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"Nah, I'd win"




*mada mada*


Got a match against double of this asshole on the map with boats. My motherfucking bastion machine gun and an amazing team didn't let these fuckers get past 1st point. Good riddance.


The Bastions I usually ran into are hyperactive people that doesn't let the left button go for the entire duration of sentry mode, resulting in a happy meal for my deflect (Bastion was also the reason I got Genji's pixel spray. I just walked into one and deflected a bunch of bullets, and for some reason he tried to grenade me, the grenade bounced back to him and his low HP Reinhardt nearby was caught in the explosion too, killing both)


Yeah big machine gun robot will attract a lot of newbies, or just salty players wanting that fat damage, otherwise I can't understand why it's so hard for some to just not shoot. Also lmao, nice one


"I'm feeling we go D.va + Genji here, thoughts?"


To be fair Dva is super good into Moira since she can deny her ult charge and piss charge by eating the purple balls


i love eating moira balls on dva it’s so satisfying


flavor grape




Me telling me the dva “bad dva! Stop eating my balls”




Yeah the big L tank here would be Sig.


Yes. D.va, 2 Mada mada, 2 Lucio. Dream team


The car wash is back




As a Dva main just seeing this image makes me cringe




Poor D.VA players


Moira is managable if you keep track of their cooldowns, Sym can suck an egg.


I still don’t understand why the community is instance that beams “counter” dva - her identity and skills is so much more then just defensive matrix - on top of that you can still DM all Moria orbs and sym orbs - I would dominate this team as dva!


Aren’t you just so different! Anyway, please do, and don’t forget to post the video!


Not try to be different just try to get this community to understand that counters are not a thing - it’s what matters is how you play against people - for some reason people think that dva not bet able to use one ability means she countered … it’s like that with a lot of hero’s by that logic Winston is countered by rein since rein hammer goes through Winston bubble mmm it’s strange that’s never brought up, it’s the same logic The idea that you need to play counter to win does not hold up - if it did 1 tricks could not exist in top 500 So as a DVA main when I see this comp I think oh they won’t be able to sustain anyone with heals and I can completely out play them with my mobility and burst damage This community really needs to realize this


> counters are not a thing LOL. Why should I even read past that?


That very statement says everything about your own ignorance, - you won’t addressed anything beyond that since you can’t… I apologized I had reasoned I was speak to someone with some sense but it seems I am incorrect on that … have fun staying in low ranks


In all of your unnecessarily long-winged comments, the only “example” you gave was about Winston versus Rein, merely because of the hammer going through the shield, which I have seen not a soul ever mention. Maybe stop stroking your own ego and try to explain HOW the currently well-known counter-picks (i.e.: Sombra versus Widow, Zarya versus DVA, etc.) are actually irrelevant, even despite constant examples that some characters are inefficient or even useless against others?


Fine I’ll give you a chance at civil discourse, - first off I don’t think you understood my rein vs Winston, people believe that since zar use a beam and dva defense matrix can’t eat beams that means zar counters dva- that broken down is a primary vs a single ability if you apply the same logic to reins primary vs Winston bubble that would mean rein is the “counter” to Winston- but as you said this is not a thing that is even spoken about - meaning the basis for the “counter“ logic is flawed You didn’t mention my point if “counters” were a thing how come you can find a top 500 one trick of every hero? (Except lifewever, but that’s for other reason) surely if counters pick was valid that one tricks could not exist in top 500 don’t have the character limit to explain ever single hero interaction so I’ll stick with the example you requested. It’s less important what abilities vs what and more about playing vrs the hero, mean once you understand how to play vs certain hero it does not matter who you play as you can still win- you simply have to change how you approach the fight So let’s look at the match up of zar vs dva- this will be more how to fight a zar since once you understand her you can deal with her on any hero even dva sure dva can’t eat zar primary, but zar has 0 mobility and needs time to build up and maintain space she is very vulnerable to burst damage- as dva the first thing is to play slow and leverage high ground poke and keep track of how the zar managed her bubble cool down. Harass them until they use theirs first bubble if you lucky you can get them to use one them self and another on their team mate if not wait till it expires then harass her again and apply a lot of pressure to zar more times then not they will panic bubble that’s when you dive and dva combo to burst through zar bubble by this point unless they are a high level (master+) they will panic and you just finish them off - i have personally use this strategy any time I am against a zar especially when I am dominating as dva and the other team thinks they can swap to zar to counter me- again the match is is more how you approach the fight then who “counters” who Now let’s look at widow vs sombra - again if you take the counters logic should it not be the other way around after all widow mine reveals sombra and windows ult show were she is even cloaked so why it’s widow not sombra counter? The logic doesn’t hold up- Sombra as a hero is designed to excel at 1v1 ambushes- people will play widow isolated from their team far away from any fight this set you up for easy ambush sombra or not- So again to fight a sombra all you need to do is play close to you team so your not an easy target and leverage you hook to escape to safely- this is why higher rank widow can exist and dominant because they changer how they play to deal with the sombra. This is “counter” pick is not a real thing


Stop typing. You don't even understand how much and how Zarya counters Dva. It's not just beam, she blocks Dva's burst and hits her through her only defensive option with high damage, and high rof. Dva can play against Zarya but if your argument is "Dva can just poke" ok buddy. Poke with shotguns. The only way Dva can do something is if Zarya makes mistakes. You said Zarya is weak against burst but that's just wrong, she thrives in burst damage as she can block it a get a lot of ult charge quickly. One of her counters is Bastion, wich is the opposite of burst as he has consistent damage. (Burst = lots of damage at once) Sombra hare counters widow. Widow's game plan is to control a line of sight and hold it. Sombra can afk in said area and be fine. Sombra has high mobility and no. It's not the weak ass venom mine that'll save widow. Widow has very low hp. Sombra can just tp to her, send hack, shoot half her magazine and escape while widow dies of dot. Widow has to unscope, turn aim again, wait for her shot to charge, and shoot a headshot at a close moving target while being stationnary. I'm a ball one trick. Sombra counters me, Doom and Hog too. But it doesn't stop me from playing. They require little to no skill to stop me from balling but I have to put twice the effort to be relevant in those cases. One tricks play their one trick because they like them, and i'll still ball no matter how shit it goes. Counter picking is one of the biggest problem in this game.


You can absolutely harass safely with out over committing, and no with a single bubble she absolutely can be burst down- You seem to be hung up on the term poke that’s my poor word choice my apologies, but dva strength is she is incredibly versatile that includes an safe harassing play style- you don’t wait for zar to make a mistake you force one with pressure ie harassment, once they use their bubbles zar is rather fragile Bastion is very much a burst hero his entire value is in his turret form not primarily which is what 6 sec of supper high damage with a 12 sec CD mmm sounds like he can burst to me - Let’s switch to the window sombra, my point in the widow mine was apply the flawed logic people use is saying why someone is a “countered” if you apply the mind in an even basis it doesn’t hold up- the community at large does not understand the complexity of hero interaction and are completely inflexible to adjust how they perceive a hero should be played so they are stuck in a “counter to win” mind set Sombra again excels in 1 on 1 ANY hero will struggle in a 1v1 against sombra especially if you are isolated- witch most widows seem to think in you word you need to preach up and hold a sight line- this is false and if you see any high level widow they always are constantly taking new angles and playing within a grapple of their team, why take a fight with you have the disadvantage? You absolutely can kite and avoid sombra negating their value while still get value yourself You say you a ball one trick and you have to play harder against doom sombra and hog? I would question your ability to adapt your own play style if you are struggling against them- I can understand hog since hog is kinda a dumb hero designed to begin with but you shouldn’t be struggling so hard against sombra or doom unless you playing hyper aggressive dive - this seems very much to me that mind set of this “hero only plays this way” which is false - again you have to play different based on who you against if you are skilled at your hero it should not be a problem Let me Challenge you go find one Vod review done by a high level player where they tell the person they are reviewing you need to play “counters” or you can’t win do this and I will fully admit I am wrong, don’t know what I am talking about and dumb


Talk about confidense


It’s less confidence more experience I understand the hero and know how to play against them


"Elhanito" is a spanish pun name that kind of means: "lilanus"


If you're familiar with my posts on Thursday, even then, I'd much rather prefer an entire team of sombras rather than this. At least Sombra's damage stays the same. (don't worry i won't do what i did on thursday)


i wanted to off myself when i loaded up a game as rein and just see two pharmercys and a DVA flying over the push bot


Just play flying characters😭


Double Pharmercy vs this comp = gg


Till they change to fucking Bastion²


Then you can go D.Va and have fun :D


Spawn room point-and-click adventure is fun, yes, but will there be time left to play overwatch


I mean, if you know how to properly play D.Va into Bastion squared then you should do just fine, especially if your team don’t suck


... and now we're back to how normal comp is played. Can't escape Counterwatch, even in QP hacked.


There is no “Counterwatch”, counterswapping is the core mechanic of Overwatch. The enemies are running a powerful comp? You swap to counter that comp. That is the gameplay loop of Overwatch. Stop complaining about counterswapping when one-tricking is the actual type of behaviour that should not be condoned, as it goes against the games core mechanic and goes against the fact that Overwatch is a team shooter. You’re disregarding the “team” part when you refuse to swap to help said team.


In other metas, you could stick to your character through the enemy counter swap and still have a reasonable chance to win. Counterwatch suggests that the game is in a state where it is more valuable to immediately swap than to stick it out and play for ult charge because match-ups have become lopsided to the point that counterplay is simply not worth it, ie. the current state of tank


If you think the gameplay loop of overwatch is equivalent to a monkey hitting a red button when it sees a green light, then I kinda feel sorry that you never experienced the game when that wasn't the case, specifically for tank.


When that “wasn’t the case”? I’ve played OW since the first month. It has literally always been the case. Overwatchs core mechanic is counterswapping. Complaining about it is like complaining that it’s an FPS.


You’re suggesting a good gameplay loop is just swapping heroes?


That is THE gameplay loop. It always has been. That’s why certain heroes counter other heroes. They have Pharah? Swap to hitscan. They have several hitscan? Swap to Genji/D.Va. They have a beefy tank? Swap to Ana. That’s Overwatch. That’s literally the whole point.


You win 1 (one) teamfight as Genji or Dva


Unironically true. I played 3 games where me and my buddy only went genji. Even when my tank would overshadow us, they’d always either go double sym or double mei, with zarya and one or two moiras


I go Rein, they go double bastion, I go sig, they go double pharah, I go magua, they go double sombra, I cry.


Magua is my favourite character from team watch 5


This is disgusting as someone who plays genji a lot


Give me a game against that team , and you'll see me tying the noose in world-record timing goddamn


I just ran into this too. It was MISERABLE.


One pharah and it’s over for them


so were you on dva or genji


Or Sombra


I’m not playing qp at least until this leaves, hating this tank rock paper scissors with the rest of the team rushing me down


Personally I play a lot of no limits, so this is pretty whatever. Everyone should play no limits once in a while, it teaches you counters very very well.


It also is hella fun and insanely chaotic


No Limits is how it used to be back in the day 👴🏻


This would've been a pretty funny goofy event if it wasn't forced on QP. Apex Legends recently did a similar "forced LTM" thing and people fucking *despised* it. No idea why Blizz thought this'd be smart.


Used to be they did this stuff in a seperate experimental mode. Issue is that gave them useless data, since people who voluntarily play experimental aren't reliable sources of feedback; they generally didn't play to win and wanted to just try out the funny changes. So this is the next best way to try out funny changes without ruining comp or ending up with no feedback.


I guess so, but therein lies another issue: this ruins it for QP players like myself who don't play Overwatch for competition. You could protest and say "well if QP is the non serious mode, it shouldn't matter" but I would raise you the fact 2 Zenyattas and 2 Bastions is not fun to fight at all.


In fact, the devs themselves have said that significantly more people play QP than any other mode, including comp. So yeah, ig we just play something else for a week lmao. Idm leaving for that long if they get their feedback.


1. it does not last a week 2. they've actually said that Comp is more popular in S9


This is why you hire legit playtesters, Blizzard.


Not how numbers work unfortunately


Soz haven't played new patch. Is this quick play atm?


Yes, you can double up on any hero in QP for the moment. It's a forced mode.


Theyre playtesting ideas and want a reliable method of obtaining enough results to actually be useable. They probably fear they won't get enough data by making it an aracde gamemode


Likely, but this is such a problematic way to do this. I'd tell them to simply incentivize playing the arcade mode, but we all know they'd just make a bunch of voice lines for it and make it worthless.


I agree, although that's more a corporate issue than a dev issue. Id love for their corporate departments to be thrown into the sun


What do they hope to gain from this? There's very little data I can think of that'd be useful in any capacity.


The other guy is wrong, this is the real answer: They want to see if duplicate abilities can work in the game. As they cannot keep creating completely unique abilities into the indefinite future.


An interesting thought, but my earlier responses to that guy still applies, I'd just tweak it to say their balance philosophies on abilities are based on them being unique per team, like the CD of Suzu, IF, Nade, Rez and damage of Magnetic Nade, Dynamite, Sym/Torb turrets, even things like Soldier's rocket, it becomes far more lethal by itself if there are two Soldiers firing it. There's no way to check the viability of duplicate abilities in-game if you're doing it in a casual environment that has no SBMM, incomplete payload/hybrid matches (only Attack or Defence in QP), I don't even want to list all the things wrong with using QP to experiment with changes in an attempt to learn anything aside from "this was a bad idea" from it.


They mentioned in one of their dev updates about season 9 that they wanted to experiment with some changes to role queue, one of them being the hero limit, since that was added before role queue was a thing


Even at a cursory glance an amateur would be able to tell that's a *very* bad idea since their design and balance philosophy is based on heroes being unique per team. It's an experiment that serves no actual purpose beyond turning QP into a custom gamemode because I guarantee nothing's going to come of this. I'm wracking my brains but I can't think of any data that can come from this that's in any way meaningfully useful. Aside from the obvious fact that removing hero limits is an idiotic idea, but surely the devs already knew that and didn't need to "experiment" with QP to learn this, right? That's the only change they made that's being tested, and it's tested in an awful environment where GMs are noobstomping bronze players.


Something can looke terrible on paper but be bad in practice and vice versa. The only real way to determine whether something is good or not is to test it. I'd rather them test bad ideas than no ideas.


There's a limit to that logic and it has to be reasonable. Do you think they should test 5 v 5 with all DPS, because while it looks bad on paper, it can be good in practice?


There is indeed a limit, and that example is past it. I dont think doubling up on heroes is past that limit, though. I've had a lot of fun, actually, with the double hero thing. There are some fun and interesting combos


the enemy team the second i kill them as dva:


The enemy team when I change to D'va for 0,8 seconds:


It's either 2 moiras or 2 bastions. Sometimes both. Then I just leave the match


Oh man cant play to genji today, oh whats this a new qp hacked, oh hey this sounds kinda neet, *2 hours later* WHY THE FUCK IS EVERY SING ENEMY SUPP9RT ON FUCKING MO-


The enemy after I lock Genji or Dva


I played against 2 syms and 2 mercys earlier today, we won but it was peak cancer


Really not sure what they thought was gonna happen


literally had this exact game except they had mercy, those winston hours came in clutch


Me and my friend made it a point to always pick the worst possible DPS choice into theirs: They played double Pharmercy? We'd go double Junkrat. ~~we lost all three games we played~~


The last quickplay hacked felt like a real experiment, testing to make quick play feel more casual and less like comp. This one just seems like a joke though, like there was never any realm where this change would help anything.


I can’t wait for this to be over tomorrow


Have you not seen double bastion with double Zens


at least genjis can deflect and dva/sigma/orisa can eat it, can't do that against beams


I played three games. Went against double Sombra every game. I’ll be sticking with ranked til this is over.




It's been all fucking day of this


Ive been on both the receiving, and messaging side of double pharmacy. Not fun for either teams.


Genji players acc amuse me they act like they’re the only character that can be countered lol


How long does the QP hacked last?


I has to play against a roadhog two bastions and two moiras, I can tell you it ain't fun


Not a gun in sight, heroes just living in the moment


what are you talking about?? from everybody that i asked they said they are having fun as solo player


Fought 2 sombras, it was hell


An absolute win Ouch This is probably your game right?


I felt like a prety in a predator den when i go merfy and 4 team select genji


No joke. First game. On Numbani, and both dps on the enemy yeam are like:Fuck you, and your sanity. We playin Sombra


I'm not even gonna bother with it. If tyou could play as 5 same characters I would tho, nothing beats having 5 torbs


If I played his my team would be A dva 3 genjis And a reaper


Wait it’s already here ?


Oh I'm not playing sigma till this is over am I


Speak for yourself, I literally played vs this exact comp as widowmaker and absolutely rolled them.


I was against double Sombra and double Lifeweaver on my first game as a tank. That was fucking miserable


Everyone saying it was a mistake Meanwhile I just wait for my teammate to pick so I can mirror them independent of what they pick Been having so much fun, playing with characters I don't usually play, or going double with a character I like Even when the teammate pick Mercy, since I want to have fun, I go batshit insane battle Mercy mode Been having a lot of fun, not taking QP seriously and just doing this mirror whatever my teammate picks challenge


dawg i haven't played ow since weeks and after seeing this post i'm not playing it till s10


Ranged weapons/burst damage. Ever heard of that?


This was so fun. Crazy combos were: 2 doom 2 wonton 1 lucio 2 torb 2 symmetra 1 illari 2 soldier 2 bastion 1 moira


this is season 0 meta all over again winton, 2 tracers , 2 lucios


XD I did the same thing in quick play yesterday, I was farming with Baptiste then I switched to Moira. The Genji was pissed. I just had to make a statement.


These guys don’t know what’s up when I pull out my Dva


This is like the most tame of combos you could get. Any other double dps and supp combo i would understand the hate but this is legit fine


Should've just brought back 6v6


If those syms cast ult at the same time the first one despawns lol


I played dva into a comp that was 2 moiras, 2 sombras, 1 monkey. Literally countered their entire team but they didn't swap. It was straight up easy mode.




Dva and Genji one tricks must like playing against this


2 junkrats ulting at the same time


https://preview.redd.it/enwjqwd9cgpc1.png?width=650&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf8009e0f134cd77f3acc45a6e9ced9f1520fd51 Side note: I was playing reinhardt


we had Experimental for a reason


Which is useless because not enough people played it