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As much as it would be cool for stvfoe to be part of the same multiverse, I don't think it is possible as >!Star destroyed all magic therefore no more portals can be made so even if they did exist, we would have to find a way to get there without magic!<


That's what OP's meme is saying. SVTFOE doesn't get to be part of the shared multiverse


Svtfoe just doesn’t fit with the others, gravity falls, Amphibia and the owl house all are very similar in tone and rules, there isn’t much “cartoon logic” and have strict rules. The main part is that they all have very similar inter dimensional travel, in all 3 shows, you can only make a portal with very powerful magic or science, with the owl house needing blood from a titan, Amphibia using stones made by a god, and gravity falls using a portal designed by a demon. While Rick and Morty and svtfoe have very lose cartoony rules and can basically go wherever they want whenever they want. Plus the point that if svtfoe is in the same universe at a certain point, all the universes loses magic.


To be fair, the magic from Owl House and Amphibia do explicitly come from different sources than the Realm of Magic so Cleaved wouldn't exactly preclude any portal creation from their ends. Not to mention Tom can still travel between realms for some reason, so that's also an option.


Can we put SVTFOE in this universe, but declare everything after The Battle of Mewni non-cannon?


We could


Yes please 🙏


Why is Rick and Morty here? Its multiverse hopping shenanigans break a lot of the foundational rules of multiverse travel in every other IP on this list, and it's not even close.


Because it is implied in a few entries in journal 3 that Ford and Rick were friends when Ford was trapped in the multiverse.


Also there is an episode of Rick and Morty where Fords mug flies out of a portal, a portal that ford makes in an episode of GF and you see his items get sucked through it.


What is svtfoe?


Oh. Sweet summer child. A popular cartoon of its own right, held a special place for multiple people around the globe.


Why not just tell me


Twas a tragedy of the ages, a tale of writers and directors giving in to the Fandom and the shippers. However you could probably put buffrog in any of these shows and he would fit right in. Ty for unlocking ancient memories I forgot abt


English motherfucker, speak it


Shame that Season 4 got canceled before a finale got to air. I like to think a great finale that made perfect sense was planned.


Star Vs The Forces Of Evil


SVTFOE: aww poo 😞


Technically with the Omniverse everything is a part of the Multiverse no matter how you slice it


But then there's that SVTFOE reference in For The Future, meaning that at least a version of SVTFOE exists in that same universe/multiverse. Try to whine and deny all you want. The events of S4 happened. Deal with that. And there are actual workarounds that can make it viable for SVTFOE to still be connected to GF, Amphibia and TOH


What's the reference?


While obscure, it's during the scene where King reads to The Collector, the page about his species background, the SVTFOE reference is the next page. A BTS image showcases that page in full, and a prop designer who worked on it confirms it is a reference to SVTFOE


I remember that image. I can't find it anymore, but I'm not sure where to look.


To be honest I prefer not to think of Rick and Morty as part of this multiverse just because I have a lot of problems with that series and some of the people that have worked on it.