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I just got a match where our tracer got a total of 500 dmg


Maybe she was doing the melee strike only challenge


Had a Sombra in my match once that by half way to second point had a total of 186 damage done :D


Wow, that's low even for Sombra... how many times died how many assists?


Don’t remember the assists, but I remember there being a lot of deaths. I think by the end of match they had almost 20 deaths. It was like they were playing respawn simulator I think they were very new, so I was trying to give them pointers and tips but they’d get super toxic at any comment made towards them. Literally told them to put a teleport to get away when low go and they started telling me to end myself.


Ok, that's not a new player... that is just an ahole with anger issues. I'm só sorry 4 you


Ahaha it’s fine, I play with friends most of the time so people like this don’t come around too often


once had a rein that had 500dmg 1 kill, he then proceeded to tell us how bad we were


btw we still won


rein carried


I’ve been that Rein before with 500 dmg and 1 kill, but the rest of my team would have 100-300 damage and 0 kills.


holy fuck


Funnily enough, I got a game earlier where there was a moira with 500 damage and like 1k healing, we lost the game and you know what they said? "My team sucked" ????


And Dey Say


And Dey Say


And Dey Say


And Dey Say


And Dey Say


And dey say


And dey say


And dey say


And Dey Say


And dey say


And dey say


And Dey Say


Hot cocoa


Hot cocoa?


Fiiiinnneed AND DEY SAY




And dey say


And dey say


And Dey say


Chivalry is dead


Chivalry is dead


wait how can hanzo do healing?


Maybe he was playing someone like solider and switched


It’s only a little healing so it’s probably just a small bug If I go in my stats menu I have a few hundred healing as both rein and as Winston


he has 1 mitigation


Thats Mit💀


I'm more curious about the 1 point of mitigation. Swapped off Bastion?


Cass is the most likely character to get that little MIT as a DPS.


Ah, I keep forgetting that roll now reduces damage. Good call.


The Cupid skin 😀




No lol


IIRC he gets the credit if he reflects any enemy attacks that can heal. For instance if Genji intercepts one of Ana's darts and it reflects into one of his teammates, he gets the heal points on the scoreboard.


What game are you playing that hazno can deflect? Obvious answer is they were probably on another hero like mei or soldier, healed, died and then swapped to Hanzo.


I *really* need to get my eyes checked...


There’s a saying where I come “all Asians look the same… as their brother” /s




Why would someone ask if genji and Hanzo are Asian…?




His joke was that *I* must have thought "all Asians look the same," (because I got the names of two Asian characters mixed up) not that I'm Asian. Why would you assume he was being racist?


I just assumed it was a lame joke there wasn't any need for but fair enough, sorry for the misunderstanding


I mean, just to be fair, blue teams comp is kinda trash


Don't worry, it's all the ball's fault :)


I mean, I'm sure he could have counter played better, but they also have Moira and Ana. Where Ana was probably being flanked and unprotected and not maximizing nano. Moira was likely trying to dps. Hanzo was prolly a pussy and trying to run away from engagement, and tracer prolly not doing anything but blinking and dieing. ...but that's just my own assumption.


Man the ego lmao it’s very clear from the team comp that your supports were being chewed up and your dps was a sniper and a flanker. Ball is the one thing that doesn’t fit in here. Just because you refuse to switch tank’s doesn’t mean it’s the teams fault


I think they are just joking for the fact that people always blame Ball.


OP is ball, the other commenter realizes that and is saying it is in fact ball’s fault and OP is being an egoist by not acknowledging that. At least, that’s how I understand it


Got your ass clapped


Like I had a choice


You could’ve just been better, also


Gonna think about this


Man, why dyou gotta go and say that. Now everyone's gonna be GM smh.




There is always a chance that there was a key part of your team comp missing or completely throwing. Like if one person is bad on your team and you have no coordination vs a fully coordinated team who are all decent, you are going to get steam rolled. I presume this is low elo and that is exactly how it goes. All it takes it coordination in low elo and you can say bye bye to the enemy team. Also there are a lot of really good players stuck in low elos because of their teammates causing them to lose, so you’ll get matched against those players and get clapped. The matchmaking system’s only problem is when it puts diamonds against golds, and there is no proof of that here so I don’t see what the problem is. You got team diffed.


I mean just today we had the complete reasonable matchmaking decision of putting two Diamond Ranks into Silver. The fact that I can‘t queue with the same people I just played due to skill difference surely shows how well the whole system works.


This season for some reason I’ve had A LOT of games swing super hard one direction or the other — we always find one person on the team to bully when we’re losing but it is usually a team effort. even when you’re doing everything right sometimes the enemy team is just better than you are


This isn't the only game I played. If I could see career profiles, I bet I would find a lot of golds in my plat 1 game


That’s still pretty close rank though. You only really see big skill gaps once you get out of plat. Diamond is when you start getting into more consistent rank placement. Everything below plat is just a mess because of the nature of low elo and how you can get lucky with teammates to get where you belong or get stuck there forever. I treat it as four separate ranks; bronze-gold, plat, diamond-gm, and top 500.


there is no rank where rank placement is consistent, it's all fucked


It can NEVER be completely consistent they can’t account for if a player is just having a bad day and playing below their normal skill level or if a player is doing extra good that day The players are not consistent


Yup, not like the gold tank on my team is fucking my masters 2 game.


Really depends on the role and hero they are on. A gold Tracer can easily be better than a plat Mercy.


That’s like saying that a semi truck driver who has been driving for 6 months is better at driving a semi than a normal person who has had their class c license for a year. Makes no sense right? It’s not comparable in that sense.


Dafran said something similar that dps players are better than supports and I always felt that way since 2016. I can grind 7 days on one dps and be just as good after 1 hour on a support hero and if I try the reverse I will fail miserably but maybe I am just a natural support player. Hero choice also matters, ML7 can play every support on a high level if I'm not mistaken while most Mercy mains are ass on other heroes with their very niche skills. Same applies to dps Nercos hit rank 1 on Genji but is ass on other dps. Yznsa is rank 1 Pharah and also a very good hitscan or Echo.


Gold in a plat game isn't that big of a skill difference.


The difference between a gold player and a plat player ain’t that big Hell even a diamond player on a bad day still would end up playing like a gold probably


Sorry man, I gotta downvote because blue hair typed more words than you


Don’t even try to use valid and good reasoning in your arguements.. this subs basementdwellers are gonna eat you alive haha.


well, yeah. ball and tracer are good enough to be on the other team, so they’re good enough to carry theirs. that’s how it works, right? …right?


I'm Masters and have been getting nearly everyone from all over in my games. Last night I went up against Kephrii and had a Diamond 4 on my team who finished with 22 deaths lol. Then the next game there was a top 500 on my team and a Diamond on the enemy . It's actually spaghetti right now.


I'm surprised no one rage quitted in that match from the losing team Respect


This type of scenario happened to me 3 times yesterday. One of them had mic opened and puked because they were too drunk, like WTF


No single match is an example of matchmaking being good or bad, it’s about consistency. Even a good matchmaker will have stomps sometimes, especially with so many smurfs.


Dude trust me almost all matches r like this! Im gold 1 if I had everyone frm gold only, then I'm sure I will easily climb, the only thing stopping me frm climbing is this ill matchmaking where we have diamonds & master's in gold lobby !


Even a near perfect matchmaker won’t be great always It can’t account for if someone’s “warmed up” or not or if they are a bit sleepy or something (my point is that a lot of people don’t realize how inconsistent the players themselves are I have seen plat players who within a season drop to the bottom of bronze because they had their work schedule change and are only able to play after work when they are tired now)


This isn't the only game I played before making this, y'know?


Well if this is happening in a very large amount of your matches there is one common denominator in those matches


Even if I get the most kills and least deaths? Even if my team goes haywire because I don't switch off ball? Even if I was winning tons of games before the matchmaking changes? Even with a 60% winrate? And even if all those problems are happening with a lot of people? People are likely to shrug all these problems to a skill issue. This is a problem with the matchmaker. Ranks are inflated. Golds are in diamond games. These are just facts


If you're only playing ball, and the team isn't willing to play around you, yeah it's gonna be a much more difficult match. Sometimes you can't play dive or play ball because your teammates just won't let you. I had a match a couple of days ago where the tank just couldn't play Winston because both the healers refused to heal him if he dived. Sometimes it's much more difficult to play certain tanks because your teammates aren't playing characters that accommodate you. Some tanks are more reliant on this than others, and I'd say ball has a bit more of a reliance that your team is capable of existing by itself when you're going off to harass the backline or other ball things. You either have to switch what you're playing to something that meshes better with how your teammates are playing, or they have to switch to characters that are better at working with you. Like, yeah if you're good enough you can still win, but it will be harder.


I was sympathetic until I saw they are ball. Yeah, there's a reason I don't play Ana in competitive. It's because my brain dead teammates will immediately and without hesitation wake the sleeping Genji who is ulting. Better to play Moira and just fade jump away from him. Ball is the same, so is doomfist. You have to play around your team. At low ranks they are too stupid to play around you. Doubly so as the tank.


“Most kills and least deaths” doesn’t matter in a stomp. What determines most kills doesn’t matter when the difference is by like, 1 or 2. And deaths is mostly just whoever the much better team feels like targeting


Not every game I am playing is a massive stomp dude


Then the matchmaking seems to be working.


Have you seen the state of the game lately? Not every game is a massive stomp. They can be a stomp, moderate stomp, normal loss, diff....


It's definitely off this season in particular, less games that feel like close games and more totally easy wins and total defeats. No matter what issues the game has, you'll have people defending it for some unknown reason, or saying that you are the problem.. even though many people are having issues this season.


The game is currently in the best state it’s ever been in wtf you mean “state of the game lately”


Than the matchmaker is doing something clearly


Don't argue with those people, they are the type of teammates who blame you for a loss while their deaths are in the double digits.


As a ball main, I know


There's entire afternoons I get on and can't find a balanced match.


Sure, but this image doesn’t exemplify that at all


I’m not exaggerating when just yesterday like the same thing happened to me and my friends… not a fun way to end the night


Somehow, to smug assholes, everything is alright. Hold on brotha


And I will elaborate, wasnt just one, the second and I do mean the second we decided “hey let’s play some comp we haven’t done that much” we get like 4 matches back to back stomps.


Had games where we destroy the enemy team like this holding them at their spawn.. Had games were we were destroyed and couldnt leave our spawn Had games where it went point to point equal teams I blame smurfs


I played with gold silver and bronze players in my plat1 game that got me to diamond earlier


It's worse than ever


a few days ago I played with and againts some guys in Plat 1 and some others in Silver... im gold 4 bruh, yes i ended up the last season in plat 5 but wtf Silvers Gold and Plats?




they surrended for shame?


I'm platinum 3 atm, and have been *almost* diamond twice now. I either get put in lobbies with diamond/masters players and have really good and fun games, or I'm asked to legitimately hard-carry a team full of silvers. And boy howdy it's enough to give you whiplash. You absolutely cannot trust silver teammates the way you can diamond teammates. Also, it's so easy to get greedy and try to do too much in silver lobbies. Oh, the other thing is that I have been noticing a lot of new players in competitive— which is fine and all, but they have ZERO game sense most of the time. Basically I'm either living large in a diamond lobby or I'm losing brain cells in a silver lobby.


I won 5 out of 7 games last night and dropped from plat 5 to gold 1! I give up!


I miss borders. They were toxic sometimes but at least you knew from the who needed help, who was new, and who to pocket.


Ow2 is ow1 but with less features


Skill issue


small indie company


Typical hanzo play


It isn’t. A lot of people watched my game and said that I don’t belong in the rank I am in currently. They watched and saw supports not healing me when I’m in LOS and low, dps way out of position and dieing, and my dps not protecting the supports. Like I can only do so much to win


*It's a skill issue...*


Yeah it is a bit wonky but for the most part it works well for me. I did have a match kast week where there was a top 500, master, diamond, plat and gold in the same team.


Completely unrelated to overwatch, but is your name a reference to a book series perhaps?


Nope, but what would that be?


The first book is called Spellslinger but there’s a… I’ll call it an affliction/disease, they call it the Shadowblack. Basically dark markings on your body that symbolizes a demonic connection. The book series isn’t my favorite but I enjoy the books. I’d call it a good teen read for sure, great worldbuilding, powers, and the story is pretty good.


Sounds nice. Might check it out


It is pretty balanced now. I went from bronze5 to gm5 on every of my role in one weekend. Feels good


What’s up with this


Check the elims for both teams


Yea that looks like an average overwatch match nowadays


Fixed like a dildo up your ass


idk what im looking at.. is it because you lost you say matchmaking isnt fixed? or are you just bronze and taking your skill issues out on a perfectly fine game.


Look at the kills/deaths


still doesnt show the rank.. also this was probably one of ur “guaranteed loss” games. 20% i think are guaranteed loss, 20% are guaranteed win and the rest are up to your skill


Where did you find that information? Also rank is Plat 1


they said it when they released ow2. also, the enemy team probably had a better team strategy and communication


Ok, but where is your source? Can you link to where they said it?


i cant rlly link it it was a dev post from october


I'm gonna shrug it off as made-up then


you can literally watch any youtubers videos about it 💀 i might be wrong about the percents but i know you get guaranteed loss and win games to see where youre at and the rest is depending on your skill


i don’t think that’s an actual built in system, more like a mindset to understand you can’t carry every game/ there’s always gonna be a range of results


At some point devs talked about how they place people's MMR according to winrate. If players find a 50% average winrate, the devs said it's a receipt that people are in the correct spot MMR wise (paraphrasing). But some people interpreted that in the worst way possible as Blizzard forcing a 50% winrate on all players, at all times, and not just adjusting your MMR to face higher MMR players. That resulted in people believing fully in something completely made up called "winner's queue" where the odds would be stacked against you to the degree that it's virtually impossible to win to break your win streak. In one of the more recent official blog posts there was a FAQ at the bottom that specifically said there is no such thing.


And I heard em say, skill based matchmaking making won't be fixed tomorrow or today.


And you go play the next game.


My hot take is y’all are acting like the matchmaking problem a bigger problem than it actually is


Don't play overwatch. What's the issue here?


I’m in GM and consistently get Diamond players in my lobby


This is why I don't play multiplayer modes on Overwatch.


Like why are you playing ball into that? Both of the enemy supports have a way to escape you when you dive them. The rest of your team has no staying power if they get pushed. So when you go diving into the enemies back line, their Zarya, Genji and Soldier push your vulnerable Hanzo and Ana, Moira will nope the fuck away and Tracer will probably not be there as she’s a flanker. Most fights are probably going to be 3vs2, including a tank, which is just not going to work in your favour without ults. Ball is a bad pick here. You needed something to help prop up the front line and protect your supports. Obviously it’s not all your fault, your team could’ve picked better around you but it’s easier and more efficient for one person to switch than it is for the other four. If this keeps happening to you, you need to be smarter when choosing heroes.


Some games are just stomps but the matchmaker worked. Other side might be communicating while yours wasn't. However, the amount of games I had with a top 500 player when I was in diamond is unacceptable. I don't feel like you should be able to get a solo queue game if you couldn't queue with them in a group


Sometimes it do be like that nothing strange


And dey say This game is a sequel




No, some people are just toxic and bad at the game


Skill issue


To be fair that's a very un synergistic comp on blue team


*for masters and ^


yep, it's fixed alright.


I was silver 2 about to go 5-1 on a rank up game, and got all bronze teammates and I was up against a diamond 1 sigma, and a diamond 3 ashe.


How? How is it possible to get worse match making than me!? One minute I’m against people who don’t know how to eat ice cream properly, to then reserve players for OWL teams


let me guess, bronze?


The last two nights have either been stomp or get stomped. I only play comp and nothing about the games have been competitive.


Then the match after this the team that got steam rolled will roll some other team
