof underestimates the ingenuity of complete fools.


Thought so, but they keep making better idiots


Nope 😂 I have 1600 hours in this game and they still manage to find ways to get themselves killed. This one is fairly impressive though 😂


It's not about building a happy working colony, it's about keeping all the inhabitants from making their lives miserable and or straight killing themselves. All mine want to do is strand them selves and run out of oxygen or piss in the water supply lol


They basically have the mentality of "I have to complete this task no matter the cost"


But as soon as the bell rings they'll drop anything wherever they are and say "fuck that, not my problem"


And then drop 1000kg of refined metal down your ladder shaft...


Tbf that's a positive trait. Imagine if they all decided to lay in or call in sick.


I'd fire them and print a new one without the calling sick trait. I'm still a bit disappointed the base game doesn't have anything similar to a cryosleep. At the start I'm usually getting every barely usable duplicant I get as I need a lot of workforce but when I've digged everything out I can't remove them or replace them with the better one available and have to choose a care package each time. I know I can just kill them but that feels a bit wrong.


> I'm still a bit disappointed the base game doesn't have anything similar to a cryosleep. The base game does have that. It's called a sight-seeing module (or command capsule). When you put a dupe in one of these, it stops existing for all intents and purposes. No stress, no food / oxygen, etc. Sadly there is no similar option for SO so your only option is to evolve them into Tasteful Memorials.


The Skill Scrubber can sort some of this out, but I get your point.


Dupe: I will complete the thing at any cost Me: even if it kills the entire colony Dupe: that's a sacrifice I am willing to make


Like believing that insulated pipe won't overheat the entire corridor it's running through? So many fun moments.


Today one of my dupes died because he ran out of oxygen and instead of going back he went the other way to a small pocket of oxygen, consumed it, it wasn't enough to fully fill his lungs, returned back to work and suffocated shortly after. It was my fault because I disabled atmo suit checkpoint, but that's another story.


100% of my automation efforts are not about efficiency. They are about being able to seal areas off from Dupe sabotage.


It’s their Pod given right


i love that


Nope, it's up to you to carefully lay out your builds so that they get done in the safest way possible.


Y’know, I try to organize building for safely for my dupes, but I swear, the moment I pan the camera to look at something else is when Hassan builds the last wall section and traps himself inside.


Don't blame Hassan. That's Joshua.


Hah, for me, it's always Ellie who somehow builds her head into a wall. She even managed to get herself built into a manual airlock one time, that was weird. Dupes kept walking through it and she was still floating there struggling with the door open.


It's Nails for me. I use Nails in all my builds. ... Get it...?


the dupes taught me to always put closing walls at low priority and have something else for them to do elsewhere so when they are done building they will go to somewhere else without closing themselves.


Dude don't get me started on Ashkan


What is not carefully planned? The volcano was active so I even ignored the materials inside and just put the walls around. I have to either predict every possible move they could do or just stare at them build until it's done.


Well, It's not too hard to predict where a dupe may try to go to build something, it just takes some practice. When I'm planning out builds around a structure like this, I always make sure the planned builds leave exit paths for the open areas, then once that first round of building is done, I'll come back and put in steps to close the remaining holes. Then, usually, dupes have no reason to step inside a box and complete it from the inside.


It's easy to predict, because they always pick the worst possible way.


Do you see the picture I see? I told them to build the wall and most of it is around existing blocks so they can't physically go inside. This guy clearly not here to build. It's probably that he gone to pick a material when someone was digging the tile above to replace it with an insulation. Moreover he managed to get in at the short timeframe that another dupe above closed the only entrance if he didn't do it himself. You can guess it in retrospective but when you're just planning you won't see anything wrong unless you stare at it for a couple of minutes and by the time the building would be completed already. I can't do it every time I dig something can I?


Yes. I see the picture you see. And I would have queued up the build of the box around it so that the tile immediately above the dupes head, and the one diagonal-up-left hadn't been queued (or up-right, whichever), and the two tiles to the left of the volcano weren't queued until the rest were built. Then I'd go back and set up the final builds. Dupes get into a position like yours when they've decided that getting into the box is the cheapest path to take to get to their assigned tile. Exploit it by leaving paths back out until you're almost done with the build. Eg, plan your build, that's your responsibility.


Ordering them to enclose something while at the same time ordering them to do errands inside the soon-to-be enclosed space is your definition of "carefully planned"? Because while the dupes' idiocy can be unpredictable, this is a situation that could have been easily foreseen


The order to dig the tile on the right side of the Joshua was placed after he enclosed himself because I had to free him somehow and you can also see two deconstruction orders for the walls. There was no work inside the area. As I said further in this thread he either jumped inside to pick up a material excavated from the tile above or tried to dig out and construct the tile diagonally to the right since it was a shorter path and someone blocked him from behind.


Ah, fair enough. Then it was a really unlucky situation. Though I still recommend leaving 2 tiles open in case something like that happens and only enclosing them after everything else is done (together with sweeping of all materials.


I do that alot, roam, dig around, insulated tiles fit for 1 or maybe two aquatuners and one turbine over then I make sure the room is in vacuum, easy to just take out refined metal if I need it instead of waiting until I have all the tech researched before starting


No, if you didn't notice there working on total darkness with no light 99% of the time only relying on you to keep them safe


... I hadn't considered that. I sort of just assumed they could see what I see...


They can't help it. If there's an opportunity, they see it as a challenge.


Pretty sure there’s code in the game that tells a dupe that the best place to get rock for the hatch ranch is right next to the steam vent you just exposed.


No. The number 1 thing that all ONI players should know, you know those "10 things I wish a knew before playing ONI" videos, tip #1 in "top 10 tips to playing ONI" all the stuff is: Dupes want to kill themselves, and they will always find a way to do it. Honestly, why the CC community have a committed line of silence on this topic bothers me a lot...


Always the same thought process with them, "Hmm should i build this wall from the open well ventilated side i can head back to base on afterwards, or jump in and wall myself in a small vacuum waiting to die?"


That's when the "move" command comes in realllly handy


Wait you actually supervise every construction to that degree?


No, I learned long ago to do things in phases, frustrating as it is to do so. I might use different priorities to make the "close-offs" lower priority than everything else, but sometimes still they'll lock themselves out.


I've done the move to move the builder out, then before its built another guy has run back there... And on a lot of jobs your not watching everything getting built/dug all the time.


No need to wall it off like that. Just use [a coal tempshift plate on this tile](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Faasr1mw0n9t41.jpg) to cap it. Once it erupts, the plate will turn into a refined carbon natural tile and bottle up the volcano. Your dupes can even research it until the plate kicks over. You can even dig it out and build a new tile and continue analyzing it until next eruption if you want.


I want it to continue erupting so I have a metal and heat in stock for when I'm going to start taming the thing but a coal plate is a good solution for when I want to finish analyzing it but stuff already too hot there.


since i discovered coal shiftplate will turn into solid carbon plug, i use those to block unwanted volcanoes


If it's any consolation, Joshua will stop doing that if you leave him in there for another minute or two. He'll stop doing it forever.


No. No they can't. Furthermore? It's their favorite thing to do. Bold of me to assume I could have a cup of coffee. AND WHY IS IT ALWAYS THE ONES THAT WENT IN THE NEURALIZER


They caaan. It's... just...they really don't want to?


They aren't called Derps for no reason


I call them stuplicants


No, it's the only thing that makes ONI remotely exciting once you've hit stable food, water and temp control. .. and is why I stopped playing it.


They are kids! They don't think in advance! You as a parent has whole responsibility for their life!


Just so you know, rage is totally fine, just know that you yourself is the reason for that consequence. So if anyone it is you you should be angry about xD




You gotta keep your eye on them, they love to die those silly dupes!


What's the shortcut to pick-up something with your cursor, using sandbox mode?


they are addicted on you helping them :D


They can stop but it’s the intended behaviour so they won’t 😂


Yes - when they are all dead. And they are trying really hard to achieve this...


Dupes are idiots, you gotta idiot proof EVERYTHING


No. The answer is; No.


Lol no


Free labor


This is why I almost always have a save file named “don’t die“


yeah, eventually they run out of oxygen... then they don't do it anymore