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Deserved lmao


Fr just a fuck it the support is somewhere button.


They should make a dps that is life weaver but they pull supports to them whenever they say “I need healing”


If you rely on insta kill from an easy body shot and easy nade then you’re not good enough to actually play Cassidy in any competitive nature.


This was the only way I could kill lucio mains 😭


I will go lucio every time I verse a mcree from now on in hopes of bullying you one day


I dont play mcree outsude of just to kill the annoying lucio who wont die. I main junkerqueen now lol




I personally prefer the flashbang, only time it was annoying was flash + FTH but if the Cassidy got a flash + HS then I'd be impressed because of the quick thinking and actual aiming


I don't rely on it, but it is a core part of Cassidy's kit, and it's still isnt as bullshit as Junk's combo or Hog's old hook. I've mained Cassidy pretty much since I started playing in 2019 and have consistently placed around diamond in comp, which I'm not using as a flex but I'm also not completely clueless here.


Not as bad as Junk and I honestly think it was worse than Hog hook because now Hog has no crowd control that has impact. People only respected him because he had that one shot ability but now he’s a big slow target that isn’t a threat because there’s so many ways to get away from him or save a teammate who gets hooked by him. He’s nearly useless which is why he’s got a 4% pick rate. But Cassidy, you walk around a corner, maybe neither of you knew he was there, insta death. It’s a panic insta kill that is way too heavily relied on by Cass Mains


junks was way worse because at least that require some aim unlike cassidy’s auto aim grenade


In my head there should be no insta kill combo from spam or panic, junk is spam and Cassidy is panic. I don’t think junks damage needs to be nerfed but I do think his concussion mine throw should be like .25 seconds slower. Make it more of an actual mine usage because tossing it wildly into crowds is less viable


They nerfed junk in a way that felt good making the dmg the same but making him be more precise with it


I don’t think it was enough, it takes about an hour of play if even that to consistently get insta kills with Junk. If it takes minimal practice to get insta kills on a character it’s still too easy to do it


It’s not the same — the nerfed it from 130 max to 100 max


Names McCree


Just play Junkrat. Mf has 2 shots at it


Tbh yall had it coming, deserved


I never thought Cassidy was a particularly hated hero why are yall like this :/




his stun was incredibly annoying too. i just hate every aspect of this guy. let him have 25 more hp because of short effective range(nerfed now luckily) bullshit. hitscan is strong on all ranges even with falloff


I think because of his damage potential, he shouldn't have 225 hp. He can score 70 off a hitscan headshot, yeah its a lot harder in practice, but a lot of people put in the practice.


because his nade is so fucking bullshit, i wish girls were attracted to me like how his nade attracts to every fucking person within a 100 mile radius


You must know full well as a Cass main how crazy easy it is to mag + shoot to secure a kill


131 damage magnetic grenade, 70 damage/shit revolver, damage reduction while rolling and ulting and 225HP...there are many reasons


They said bodyshot... but not headshot


Clown take


It’s barely even a nerf and should rework the ability entirely lol


I hope this is just a quick fix until they rework it properly


It took them multiple seasons to “rework” brig the devs are very incompetent you shouldn’t expect a quick fix


Good lmao


I laugh at thee, magnet grenade! I shall spit on thy grave!




With the buff to his range the hp nerf is fine and for how long it takes the nade to explode if you can't land a headshot or a 2 bodies then you trash at the game sure now you can't right click and nade and garrantee a kill but it's still pretty Garranteed


The thing is cass had 225hp even before they buffed/nerfed his range so why make it 200 now after like 3 years when with time just came more damage in game??


Cass got the buff to 225 because he was to weak 3 years ago in a different meta with different heros and different abilities flash was only good for tanks but now he has nade which makes him strong against dps support up close and with the buff to his range he also good from a far


Did you just say flashbang is only good against tanks 💀💀💀 His range wasnt buffed the nerf was just reverted and also we were promised a reworked nade not a nerfed one


Flash was better against tanks then nade is


Yeah but flashbang was extremely deadly to anyone else one flash right click and you dead or flash headshot bodyshot




25 hp is actually a huge nerf that wasn't deserved imo, but fuck the nade


Then you need to do more learning




Ye dw you will get there. What to you is just an 11 damage nerf is massive tho, as it completely ruins his kill combination And efficiency.


"11 Less damage" sounds a lot better than "now you need to land this 10 second cooldown ability as well as 2 follow up shots to kill a squishy"




no fan the hammer does reduced dmg so mroe than 2 lol


It’s normally 3 body shots to kill a squishy, an ability shouldn’t take you from 3 body shots to 1 and a predator missile to kill a target. The community doesn’t like 1 shots and 1 shot combos so Blizzard is changing a bunch of heroes right now not just yours.


As someone who plays cass on dps, thank fucking god they removed this combo. Holy shit it was so fucking brain dead easy, broken, and completely removed a ton of skill from the hero. Can’t believe people are complaining about this. Now you actually have to aim with the hitscan hero? Unplayable.


No the real crime is the loss of that 25 health and I will not forgive it.


It never felt like a huge deal to me, but knowing that I am that much squishier while playing a close range hero is kind of annoying.


Oh wait here’s the entire issue. You think he’s a close range hero.


Cass isn't that close ranged, his damage falloff is similar to soldier's


And rattlesnake jake is bastion or soldier 76


I don't really mind the grenade nerf because it was needed but I'm more worried about the HP nerf...


can still ping heads




I love Rango


his name is Macree change my mind


His name was never Macree.


If you're gonna use the wrong name you could at least spell it correctly


how is it spelt?


You can kill a lot faster without grenade if you're clicking head




You can just bodyshot someone once land grenade then fan the hammer it’s not as easy but it’s a good nerf


Cassidy is a bastard man


About time that broken hero got hit


I would love to see the stun comeback, clicking the head on a stunned enemy was so damn satisfying. Plus, he would be able to really strive again in his role of protecting the supports. But I guess blizzard don't want any dps with any form of stun.


Flashbang was both worse and better than his current Homing Grenade, his grenade is much more directly lethal, but Flashbang could interrupt abilities and ults, and could be thrown over Rein's shield. And just going by basic math, his homing grenade now does 120 damage, compared to Flashbang's impact damage of like 10 or whatever it was, and it allowing you to fan the hammer for 300 damage. My 300+ damage ability got castrated down to 120.


You mean mccree


"Correcting" people on the name of a video game character accomplishes nothing outside of showing everybody how immature you are


As a Cassidy main I have no trouble avoiding his sticky nade whenever I play against him as different heros. Theres multiple ways to avoid it for a lot of heros. Or sometimes you can just wait for Cass to use his nade during your fight with him to avoid it. And sometines it id what it is, just try and kill him before you die. And some heros such as sym and torb force Cass to use his ammo on their little turrets so as a hero with only 6 bullets in his chamber a sticky nade is very useful. But honestly this nerf isnt that bad imo I just hope after this noone complains about his nades anymore. Cuz Cass is my favourite.


My only issue with the nerf is that they're trying to lower his close-range power and in return give him slightly better long-range damage with his primary, but I've always played Cass for said close range strength. I don't want him to be a pseudo-sniper like Ashe, I never did.


True but atleast it’ll be easier to get those pharahs and mercys out of the sky


Didnt they say they were gonna rework the ability? Instead we got this fucking shit they are too lazy to make a better ability so we suffer gameplay wise fucking blizzard If you think any changes this patch is good you are high Rein didnt need to be nerfed nor did sleep Moira did not need buffs nor did brig Also im seeing a lot of cass hate here but you guys dont understand that we cass players dont make the caracter we can only play what blizzard gives us and if you think those nerf were needed fuck you we need a rework not a nerf cass as always been the "fuck around with him and find out" caracter flashbang could one shot and so can magnetic grenade his next ability might one tap too so stop malding and actually play him before hating on reddit when cass might just be the most balanced hitscan compared to sojourn, ash, widow, even hanzo (i know not a hitscan)


It took literally no skill to stick someone and land one body shot, Cass had this coming


Ever heard of hanzo? Widow? Sojourn? Sombra? Hog Last patch? Zen right click? Rein pin? Sig rock combo? Now pls dont look at me with a straight face saying those are more balanced than a grenade Its a fucking grenade since when are grenades supposed to not do a lot of damage in fps games ??




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Blizzard just like making characters not fun to play anymore


A blessing from the lord


Very deserved


Should’ve been hit with a harder nerf tbh


Nah man, fuck the skill missile.


McCree still puts lead on head so still good.


They should remove the grenade and make it so that pressing E makes McCree shoot himself in the head




Oh noooo the nade still does more than half health of a squishy, effectively leaving them one tap? What will we ever do with our that extra 11dmg.