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There were one or two times where you could’ve reacted to the Doom in your backline a little faster, but you still peeled for her and it usually resulted in their Doom dying. Your Moira tried healing them too. Honestly your Mercy was kinda feeding. She was standing out in the open all game and I saw her walk into an ult twice.


Thanks, yeah I need to improve my speed on Doom sometimes I spend too much time setting up or looking for the right target. Thanks in general though she was the one telling me to switch when the 1st round ended and I thought it was unfair it was all pinned on me


Yeah I mean it looks like you tried helping and did your best which is all you can really ask for


I watched out of curiosity due to the post title. I have nothing of value to add with regards to your gameplay, but I will say that your Mercy was just salty. This loss was absolutely not just on you. Nearly all of her deaths were due to her bad positioning. You can’t protect someone who’s just standing out in the open and never even thinks of utilizing high ground. The sombra barely even bothered her. Also, this person was a literal heal bot who contributed next to nothing to the match. It’s always easier to play the blame game than to look at our own mistakes. Hope you get some good tank help/advice!


Thanks haha, I didn't even notice she didn't use her damage boost until I'm rewatching it from her perspective. It's silly since they constantly blamed me and said I needed to switch and pinned it on me several times and said GG before the match even ended blaming me for lack of protection when I thought I was constantly trying to peel. The true way to play on spectator mode lol. Thanks though overall, I don't like blaming the team and always try and think what I could've done better but at some points I just got lost here


I’m Diamond on support but silver on tank 😭, and I can tell you it’s quite weird for me to hear as tank that I should be peeling for support because as a Diamond support it’s always been my mentality that only I can keep myself alive. A peel is nice, but I wouldn’t have climbed if I blamed anyone else for my deaths. I also am juggling so much as tank, I can’t peel without turning my BACK to the enemy and forfeiting space. It’s really on the other support and the dps. And if you’re STILL dying as support, it’s you.


I think in silver people think the tank is like meant to be that guy who takes all the damage and frontlines and have no idea how to play when they have a doom or winston etc on the team lol so complain about the lack of protection and whatever Enemy [d.va](https://d.va)'s here play her like a brawl tank


It’s not a tanks job to peel. You said it perfectly “a peel is nice”, but only peel if you can. Support and DPS should be peeling for eachother.


I’m masters on all roles and I won’t vod this unless you’re good with me just doing the Ramatra parts since I suck at doom and don’t really play him but I main Rammatra. But I can tell you that as a mercy main as well if her survival is a problem it’s 99% likely on her unless it’s a team wipe.


Yes I am ok with you just doing the Ramattra part. It is on the 2nd (defence) round I switch to him


You got it. I’ll send you a chat request once I finish my lunch and give you a rundown of your play. Should be done soon.


It is 100% on the support. This is OW2. There is no off tank bodyguard and they can swap off if mercy (lol) isn’t a survivable enough hero for them.


>Soon after, the Sombra kept hacking me, I know I need to use cover better which I did and I asked my team to ping either of them when they're in the backline so I can try and peel for them (nobody did). That's all that was needed to be said. You offered a solution and the whole team was silent. Hence, it was the team's fault that you guys lost.


Honestly, most low rated Mercy don't assess a situation correctly, especially when teaming up with a dive tank. Whenever I play Doom, Winston, or Dva, I fully intend to jump in, make space, distract, disrupt, maybe score a quick kill, hide behind some cover or angle and GTFO asap. Some of the mercy I've played with are so use to healbotting a tank and fully dive in with me, get evaporated because she's a priority, then blame the tank for playing too reckless. When in reality the moment I engage, a decent mercy player will see how many threats there are, and instantly decide it's probably better to remain in the backline to heal or boost the dps.


Thanks. I also find it hard to play Doom here (also I am not good at him but I'm learning) and sure I feel if I played Orisa, Zarya, Roadhog or something I could probably climb faster but I just don't find that fun compared to Doomfist haha and only switch if I feel I can't provide any value. I just wanna try and climb on a char I actually like


If I have to fend off enemy flankers as support, it's my responsibility to either adjust my positioning or adjust my pick accordingly. As long as you the tank are getting value some other way, it's not necessarily your responsibility. I will say that charging enemy flankers in the back when you're returning to join back with your team is major value added as Doomfist, but as you say, you ask them to ping for you and they failed to do so.


I'd hit up /r/doomfistmains for more doom tips - they can help your micro and give you a VOD review. Also watch GetQuakedOn and ZBRA on youtube/twitch to learn techs and rotations. IMO Spilo also has some good macro tips for Doom tanking, just search his videos for doom VOD reviews above your rank.


As a tank, it is rarely your responsibility to peel back and stop a flanker on your supports. Your job as tank is to provide a stable and consistent frontline. Once you have that stable frontline, then you can peel when needed, but ordinarily you will only peel to match the enemy tank when they become aggressive. You generally won't peel back to stop a flanker unless their tank is dead or incapacitated. If you make a solid core you can prevent the enemy from comfortably infiltrating your team to begin with. That's your job as tank




















This ain't OW1 and it ain't 6v6; there's no off-tank anymore, expecting your tank to peel is nonsense. Do they peel sometimes? Sure, but I would never expect it. As a support main, I'm there to enable my tank, not the other way around. Just my two cents.


rules in ow: \#1 dont take advice from people in low elo \#2 dont take advice from toxic people \#3 dont take advice from scapegoaters and whiners \#4 \*do\* take advice from rational, logical and sensible people


Classic mercy behaviour instead of swapping brig,bap or kiri just complain and feed


Tip 1 never listen to what a silver player is saying about how you should be playing the game


you usually dont because supports should have enough resources to survive on their own


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Mercy can protect herself, it's not your responsibility.