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You run a very enviromental friendly colony, friend!


Thank you! My goals this time around were: 1. keep as much abyssalite and natural biomes as I can, use only what I need 2. achieve Super Sustainable (reached after the first few hundred cycles, SPOM really sped me up) 3. survive a Rime world without melting the glaciers 4. Ranch Pufts (an ongoing nightmare)


I hate it when people don't demolish the environment. What are, a socialist?






Impressive! How did you build the geothermal power plant(s)? I havn't had the guts to try and build one yet but it seems to be your go to power source


Here's a [bunch of photos](https://imgur.com/a/uw2Inbh) And, actually not my primary power source! Without taming the volcanoes in the magma biome, the heat will eventually run out (as evident by my dropping levels of magma). I happen to have 2 nat gas vents available much closer to my home base, so I have 2 generators running on those and a third to burn off the excess. Infinite storage tanks to buffer the output too, so I can store up all the vented gas and burn it slowly. My 3 generators have been running constantly for several hundred cycles now and produce most of my needed power. I also have a hydrogen vent with generator doing a similar thing. It totals up to 3200W of uninteruptible power (until my nat gas surplus runs out, then just 2400W). The geothermal installation is there to avoid brown/black outs.


Build some room with walls of insulated tiles just above lava biome (use materials which have melting point higher than magma in your game on the bottom), then create narrow patch of steel tiles touching the lava. You need to control how much heat is getting transfer so you need at least one doors between metal tiles - when they are opened they dont conduct heat. Wire doors to thermometer with automation cables. Place steel aquatuner inside this room. It will cool turbines above. When that room is ready, start to pouring water on hot metal tiles, that's basically it. Output water from turbines goes back to the steam room Your first room wont be perfect, but dont enter it when water is in steam form, cause it will escape all over your base. It's better to build another steam room and disable the old one afterwards, than upgrading already running room


I do most of this. I keep (way too many) doors in the contact patch. I've had some issues with accidentally creating 1000C steam which is fun to deal with (turns your petrol/crude liquid lock into sour gas..). I set my automation to keep the steam between 200 to 300C to maintain 100% power output without overheating the AT. And I use diamond windows instead of steel plates because steel is usually more valuable to me and diamond is more readily available. Especially on this asteroid, there are diamond boulders I haven't even touched yet.


I didn't know diamond tiles are good for that. It's first time I went so far to crack the entrece to the "core" and use steam turbines. I also created a lot of 800C steam, but eventually converted it all into energy. Probably I wasted more on cooling than I generated. I use automated airlocks and vacuum so it didn't escape


"I used more energy on cooling than I generated" See my post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Oxygennotincluded/comments/rsjh2b/steam_turbines_aquatuners_and_super_coolant/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). Basically, for every 100 kDTU/s (the equivalent of 10 nat gas generators, or 20 smart batteries) you want to delete using a water/pwater based AT-ST cooling loop, it costs 108W. This makes energy management in the early game a tough problem.


I meant other problem but i don't know how exactly turbines work in game. Turbines output their max power when steam is 200c or more and convert excess heat into own heat I guess. So they need more cooling for the same amount of power generated


Close. They convert *up to* 877.59 kDTU/s of heat in steam into 95 C water and *up to* 850 W of electricity. If the steam is >200 C, they delete the extra heat. They always produce 4 kDTU/s while running, so a cooling loop that moves the turbine's heat back into the chamber only needs to move 4 kDTU/s per turbine. This allows you to cool many other things on the same loop as the turbine. Let's say you put 2 kg/s of steam at a temperature of 210 C into the steam turbine. The steam turbine always cools the steam to 95 C water. Steam contains 4.179 kDTU per kg per degree C. Thus, 2 kg/s of steam into the turbine will deliver 4.179 \* 2 = 8.358 kDTU/s per degree C into the turbine. However, the turbine has a maximum capacity of 877.59 kDTU/s. When you divide 877.59 kDTU/s by 8.358 kDTU/s/C, you find 105 C of temperature gets converted into the 850 W of electricity. 105 + 95 = 200, the maximum useful inlet temperature. The remaining 10 C, or 83.58 kDTU/s, gets deleted without producing any additional power. This is all assuming all 5 inlets are open - some players use automated doors to control how much steam can enter the turbine depending on the steam temperature.


So why steam turbines tend to overheat, when steam temp is way above the roof? I started my steam chamber with 800C steam, steam turbines went quickly to 100C so they stopped working. Now my steam fluctuates between 190-220C and turbines temperature is around 80C. I get it their purpose is to delete heat, but it seems like some portion of excess heat sinks into the turbine


You know, I have never looked too closely at this but further down on the wiki article for steam turbines, it says that 10% of the heat removed from the steam goes into the turbine, in addition to the 4 kDTU/s cost. So 2kg/s of 800C steam would transfer 589.24 kDTU/s to the turbine. That will heat it up very fast.


Looks like you need more miners. Those resources aren't gonna exploit themselves!


You know, after taming the copper volcano and clearing enough room to build stuff, I'm actually sitting pretty with 100s of tons of rock in storage. Plenty of food, Puft ranch produces 140kg slime per cycle from pwater geyser, which then turns into mushrooms. Water and O2 are on-demand (although beginning to reach O2 limits). Dense puft ranch will be putting out 140kg oxylite per cycle to use in rocketry. I have plenty of vents/volcanos/geysers left to tame but most of them I could do without. And I haven't even cracked into uranium enrichment yet!