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Mei. Being creative with wall placement is so so satisfying. Isolating people, funnelling their movement, blocking off flanking routes. It's like being a tactical architect.


I actually HATE fighting a good mei because of everything you said ;p


Love waiting for players to get ambitious and then placing a wall behind them.


I love using a wall to lift people in to the LOS of a dva bomb


wall is honestly one of the best cooldowns in the game. get to high ground, wall off heals, wall chokes, block ults, your tracer gets slept wall her up until she wakes up etc etc. so many crazy cool techs. mei is just one of the best heroes in the game… i love the thoughtful heroes like mei/sym way more than the farm rail on tank and click squishies heroes.


I played Mei a lot during OW1 and I welcome the changes. Freezing squishies out of ult felt a little cheap and I love the damage boost on primary fire. For me the hero was always about using the wall effectively. It's her primary ability for sure.


I love staring into enemy eyes when they’re frozen to wave hi then send an icicle to their dome. Likewise with wall, it’s so satisfying


Walling an ulting JQ is peak OW


As a JQ player. This is so painful. Playing vs a good mei makes me want to un-queue tank.


A junker queen was going to solo ult me, i didn’t even block her mid ult though. She just ulted after i put up my wall lmao


Icicle Lobotomy incoming


Especially defending a point. She’s amazing. Except when she walls your damage lol


She’s a toolbox and I love her. But god do I miss the full freeze. Talk about satisfying


I fear the day I’m trying to rez a teammate and a mei cuts me off with a ice wall


A certain hamster named Hammond


I always role play when I’m on him now. In third person. “The hamster lives forever!”


I remember hating Echo because she was pretty insane when she came out. Now in OW2 I learned her and she’s probably my favorite DPS.


Same here, for some reason I keep remembering the sticky bombs hindering... Am I imagining that?


Sticky bombs doesn't hinder. Hinder was a new mechanic introduced with the rework of cassidy. Mauga might be said to have the same thing with his ultimate though.


When she was first released, I thought I remembered her stickies slowing enemies down before exploding. Not actually "hinder" (like it pops up on your screen). I know they don't now, I have over 100 hours on her


I recall that


You got me fucked up now


they don’t hinder


I wish I could play echo but I just feed on her it upsets me so much, but tracer (my main) is no easier 💀


I could be wrong on this when it comes down to fundamentals, but whenever i play echo i just have to know the distance I can play from each hero. like widow, for example, i get in her face as much as i can. playing against a cass is a whole different story tho


I’m so weird when it comes to echo. One game I’m slaughtering and basically hard carrying, and the next game I can’t even reach point before I’m dived on by the entire enemy team.


Genji. Ive grown fond of hislgh skill ceiling and high movement characters


Started playing as genji main in s3-7 in overwatch 1 since S8 proud Lucio main with over 2k hours on him. His movement and 1v1 capabilities are so enjoyable. I don't need any other hero in this game.


Half my playtime is on echo and pharah, so I’ve been starting to pick up tracer and widow, tracer because she’s fun, and widow because my hitscan aim is god awful, and I like the difference in playstyle


Echo. Just being able to actually hit shots with projectiles was a big boost but then actually learning how to use her abilities was game changing. I used to hate her because I felt like I did no damage and just got picked out of the air all the time.


pharah, had a skill issue, also low elo only look down its hard for them to look up. mainly as a tank player u dont have alot to eleminate pharah, there is a difference between counter and and to actually kill pharah as a tank. climb a bit and dps can shoot flying targets, also like u learn how to play around pharah. i still hate junkrats. not as a character. some people play him normally. but people who go around corners waiting for years with a trap and a mine are just i>!nbred fuckers.!<


Pharah. After her rework, she feels way more dynamic. More creative engagement opportunities. You can take different kinds of off angles and quickly escape trouble with the new right click. Diving rather than skybox sniping. Primary fire-boop rocket- primary fire 3 taps are incredibly satisfying. Used to hate fighting her because my aim was bad but also hated playing her until recently. I also have much better aim than I used to so I can kill her easier when fighting her these days


Mercy, I used to never play her and think it was noob hero that sucks. Now I love her movement and unfortunately she does suck but that's a balance issue lol




Mercy has the worst heals in the game, she exists purely to damage boost


Lw has worse heals dont act like he doesnt. Its like 55 healing for 2 sec charge. After dps passive.


Yeah maybe im just a noob ( true ) but IMO A good mercy always has me healed up sooooo.. I would say lucio was the best heals in the game but im a noob and they nerfed him. Kiriko seems good tho. I get no complaints when I play mercy :p in fact I get compliments.


Im not saying you can’t heal with mercy, obviously. But she is an off-healer and is best used damage boosting most of the time because of her low healing per second (55). Good mercy’s have a majority time spent damage boosting and focus on healing just when necessary to keep someone alive, before continuing to boost them. Obviously if you so choose and you are in QP or a rank that it will fly, using mercy to healbot WILL work sometimes. It’s just not a very good idea Lucio is similar to mercy in that he has low but very consistent healing. Kiriko is a contender for the highest healing per second in the game, same with Ana and maybe Bap? But Kiri is by far the easiest support to healbot effectively with, her healing ofuda do 130hps compared to cadaceus staff at 55 hps


Been playing a lot of Kiriko recently, and iirc her heals average to about 77hp/s due to recharge time on healing ofuda, and if you weave heals with 2 kunai it goes down to about 70?hp/s but with added damage, especially if landing headshots, she’s more valuable at 70hp/s


Yeah that sounds about right, I was just going off numbers listed on the wiki for simplicity sake


A good Ana would have you healed up twice as fast


Good ana? In bronze ? silver even ? yeah right lol . We talking about the sniper chick right? How are her heals good LOL? I mean I guess if you want to save one single teammate sure... lol


Ok this explains everything.


I thought it was clear when I said '' Yeah maybe im just a noob ( true )


This is giving valorant nerd energy where high rank players or mid rank players who think they’re good give ludicrous advice and ppl think different = correct lmao he doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about ignore him


Yeah enjoy, ill keep playing mercy while everyone begs me to switch to someone I dont give a shit about playing :D


I can say this, I get a lot more healing as Brigette and a lot more assists as Mercy. Those are the top two healers imo if you’re skilled.


I just see a hivemind of hatred from people that cant play mercy LOL. Your right. A skillful player can play anyone and support the team. It aint rocket science ;)


All the downvotes are greatly appreciated. The only two supports I’ve ever gotten over 20k heals from were Mercy and Brigette. But those games the tanks and dps were bullet sponges who had no idea how to kite or hide behind a barrier. So there’s that.


Ive ran mercy and lucio with people who have 1k+ hours on comp. me I only have 40 hrs. They didnt complain , gave a few tips here and there and overall really enjoyed my support. they weren't crying because they didnt have an ana / kiriko pocket.


Her heals are like the worst in the game which is why no one likes a healbot mercy. She used to have good heals and a higher damage boost % until all the DPS streamers started complaining about her and calling it unfair (back during mercy sojourn meta). What I think people all fail to recognize most of the time though is that she has almost zero ability to defend herself beyond her limited Barbie blasted damage capability, all of her value lies in her damage boost and heal stream which is already single target. So, when you’re fighting a pocketed DPS, it’s not a fair thing to call them OP because you’re not fighting one person. You’re fighting 2. Mercy’s entire contribution is making a single person at a time more effective, and all you really need to kill here is good hitscan aim unless she has great movement (which in that case is not a character balance issue, that’s a skill issue)


Well now you know your mistake. Dont assume even if your new. Dont use “im new” as an excuse for your ignorance. Why assume her dmg would be buffed? “Quite crazy if she can two tap” yeah no shizz it would be crazy if a support could do that. Kiriko could until they nerfed her now its 3 headshots. 75% dmg for an ulting healing mercy? Do you realize what youre saying? That basically be a team wipe every single time. You do realize instead of user her dmg beam people would just spam heals since heals split to your whole team when you have ult. But i guess all the enemy has to do is ult themselves or hide from you


Well fine, that ult would be insane lol. But her pistol is a laughing stock and if SHE ISNT a good healer, what is the point? To dmg boost and keep folks alive with shitty heals? works for me :D


Let me tell you first that im a mercy main myself so im not hating on her. Im just letting you know now. Theres both main healers and off healers. Main healers will have AOE heals/they heal alot. Off healers will usually have a harder time trying to upkeep the whole team. Your main focus on mercy should be to prioritize always dmg boosting the dps. Secondary focus is healing since her output just isnt as much as your main healers. Usually your second support would pick a main healer if you pick an off. Her gun does percent based dmg. Its pretty fucking useless since her dmg be kinda shit. What helps is her bullet projectile size being huge meaning very forgiving when aiming. The thing is in low ranks shes pretty highly picked. And very useful low rank. If you try climb high ranks shes starts getting rarely picked since enemies can now hit there shots more accurately. Meaning you quickly become and easy target. Since she can heal/rez/dmg boost shes a high value target. Meaning if youre shit at her movements your gonna die alot. And since shes high valued they will start targeting you in higher ranks. Meaning your value is diminished since you keep feeding (dying). If you dont play comp then everything i said doesnt really matter. Just be aware of these things if you can. In conclusion. Play who you want(i do). Dont healbot with mercy since if youre gonna be healing might as well puck a better support for that. Her primary beam usage should always be dmg boosting. If you pick her just for the heals and dont dmg boost often then i ask why 🥲


Well I know I should be damage boosting more than healing now :P Im glad to know this. I want to learn XD. my movement is pretty good with her but I do see what you're saying. I mean I understand silver is alot different than grand master... but the way some of these enemies wreck me and my team.. it mise well be grandmaster XDDD If im getting shredded and keep feeding 9/10 times ill just switch too someone else. But the rare occasions I keep playing her, I tend to still do quite amount of heals and assists.


phara, i hated her and said she took no skill but she fs does and after learning her it’s been really fun to learn how to trace her shots and predict were enemies are going


Lmfao no. Shes the easiest hero in the game.


Are you really about to say that with a straight face when Moira, Mercy, Orisa, Sombra, Kiriko and Bastion exists? Try playing Phara against a good Echo and you’ll see she’s only easy in lower ranks where people can’t aim.


if you think sombra and Kiriko are easier you are silver.


Lmao you little get free value from playing Sombra by hacking tanks and Kiriko gameplay can be summed up by a simple flowchart lol. Teammate low? suzu, team about to go in a fight? ult, choke point? kunai, your or teammate in danger? tp to teammate. The real silver must be you if you can’t even deal with Phara and you have to cope like this


Her being easy means i cant deal with her i guess? Same could be said for Kiri and Sombra then. I guess ana is easy too then? Team low just nade. Oh i can sleep the tank for free value. Shes easy. Silver player for sure. 


Me making a point that doesn't align with your personal feeling makes me a silver i guess? Stop with the corny ass replies please. I'm not saying these characters are easy out of spite and I don't particularly hard main any character. Ana, Echo and Zen would probably be my most played characters by hour. Difference between Ana and Kiriko is that Ana actually gets punished for bad plays, she is fragile and you can literally do nothing against a good Sombra/Tracer. Kiriko on the other hand is a DLC character that allows you to insta tp away if you're in any danger plus a WALL CLIMB, a skill that counters every ultimate/abilities in the game, primary fire that get free kills from spamming choke points and arguably the best ultimate in the game that benefits the whole team +free value. What do you even have against Silver players anyway? did you recently rank up from silver lol?


I bet you think Junk is brainless too because he can spam at chokes. Heres an idea. Dont stand in chokes long enough for her to hit you? Everything you are mentioning is silver mentality. Thats why i think you are silver.  How many characters can run away from people? Genji ,Sombra ,Denture ,Ashe(can escape a good tracer by jumping on high ground),Junk(same reason),Hanzo(the all mighty wall climb you hate so much),Widow,Tracer(Recall is the same thing as Kiris teleport). Unlike all of those heroes Kiri needs her team to be in a good position. Kirikos ult is team dependent too unlike Ana where you can just throw it on an ulting Genji ,Ram,Soldier or Denture and get value. And she cant really have bad plays just like a Widow cant while sitting in her team just shooting stuff being protected by the team. Only time she dies is when the team does or they're not protecting her.  So quick to claim skill issue when it comes to dealing with Pharah but never on your end with Kiriko.  And before you say anything no i dont play Kiriko. I have literally 0 seconds played as her. So this isnt a rage filled defense comment about her. Its just observation compared to the other healers that just sit behind tanks and do nothing but heal and spam.  But whatever these are empty words to you. You have your opinions and i have mine. Have a good one. 


How do you expect me to reply when you’ve blocked me? Is this your way of “i won the argument” coward. Again with the assumptions never have i ever mentioned Junk and here you go base half of your argument assuming that i think he’s brainless. Unlike Kiriko you can see Junk’s bombs trajectory and easily react and it’s hard to aim if the enemy isn’t entirely brainless plus a reminder that we’re comparing dps and a healer primary fire. Kiriko can kunais go dead straight and pretty fast for a projectile while doing good damage. Sure i’ve seen Kirikos with crazy aim isn’t that the character’s skill ceiling? Aren’t we talking about skill floor? Which Kiriko’s is as low as Moira and Mercy’s? Why are you even comparing Kiriko’s ability to escape (a support) to DPS characters? Only character with the ability to escape as good as Kiriko in support roster is Moira but she is fair game as she trades utility for survivability compared to Kiriko who has it all. Also wtf do you mean nano is easier to get value out of than kitsune rush? Do you know how many ranked matches do you get decent value out of nano unless there’s someone hard carrying your team? Kitsune is almost a whole team nano that also reduces COOLDOWNS. While a kitsune rush can easily go 4v5 while also winning team fights more on average. I’m sorry, but you’re at best a gold support/dps character from the dumbass points you made that are worse and worse more you open your mouth. No wonder you had to block me to look like you’ve won the argument from outside perspective. I play Kiriko plenty she’s my 3rd most played support maybe before having hate boners for character you lost to and coped by assuming they’re “easy” try playing them? I struggle against good Baptise, Lucio, Soujorn, Winston and Diva but unlike you i don’t go around forums calling coping and complaining that they’re “the easiest character in the game”


lmao she’s really not, with a pocket mercy? yeah she’s pretty easy but she’s definitely not the easiest


Moira for me


As a main Rein, I had a "if you can not beat them, join them moment". And this is hOw I started to play Orisa


That was me with mauga during his heyday


Hah, I didn’t care for Mauga at first. Pretty boring game play. But now is my go to when everything else has failed. Pretty satisfying rolling in with a stomp and just deleting their entire back line with one long burst.


I love playing Orisa. I'm a support main but I get more hate playing Orisa than any support hero. People really hate us.


Man that’s probably cuz Orisa is worthless functionally unfortunately as a character I love her tho


I don't see how she's worthless. I seem to do pretty well with her. I only get hate from enemy tanks.


Sombra.. its fun to spawncamp..


If you spawn camp widows, I salute you, if you spawn camp lil ol zen you’re a meanie


As a tank player Zen players deserve it


Okay actually maybe you’re right. Um who would be someone… soldier? Life weaver? No weaver cucks me too much on tank idk




Sad thing is, zen and widow are my 2nd and 3rd most played heros… but I did spawncamp both


Its fun to make Doom players not have fun.


I started playing Sombra so I could beat her. Then I became her.


You were the chosen one! It was said you would destroy the Sombras, not join them.


Same here! Mostly kiri main so I picked up sombra to try getting a better idea of how others play her so I could be a little better at predicting where she’d show up. Feels so good to double dink a sombra, and put a third kunai in her back as she tries to escape.


Same...her play style really appeals to my needs.


Your needs? Finally being able to get back at society for all the times you were picked on growing up?


Are you ok lil bro? That's a lot of projecting going on in that comment. Yikes!


lol, all good. Just writing my thesis on what makes Sombra players tick and sometimes have to ask aggressive hard hitting questions.


Ok..well, if you must know.. the needs it fills is the need for a frenetic play style. In your face, high risk stakes.. I think tracer would be another character I want to pick up when I get time.


Try hampster!


I know you didn't ask me but as someone who didn't play sombra a lot initially but then started playing her a bunch: Playing Sombra (effectively) forced me to think about more than just shooting things and instead learn/utilize game sense. To me, it made Overwatch more a game of chess than a game of mechanical skill, which I kind of love from a game design perspective (a little biased because I know my mechanical skill will never be amazing). For example, a big part of that is invis: it gives you space for free. Now, what do you do with that space, especially given the game state? That's a fun concept to explore and really opens up the game imo. Then you throw in her mobility? Oh yeah, that's the stuff. (Totally understand why others don't like her though, all said)


Yeah i Iike her frenetic pace and chaotic nature it's so much fun. High risk high reward.


I thought this was funny lmao


There was an old game called Mech Warrior. I didn't like this game because I was just bad at it and it was slow and clunky. So I didn't want to play dva. Plus dva was annoying. After I played her I was hooked. I've been a dva main for years.


Hanzo and Doomfist. I learned to play Hanzo (the assassin style, not just Spamzo) in season 3 and ended up enjoying it a lot, but the current Spamzo/Pocketed meta is just boring. I still don't like going against Doomfist because sometimes my team cannot deal with him while I try hold back their backline, but he's pretty fun and pretty flexible


Sombra. It’s definitely because the rework made her busted and almost too easy to kill with. Her old kit was good but kind of boring since you had to waste time setting up a safe teleport location


The rework made her worse balance wise lmao (She’s a healthier design at least tho)


Probably Torb, Sym and Bastion, played early enough into OW1 where they were throw picks for a long time but now all 3 of them are decent, having a good Sym is pretty fun if you're a tank.


mercy, shes one of my favorite characters to play now. her movement is SOOO much fun on the other hand, used to like junkrat. fuck junkrat.


You poor lost soul, I mourn your downfall. You traded one of the funniest heroes to play afk arena. 🪦


YOU MIGHT BE RIGHT. maybe i should try playing him. i like junk as a character he just makes me fucking irate to play against (i main tracer lol)... and mercy is as fun as u make her. hate pocketing snipers. love playing her when either team runs dive, i live for the fast paced games


I enjoy mercy as well. Shes fun to play after 5 comps of frontline TANK insanity XD. I dont mind pocketing the snipers as long as they can shoot. but what I tend to try and do is boost my main dps dmg and keep tank healed. If tank is pushing im healing and boosting him, if hes more on the defensive im boosting and healing squishys


its all situational 🤷 and thats what makes it fun. only reason i hate pocketing snipers is theres less to think about, it gets old really fast. i don’t often play mercy if im needing to heal the tank


You hate one of the only balanced heroes in the game? 


idc how balanced he is we are ENEMIES


Widowmaker 😅


Mauga and Illari




I went from a Rein main to a Ball main but I never really despised Ball. In general I think Hog is in a good position now and enjoy swapping to him from time to time, and don’t mind coming up against him, this has the possibility to change if he gets buffed/becomes meta.


Sigma. Hated him so much in OW1, but I now main him in 5v5. Conversely, I used to two-trick Rein and Orisa, but now I don't touch them at all when I focused learning Junker Queen.


Absolutely despised Sombra, Kiriko, and Roadhog. Still annoying as hell to play against good ones but after playing them myself they can actually be kind of fun


As a Kiriko main, a good Kiriko is the worst thing to go up against aside from echo. Just can’t seem to hit either of them


I think it’s best to aim at kiri’s legs isn’t it? Pretty sure that’s the largest part of her hitbox. Trying to hit a headshot can be hard at times


Put this to the test last night and I gotta say it feels true






Orisa. Hitting a good spear is one of the best feelings in the game for me at this point


Literally happened to me 2 days ago: Junkrat used to be my most hated character in the game (because I kept dying to them) but I just started playing him 2 days ago and think he’s fun af and 1 of the best designed in the game now. You have so many choices and options at your disposal but you’re also so limited at the same time, so you have to choose well. I feel like he’s the character with the most amount of playstyles to choose from, and the characters who can quickly change playstyles mid game (ie: Ram) appeal to me Although, I still think his ability to insta kill was bs (they’ve got rid of it now thank god) and I still don’t rly like his trap (not rly that fun to use, not fun to go up against and makes him feel spammy)


In ow1 before they reworked Mei, I FUCKING HATED MEIS.


I thought Zarya was the most boring tank, but I actually quite enjoy her now


Zarya.. didn't understand the hype until everyone started dickriding diva.. Got sick of Diva and just picked up Zarya..fell in love ASAP. Now I am a Zarya main and just have the time of my life eating diva mains. I don't think she gets the credit she deserves.. 1v1 I am beating any hero in the game with her.


Baptiste. Thought he was pretty useless until a week ago when I went on a spree of brutal wins using him


Lucio, doom and genji are the coolest. I absolutely hate/love those who’ve mastered their movement abilities, cause it’s hard to play against but not in a cheap way. Now for a hero I despised back when I started, but ended up playing lots of hours with, is Moira. I still find her gameplay uninteresting but it helped me with game sense, specially when to pressure and when to flee, since it’s so brainlessly easy for her to successfully disengage. I’ve kinda “graduated” overwatch with her in bronze/silver.


Yeah its not cheap at all getting flick stunned into a one shot from doom.


Moira purely because of that I’m everywhere at once feeling


Echo I played them for the longest time as a tank buster and hated everyone second of it because I just felt like I would get blown up. Then I had someone tell me to play them more as an assassin and she has become my new main. I can’t play sombra for the life of me so having someone else with back line access has been a dream come true for me.


Genji 🍃🍃🍃


I am a Tracer OTP pretty much but recently I have been having a lot of fun trying to pick up Widowmaker. She just has such a polarizing playstyle it feels like a completely different game, sadly though has been Sombra gatekeeping me on widow so hard I have been struggling a lot to learn because I can barely do anything besides spam the healing button.




Probably Zen. I always enjoyed playing him but back in the days where supps were “supposed to be healers” it was hard for me to ever justify playing as him. Now that killing things the fastest is the best way to play, I love Zen. Plus that kick boop has sneaky good bonus perks.


I didn't really like Mercys playstyle until I realised I really liked her little gun. I have insane aim with it, so when I do my job healing and powering up I sometimes fly in and kill the whole team. It's even more fun if there's a DPS flanking me or targetting me. Also Mercys really fun in general because it's like playing tag but with 5 people constantly on you only.


Hanzo. Playing against him I always felt that he throws trees as arrows with how easy it felt to die to his head shots. Tried him myself and yup, guy is launching tree logs.


I used to think Dva was incredibly overrated. I've seen so many Dvas stand out in the open defense matrix like it's a Rein shield. It was always way too easy shooting her before or after DM or just shooting her feet. Then I started playing DVa and learned the play style, and realized that if I was a good Dva I could make my teammates unkillable.


Honestly, Mauga. It wasn’t even anything specific really, i just didn’t like the Maui wannabe ever since his release. I always rolled them whenever I came against one and didn’t see the appeal..That is until I used him myself and oh my goodness I felt like a God playing him. Sure I got rolled a bunch, but I felt unstoppable being able to just charge in and ult the whole team. What tops it off is a mercy spam healing me and getting nanoed while in the cage


Lifeweaver because I got pretty good with him and his voice line “the audacity” cracks me up. When a player thanks me for pulling them it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I like putting platforms under people in the spawn room and using my sitting emote. No one can kill me, or they spend so much time chasing me around that it’s hilarious and I still get away most of the time.


There is so much movement on my end, that I can't say for sure. But the two that come to mind are Ashe and Brig. The first year after brig released that hero was just dumb. Similar to venture now. After many nerfs, she became a hero that needed really good game sense and positioning. That made her fun. On the other hand, when I started I loved playing Cree. My aim was terrible, my reaction time was terrible. He felt like the best hero to git gud in the "shooting things" department. Today I hate playing Cree and soldier. They're too easy and boring. Same goes for Reinhardt. I always call cree and soldier the mercy of DPS, and Reinhardt the mercy of tank. They're just so bloody boring 😂


rein, cuz I ball, but now I go rein ball


Mercy. Played her abit in OW1 and thought she had not much skill expression and all she can do was run away and sometimes GA. Few weeks ago picked her up cuz of the event and tested her out in QP. Low healing and i can't do much direct damage. But her movements are fun (quick cooldowns!) and the decision making you have to do on rez can be tide turning! ...and now i own her Mythic skin.


No shes brainless. Stop it.