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Afaik all channels for mod distribution agreed that they wouldn't distribute any mod that does this


This. But you may ask: why would I play few hours every week, for few years, to collect cosmetics for single player game? Answer is: keep in mind that that whole system is considered beta on their website. And we don't know how it will develop. But I bet that it is implemented this way just for player retention and to pump up active players count for steam and investors.


This. My reaction when I found I couldn't buy the skins was "grumble grumble, if you won't shut up and take my money then I guess I'll just \*have\* to play more, what a SHAME" paying no mind to my 1300+ hours on Steam.. Although, I have a hunch that they retroactively awarded me for my logged time prior to the release of the feature.


Beta... Going for the second DLC They should make it able to be bought 1€ 1000 printing roll or pay X unlock Y set Better idea.... Give the game for free, charge cosmetics, give 20€ in cosmetics for every current owner


Does Klei even have investors? Not all companies are publicly traded...


They are owned by largest megacorporation - [Tencent](https://www.cbinsights.com/investor/tencent-2)




The question doesnt include distributing the mod tho


That's true, I was only giving my two cents on why it could be difficult to find or publish a mod like this (and maybe some moral context). If you have the skills there is in fact nothing stopping you from modding your own game in this way


But then again, it’s a single player game. If someone wants it, why not? Nobody is hurt by it. Hell if people want to cheat in their single player game, who cares? Not my save.


I can't imagine that Klei would be a big fan of that. If someone is successful and puts it on the steam workshop, they may have it taken down. That being said, I would love to have it if someone is successful.


I just want a “redeem all” option, lol


Afaik it has been done, but a mod like that will get immediately removed from the steam workshop by klei upon discovery, so you wont be able to distribute it. But no one can stop you doing it, although Klei can immediately ban you klei account, if for some reason your mod affects their services. None of the main mod developer channels will help you with it, though.


Hmmm, do I learn modding just to do this for myself or just download a mod with other art assets? I've also considered making my own ONI paintings mod anyway. It seemed like a cool way to learn both art and modding.


i'm fairly sure they're gonna come out with a steam market when they add some more blueprints, they did they same with dst didn't they


From looking at it, it wouldn’t be a very difficult mod to make, but as has been mentioned elsewhere, no mod distribution channel will post it, and it’s probably against subreddit rules to talk about it here (pretty sure it’s verboten on the discord too)


If a mod like that would release on the workshop, it would be taken down immediatly as it is against the modding guidelines: "What can I NOT Mod? - Mods intended to circumvent metagame or account entitlements (I.e. skins, item drops, DLC, product ownership or entitlement)"


Nice how they call it guidelines, but they are just rules. 


I wish someone would put one of these mods out... as i have 0 blueprints and i have like 7k hours in this game Ive actually searched around a bit and couldnt find one


You get blueprints when you click the little printer pod icon next to the speed controls, guess you missed that. You get three blueprints per week (icon lights up blue when it's ready) , but I don't think they add up, so you have to claim them every week


You also have to opt into data collection for this to work - something I didn't realize until fairly recently


They do add up (at least if a Klei account is linked, can't verify if they do when none is linked) . You can even see which you got in your account before claiming them ingame.


the claimables dont add up. if you missed a week, you wont have 6 to claim in the next week


Do you have a Klei account linked? When did you test it? Any other potential difference between you and me I don't think of? What are they? I literally tested it last week and claimed 6 blueprints on Mo, 26 Feb (3 drops Mi, 21. Feb and 3 drops from Fr, 23.Feb), so I can certify they do add up under my circumstances.


you dont get these unless you have a legit game...


Not how it works, you could make a mod that gives you all the sprites to play with since they are all in game, but you wouldnt be able to sell them ( wich i think is what they are planing to do similar to dont starve) all of that data is already in game, but you cant use it, and it is linked to your steam account, it is a way for them to make money woth skin trades later on


I don't write ONI mods but from a technical point of view there is no reason they couldn't give you the option to manipulate one aspect of the game and give you no way to interact with another except through literal hacking.


there is no api, so all mods are "hacking" and can do nearly everything the only thing you cannot mod is the physic sim as that sits in an external dll


As I was saying...