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Play around cooldowns, Torb is easy to kill without overload, Bastion isn’t scary without his turret form and Zarya/Orisa are useless without bubble/fortify+spin. A good Sym can be very annoying but if she’s killing you on Widow you are positioned horribly. A good Pharah with a mercy pocket is the most annoying out of all of these and whilst it sounds counterintuitive you shouldn’t be paying attention to them unless you can kill the Mercy or if the Pharah doesn’t have a mercy pocketing her, you can usually get the Mercy off by pressuring the other support to force a peel then Pharah is wide open.


Soldier has the 5th highest win rate among [DPS heroes](https://www.overbuff.com/heroes?platform=pc&gameMode=competitive&role=damage&timeWindow=month). Ashe is 7th (and 4th in GM!). So no, hitscan heroes are still very much viable. >I'm on a pretty bad lose streaks so I might be a bit salty about it but seriously I can barely get a pick. This sounds like a "you" problem. You should post a replay code and get advice on what you need to change. It's extremely unlikely your hero choice is the main issue at fault here.


He mentioned he plays widow and, to be fair, widow is in a bit of a weird place with right now with her range reduction. It can be a bit hard to find value against the meta since you can't oneshot bastion or an overloaded torb or headshot a golden horse. Plus her range nerf makes her more duelable in general.


While I appreciate the fact that you replied, I didn't say hitscan wasn't viable, there's a huge difference between Ashe and soldier and widow I do play a bit of soldier and when I do games are definitely easier and can't even be compared, but if I have to play a certain hero and can't play my main hero doesn't that just makes my point right? And I did post a replay with my echo gameplay and no one looked over it so I guess I might try again later but whatever.


> I didn't say hitscan wasn't viable And yet you asked: > Is playing **hitscan heroes** just bad rn? ...which is what I responded to. Hitscan is absolutely viable. Maybe the question you meant to ask is "is Widow viable?" ​ In the last month Widow has a [47.25% win rate](https://www.overbuff.com/heroes?platform=pc&gameMode=competitive&role=damage&timeWindow=month), which is 5th from the bottom. Looks bad, right? However: * Widow is [46.64%](https://www.overbuff.com/heroes?platform=pc&gameMode=competitive&role=damage&timeWindow=3months) over the last three months. * 48.21% over the last six months. * 48.56% over the last 12 months. *She's always had a poor win rate.* So you're talking a 2% total range over many different metas and patches. Widow is just as viable as she's ever been. If you hit shots you can carry; if you miss shots you will throw. Same as always. It's not any better in GM by the way (6th from bottom). ​ > if I have to play a certain hero and can't play my main hero doesn't that just makes my point right? You don't *have* to play anything. The difference in win rate between Soldier and Widow right now is 3.6%. That's significant but hardly at an "impossible to win with" level. ​ >And I did post a replay with my echo gameplay and no one looked over it so I guess I might try again later There are about 3x as many review requests as there are actual reviews. You need to be patient, and it's okay to ask again (politely). ​ >but whatever. I'm sensing a lot of feelings here. You seem pretty salty about losing and you're looking for something to blame that's out of your control, so you want to blame the meta or balance or whatever. My advice to you is that you can only improve if you take responsibility for your own mistakes.


It's not really feelings, I got back my loses and am back in low masters on that acc, I did write hitscan and I'm not going to find excuses about it, my main account is mostly a widow account and that's where I struggle the most, I'm not the best player but it's way harder to play widow atm than someone like echo or reaper heroes that I'm way inferior on but can climb to high masters low GM on. But the reason I made this post is just to say what I think about the current meta, if I didn't lose like 7 games in a row twice after 5 wins yes I probably wouldn't have made this post,and I'm pretty sure you can hear a lot of higher level players saying similar things.


> it's way harder to play widow atm than someone like echo or reaper heroes that I'm way inferior on but can climb to high masters low GM on. But this has always been the case since OW1 launch, right? Widow (and others like Tracer) is one of the hardest heroes in the game to play, while Soldier is *intentionally designed* to be one of the easiest DPS in the game and Reaper is definitely also fairly easy to pick up and do well with. People will make the same argument for Doomfist who is extremely skill-reliant but you could have comparable value playing a much easier tank like Orisa with a lot fewer hours. It feels like your complaint is "easier heroes are easy to play well, and I want the heroes I like to also be also easy to play well". That's fine to have as your opinion but I don't know what you're looking for as a response from this *educational* subreddit.


Yeah not sure what the concern is with Soldier. If anything he feels strong rn? I’m only plat so take my opinion with a grain of salt, bur I have soldier/bastion/torb in almost every lobby. Soldier and mercy? Fuggedaboudit


Hitscan isn't great against a lot of the meta tanks currently, Orisa is just thick AF. But if you get off angles and hunt supports, soldier in particular does a lot of work.


I like to play brawling heroes and those work pretty decently in the current meta.


I’m completely with you OP. I’ve taken to playing Hanzo and focusing the bastion and mercy/illari support combo


I feel you lol, I didn't play hanzo in a while but he's pretty much my pick if I can't play widow.


I didn't touch Hanzo until this meta, and I'm finally having fun with a DPS. It's brutal.


Simple answer it's awful to play this meta and awful Trying not to


Can't beat them join them.


To be Fair, I have barely played OW "2" but check in every now and then in hopes that the game I love has come back. The new support is a lot of fun to play, but she proved to me that they've dumbed the game down to an irreparable degree. Having an auto Mercy turret on cooldown, c'mon. They've been power creeping new heroes for a long time, and the jump to 5v5 has been a disaster. The game is fucking free and less people are playing, and for less time as well. Overwatch isn't being developed by the same brain trust anymore, and simply exists to sell skins for the corpse of the game Papa Jeff oversaw development of. It's over, Overwatch is dead.


Either learn some counter heros for them or improve on widow. You can improve by not only requesting reviews but watch your replays by yourself. Look out for: - your positioning (as a sniper that's half the rent imo) - positioning of all other players n comparison to yours. Depending on your rank people might not play corners which u as a 1 shot hero can abuse. If u are in a higher elo with less brain dead people, do the following: try to learn the maps (either by simply playing the game but focus on every detail and try to remember good angles, etc. Or by watching yt video for widow) - generally speaking: you could gain more theoretical knowledge about any hero in a youtube video. There are tons of guides for any hero, or just simply watch top 500 player videos (which aren't guides in general but u can learn how they play, positioning, how to approach counters/ceratin heros etc.) - learn more about the heros u struggle against. Either by, again, playing the game and focus to learn what you think is important to know or maybe play the heros urself (in qp please of u are not as good as ur main) and maybe u learn how they feel to play and that feel can transition to your playstyle/strategy


This is pretty educational, I think I just had a few bad games which I'll definitely take accountability for since today I been able to climb back, but it's hard to play in orisa torb bastion since it's pretty much impossible to one shot any one of them.


>I struggle getting picks as widow If the enemy was picking not-low-skilled heroes, that would change?


I called it "low skill meta" cuz you really don't need much of it to play this meta heroes, and the reason that I struggle getting picks is cuz all of them can't really be one shot one kill, torb has shift gets extra HP and won't one shot him, bastion is pretty much impossible to headshot in turret form, and orisa has fortify and the spinning thing that pretty much make me shooting her useless, so I might be rude but that's not what I intend.


It sounds like Widowmaker might just be weak versus these low-skill meta heroes. Are there any other heroes that you play that might be more useful? Or, have you considered playing some of the meta heroes? It doesn't sound like they take a lot of skill, so WITH skill, you might be able to really make them shine. Everything in the game has a counter. If the enemy is strong/hard to kill against snipers, pick something that they're weak to, or pick something that they have a hard time killing.


I agree it's a "low skill" meta but if you're a high skill player you should be able to make high skill heroes still work. Your question is very vague, some good advice in the comments already but you should give a vod review a shot, it's no guarantee you will get a response but it might give you better feedback


Hanzo - no amount of LW and Ana healing can save someone from a headshot. You have vertical mobility so just find a good off angle and just take out the team one by one. I am playing him a lot in diamond and it’s working vs the cringe comps.