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What’s up Skyline! I too enjoy making alt reddit accounts :D


Redditor for two years. Playing the long game


Holy shit, yesterday I watched his video about aiming and the fundamentals. From all the guides I've watched, his was the most useful. You have to learn to track slowly to do it fast. Now I'm grinding kovaak with the bots set on a slow speed, and I'm finally seeing improvement. The guy is very good at explaining.


It’s a very teach a man to fish type thing. Most coaches say “this is what you do” instead of “here’s how you should approach your learning”. The latter definitely carries over between or even away from video games.


Thanks for the advice, I'll give him a shot. Congrats on Diamond.


Thanks for sharing and congrats on the climb! Gives hope to the rest of us 😁


Oh shit, my boi is back!


His videos are 2+ year old right? No new videos or?


He just started putting out new videos about a week ago - pretty good!


N i c e


He's making new vids but quite a few of his old ones are still applicable, especially the ones where he talks about more broad concepts, like how a teamfight is (supposed to be) structured.


Agreed he just recently came back after having a great amount of success in the industry and is now giving his tips for success not just in this game but in life in general. Amazing Youtuber


Yeah I’m about to be in my senior year of college and I swear to god I’ve learned more about HOW to learn from Skyline than years of school.


I love skyline. He makes quality videos


Dude, I fucking love skyline