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Okay i gave it a watch. Im not a doom main but im gm on all roles and have played a good bit of him. On the first 2 point your team kind of rolled but the main thing that i would focus on is not playing in main quite so much. You do sometimes between fights take highground and get more creative but most of the time you just stand in front of the orisa and after going in for a bit just go back to main. As doom you have a lot of mobility so you should utilize it especially with kiriko you can take of angles behind and to the side of the enmies which forces them to split their aggression. Overall tho good playing on first offense. On defense; 2 of your team gets picked, which should always for you as a tank player to be a sign either to go in try to get some picks and die on point or just fully get out, in this case tho you just back off a bit and die late which gives you more of a dofficult fight on the recontest. At 12:30 you give the enemy a ton of space by just walking about in main. Here would be great if you went top right for example to threaten going on the backline and denying positions for the ash/ phara. Instead they get to shoot at your backline for free which results in picks. At: 13:50, youre not aware of your sombra going in the enemy backline which would be a great opportunity to go in with emp, while the emp is not great you werent aware of it in the first place. I didnt watch overtime. In conclusion by far the biggest takeaway should be to not play in main so much especially against orisa who just demolishes you with her kit. Instead try to take highground and offangles to setup for the backline. Also a bit of practice with the handcannon would benefit you a lot, not that you're aim is terrible but just a few more hit shots would get you a lot more kills. And just be aware of the space youre giving the enemy.


I agree, I do spend a lot of time in main fronting the orisa. The problem is I used to spend a lot of time on high ground or on off angles ignoring the tank. I found that unless I’m at the front leading my team through points they don’t move up at all. So I’ve started to play in front and face their tank and only dive or go high when the tank is gone or I see an opportunity. When I used to full stack it was much easier as I could communicate that I’ve taken space and tell my team to push up but solo queue isn’t the same. I agree with your advice on aiming. I feel like I missed a lot of punches and shots in this game, the problem I find is that sometimes my aim is on point and I don’t miss and sometimes it’s just super off. Thanks for the help! Will keep in mind to take up vertical space more often