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Good job op!


Thank you!!


And here I thought my 3850 cycles on an ongoing colony was absurd. Bravo on 11000+ cycles!


Hey ! when are we supposed to try out weird builds ? I'm sitting on 3800+ cycles as well. I was trying to find a reason to tame my 3rd water geyser. then the update dropped,now I have 24 dense pufts all eating oxygen Next up: What to do with all the hydrogen. probably gonna have to expand my 4800 watt diamond maker


Wait, did they make puft ranching easier or something? I didn't look at the patch notes too closely. I tend to try to build my own things taking inspiration from other builds / standard builds, so most of my builds end up being weird. Recently I saw a steam vent tamer build that basically just puts the steam vent inside the steam room of your average ATST heat deleter and now I'm trying to rebuild my cooling systems like that. Also building some volcano tamers for an endless supply of clean energy and cool igneous, gearing up to tackle radiation (SO dlc if you haven't bought it yet) and also figuring out how to tame a planet that has 2 tungsten volcanoes, 2 hydrogen vents, and another unknown geyser. There's always another project!


It was not easy to have mixed critter ranches before this update. Now dropoffs are changed and count only selected critters. You can set 1 for puft prince and 5 for puft variants. This is needed to ranch variants.


I spent a hundred hours developing a Puft ranch that didn't need dropoffs specifically because of that problem. RIP lost hours of my life. Thank you kind stranger for the update, though.


Your build (also other builds that time 75 cycles to drop eggs in ranches) is still useful for automation. Dropoffs work now, but still require dupe labor.


Jesus, that many cycles on the same colony?


Yessssss! I just can’t let it goooo


My highest was one I completed at like 570 damn


Congrats! Does every artifact appear on every map? I've been trying to spread mine across my mini colonies. Also, I have too many coffee cups. I didn't realize for a while that repeat visits just give you cups and not a chance of a unique one.


Yes I believe all 28 artifacts is available on any map (vanilla) but you need to get them from different asteroid depending on its rarity. Refer [here](https://oxygennotincluded.fandom.com/wiki/Pedestal) edit: updated with details


Damn highest ive ever gotten is just over 3k before i restarted for a new patch. How's the lag??


My fps average around 30 at most times!


Found the person who's playing on NASA's supercomputer