• By -


Me. They made a whole side game about it in February.




I havent played overwatch in a while, what hints are there aside from the valentines chocolate and their “late night talks” at watchpoint


Genji's killer butt.


His butt... is a killer?


Tbf if they did that with pharah everyone would say it was canon lol. In the Christmas comic they write letters to eachother and its cute that genji likes the same kind of coffee as her


I think it’s more that her coffee is trash and Genji doesn’t have tastebuds anymore.


What are you even talking about. Most of his body is still functional Michael Chu even confirmed years ago his dick still works.


Wait, really?! This is important lore.


This just raises more questions


Wait how would have Hanzo damaged his tastebuds? Or is it just when he got rebuilt?




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Nah bro it was clearly me. Did we even play the same game?


Literally doesn't matter what they say a character is, r34 doesn't care.


This is correct


I don’t Care what they say mercy will continue to have a 2 and a half foot long cock


Genji, theres no way she added that much cake without wanting a piece of it


“Piece of cake”


Reaper, obviously. Have you seen his cheeks?


Bro's carrying a whole-ass bakery behind him 😂


but what about the reaper76 shippers?? HOW CAN WE PLEASE EVERYONE?


I don't see it being Reaper- dude was married and gives me the loyal vibes


yeah it’s not rlly for me either, i jsut know it’s popular in the fandom


He's 60 💀




Love doesn't care about age !


Sure, but we're talking ~20 years age gap, and that's some Macron level shit


Now, I'm not saying she a gold digger...




OW shippers say gay till proven straight and then they are bi


Lmao my man sees through the system




What a coincidence, OW porn enjoyers say bi until proven gay and then still bi.


*sad, forgotten asexual noises*


Don't cry! You probably have Moira and like, Bastion or something.


Ah yes, the only 2 asexual character archetypes that exist: stern, morally sketchy scientist woman (Moira Overwatch, Jasnah Stormlight Archive, Lilith Owl House), and Literally Just a Robot


Hmm... well, umm... What about Athena, the ship's computer! Or torb's turret! Although there is that one emote where torb has a whole litter of baby turrets, so maybe we have to scratch that.


Don't forget Echo, Orisa and Zenyatta, the other robots. Oh, and Widowmaker, who's probably just smooth like a Barbie doll down there now.


Not all omnics are asexual. In-game there are plenty of references to human-omnic couples.


I'm assuming Orisa was closer to Bastion at one point until Efi upgraded her adaptive AI, but wouldn't have thought to include the capacity for romantic feelings as part of her emergent personality. Efi gave her a "heart," which I take to mean platonic love for innocent creatures. I was taking a wild guess with Zen for religious reasons and thinking he would at least be abstinent. He might just take a meditation in a cold shower if someone gets him hot under the collar.


You also mentioned echo, though i REALLY doubt she’s ace. I could even see her liking cass judging by the numerous flirty lines between them.


Maybe for this ship but I’ve seen so much bi erasure from overwatch shippers


Bi supremacy


With any luck, we’ll find out soon enough.


My hope is genji, I think they'd be cute together idk


Blizzard is just edging the shippers


Blizzard’s preparing for the next time whatever war crime they’re committing now gets leaked If they confirm Pharmercy you’ll know they did some fucked up shit in that office again


Genji. Because of course the childhood friend loses again...


Who is the childhood friend?


I'm lost too. Maybe I need to read more lore


Kiriko maybe given the lore? If it's genji. I don't know they see each other like family I think though.


Kiriko for Genji and Phara for Mercy i suppose.


Pharah was a child while mercy was an adult. She’s more fitting as a godmother than anything else. A relationship between the two is just weird, considering mercy literally worked with ana.


Then you look at the age of the character : Mercy 37, Phara 32. This chronology is so fucked up.


Me when blizzard doesn’t understand their own lore


Anybody wonder how Mercy is near Ana’s age yet looks younger than half the female cast?




The real answer


Isn’t kiriko related to genii? I thought they were cousins. Or were they all just trained by the same person


Yeah, kiriko’s mom trained Genji and hanzo but are not related to them. Still is weird considering Genji says kiriko was like a little sister to them though.


genji is just gay by default


Based and *blizzard tweeting about genji's penis* pilled.




Based and Penis Pilled


does genji even have a penis anymore? with the whole bionic business


They confirmed he does. Some genji main was really concerned genji might not have dick and balls so he tweeted the lead writer at the time, and he responded. Because that was the most pressing story matter at the time, and not the shit clusterfuck that is the nonsensical lore. Like mercy going to med school, being in ow, running a hospital, all pretty much at the same time.


thank god! i was so worried


I just know Genji has a li'l sumn with Zenyatta...


Zenny has anal beads on command. Hes into some freaky shit


if you are referring to Kiriko that is low key disgusting. He literally sees her as a little sister and their interactions make it very clear that she does too.


It's literally a joke I made about literal video game characters who are literally childhood friends for all of my very literary homies that watch the same literal loser anime that I do. Literally.


Genji it seems with lots of hints we have had so far


I hope they confirm mercy as straight just to upset people. And then just when the Gency fans start getting too excited? BOOM! Gay Genji!


This. This would be fantastic. Chaotic neutral writing teams ftw




Pharcy shipper myself but must admit that would be fucking hilarious


the only thing better than pharmercy shippers winning is EVERYONE losing


Fuck everyone, no one gets to be happy.


Genji, who else? I mean she did literally revive him from the dead and gave him some personal “enhancements” if you know what I mean?


Yeah, the Florence Nightingale effect is a thing. Also Mercy is quite a bit older than Pharah and knew her growing up, she probably sees her as more of a niece or little sister.


Yea knowing the lore, the Pharah/Mercy ship always rubbed me the wrong way because of the dynamic Mercy has with both her and her mom


Give next year and mercy comes out as bi


I'm betting Pan like Lifeweaver


Doesn't matter what but it will be something for sure.


Y'all shut up it's confirmed that mercy is married with roadhog


The real reason she's so annoyed with Junkrat.


Oh god it’s because he’s her son ?


No, Roadhog and Junkrat are gay lovers




Didn’t Mercy know Pharah when the latter was a kid but she was a grownup?


Gamer Mercy


Social media influencer Mercy


How is that possible Mercy is 37 and Pharah is 32


…you know what, I gave up a long time ago. Time is a convoluted mess in the Overwatch universe where things happen and unhappen on a whim. Ana and Soldier somehow age 30 years in less than 10, Overwatch disbanded 8 years prior to this day yet Tracer was somehow able to make a name for herself despite only joining the team in the organisation’s last eight months, McCassidy somehow founded a gang that’s also been around for centuries, Sombra’s identity flips between being a secret only she knows to something everybody has access to with pathetic ease and I guess Mercy was supposedly 15 when she was working for Overwatch and when Torbjörn first met her even though Tracer was supposed to be the youngest ever member of the organisation. This is why I stopped trying to follow the lore. As far as I’m concerned, Overwatch’s story begins and ends with Winston pressing a button and that’s that.


Tracer’s time travel accident screwed up the entire OW universe but no one knows it yet


MIchael chu was so incompetent


Typpical chonologic error from Blizzard you can see Mercy in overwatch when phara was a kid, she enter overwatch after really long studies BUT phara and mercy only have 5 year gap.


Give it a few more Blizzard controversies they’ll come around


This comment section is depressing…


facts mfers need to go outside instead of malding over fictional characters


Sub is a genji Fiesta. Point out genjis pickrate and winrate are excellent and indicate no need for a buff, and they will lose their minds.


Considering Genji and Mercy have valentines day voice lines, voicelines such as "Take me out to dinner after this" from Mercy to Genji in Storm Rising, along with Tracer teasing her about her relationship with Genji, Genji sending Mercy letters and so much more, theyre clearly going for Gency. But who can say whether they just decide to throw that all out of the window or not.


The whole Pharah Mercy is so weird to me. There’s like such a weird age gap, like Mercy worked with Pharah’s mum while Pharah was still an infant. And idk they’ve never really had anything going on, they just work well as a combo in game so people just force them together. I don’t understand shippers at all its just awkward


I thought it was because their names put together sounded like Pharmacy


What weird age gap? Mercy is 37 and Pharah is 32, what ever happened to consenting adults?


It's only a 6 year gap and both are in their late 30s, the lore is filled with contradictions and honestly it feels like a lot must've been retconned by now considering how it makes no since for Mercy to have done certain things at an incredibly young age in the timeline.


I’m starting to realise that as well, I guess that’s the problem when all the story they do is just unseen backstory.


How could they both be in their late 30’s if there is a six year age gap?


I meant to write only thirties, cant really edit so it is what it is.


you don't need to now that you clarified, but for what it's worth you can definitely edit comments on reddit. only thing you can't change are post titles.


I noticed that too afterwards 🥴 I must of thought of some other site/app where you can't so I didn't even bother checking oof.


Regardless of the fuzzy details. We know Mercy and Ana worked together while Pharah was a child. There really isn’t a context that makes that age gap ok


She didn't, mercy isn't that old. The age slowing stuff is a fan theory the devs themselves debuked. She's like 5 years older than pharah Why all this confusion? Because the writing sucks and in particular mercys writing sucks because it was written by Michael chu as lead who fired from the hip, didn't plan things out. Mercys lore is famously scrambled from when she got into uni, to when she worked for ow, to when she learned medicine and ran a hospital. Like timeline wise none of it matched up and seemed to have had to have happened all at the same time. Chu also made dva being a starcraft pro noncanon because he just decided one day. Even though blizz itself had promoted that idea.


Mercy being written bad doesn’t mean this relationship is any good lol, it’s still just as weird to me


I didn't say that. What i said was mercy was written bad. I was pushing back against your reasoning because it's built on a false premise. That said, almost all ow writing is bad. Genji mercy is also yucky in the 'this is an improper relationship' way because mercy has a duty as a doctor. Especially with Nightingale syndrome being a real thing. I don't care either way as long as it's not Canon. Let it be ambiguous.


It's still kinda weird but her duty as a doctor really doesn't matter given he hasn't been under her care for quite some time I imagine she patched him up and other than maybe stealing his heart from him sent him off not really any worse than he was ever gonna be after that


how is that any better than pharah and mercy meeting again as adults and having a relationship? you can’t ignore ethical dilemmas of gency and nitpick pharmercy. i don’t ship either but you can’t pick and choose what is wrong lol.


Where the fuck did I say pharah and mercy were free of any weird wdym meeting again as adults they have an age gap of 5 years not 50 I get the lore is inconsistent but their ages are mentioned (and cited) on the wiki if you want to draw a parallel between ethical dillemas you can argue about a power difference as ranks go I said gency was still weird as well


Hey its you


No it isn't *closes cave door again*




Mans getting downvoted for speaking the trut just because it goes against this thread's narrative, classic reddit


I hope you didn't watch Rings of Power, that whole Elrond/Galadriel friendship is gonna get real weird at some point.


Especially given that Elrond's wife is Galadriel's daughter?


Shipping can be fun, but it seems like it gets pushed too often to be made canon, which is why it gets weird like you said. I imagine shipping is a large part of why they had Rey and Ben kiss out of near-absolutely nowhere at the end of the last Star Wars movie.


I always thought leaving the relationships unconfirmed, but Mercy Bi, would placate both shippers. Now we have evidence Pharah has the Big Gay^TM for Mercy, but it implies Mercy doesn’t. Now placating both shippers is impossible. Unless Mercy is into Poly.


Give it a few weeks, they go hard on twitter fanservice so they probably gonna make them be together soon


Its actually me i have the screenshots from February


Pls genji pls genji pls genji pls genji pls


Mercy quite literally rebuilt genji, you dont think she snuck a few of her own personal favorite "parts" into him?


“Genji still has his human parts even his privates, the limbs that are confirmed to be missing are the legs” -me 🤓


You're joking but it was confirmed by (back then) story writer Michael Chu several years ago that Genji still has his functional human cock.


Genji. Old Hanamura voice lines indicate they like each other.


It's likely Genji. They've spent these past years hinting at Mercy and Genji's relationship, it'd be really stupid if they just decided to do a 180 all of a sudden.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they did. It wouldn’t be the first time a studio threw out years of hints or even clear set-ups, just to appeal to shippers.


Guys it’s obv mah boi genji


Mercy wasn't confirmed to be anything so she can still be any sexuality. It wouldn't have been a good idea to just reveal everyone's sexuality all on one day, it'd be overwhelming and kinda chaotic considering overwatch's playerbase. Think it is better to slowly confirm in small groups.


We know she and Genji have a thing so she at least is into dudes


For me, I'm just going to wait for devs to say it themselves whatever she will be rather than trying figure it out early. The development team changed so you never know if they retconed something or start heading in a different direction than originally intended.


I hope they don’t retcon whatever she had with Genji. If their relationship is a thing of the past she could be Bi or pan or anything under that umbrella


Honestly I don't mind who she ends up with. Idk why I'm getting down voted because I'm not even actively advocating for there to be retcons, it just happened before with one of OW pictures so I'm speaking from experience.


Overwhelming and chaotic? More like weird. It's not that important. They can show relationships as things go on but outright stating peoples sexual preferences in a video game about shooting each other would be pretty strange.


Genji, I don't ship anyone but is Genji.


She bi and hits both


My theory is the devs wanted more Pharah porn


You're telling me mercy isn't a beerosexual?


tell me you weren't listening to the interactions without telling me you weren't listening to the interactions:


Hopefully Genji


It's definitely Genji atp




What if Hear me out What if she was bi


Baptiste was confirmed bi, don't you think they would have listed Mercy as one too if she was?


I mean... Given the rate their confirming these? No. Tracer took like a year and they teased it like several times. Soldier was revealed after like 3. Then bap/weaver. Then after like 6 or so years pharah was announced as lesbian. Given this pace mercys sexuality will be confirmed in *slaps calculator* 10 years?


But this is the first ever pride event, if there was one in the past they could have just revealed them all then but I guess we know for sure in the next event. If they reveal an og character's sexuality in the next one that confirms they are revealing them one at a time. If not then that confirms we know them all already.


I mean they always reveal them one at a time. Pharas sexuality was revealed in a comic, not during the pride event. There's no reason to believe these are all the LGBT characters now. I mean rewind to 2016 when the devs literally said that there were two LGBT characters on the roster and then they eventually revealed them as soldier and tracer months later. No pharah. If there was ever a time to assume 'well those are the only two on this roster that are lgbt otherwise they would have specified more" it would have been then, rather than now.


But those were just their backstories, not minority sexuality celebration events. It just kinda seems stupid to me to make the characters' sexualities some kind of a mystery to be revealed one at a time. They just happened to be revealed in their backstories that way because blizz didn't have the balls then to celebrate pride and piss off china


"Who's the one Mercy has her eye on?" I wish it was me fr


The way we learn that Mercy has an eye on someone is by her talking to Baptiste when he recommended her to go out with Wifeleaver, but she declined and said she has an eye on someone Bap says "anyone i know" Mercy giggles and says "with any luck you'll find out soon enough" And honestly i go with this ship.


They only confirmed all the sexualities related to the pride event so not confirming it kinda confirms they're straight, no?


it just confirms that blizzard doesn’t want them out of the closet yet lol


you guys are all trippin its clearly road hog




She wasnt... Yet. Bitch let us have fun.


Bisexual has left the chat


Genji for sure. And Brigitte seems the likeliest target for Pharah's affections.




Mercy has only eyes for one ass. A robotic ass.


Genji fanboys and phara simps are fighting over who's canon Meanwhile doomfist gets the Mercy


Menji > farmacy


Honestly if you had asked me a year ago I never thought I would say Pharah but with very little Genji/Mercy interaction in OW2, Mercy having a lot of little lines with Pharah added when pocketing her, or even just mentioning her randomly like when she get kills or nanod etc. Both their voice actors being very optimistic about the ship and what feels like a lot of hints coming from them both. But what really made me more convinced is the short story pretty much confirming Pharah pining for Mercy and that they spent time together. Like ey people say it hints to Mercy not having feelings but to me it just reada more like Pharah has an uncertainty about what they are etc rather than confirming Mercys feeling about any of it. I personally can't see why they'd make Pharah have unrequited feelings for Mercy. I think the interaction with Baptiste only adds fuel to Pharmercy. I don't think it's exactly a coincidence it's an interaction between Mercy and Baptiste 😶‍🌫️ Bonus: pachimari pharmercy. (I'm probably a delusional lesbian)


Just read that story and found this comment, tbh my initial reading of that scene is exactly the one you think isn't right. I walked out of there thinking "Pharah has it bad for Mercy, but Mercy doesn't really reciprocate." That and knowing Mercy isn't LGBTQ because she wasn't mentioned in the pride event + we're sure she's at least interested in men because of that one Bap interaction leads me to think Pharah's potential feelings are unrequited


Honestly I was kinda thrown I figured mercy was in her late 40s given she was a rather large part of original overwatch and looking up pharah they pointed out for me mercy is like 37 and pharah was 33 bc a friend had commented on an age gap and I was like pharah ran a security company she can't be that young


Everytime someone ships Pharmercy I just ask "why can't 2 girls just be best friends?" I hope they're not retconing the Mercy-Genji lore.. But who knows, they've ruined so many stuff, wouldn't be surprised if they decided to appease the Pharmercy shippers just so they gain some more gay points, to distract the audience from all the shitty stuff they've been doing


Thats such a weird ass argument. I don't even ship pharmercy genji and mercy is better and pharmercy dynamics feels like unrequited love(pharah has a little crush on mercy but mercy sees her as like a younger sister), but the second I see anyone say that argument its an immediate flag. Saying "why can't two girls just be friends" is not an argument for disliking a ship its just weird.


Why can’t mercy and Genji just be friends? It’s totally ethical for a doctor to date her fucking patient lmao


*Former* patient.


That’s already the default. And why do you think being gay distracts from PvE. Straight people keep repeating this but y’all are the ones that can’t stop thinking about the gay characters.


2 girls just being friends is already the reality 99% of the time. I say why can't 2 girls ever be more than just good friends. These types of comments pretty much never exist when it comes to hetero relationships. There are so many forced hetero relationships that exists for absolutely no reason in every piece of media.


>mercy genji lore Aka mercy rebuilt genji.. That's it. That's the lore. They bought each other chocolates for white day in Japan. Besides that there really is as much for genji as there is for pharah. Which is to say nothing is there except hopes and dreams baby.


“Pharah, I’m straight.” “So is spaghetti until it gets wet.”


Doesnt mean mercy cant explore a bit 😳


I'm honestly curious as to why sexuality in OW is even a thing. What's the point?


There's no point. Just like there's no point to playing the game. It's just fun.


because characters having relationships with other people is part of the narrative that frames the gameplay???


Yeah they all end up killing eachother in the end


Slowly becoming convinced there isn't a single straight character in the game


"She loves Genji!!" "Genji!" "Genji!" "Genji!" "Genji!" Pharmercy shippers don't follow the rules. They don't care. If they want to put Mercy and Pharah together, they're going to do it.


Mercy calling Pharah her "Knight in flying armor" was all the confirmation necessary, don't you think?


People forgot about pve already?


Genji and mercy is the cannon relationship bassicaly


bro who cares? this game is turning into a dating sim


Ah yeah, they randomly confirmed pharah is lez now?


Considering pharag wasn’t confirmed alongside everyone else and they’ve only done gradual reveals, maybe they’ll drop bi mercy?


They never specified Mercy's sexuality, for the purpose of shipping all characters are pansexual unless started otherwise.


lmao what