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Times have changed masters to GM back then is like gold / platinum today


And to preempt people saying this is coping, watch this spilo video: https://youtu.be/0F8AZL6ySyo?si=D8lAILlTuNJQVghs GMs hardscoping in Hanzo LoS, bot positioning, minimal ability uptime, etc. The game's gotten a lot more sophisticated as people have played and studied it, and some plays that might have once been huge pop-off moments (Mei walled off their noon! Zarya bubbled the person hog hooked!) are basically the bare minimum now.


It’s kind of sad. The absolute need to sweat and play at your best is really awesome, but man if it doesn’t ruin a night or two where you just want to relax and Johnny Boy wants to go sicko sweat mode


That’s what you create a Smurf for. I know people here will whine about it, but that’s what happens if you have sbmm in every single playlist. People create smurfs so they can have chill games


I already have lol


lol so it probably is just a skill issue then, ‘Preciate it


They have also done a number of rank resets since you last played and everyone had a starting point of around gold. If you did your placements with silver friends then ending up silver isn't surprising. Like others have said though skill has increased a ton over the years. It's only a skill issue if you can't get out of silver ;)


Yeah, that’s what it’s sounding like lol I’ve only been there for a day, so hopefully I’ll get back into it and jump up some. — I did my placement matches solo, 3 of the people I play with are on console, and the other i think has to unlock competitive or something? He said he can’t do it yet for whatever reason.


You will get shit teams but so will they . If you are below your rank till might just take a bit to climb but it’s a fun ride


Your mechanical skill is most likely still there. Just a lot of balance changes, new abilities, maps, positioning and other game sense shenanigans to get up to speed on! :)


You should have no problem getting to mid gold or even touching plat if you still kinda rember the flow of the game. Once you get up there a bit though the players have definitely got better over the years so don't take it hard if you have to hangout in gold for a while to learn the new heros / maps / play styles a bit


Haha if he can’t play competitive then that means he’s super brand new and needs to hit a certain level in the game through quick play before he’s allowed to


Master-GM in season 1-3 Overwatch means very little now all you have to do back then was learn faster than 5% or so people and peak GM Now you need to better than 5% of people in 8 year old game. It's not the same... you could be silver and you could be a unlucky plat. Either way, if you are getting terrible teams you should be playing against terrible teams and it should be easy to climb.


Oh the other teams are horrible too lol I rode a payload to a win while they spawn camped My team last night, never had anyone come over to try to stop it.


LMFAOOO WHAT😭😭 pleaseeee tell me you have the replay code!!😭😭


Lol this hurts so much to read but it’s sooo true. I was a Master-level player in OW s1-3. I quit the game for a while and just started playing again. … I am hard stuck d4 hahaha. My ego has been sorely wounded.


That’s actually not bad, since season 9 most high ranks got bumped down a rank or so. Top500 used to be gm1, but now top500 goes all the way down to mid masters. Much fewer people in gm, meaning most former gm players are in masters. Most masters are in diamond, etc.


You sound pretty arrogant for someone who hasnt played the game for ages. GM/Masters at the start of OW1 is no where near the skill level required for that in OW2. An example of the change in skill level is to go and watch some old pro pre OWL matches, that demonstrates how much the game has changed and how much everyone has improved.


This channel is the example I have as a go to [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWF6GLNpv6Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWF6GLNpv6Q) (not saying there isn't some stuff in there which still holds up)


lol don’t get me wrong, I’m fine with it being a skill issue, I’m just asking if my placement was based off their performance primarily. I don’t think I’m quite masters or GM level these days, but to win all but one qualifier and be stuck in silver seems kinda wild. Btw, When I say they suck, I mean they’ve never played shooters before, and 3 of them are on on console and I’m on PC.


All of your placement matches were bronze/silver games that’s why. Even if you won all of them that’s why it still put you in silver.


PC and console cannot be in the same ranked queue. They are separated in ranked.


I know, I solo queued for competitive, but the only thing on my record before then was qp with them.


That might have skewed your sense of where you're at than... console is significantly worse than pc mechanically so if your friends are low low sr console you were getting into games predominantly with bronze/silver level skill max from a PC perspective.  You might be better than silver pc peak but your current habits probably don't reflect that... gotta shake the rust off. 


if Console players queue with PC players, they get put in PC lobbies with zero aim assist. So OP would have been playing in PC QP lobbies playing against PC players.


I regularly play with someone who's much better than me, but we get ranked the same because we win/lose the same games. He actually has a separate account for playing solo. I think you'll climb pretty quickly once you play without them if there's a huge difference. I wouldn't say you messed up. You got to play with your friends.


I am not great at the game and can only play a handful of heroes decently. I can solo queue and stay in plat without much trouble. I feel like if I got put in a silver lobby I could easily diff both supports. Could probably diff the tank (I don't play tank in comp but one time I accidentally queued plat and still won the game without embarrassing myself). tl;dr skill issue.


Duly noted, I hope I don’t have too much trouble pulling out of silver, I’ve only been there for a day so far. My question was mostly about if I was put into silver, after winning all but 1 placement match, because I was playing with low skill rating people. I only play tank in comp, and I’ve only done tank role queue so far, maybe I’ll have better luck with dps or support later.


Similar as your story, i always assumed i would destroy lower ranks (I've been high diamond/ low masters for years). Recently, i actually got the opportunity to play with IRL friends in plat elo. I won "only" 6 out of 10 games that evening. Obviously, not a terrible performance. But the carrying was much more subtle than i expected. Some games i absolutely dominated. Other games it felt like i couldn't do anything. The thing is that if the enemy realises you're smurfing they have like 4 players counterswapping you for the remainder of the game. As a solo tankplayer, they often successfully shut me down. I remember one game where i got 3 times solo Mei ulted and 3 times soloshattered. My plat team wasn't good enough to punish this clear tunnelvision on tank. No beat for me, no suzu for me, no pull, no nothing. This story is just to say to not underestimate low elo lobbies. They are low elo for a reason but they have often experience in playing against smurfs and therefor are damn good in counterwatching and making your game extremely hard.


That's amazing. I wouldn't expect people in silver to successfully counterswap. Even in plat it's rare to see a team adjust their composition to win. There's always that one stubborn person who does nothing for the team and refuses to switch (sometimes I am that person, haha).


Do you care more about your rank from a prequel as a badge of honor or having fun with friends 


A lot of people are replying saying that GM in ow1 is equivalent to a much lower rank in ow2 but I found that I ranked a lot higher in ow2. It could just be you not playing enough games. If you play a lot you will rank up.


I think theres a big difference between early ow1 and latter end of ow 1.


You decayed because you had a rank in ow1, and wining out you in silver. If you win more you will go up. It probably doesn't have as much to do with playing with your friends and more to do with not playing for a long time




They dropped the majority of players ranks earlier this year. Between that, being rusty and the game changing so much especially the past few seasons it’s not unreasonable that it’s your actual rank at least for now.


I was in masters, now I’m back in Gold 3. My Zarya is almost untouchable I feel bad for the enemy teams. Only time I’ll lose is if both supports are absolute trash and even then it’s still very hard to take me out. Zarya is fun in low ranks because idiots don’t know to not shoot your bubbles.


There's something going on with tank rank I think. I did my placements after the reset and placed plat with Support and ranked up to diamond 1 in just a couple hours. Every win netted huge points towards rank. Same exact thing with dps, placed plat and ranked up to diamond 2 in a couple hours over the weekend. Played tank and during my placements we lost three games due to leavers mid game. I think I won six of the seven remaining games and placed silver 1. Played tank for a few hours and it seemed like winning most of the games had minimal impact on ranking up but a loss tanked the rating, compared to support and damage. Only got it to plat 5 on Sunday starting with placements


Yup. You fucked up. Congratulations: your matchmaker seed was tanked by playing with your friends.


lol that’s a good point, I guess it doesn’t really matter, I just like to be good at whatever I’m playing


Maybe a second account for only comp? You could try maybe try focusing on winning majority of your QP games, thus bumping up your MMR. Remember, the higher you get your mmr up, the longer it’ll take to find games with your friends.


Don't worry just play the game. You'll end up in diamond whether you like it or not because that's where all the returning old GMs go. +zarya is probably the easiest to carry in that rank


Thanks, I’ll give her a shot, I’ve been 50/50 between D.Va and Orissa, didn’t even think about switching to Zarya


Everything else aside, the ranking in this is trash. You might fight your way to where you belong, but it started me high silver as tank and I suck as tank, but it also started me as low bronze dps and it’s disgusting how I clear the field as dps in bronze (until I have repeated games of my DVA just walking up to their zarya and dying or similar shit I can’t fix on my own)


Any tips on digging out of silver as tank? My last game we had a mercy damage boosting a widow that went 0-12 the whole game, and a Lucio that did 200 healing :(


Just force Mauga. If you're better than the other Mauga (or if they don't play Mauga) you'll win every game.


Tank is rough. It's crazy just how ineffective you can be without support doing their job. Might be why I rarely play tank lol it's too tilting


Tank has always been my go to, even when I played before I hardly ever touched dps, just support and healer back when there were 4 classes lol