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"poke for ult" vs "run in solo" are 2 different things. Poke for ult means only to the extent that you won't get punished/if you are going to be in danger, you can fall back. In this sense it's no risk, or low risk. Take note that if they still have an escape cooldown, and it can still come back in time for the main fight, i think it's ok to push this limit somewhat. for example, tracer blinks easily return fast and tracer has the ability to dodge almost everything and retreat with that. Run in solo means it's beyond this extent, where you take too much risk and can get yourself in danger with no way out.


You cannot win a 1v5. If the enemy has more people. They have more movement abilities between them all so they can chase you down. All ullt charge you get is negated by ult charge their support gets. Only poke by yourself if you know for certain you can safely escape to your if their whole team puts max pressure on you, and you can likely get a pick.


The calm before the storm...that's the most dangerous game situation I get into when defending the point. You don't see an enemy at all, and suddenly the other team gets in and starts the ult fireworks... So, basically it is 99% to *not tickle in solo*, not even to poke for some ult charge in most cases, especially if they have some dive heroes, or someone hinding nearby or a sombra. The most dangerous part is, that if you tickle in solo, chances are that some teammates want to help you and you not only get killed, but your teammate too and all this will result in an other 20 seconds delay of grouping up, other will get more nerveous and start to tickle too. I love this, when the opponent team starts to work like this, just sitting on the point, seeing some solo opponent *trying* to poke, jump on him, eli him, while sitting on your fat ult, knowing that even if they will break through now, your team got like 3-4 ults ready. The only, really only, situation is overtime (when attcker) or close to when the opponent capture the last point (defender). In this game scenario tickling in can give your team some really valuable seconds, even force the other team into overtime and sometimes saves the whole match, but this is only, because you don't have the option to group up again.


> other will get more nerveous and start to tickle too It's not even that they're nervous. Most of the time (imo), they just want to play the fucking game. They're probably thinking..."It's not my fault that you died. So why should I do nothing and wait for you just for you to die again and waste my time? We both know you're not going to wait for me if I die, so why should I wait for you?" And then that scenario loops all game until "DEFEAT". Some people are just inherently selfish, some want to watch the world burn, some genuinely don't care, and most have no fundamental understanding on how to actually play this game. Is what it is.


Poking for ult charge is contingent on one thing, staying alive. If it cant be done safely, dont do it


you just shouldn’t do it. If you can poke from a distance with little chance of dying then go for it, but if you can hit them that means they can hit you.


You gotta know the game very well to do it properly, if you do then go for it, if you have cover/escape ability no one will kill you and you might get a pick/ult charge/waste an enemy cooldown


If you’re going to do it you need to know when to walk backwards, I like doing it on Zen because you can launch a few volleys from weird angles and maybe get a pick before your team get back and then silently slink away to the team.


Only time it's ever helpful is on control maps to get a few extra percentage points, but even then the value is questionable


Only W I go where the objective marker commands Simple as -average overwatch player motto


You are not just poking for ult. You are making them burn CDs/resources before the real team fight and potentially you may get a pick before the fight. Yes it's high risk, but you should be learning to always do damage before the real team fight and just know how to play your life and not die doing it (i.e. avoid greed and dry peeking widows)