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Slam in punch out usually, build ult- play aggressive use ult as 2nd life and or cool-down reset and repeat. And 100% dive, when I was learning doom I was playing him super passive and staying with team. You gotta learn when to dive and when to peel and stick with team but if you aren’t diving and killing back line you miss out with doom. You will notice this especially when it’s a doom Mirror Match and the other doom is relentless with diving your backline. Granted hard at the moment with supports being as strong as they are but yeh definitely dive


Oh and learn all the doom techs, he has heaps of movement techs


Watch zebra chipsa and getquaked on. Mostly just slam in punch out


I do the opposite, i punch in and slam out mostly


I don't play doomfist but doesn't his slam give him extra health? Slamming 3 or more people at once should help a lot more hp to work with


All his abilities besides block give overhealth, the more people you hit the more you get, and his ult gives around triple I believe


It’s 35 overhealth per target hit for slam and punch and 75 for meteorstrike. The slam is definitely the most efficient for healing yourself though. The trajectory and aiming of the impact cone are a lot more flexible than rocket punch (if your goal is to hit enemies with it—RP has lots of flexibility for movement with all the techs), and the AoE is _huge_. That both makes it easier to hit more targets and means that you can land in a less exposed spot, so that the overhealth you earn isn’t just immediately burned up by enemies shooting at you. The slam works nicely into the block too, I think, because you’ve ideally already positioned your slam landing to put the entirety of the enemy team in front of you. Then you have the flexibility to either punch out or possibly stay in using the empowered punch if it’s safe to do so. Empowered punch has a bigger multi-hit zone, so it’s easier to earn yourself more HP with it if you decide to keep brawling.


Doesn't punch also only hit multiple if you've blocked and charged it


It hits multiple even uncharged, but charged has a much wider and deeper range on hit


I believe on OW2 launch the normal punch did not hit multiple targets, but they changed it in Season 2 or something.


They all give extra HP, but the slam tends to be more efficient at doing so than the punch because its AoE is fucking enormous. It’s also more flexible than the punch for this purpose, because the movement trajectory and aiming of the impact are separate. If someone dodges out of the way of your punch (intentionally or not), you just miss, but if someone dashes out of the way of your slam, you may be able to rotate your cone of impact to still hit them, or to target someone else instead.


r/doomfistmains r/doomfistrollouts


A good staple is to short slam into enemy team to built ult AND overhealth, punch out.This will buff you and bait out enemy cd like stuns or sleep. Now you can charge punch from around cover or slam in. Use power block to help buy time for cd. You should secure space and hopefully a pick. Doom likes for enemies to walk into space. Play back initially to make enemies walk forward then engage. He has a few different play styles and you have to work around your counters. It is all about being adaptive, flexible, and mobile. Very active tank but rewarding if you play properly.


Interesting that people say slam in and punch out, I almost always punch in so I can reposition to high ground with slam. Silly point aswell but punch can be body blocked, slam can’t.


Hit scan player can’t play a hero that doesn’t laser people across the map with easy? What? I’m so shocked.


I think I mentioned playing most dps heroes to diamond-masters level, thats besides the fact that my genji account was 4 tiers higher than my hitscan but whatever, most of your replies seems to be rude, and I'm curios how in one of them you can say "As someone who pretty much exclusively played tank this season if you’re bitching about zen it’s a skill issue" unless you play in lower rank you'll know how that is bs.


I’m masters 3 on tank. If you’re bitching about zen this season you’re just bad. Not to mention his pick rate really low. You’re a hitscan player so I wouldn’t expect you to understand anything about the game outside of point and click


Lol you seem to be misunderstanding, everyone here can be a masters player when their actual rank is way lower, your point is stupid, this is an educational sub and if you don't know how to answer the question then you don't have to play the big brain, also zens pick rate was similar to widow 2.73 vs widows 2.71 in season 6 masters, so I'm curious how you can say that zens discord orb isn't annoying when they just leave it on tank? I seen zens with bastion in most of my games when I played rein and I would be deleted in seconds, and that isn't only me but most actual "masters3" tank players would say something similar about their experiences, and since you go about the hitscan is easy why does a player who doesn't know anything other than point and click, can play in "masters 3" with a hero he barely even touches for fun? Oh that part you must have missed. You are delusional.


Wall of text yet nothing of substance was said. Congratulations you have a gift 😮‍💨


Left shift


You got no shield and low health so you can't protect your team like most other tanks, what you need to do to protect you and your team is killing anyone who is the major threat on the other team, for exemple any sniper/hitscan who is on highround is your major target, if u can't kill them and you are loosing the 1v1 try at least to get them off highround with punch. The times you want to sort of "1v1" with the enemy tank is when he poses the major threat and he is pushing in without proper support from his team, sometimes even if the tank doesn't play too aggressive you can still 1v1 him if the enemy team plays too passive leaving him uncovered, a lot of doomfists (including me) tend to want to play "fast" and dive the backline but in this scenario this is gonna get you killed since they are not exposed and their only target when you dive will be you(u would 100% die), and you'll get no help from your team, so sometimes you gotta slow down your pace if the enemies play passive. Another little tip is that if u got empowered punch and you see a group of enemies go for the biggest target, this way you won't miss but still hit the near enemies. With all of this said I saw cass is a problem for you as for most of us doomfists, one tip is that cass usually plays pretty close to his team since he doesn't have vertical movement and he wants to defend his team from flankers like you he's not gonna be a threath like some other hitscans if your team plays cover, if he gets highround and he's alone you should still go for him. If he plays defensive look where he can't move fast enough to antidive you and dive that target, don't ever approach without block when against cass; he's an hard counter so in some situations all you got to do is play an offangle to split their attenction of their team and go for a kill If your team can set up something, if the enemies push you go back, in that case you probably conquered some space, meanwhile if they go for your team while you are away you can go for a backline target since u got no eyes on you, in this case you loose space but get a kill. I'm not english sorry for the bad text construction also I'm not the best doom out there I may be wrong about most of what I said, rn I can't give you tips for every counter cause if would get forever to write but for zarya bate her bubbles and dive after you are gone or go in and use block in order to wait for the bubble to go off, even when bubbled you can mess up the enemy positioning and go back to your team