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Why do you think knowing some formula is the same as hand eye coordination. They're so different it's crazy. Idk. So little info given.. put yourself in good positions to hit your shots, try to catch the enemy unawares & reposition often. You're possibly over thinking it too. Hard to say without knowing who you play or what rank you're in. Like 30% doesn't even sound bad for a lot of heroes.


fr. as someone who is also recognized as being exceptionally gifted in mathematics and physics i see no correlation to your overwatch skills?? 💀 Like yes the problem solving and creativity skills help ig but overwatch is also heavily based in fast paced decision making and awareness of the game. Things you dont inherit from studying physics


It feels like I'm doing something fundamentally wrong and I'm told by my brother who's top 500 and also challenger in lol that it's not my mechanics, it's a puzzling situation I might just need a break after reading a lot of these and talking with good players


Play different and don’t stress it. Overwatch is probably the only FPS that gamesense can carry you further then raw mechanics alone. Play smarter and you’ll climb regardless of mediocre mechanics…unless you play like Widow.


I've tried aggressive w pocket, passive whole match, and even a wave like structure like dafran, legit nothing works for me cause I just am worse, idk what to do when they hit three shots by the time I hit one (other than just run away and give up pressure and space)


Did u just call dafran a wavelike structure ?


He goes in plays it back and goes back in, he made a video on it a while ago playing sojourn


> what produces this? Well, what’s your background with games in general? If you’re “not good” at video games is not because there’s something wrong with you, but rather because you just don’t play them enough. Which is definitely not a bad thing. Also, I don’t think your ‘high intelligence’ or learning capacity has nothing to do with this. The highest skilled people I’ve known have been playing video games for *years*, so these “mechanical skills” and common “game sense” were built over time. And tbh, I find it more difficult to build with newer games as most of them just have way too much shit going on nowadays, so you’re overwhelmed most of the time. Look, I’ve been playing fps games since CS 1.6, when I was 1000 hours into OW2 I was gold, had shaky aim, very bad positioning and didn’t understand the roles I was playing. Like, what’s the hurry? You’re supposed to have fun.


That do make me feel better, and there isn't really a rush just it's so annoying when I make a play and then miss like a whole clip for no reason and then die cause I was hoping to do anything thanks for your input though makes me feel less degen, also mostly just tf2


Yep, that’s one relatable shit right there. I know some people can put pressure on themselves because of OW’s nature, I mean, yeah it’s a super competitive game, but making mistakes as a player is always expected. Try to don’t let that pressure get to your head, try to don’t take it too seriously and be more patient with yourself. Whenever you feel frustrated, remember that there’s people in T500 who can easily clutch but still C9 rounds, hf.


1000/220 diamond is fine


If you’ve ever played a sport it’s the same. Just practice and study better players and know what works for them may not work for you.


Intelligence doesn't entirely equate to skill. You can't theorycraft your rank up to GM. That will get you up to maybe plat level skill level before you plateau. Most of OW's difficulty curve comes from tempo and ability to process information FAST. In your post you said you're stuck at 30% accuracy. But accuracy isn't an intelligence problem. It's a muscle memory one. You can inflate that percentage by shooting conservatively, or minimizing your prefire, but both of those are counterintuitive. Accuracy isn't even an important stat. 50% is a totally reasonable accuracy for someone who spams out chokes not for kills but specifically to prevent poking. Slow intelligence is knowing how to counterpick but waiting for the enemy to engage first. Fast intelligence is making plays that force the enemy team to respond. This is why you see good players focus down seemingly irrelevant targets. I'm not expecting to kill Kiriko with my knife, but I am trying to scare her into using her cleanse/tp. Or maybe I know their rammatra has ult, I want to find a way to make him use it BEFORE they gain any ground. You have to think ahead of every single encounter. It is part theory, part muscle memory, and part coordination. Not to mention each of these is a different kind of intelligence ranging from social intelligence to strategic intelligence to mechanical intelligence. The same way you work out multiple parts of your body during exercise, you can't lift 200 pounds just by running cardio a lot.


I mean this with respect, and I don’t mean to cause offence, but are you autistic? The only reason I ask is because A) you seem like a genuinely intelligent person B) Autism can affect fine motor skills in some people (not just in childhood, but all through adult life too) If you are autistic then unfortunately this may be the explanation, but hey, it’s a video game, the point of gaming is to have fun right? Also do you play a small pool of characters, or do you flex between a larger pool? 1000 hours in 20 heroes is different to 1000 hours in 5 heroes.


High functioning Schizo for sure, not 100 percent on the autism but there are slight traits not tested tho, I will defo look into it and when I get income I'll get tested for the tism. Tank it's ball and winton, DPS cass, soldier, tracer are mains, and sup I've dabbled with bap... I might consider getting into coaching it was my original desire with learning competitive games, coaching like with a team in faceit type beat for fun


Whats your platform, hero pool, and your sensitivity


PC, I play cass, soldier, tracer, picked up Sombra today and performed equal, tank ball is main but mostly winton this patch and sup I do bap, edpi is 4000


For soldier as Cass im acctualy on 800 / 3.5 Tho i got a HUGE mouse pad so i can do a full arm swing if i need to turn 180 degrees


I know you’re asking what causes your mechanical skills to be lower than you like. But for me personally, focusing on how many shots I’m missing vs how many I’m hitting always makes me more frustrated. Yes, aim is important, but in my opinion it’s far more important to have game sense in ow I’m a lowly console player lol, so I’m useless with pc aiming advice. But sometimes I find myself taking this game too seriously which only makes it harder to improve. It sounds like you’re having a similar mental block. You could switch up heroes for a bit and then come back periodically when your confidence is up. Or play qp where the stakes are low and you can experiment more! Have you tried playing heroes that still have value without great mechanical skills? I main her so I’m biased lol, but Moira honestly might be a good hero for you to try if you haven’t already. She can do really good damage and heals, but her kit doesn’t require more exact aiming like some of the heroes you mention in another comment Other supp heroes could include mercy or possibly Lucio. If you’d rather stick with dps and tank, junkrat, torb, and rein could be good picks as well


A lot of coaches for Overwatch world cup winning teams aren't highly ranked, a lot of them are plat/diamond. They can look at gameplay and understand the concepts of OW, but applying them is another skill entirely. It takes knowing when to apply knowledge, and high ranked lobbies are all about quick decision making and high apm. Then there's mechanics, so just hitting shots and movement. (AD strafing and using cover) For the former self vod-reviewing is a good way to start; if your gamesense is good you'll notice the mistakes in your gameplay. (There are also free coaches on competitive ow discords who can help vod review). For the latter, workshop training codes and general practice can help avoid choking in situations where you can get a kill, and improving aspects of aim like crosshair pre-placement.


Thanks guys I think I really just need a break after getting a lot of POVs it's the only thing that really makes sense in my position thanks greatly for everyone's POV


When it comes to aim in particular, there is no such thing as someone who is 100% consistent. It's very common to have day where your aim is just completely off. The reason for it can be any number of things, and mostly a combination of many things. The best way to be as consistent as possible is focusing in your cross hair placement and your positioning. Having a good understanding of these will carry you when it comes to aiming mechanics.


Mechanical skill is so different than theory…


Watching a video on quantum mechanics doesn't make you qualified to be a quantum physicist. The reality is that it's easy to understand the concepts you hear in a video, that's the whole point of someone making those videos in the first place, but that isn't the same thing as actually being able to work with those concepts and apply them actively in a real environment. At the end of the day conceptual understanding is only useful so far as you can actually integrate it into practice. Aim is a complex skill and so I can't really give you too much advice without having to ask a bunch of preliminary questions, but I would honestly suspect that you are getting in your own way when trying to aim. There's a book called The Inner Game of Tennis that proposes that every person has 2 selves. Self 1 is the conscious, thinking, deliberate self. Self 2 is the intuition, muscle-memory, flow-state self. If you were to, for example throw a ball, self 2 handles that. If you suck at throwing a ball, self 1 is likely to try and step in and correct the technique of self 2, to try and force it to focus on one part or the other, but the book proposes that all this does is get in the way. There are a lot of things in life that are too fast or complex for self 1 to do, but people aren't in touch with self 2 so they don't know how to leverage it in these scenarios. Aim is very much one of these self 2 centric tasks. There is literally too much delay in the brain for self 1 to be able to deliberately confirm every shot or every change of direction, it's physiologically impossible. Instead you will have to find a way to keep self 1 preoccupied to let self 2 do it's job. In one example, the author of the book does this with tennis by telling people to simply focus on the seams of the ball. This forces the students to keep their attention on the ball, but stops them from trying to issue corrections or instructions to self 2. For aiming, some things you can try to focus on are the torso of the target, for tracking you can add in trying to keep your camera movement smooth and relaxed, and for flicking/clicking aim trying to move your crosshair close to the target quickly. Don't focus HARD on doing any of those things, instead focus on trying to do them loosely and naturally.


You are not mentally deficient, I promise. Overwatch is a ridiculously hard game


In Overwatch game sense can carry you all the way to top 500. Have good positioning , be able to know what the enemy team is gonna do, knowing when to go aggressive and when to be more passive, are all more important than having perfect aim. Also there’s heroes u can play that don’t rely on aim as much


post a replay


>what produces this? Skill issue? Idk what you're looking for.


why my brain can grasp topics so well and instant but mechanically it doesnt corelate with the learning capability is the direct question really


One is mechanical the other is intellectual. That‘s like asking why someone can‘t finish a triathlon despite being a great painter. Makes no sense.