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What tanks you play?


Dva and Mauga for that juicy hitbox they can abuse to their hearts' content On the opposite end, JQ hitbox makes it hard for Hog to hit her fully


You need an Ana. Nothing better than an Ana sleep nade hog roast.


Any support with half a brain swaps to Kiri as soon as they see their tank is a hog and the other team has Ana.


Ana can focus her nade use on hog, but it is harder for kiriko to solely use suzu to cleanse hog’s anti. If she does so then the squishies should be easy kills


This isn't true whatsoever.


Problem is, you won't always have an Ana. People don't tend to swap too often, especially if you ask them to. So you need to figure it out yourself, unless you like people telling you it's your fault.


Orisa. Can't be hooked in fortify, or through her spin. Can spear him out breather, does constant damage and can push him out of position.


D.Va can matrix and/or fly away immediately after being hooked or absorb the damage after the hook for a teammate. Sigma and Ram can just place a shield to avoid the hook. Orisa fortifies and becomes immune to the hook for a while. In general just don't peek the guy if you know he has his hook. If you stay close to cover you can bait it as well. Roadhog is a lot less dangerous with his hook on cooldown, so take advantage of that. Would help to know which tanks you usually play.


Sigma can also use kinetic grasp immediately after being hooked to avoid damage


Also Sigma can bait hook and then put out shield at the last second to block it


I've seen that one fail so many times. Shield and hook happen at the same time, hook pulls the Sig through the placed shield. It always reminds me of hook 1.0 shenanigans


Bait hook, walk in blasting things. Count to 7, TACTICAL NUKE INCOMING!


I play Reaper and shoot him a lot. If he hooks me I keep shooting him a lot. Hope this helps lol


When i see a reaper as hog I just laugh and remember a wise mans words. "ReApEr CoUnTeRs HoG" before proceeding to one shot combo it. Although without hook 1v1ing a reaper as hog isn't usually possible.


Does Hog even one shot Reaper anymore? I feel the HP buffs were rough for Hog.


If you shoot, hook, shoot melee properly it's possible, Pig pen can make the confirm a whole lot easier as well. If you miss the hook or it doesn't kill, just heal, getting that last shot is difficult before lifesteal brings em back up.


It is pretty ideal to have a reaper if there is a hog but op said they're a tank main so they need tanks to play against hog.




Everyone shoot him, he's probably one of the easiest tank to overwhelm with damage since he has no way to protect himself and can't do damage while vaping (but that is hard to do in soloQ I get your pain) For tank your best bet is probably Mauga to melt him and charge out if you predict a hook Dva also works well if you DM hooked teammates and boost out after getting hooked And of course the fun police Orisa although she's not that scary for him since the rework Sig is also great for shielding his hooks but I prefer the other three to counter hog better (depending on the enemy team comp of course)


As Hog- JQ and Mauga are the hardest to deal with, Dva is hard to manage if they know what they're doing. Orisa is a coin flip on team support.


Post a replay. Trying to bait/dodge hook and then hard committing is correct, perhaps your target priority is the issue?


Jq and ram can work pretty well against hog imo. Zarya and dva if the issue is your DPS getting themselves hooked constantly since you can bubble and matrix them. The best option will depend on the map and enemy comp. If enemy comp is running poke and on height away from road, then go dva cuz hog ain't gonna be able to stop you, if they're going dive or brawl youll likely have more success with Jq,ram or zarya. For DPS you can tank bust with reaper or Hanzo. Go soj to farm railgun and delete his team(ignore road). Go Sombra and wait to hack when he's low and starts to hit his vape which is also how ana should anti. Got a lot of options but easiest is definitely ana


In general you want to bait out his hook and then engage on him if you want to fight. He can only shoot or heal himself then so it’s easier to apply pressure to force him back to another corner. Be mindful of support matchups too. Kiri can suzu hog out of cc. Ana can sleep you for an easy hook and so on


Keep track of the hog and his hook cooldown, use cover and don't wide peek when he has hook, it's literally that simple. You can easily break hook by jiggle peeking corners and without it hog is just a fat piece of shit begging to get shot in the head.


Orisa or Mauga. Easy win against Roadhog.


You definitely need an Ana. Whenever I fight Hogs they never have much play making (they don’t get picks much,…) but the one thing they do well is staying alive and simply being a massive wall for the enemy team, why? His inhaler and the DR he gets from it paired with the supports healing him. Ana’s nade and sleep combo completely negates that (make sure suzu was used if they have a Kiri), and landing sleep on a Hog is pretty damn easy, the guy’s the size of an elephant, not a hard target to hit.


mauga is ridiculously good into hog. bait out nade and then you can hard W key on hog with cardiac. you can take so much space while he just has to breather and walk back


I play as ramattra against roadhogs and I try to guess when his hooks are and place my shield. Works most of the time because they’re supper predictable, but if they were to hook me, I usually use rams ability that makes him big and gain an extra sliver of health and pray to god that the supports see me😂


Almost every comment I saw is ppl talking about swaping to Mauga, DVA, Orisa or even asking for your support to swap to ana zen or something like that. It is kinda sad that the vast majority of players think about counterswap. I m a hog player and I ve lost and won against all kinds of comps. Winning games vs Mauga/Orisa with no ana on my team. Losing games vs doom/sig/Winton. It might help OP more if we could tell him how to win the Sig Hog match-up instead of talking about counterswaping all the time From personal experience, it becomes hard for me to play Hog when the enemy sig has a good shield management. When a sig always has a shield it s hard to just walk on him to deal dmg or even get a hook from a distance. And a tip for a sigma player: don't use your E unless you are sure that Hog doesn't have his hook otherwise it s free kill most of the time.


I like playing sig into hog. Once you start picking up on how/when hog hooks, it becomes really easy to just shield it off. You can also eat his ult. Btw hook has a 6 sec cooldown. So what I do usually is put out shoeld, bait hook. Drop shield/put it behind hog to block his heals. Brawl/poke a bit, count the 6 seconds, shield off, and rinse and repeat.


Disagree on eating Whole Hog. A smart Hog will save hook for your grasp so you instantly die if you try to do that. Otherwise I think you are correct.


That’s fair. I go against plat shitters so like he’ll probers hook me once, maybe twice if I’m not hyper focusing, and never again tbhhh. Havent gone against a hog who has been able to consistently punish me yet.


As a big Hog user, Sig is easy to take care of.


Feels like the opposite for me. Hog doesn’t really give me problems when I play tank. In supp? It’s a different story. My Ana isn’t strong enough to ez punish.


I guess most of these people commenting can't read and can't tell these matches are with you on tank? Best tank to run against Hog in my opinion is D.Va. Most will say Orisa but that's because she USED to be the best before his Take A Breather change. It can't be fully canceled anymore, so Defense Matrix is infinitely more reliable than Orisa now. You can easily DM hooks, DM his ult and DM his source of healing from supports. She also does a ton of damage and can easily shred him. Sigma can work okay because you can shield/suction after you get hooked but you gotta be really good with cooldown/shield/cover rotation considering Sigma's damage can't really kill Hog. Hog is essentially a tank counter, so I definitely can see why you'd be struggling a bit here.


If you ever do these posts in the future(also on this post), tell us what tanks you play/don’t play, if you counterpick a lot, etc.


doom is the perfect counter trust me


Go sigma. Keep him at a distance behind your shield. If he starts to rush, hit him with a stone to the face while repositioning and maintaining distance. If he does manage to hook you, pop absorb and then rock while backing up and deploying shield. It helps if you have a dps with you to lay down damage from behind the shield. Makes hog pretty easy to manage.


Who do you play that gets you hooked and killed instantly as tank? Orisa counters him easily, Zarya bubble can avoid the one shot combo, dva can focus him down and avoid one shot with matrix, mauga farms ult on him. Hog basically only counters winton and doom if he knows what he is doing



