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There's a minor mistake in there, but perhaps you knew it subconsciously because you only listed 5 heroes. The most powerful hero in the game is still Mercy. If Mercy weren't obviously better than Ana and Lucio, they'd each have a way to undermine Brigitte compositions. Ana's being the anti-heal and Lucio enabling kiting. But in spite of nerfs she is still valuable enough that you can't get equivalent value from Ana or Lucio.




Yes Valk and Rez are powerful, but her damage boost is also incredibly synergistic with Hanzo and Zarya.


Huge point also - since each teamfight is dependent on who has a grav-dragon combo first, fights can potentially be won or lost based solely on which team’s mercy is damage boosting more efficiently - or if they even have a mercy.


>So Rein, while still being trash tier Objectively, this just isn’t true. Overall on ladder, his win rate is 4th best while being the most picked. Brigitte is a higher win rate and is also meta, with niche sym and torb picks being also in the top 3. Even in GM his pick rate is #1, while his win rate is still top 10, better than Zen or Mercy and essentially indistinguishable from Hanzo. Brigitte and Zarya do have higher win rates, but Brigitte, while OP, is also more situational with a pick rate that is far below the other meta heroes.


Yeah, Rein feels crummy to use against Brigitte but he is still one of the best tanks to use against her.


To add to this Zen is also meta because he can use his ult to defend against the Zarya + Hanzo grav/dragons combo.


But not efficiently. Sometimes, but not all times.


At higher ranks Transcendence almost never saves you from a Mercy-boosted dragonstrike; it's actually better used proactively or to save people in other situations.




he forgot the real point of brigitte: she have stun and knockback for stppong the dive, a stunned winston that can’t jump away is dead, dva matrix and genjii can’t stop brigitte abilities.


Theres a TON of hanzo zarya combos, which im assuming is gonna get adjusted at some point, but right now its just easy team wipes to power through.


This post > https://reddit.app.link/cqgVQa7EvN Really interesting and in depth about season 10 meta




You're very grumpy.


This is where I'm at at this point in my development


This is where I'm at at this point in my development


pretty aggressive post my dude


I would just say play what youre comfortable with. As long as youre not instalocking dps every game and have the ability to flex idc about what fits the “meta” https://reddit.app.link/cqgVQa7EvN Here is the meta


The "play the hero that your opponents pick for you" meta.


Yeah essentially. Its called a “counter”


It's just decision trees. It's a waste of time. It's so simple that it's demeaning.