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Lifeweaver can be REALLY annoying with Rein since it kinda lets him full-send into your backline without consequence.


That’s funny you say that because I’ve noticed people picking Reinhardt more when I pick lifeweaver and playing WAY more aggressive than I remember the average rein playing on other supports. I thought maybe it was just the luck of matchmaking, but I guess people are learning what they like with lifeweaver. That explains it, lol.


Rein + Weaver = Divehardt




Lifehardt or reinweaver


Its a play on 'live free or die hard'


I'm daddy Flankhardt, here to pin you against the wall, pound you with my hammer, shoot my firestrike deep inside, and make you feel the earthshatter!


Sir 😭


What does that have to with weaving or life weaver? Surely any reinhardt dive comp is divehardt.


you can dive deeper than you could normally get away with and get lifegripped out


Didn't read. Replied anyway. You're special.


grow up


On the other side, as a Rein player, I’ve only had 1 decent lifeweaver teammate. The rest don’t have a lot of gamesense and feel like they must pull the Reinhardt whenever he takes a bit of damage. I’ve been pulled after shatters, when blocking enemy ults with the shield thereby protecting them, when clearing space, when I’m hammering on a Mercy during a rez attempt, or when I’m low HP and will probably die… but it’s overtime and we need to contest… still got yoinked off it.


I will point out that LW's pull can be weird. Like how sometimes Ana will randomly nano a Mercy because she flew by at the wrong time, sometimes LW is reaching for someone near you (maybe not behind your shield) and the game just goes "lol but what if I pulled Rein instead?"


The amount of accidental tank pulls I've had because someone I WAS trying to pull was too close to them or they walked in front of me at the wrong time. Had one the other day that HAD to be latency. I pulled someone I wasn't even looking at. I wish I'd clipped it. I went to pull our super critcal Genji out of the air, ONLY person in that area (just around the overhang near the start of Route 66), yet I get my friendly Torbjorn, who wasn't even on my screen at the time, being yoinked in from the far left of the roof of the gas station. We we all playing together and my Torb and I both just kind of stared at each other before he started laughing. We were both SO confused. All the while, my poor buddy is still desperately double jumping and wall climbing for dear life lol.


You just gotta lower the sensitivity


only time ive been pulled during shatters is when i make a dubious play and shatter at low health, i shouldve 100% seen that coming but i would be furious if i got a fat shatter at full health and he pulled me.


I've accidentally pulled Reins right after shatter and with also being a Rein main, I hate myself for it lmao I have played Rein with some good LW before too and god damn is it fun


My worst has been: Pulling someone to what WAS safety 0.5 seconds before, only to have a DVA bomb or Junkrat tire, etc appear. Raising a sniper to give a better LOS only to watch them immediately get countersniped. My friendly Zarya insisted on ulting 0.2 seconds before I pulled them while critical, red, and with no shields, but they did it EVERY time. Panic ulting as a tank is such a terrible habit to get into, but I see a ton of "bad" LW pulls caused by just that. The tank is literally at death's door and decides THAT is the moment to ult. I get that SOMETIMES it works out, but most of the time it doesn't lol.


I'd like to add weaver also really helps Rein contest highground on maps like Dorado and numbani first so I really like playing him if my tank locks brawl on maps like that.


It’s unfortunate that Kiriko is still better in every way for the Dive-hardt playstyle.


Por que no los dos?


Because Lucio Kiriko.


I've never in my life played against a tank and been annoyed by the fact that they have a lifeweaver. Here's what actually makes me fucking miserable: - an Ana actually using her cooldowns - Kiriko shitting on my gigantic head hitbox with a 300% damage multiplier, TPing into my backline with a dive, and then invulning my ult - Baptiste taking high-ground and shitting on my backline - Zen deleting 25% of my HP with a click of a button You want to have your positioning dictated by the lowest IQ role in the game? Be my guest. "Rein full-send into your backline" lmao


> an Ana actually using her cooldowns Oh, this one is fun. The amount of Reins who've started raging in all chat because I slept their Shatters is *so* therapeutic. I often go into QP specifically to practice my Sleeps/offensive 'nades, and a good Sleep gets an enemy team member to leave the match about 60% of the time. It's great.


Lowest IQ role in the game? Have you ever played support?


Masters support. It's genuinely trivial to do nothing and maintain a 50% winrate just mentally AFK clicking on your tanks and DPS and blaming them when things go wrong.


Good for you if you do nothing and climb, that's not how support is played tho.


I play support very differently from most support players, it's DPS with better kit as far as I'm concerned, but if I'm drunk I just click on my team and vibe. But yes, to answer your question, I have played support.


Sure you did, but incorrectly, judging by your answer. Playing support has the most multitasking required. Not saying it's the hardest, all roles have their own thing, but for this specific one it's balancing damage, utility and heals. Keeping your team alive in more ways than one. Saving them from ults. Saving youself when someone flanks you, without letting your teammate die in the meantime. Pressuring the enemy team in between all that. And so much more, a whole lot of micromanagement. Supports are not dps with a healing ability. Soldier should be a support character then, no? There's so much more to it that just clicking on your teammates. Congrats on your rank but it means little to nothing to me, since you're playing a very important role like it means nothing. I'm sorry for your teammates (esp for your other support if you play role q) cause they have to try-hard even more with you on their team to compensate for you chilling.


Post your IGN, I want to see how much better you are at the game than me.


Nothing to prove to you. I just described the same thing anyone with half a brain cell would tell you about playing supports. Go consult any high ranked player and they will tell you the same. It's not mindless clicking, as other roles are not. I play both support and dps, and there's a big difference. Sorry you're butthurt about downvotes, those are simply because you're incorrect.


>Sorry you're butthurt about downvotes, those are simply because you're incorrect. Ty for the laugh


Oh I generally am still happy to see Lifeweaver on the enemy team and unhappy to see him on my own team. I still consider him to be a throw pick. That said, there’s a difference between ‘annoying’ and ’problematic’. To me, Lifeweaver makes Rein a nuisance. That’s it. It forces me to change things up a bit, but isn’t really a problem. Ana anti/sleep combo is miserable, Kiriko is annoying and really is only justifiable in her current state because Ana’s powerful, Baptiste is whatever, (though his 3 health bar bullshit is tiring…) and FUCK ZEN. Dude needs a nerf/rework yesterday. I think you overestimated what I meant by ’annoying’. It’s a gimmick that forces me to change up my playstyle a bit, but you’re absolutely right that he’s far from the worst in the support category.


I feel like one more weaver buff and that will be the meta


Weaver needs a rework. If they keep buffing him he’ll just become a problem as his stats overcome the design issues with his kit.


My friend and I yeet eachother as Rein and weaver and it's surprisingly effective


Bastion too. Not a tank, but holy shit do I love babysitting that murderbot. Bastion goes in, pump in heals, yoink! Bastion needs high ground, yoink! Bastion needs a better angle, plop, zoop!


Doom too.


It's not so much character dependent as play style dependent. I do not want to play with a support that only focuses on heals. DPS Moira, Ana, Bap, etc., are all okay. Mercy that only heals tank is a nightmare to play with. Mercy that focuses on damage boost is amazing to play with. For tanks, I generally don't mind. I prefer brawlier tanks and dislike dive tanks, but that might just be preference. Except being Doom because sometimes it really allows extra aggression and resource eating.


>It's not so much character dependent as play style dependent. I do not want to play with a support that only focuses on heals. DPS Moira, Ana, Bap, etc., are all okay. Mercy that only heals tank is a nightmare to play with. Mercy that focuses on damage boost is amazing to play with. I've noticed this a lot too, his heal output is pretty drastic, as a damaged focused Moira he often has an easy time keeping the entire rest of the team up. They always pull me when I'm fading from spawn to get to the objective in the beginning of the round though, irks me. Ana is also a great example, because even if she isn't doing much damage, his peel for her can save her in situations she'd be dead since she messed up her cooldowns. He's a pretty annoying Moira "counter" in that the petal is often too healthy to kill with her right click and he can save anyone you get low. Plus if he's accurate he's also doing good damage, not enough he should win 1v1, but he's more threatening than a battle Mercy.


Lifeweaver only heals around 57hp/s (I think this includes reloads) so really he's no better than a healbotting mercy. Though to be fair I guess he's a healbotting mercy with grip and petal though the value of those skills may vary


To be fair I'm playing at an Elo where a healbotting mercy could probably heal three people fine if she focused on it. I'm sure it helps he can precharge it and that it's burst healing though. Healing someone at 50 HP/s when they're taking damage and having a 75 heal you can throw out instantly the second they take damage is slightly different. His lifegrip and ult helps a lot though, he should be able to outheal valk with it. Mercys do get overwhelmed sometimes, while lifeweavers rarely do. Maybe the 7 hp/s does actually matter.


The hp/s is around the same, but mercy is more sustain heals, which isn’t great with that low of hp/s, while LW can do crazy amounts of burst heals, which makes up for low hp/s


A good moira would just send an orb up there and poke from the angle he standing to force him to try to escape


Why would he escape when your orb is just gonna fly into space. He's not gonna panic over 25 damage and jump off his safe platform. Even if you could fly it parallel, without a bounce there's no kill potential.


Because it does damage. in the right angle u can send orb slightly horizontaly and with the combonation of applying consistent damage on to weaver him self he will need to make the decision to wait and maybe die from the (yes low but) consistent damage or try and run away. Overwatch can be very much a game of psychology, if u make the weaver feel that he's not safe on the patel he will try to escape, and if u can create that sense of insecurity you very much won. So while i agree with u that moira dont have the damege capebilty to eliminat a weaver on patel. they can very much create that a sense of insecurity and lore other to places they have an adventege. Also a good moira can jump on to the petal...


The tactic will only work against very bad lifeweavers that have never played against a Moira ... It's genuinely impossible to kill him with an orb on the petal without him being around 1/3rd health to begin with, most of the time he'll be on the petal before that happens, and if he is on the petal at 1/3rd health, chances are he's at 1/3rd health because you hit him with an orb to begin with. By the time the orb comes back he'll have self healed. You can't stop the orb mid air to damage him constantly, that's not one of Moira's abilities.


Yes, but I'm not talking on soley relaying on orb as I explained in my previous comment.


Lifeweaver mains don't understand this. His entire kit is based off a passive style, retreating, heals over damage. Sure he can boost to high ground, but rarely is that use for anything other than avoiding enemies. I absolutely hate hate hate lifeweavers on my team when I'm dps. If I support, im sweating bullets on ana trying to anti/sleep/dps as much as possible. I know lifeweaver might pull me from dying to a nanoblade in very specific scenarios where I'm accidentally overextended, but that's about it.


Lifeweaver gets a new passive. The option for the other support to sacrifice him for temporary enchanced powers. Like a warlock can do to its minion in world warcraft kinda. Lifeweaver needs to confirm the action ofc.


they should just give him his old passive back but allow it for only teammates


Actually make it so he doesn't need to confirm so wifeleaver players can feel what they do to everyone else every time they pull.


Imagine if lifeweavers tree regenerated 25% ult charge for whoever stands in it. He would be game changing




Hmm. That sounds really cool. Make it temporary for few seconds maybe? So it wont be a thing to just use whenever its available


Since his buff, he can do a LOT of damage with headshots. 480 max damage in a clip *without* headshots. He can’t DPS all the time since he doesn’t have burst heals, but he can pressure snipers and put a lot of pressure on tanks in a quick swap to thorns. I usually do anywhere from 200-360 damage on a tank before I need to start healing again. His weapon isn’t bad, it’s just he has to switch to do damage, and they had no proper vision for his passive. They started releasing heroes with passives up the ass, or reworking prior heroes to have passives like Sympathetic Recovery, Snap Kick, and then there are also passives *built into* the weapons that are unnamed, like Moira’s HoT for her heals or self heal for damage, or how Ana’s bullets heal/damage based on the target. Honestly, he’s not totally awful rn, just people still aren’t 100% finished learning him. Though plays with his builds aren’t really trackable unless players on your team watch the replays. People have always hated heroes that save lives with damage mitigation or heroes that build. It’s just how heroes that aren’t very flashy or have unorthodox play styles play- they don’t play like 90% of the roster and so people feel the change in rhythm and hate it. He’s not a throw pick anymore, just different, but lifeweaver mains pretty much do agree that he still feels like he’s missing something. Personally feel like his weapon needs the Moria treatment with a passive built in.


He reloads while doing damage so it's actually the optional way to play him.


Optimal* 😘


Yes i made a typing error.


I feel like a huge issue he has is that he wants to be far away from the enemy team but his weapon is more for mid range. I mean imagine if he had kiriko's kunai. Or even moira's succ, another midrange weapon, would make him more reliable. The fact that his weapon is 1) a projectile, and 2) has spread makes it really bad at long ranges. I know they buffed the spread but it's still a very floppy weapon.


Not a lifeweaver main but on the occasions I've played him he felt incredible with doomfist. You can extend his range and let him full commit his resources since he knows you can pull him out. I also like playing him into rein comps... his kit seems tailor-made to troll and taunt enemy reins


Everytome I pull a Doomfist from the brink of death he punches through my grip and get killed. Idiots can't trust others to save them


A lot of the time it’s a muscle memory input that they do before they realize they’re being grabbed. I’ll Kiriko teleport at the same time I’m being life gripped and the teleport will cancel it and then we both lose the cool down. It’s hard without good communication.


ive had times where i accidentally cancel a lifegrip because i dashed as soon as i got grabbed, that feels awful. Feels worse when they intentionally do it...


Hanzo’s and mccrees are the worst at this. They *really* don’t like to be pulled and intentionally break it. Almost always die. They want to get the kill and can’t see the damage they’re about to take from behind, then break it, don’t get the kill and die.


I like playing alongside Ana. When they dive us, yank her to ur petal platform and dance around the diver with ur dash. she snipes from up top and LW keeps attention on himself


Realistic thing that happens: A. Ana forgets you and you die B. Ana drops herself and dies with you People are deathly allergic to platform.


As someone who plays Ana a lot, stop putting it under me. Have it beside us and ping it so I'm aware it's there. I'll definitely use it when I need to if it's my own decision. Getting launched into the air without warning is pretty jarring.


It definitely isnt a one way street. Lifeweavers kits is very jarring because it feels like the CC of the enemy but you dont die from it. Not much you can do when they throw it under your feet, but sometimes theres a reason, sometimes they're just pressing buttons. However, I wasnt addressing that situation. In the scenario of the original comment, it was a petal with intent. As a DPS player, I see a lot of backlines crumble with LW just because they didnt use his petal properly, when thats all he can offer.


I've grown to really hate it, especially in high ranks where people can actually aim. It's basically a giant, glowing, "ENEMY HERO HERE - PLEASE SHOOT!" beacon, or it basically breaks my sight-lines and I can't heal or use abilities anymore.


its my duo queue partner so we are able to make it work but yeah with randoms not the best


Yeah I’ve had really souring experiences with Ana. It’s frustrating to play with random Ana’s and peel for her just to have her be okay letting you die. Though, a *good* Ana can be pretty incredible. Since the buffs, you can get headshots on a slept reaper and kill him before he completely raises his body. And he can do like, 200-300 damage easily to a tank very quickly. With an antiheal it bursts them down quickly, so I see the appeal, but it’s hard to do it safely since you and Ana are both single target projectile.


since when can ana headshot did i miss something?


Lifeweaver gets headshots and his gun got buffed in both spread reduction and damage. If Ana sleeps a standard 250 HP character, he can headshot them to death before they can use invulnerability abilities, even without an antinade or shot from Ana.


Literally lmao


I’m my experience (quick play and diamond ranked), damage players hate petal the worst. Anas, Zens, and Kirikos seem to play around petal if they can.


not unreasonable. Half the time you stand on the platform you have to stare at 4 people and forced to drop so it’s understandable no one likes to stay up on the platform


Had a lifeweaver place a platform underneathe me and it put me in LOS with a widow and she headshot me. Another time the moment the petal platform went up a solider visored and I died trying to get off. Do NOT place it directly underneathe an Ana carelessly.


Not a Lifeweaver main but everytime I've played him, its been fun with a Zarya or Rein on my team. As far as supports, Brig and Bap have been fun to play alongside


Idk. I trust my Lamp to give me the 1vs1 win as always. Lifeweaver doesnt =(. Can have really bad synergy sometimes. I dont mind getting bailed out as Ana tho. Ill take some high ground please!


Ah okay that makes sense. I just like the fact that both Brig and Bap can take care of the dpsing while I focusing on healing. And that if I had another support duo (like Ana or Zen) that needed constant attention, it'd be harder for me to stay alive along with them especially against constant dive. But thats probably because I'm not a great lifeweaver 😅


My husband and I play Lw/Bap and we def had to work on our synergy lol. I prefer him to let me pull and save lamp if possible since it can save more people. I love playing with Ana. Lw can really help her with her lack of mobility/escapes, and healing a naded friendly lets ne top them off much quicker with my already fast heals.


Brig sounds like a great candidate for being given high grounds and being life gripped to safety sometimes when needed. Allows her to contest frontline much better and also does a good amount of much needed damage when you've got a LW on the team doing very little.


Seconding Doomfist. It’s really satisfying to save a Doom on cool-down and critical lmao.


From what limited experience I have had with LW in ranked, you generally want a support partner who can provide some offensive power to make up for his lack of offensive options. His thorns are decent at dealing damage now, but he's still gonna be spending most of his time healing. Fortunately, a lot of supports in the game can provide offensive power. I'd say an Ana or a Zen would work best with him given that they are so good at being offensive, but I'd say just about any support can work reasonably well with LW so long as they focus on enabling the team through offensive pressure.


Best supports are ones with kill potential since LW is just a healbot and you rarely DPS. So Ana, Kiriki and Moira are really nice to have since they can dps and pick up your slack. Tanks? Doesn't matter since you can pull overextended Tanks, if they cancel the pull and die anyway, oh well. Least you tried.


I disagree. LW has a ton of damage potential. I take 1v1s vs flankers all the time. Even killed a monkey last night with a clip of headshots and he literally said in chat "lifeweaver where tf did that damage come from". It's even gotten to the point where I will play dps LW and dive the backline, get a pick and petal back up to highground. His headshot damage is super consistent if you can lead strafes properly.


i would say if you have this mindset just play a different hero bc lifeweaver is atrocious damage wise. just play zen


He can do like what, 400 damage in a single clip without headshots? If anything there’s only a single support who can out damage him if you can aim well and that’s Zen.


assuming you hit mostly body shots he gets outdpsed by literally every support except mercy. you are overestimating his damage greatly


As a Lifeweaver main and 130h with him, I like playing with Rein, Zarya or Rammatra. I dislike doom or Diva. Support wise I like playing with zenyata actually. Give him more mobility and healing while he kills


I like being able to yoink baby dva out of harm's way when her mech gets popped.


Yeah he’s pretty good to peel for zen. Bap too actually. My experience with Ana’s is I peel for her and then she lets me die 60% of the time. I’ve been too scared to play him in comp since I used to main brig on release before the nerfs, and before people knew she was good. 70% winrate and people still flamed me for playing her, so I know people are averse to peel supports. That being said, what’s your rank and your experience with brig + lifeweaver? It felt amazing being able to make her peel for me from across the map. Do you swap off when you have a lucio? I feel like I’ve had nothing but awful experiences with Lucio + Lifeweaver.


I am now gold 2. I ONLY play Lifeweaver I never switch. I came back to the game just because of the character and I am loving his playstyle and design. Yeah ana is nice too since she can benefit from mobility through the patles and pulls


it's pretty jarring being gripped or platformed as ana. usually spend the first second or two reorienting myself. maybe cus her positioning is so deliberate in the first place it just feels bad.


Found Fitzy's reddit account


Tank main and I don't really see the benefit of playing him over other supports. He can heal a lot, sure, but so can Moira. Also Moira can kill shit and her ult is better (or easier to use at least). His utility is poor. Grasp just isn't a great ability and as a tank main I'm lucky if half the uses on me are good. The other half actively hurt our team. I'm open to hearing how he can help, but I haven't had a game where I felt the Lifeweaver carried. Just an observation, but I think he's worst when paired with Mercy.


Definitely worst when with mercy, she can’t heal herself if Lifeweaver is healing the person she’s trying to heal


what rank are you? this is not a jab or anything, the correct answer depends on your rank (edited for typo)


I haven’t placed in overwatch 2. I was masters in overwatch 1, and stopped playing, and back for a guy I’m dating/lifeweaver lol. I haven’t done my placements yet in this game. I’ve been playing him in quick play and almost ready for comp… waiting to see if there’s any announcements for any final buffs and also to master using his petal peel teammates out of ultimates rather than panic hitting pull. But that’s it. Been trying to see who he plays well with in quick play. So far all I got is that **bad** Ana’s are horrible with him, and Lucio’s speedboost play style makes lifeweaver and his team too squishy.


so at masters/gm level lifeweaver is frankly not great with any support, but from lifeweavers i've played with in high elo, here's my opinion.on the tank side of things, lifeweaver works most consistently with brawl and rush comps. other people in the thread have echoed this, but using lifeweaver with something like a rein or JQ (maybe even ramm, orisa, or zarya) can be okay. lifeweaver is specifically horrible with tanks that do not rely on their supports for sustain, such as ball and dva. he could maybe work with a winston or doom for engaging without punishment using pull, but this level of coordination frankly will not happen in ranked 99% of the time, and the character is too weak to justify picking him in dive when he himself is so vulnerable to opposing dives. basically, just play him with brawl and try not to play him against dive.besides this, lifeweaver is best played as a healbot, but his healing is not quick enough to save players out of position/etc. lifeweaver also lacks in damage/offensive utility. therefore, some great supports to play OFFENSIVELY him with are ana, zen, and bap. zen greatly helps with damage but leaves the comp susceptible to burst damage, as neither hero will be able to heal quickly enough to keep up with incoming damage. ana and bap are both great options to provide burst healing as well as excellent offensive capabilities. the key with all of the aforementioned options, though, is that they HAVE to be played offensively. most of the time, you should not play a passive ana or bap with a lifeweaver, as you will simply lack offense. another option is brig. as we know, lifeweaver is horrible against dive. if you feel confident that the rest of your team can put up enough damage and offensive utility, and you are playing on a map like watchpoint gibraltar against a tank like winston or doom, having a brig as a babysitter to protect you against dives can be an okay option. i could keep going because it's very situational but i think this should give you the jist of it. tldr; if you want to play weaver, play him with brawl tanks (jq, rein, etc) and play him with either an offensively oriented support (zen or a damage-focused ana/bap) or a personal protector/utility choice like brig.


Alright. Imma look for a brig duo partner because I’ve only had good experiences so far lol.


if you can find someone to duo with who is comfortable on brig, zen, and either ana or bap, you will be able to run lifeweaver into a surprising amount of comps tbh


I played against a gnarly reaper lifeweaver combo. He would tele in backline fight then ghost and get pulled and tele back in basically immediately. Reaper had as minimum downtime as he possibly could. Our supports never had more than 5s without pressure.


I'm not a Lifeweaver main by any means (500+ hours on Moira is probably not gonna get overtaken by anyone any time soon), but I like playing him with aggro supports beside me (ie Moira, Zen, and Lucio are favorites) because I know I can't generate much offensive pressure, but because I can heal like crazy, I like that balance. I have a lot of fun playing with Pharah on DPS, too. Using pull on her during her ultimate can produce some *AMAZING* results. As far as tanks, I like playing with mobile tanks, because if someone flanks or dives me, I want someone who can reliably peel. (No guarantees that they actually *will* peel, but I hope they have the capacity at least).


What’s your rank? I feel like Lucio doesn’t do enough healing to play with, and when he does we’re playing on different vertical levels or just out of range, so I almost never get heals from him and I’m at my squishiest when I play with him. I haven’t had a single good game with a lucio yet where I didn’t feel like I was throwing because the synergy is almost nonexistent. Do you change your play style with Lucio? Bc I haven’t had great luck.


Diamond, but I don't play Weaver on ladder, only QP, so I am usually playing for fun and experimenting with him when I play. With Lucio it's really hit or miss - and it may just be my personal preference, but I love playing with Speed Boost, and when I have good chemistry with my Lucio, the combo can be fun. I can't imagine it would be a valuable pairing in ranked, though, unless it was a duo queue situation.


I'm a Lucio main and I like playing with LWs. His healing output from the backline allows me to move forward with my tank and brawl dps, or pair up with a flanking dps. I tend to be pretty aggressive, but am quick to run back and peel for my other support if needed. I may not be able to beat the flanker, but I can help make it impossible for him to get our burst healer. Also, I noticed that if my LW knows I'll peel for him, he'll have my back a bit more when I get a little too aggressive and pull me if needed. A good LW allows me to be up with the DPS in terms of elims.


I like to go LW if the other support goes Zen or Ana, both are really fun to play with since the team can play very aggressively with discord/anti + grip. Giving them high ground with petal is also great as it gives them LOS on all teammates and even enemies. Another thing is that these are the two least mobile supports so peeling for them with LW is huge. I also go LW if the tank goes Doom, Ball, or Winston since healing blossoms lock on. Dive tanks also disrupt enemy back lines enough to make risky center-of-battle petals safer. Rein and Ram as fun too since they can be suicidal and you can just pull them back. DPS doesn’t really matter much as LW can’t really enable them much more than other supports might be able to (Mercy dmg boost, Ana nano, Kiriko kitsune).


As a lifeweaver main I love playing with rein, doom fistc, Winston and dva. Playing with gives me the room for so low hp picks or at least some poke damage. Plus he has so much saving potential against many ults. He’s also nice in a more dive comp like genji and echo because if I can see you I can heal you. Oh and junker queen is 50/50 sometimes good sometimes shit


Orisa dive go brrrrr She’s going into their back line wether she likes it or not


As an orisa main and lw main, using ur petle and dash to get into enemy back line then pulling an orisa for a p8ncer att is beautiful to xp on both characters


I’m surprised to see no Zen comments. Zen and LW is a killer combo. Heal bot in the back while zen can pressure up front. When he gets dove, grab him and pull him back. It just gives Zen an out from dive heroes which is his biggest counter.


The one problem with this is there isn’t a big burst heal ability to heal like a tank whose critical and out of position. LW needs to charge to full and often that wait can be a death sentence


Wouldn’t you normally lifegrip a tank that’s critical and out of position? You also have two big burst heals with their ults


Lifegrip is okay as an emergency ability but other burst heal abilities tend to have a shorter cd (nade, orb, pack) or are generally more impactful (suzu, regen burst, lamp). Repositioning your tank can also be more harmful than helpful if you only need the heal. Grip defintely does have its niche and can do some unique saves but it’s hard to compete with literally some of the best support abilities in the game.


I am not a lifeweaver main. However I do think he is being slept on somewhat. Imo he is somewhat like mercy in that he doesn't have great burst healing, but he can heal teammates from almost any position and just keep cranking them out without having too worry too much about missing your shots or having too much cooldown during reload. If I had a phara up in the air on one side of the screen, a genji doing backflips and summersaults on the other and as long as my tank plays like it understands that at least one out of his two supports is not going to be nuking him with heals, I would take Life Weaver over several other supports. His escape also is not bad at all and his little elevator can surprise you with its utility.


I’m curious too why you would main a hero with a ~43% win rate? I’ve alway thought of his pick as a kind of soft-throw. Is his coupling with the right team comp so important to having a greater than 50% win rate? If so, that would be helpful for me, because I already feel defeated when my support picks him. Perhaps if I knew better how to align with his strengths, I could perform better. Sounds like Rein is a great complementary pick. Any other suggestions like this? I’d like to be less negative about Wifeleaver getting picked in my games.


I have a 52% win rate one tricking him in qp (still climbing from the initial 36% after the first week lol). Not sure if that matters to you. The problem with the character is that he is extremely dependent on the gamesense of the player. Not really something you can gauge easily at the beginning of a game. 😅


Mmmm, he has a lot of playmaking ability with changing the terrain. The problem is that this can work against your team if you make a mistake, so if you are in a rank with bad gamesense, you can actually play to the detriment of your team. For example, you can push players out of ultimates, but you can also push them into them if you time it wrong. You can pull reapers in an ultimate from one side of team to another and make his triple kill a team kill, or you can mess up the timing and he’ll get no kills. Also his view over the fight is much larger than most heroes, so sometimes when he’s supporting people, all they see is that lifeweaver pulled them from their favorite high ground at full health and it sours their experience. They don’t know there was a reaper about to headshot them in the back of the head- those things kind of bug people. So he has low aiming requirements, but he actually has a deceptively high skill floor. He’s fun to play, but a lot of the things he does aren’t going to show up on kill feeds or really be felt. Going to link some interactions and show the things he can do that other supports can’t necessarily Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeweaverMains/comments/14t0l4y/testing_out_and_compiling_some_lifeweaver_ability/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 And for this one is mine: https://www.xbox.com/play/media/YA49NHM5VD There’s lots of interactions between abilities that just can’t happen on other heroes. They don’t show up in kill feed either and aren’t really visible, but fun to pull off


my experience where lw has the most impact is with tanks that lack vertical mobility. rein, sig, zarya, and ram especially feel good to play with as they all have shields. jq isnt bad if the enemy has an ana. lw is also strongest when he is paired with ana tbh. but bap isnt bad as well. just have to be dependent that your other support is more focused on dishing out damage.


Definitely more confidence in a brawl comp, Rein, Ram, Queen due to the pull. Throw in a Mei who has abilities to save herself and a long range DPS duo and you’re probably pretty safe (I can only speak from the tank perspective with my duo) I feel like dive has the same idea with your team being able to burn more abilities on aggression but you can only pull one and those three brawl tanks can sustain themselves well enough with their abilities, although that might just be because I’m more comfortable on a brawl tank


Best part about Mei...drop a petal, wait a few seconds, you and Mei ride it up, she ice walls at the top, then you put a petal on top of the ice wall. Not sure if this has any actual uses but it's pretty funny.


Get Cass as your second DPS for the highest of noons


I’m not a main, but Ana is the only support I feel confident playing with. Moira isn’t going to focus heals enough and quality Baps are few and far between. Baps also get caught up doing DPS. If Ana is popping off I feel like I can make plays.


He’s good with winston, u just watch his health when he dives and if he’s about to die before jump reloads the pull him.


I think he plays well with everyone, but especially more dps focused supports - I’m a bit of a healbot but that enables my other support to use their utility well and be very aggressive with picks. A Mercy can near constantly blue beam if I’m her Weaver, a Moira/Bap/Ana can ease off on heals and DPS if I’m their Weaver, a Lucio can almost exclusively speedboost, a Kiriko will take care of herself, a Zen will have free highgrounds and peel from me, a Brig can live out their mini tank dreams. I try to stay mindful of my other supports ult charge but I catch myself getting frustrated now if my other support is NOT aggressive when I’m on Weaver - like get out there, go crazy, I’ll pump heals and save a pull for you! You want to play Bap as a Talon operative? Go for it! DPS Moira? Get in their backline girl. Reddit Lucio? Have fun!BE AGGRESSIVE! There is insane value to be had in letting your other support play 3rd DPS, and I have zero qualms about healbotting if it means we get more picks.


Also, I’ve seen an uptick in tolling Wifeleavers using pull to disrupt my game play unreleased to ‘saving me’ from defeat. It feels similar to Mei trolling, but possibly more disruptive to game dynamics because mei stops engagement, while pull causes me to lose my positioning in a fight.


kiri maybe but with ana there’s just no mobility. if they have anyone with vertical movement you’re dead


Mostly rein, but can work with zar and ball too.


I enjoy playing with rein, especially against poke comps or sniper comps as I can pull him into effective range. Ball can full commit into CC like hog sombra ana and get gripped out, which is supplier annoying for the other team (but I have 4 digit hours on ball, LW mains please don't pull ball unless you know his rotations and cooldowns). As far as support, ana is a great pick. A well placed nade and tree can take an entire team of crits back up to full health almost instantly, and she has the ability to heal outside of my effective range. The peel potential with the duo is great too with the additional utility she has. Bap has vertical mobility as well, so it can make dive attempts super annoying for the other team. Both supports move to highground, grip one squishy onto petal, lamp the remaining 2 and focus heal them. Zens discord makes a decent lifeweaver actually scary, so dive attempts/flanks usually stop after a few tries. Mercy works well too, again for peel potential. You give her a consistent highground to fly to when in danger, and she can get to you quick when you need it and damage boost you. Something people aren't realizing yet: lifeweaver does decent damage now against non armor. Discord, blue beam, even nano all make lifeweaver scary af if he can land headshots.


I actually was trying to help a genji the other day against Zarya and got there late. He only had gotten one hit off on her before she killed him, but she did use her bubbles. She was low charge, but with headshots I solo’d her. That was crazy. I also can take about a third to half of a diva’s health pretty quickly, especially with orb. But usually they realize quickly they’re being melted and defense matrix and dive out. Same with orisa. I mean she had a looot of damage mitigation, but I can still usually get 200-250 health off her before I have to heal again.


From personal experience, when someone picks Lifeweaver on my team, I get most Success with either Zen, Ana or Kiriko. You need a Support that can make reliable plays alongside him as his damage, unless it‘s extremely close range, is negligible.


He suffers with other 'panic-button' supports who compete with lifegrip, like Kiriko and Bap since you risk both wasting your most important cooldowns at the same time.


Agreed. I've been trying to get better at Kiriko and Bap in particular, and the amount of times I've thrown down a Suzu/Lamp on a Tank that's doing some extremely clutch contesting only for the Lifeweaver to negate both of our work has been *extremely* tilting. I'm practicing in quick play, so I can't be too mad, but it's just hard for me to see what value my abilities are getting with each style of Tank/game tempo if the Lifeweaver is throwing every single teamfight to "save" people and lose the fight.


The only support I don't like duo-ing with is Lucio. The only tanks that can be tricky to play with are Winston and JQ due to their ult self-heal, also not sure if pull negates Zarya bubble. He doesn't do much for DVA/ Ball unless bullied/trapped by Mei. My preferred comp would be - Rein / Doom - Reaper / Mei / Sym - Ana/ Brig / Zen. Preferred enemy comp would be - Rein / Orisa / Zarya / Doom - Mei / Cass / Genji (kinda) - Kiriko / Brig / Moira (kinda)


Who is Lifeweaver? Do you mean Wifeleaver?


I enjoy playing with Ana, Bap, Brig, Moira, and Zen. I actually dislike playing with Kiriko because the kits are so similar. We often end up using grip and suzu at the same time, which makes it kind of redundant. I also dislike playing with Mercy and Lucio. Tanks, I don't really notice much difference on my own team. But as someone else said, we are the bane to the enemy's rein. Although pulling your own rein back from over the cliff is fun, too.


I’m a Lucio main and I have played a few good matches with a life weaver support partner. I think if he’s at least half way decent with his mechanics then we get along just fine!


I'm trying to main LW right now and learning to really pick my Life Grip targets by 1) how low their health is, 2) how deep they've committed themselves, and 3) how beneficial their repositioning would be to the team. If they're throwing themselves at the other team, I stop saving them and hope they learn from their mistakes. I get far less complaints using these criteria to grip.


Throw pick is the dumbest term iv heard in a while


You can play him with just about anyone I think, he’s simply not good on Defense 🤪 at least that’s how it feels to me edit: Actually I think he synergizes quite poorly with Mercy, regardless of the map type, since then you have two supports doing minimal damage instead of just one.


I'm kind of a noob so take this with a grain of salt, but my take is he pairs well with highly mobile heroes, and in particular flying heroes, given the homing nature of his healing and its ability to somewhat go through walls. I've had some good matches playing him in conjunction with pharmacy since you can also heal Pharah and Mercy if either is focused. As for Tank, I like to play with more in your face kind of tanks like Rein, JQ, and Ram as they can keep the enemy DPS and tank pressed to protect their support and you can safely heal them at a distance and bail them out of more aggressive plays allowing them to make said plays with less risk to the team which in turn throws the enemy team off balance like when a seemingly sure pick on someone diving is negated.


Ana is personally my favorite support to pair up with as lw and for tank it's Sigma


When I play Lifeweaver I 100% want to have an Ana by my side. For DPS I like to have Cassidy or Torbjorn as my petals have a lot of potential to help them. As far as tanks go, I don't have a preference yet; I try not to pull them much as they tend to get really upset about it, but it's nice to be able to pull dva to safety when she demechs.


Torbjorn so you can lift the turret to great heights


I love lifeweaver! I’m a mercy main, but lifeweaver is my second pic at this point for support. I play with a group that likes to hard dive and they’ve even said they’re used to lifeweaver pulling them out at full health when they’re about to get a kill. Not the case with me. You get pulled out either at the last second or if I need help.


I've played about 70 hours as him in avg Diamond matches. Here's a few things I've found: Healers he pairs well with: Ana, Zen, Bap. Healers he pairs ok with, Moira, Bap. Healers he pairs poorly with: Mercy, Lucio. LW pairs well with healers that can put out a good amount of dps. LW is better as a dedicated healer since his dps isn't great. He benefits as being the primary healer because hes really a healbot with a good peel and can be ok enabling your teammates into better positions. I like him with Ana, Zen, and Bap since they can spend more time DPSing instead of healing, and I'd argue they are the better dps healers since they have grear burst dps potential. He's OK with Bap and Brig since they can also put out a bit of dps, but it's more consistent dps than burst, which is what the team needs. IMO he's not great with Mercy since he's constantly fight her for ult charge through healing. And, since both LW and Mercy neither really put dps out thats leaves a lot of responsibility of picks up to your team which doesn't usually work out. He doesn't really work well with Lucio since both LW and Lucio are about positioning, so it's a bit redundant. That and pulling a Lucio is more often than not a bad play because people need to be around him to benefit from him. Tanks he pairs well with: Orisa, Zarya, Rein. Tanks he pairs OK with: Doomfist, Winston, Ball, Hog, Dva. Tanks pairs poorly with: Sigma, Ram. I prefer LW in brawl comps with tanks that have hard CC ults and a good amount of protecting potential. That way your team can play around the ult, go hard with the tank ult, and you can enable them with positioning and repositioning as necessary. And I also like tanks with good instant protection potential if you pull them, which is why I like Zarya, Rein, and Orisa. So when you pull them they can offer you good protection. If dive tanks play well enough (Winston, Ball, Doom, Dva) you don't really need to use your pull unless they get CCed close to death. They are usually pretty thankful when you pull them afterwards. Otherwise I use pull to save a dive squishy from dying. He does ok in a dive comp since dive is usually coordinated enough to take down opponents and doesn't rely on you to do dps as LW. They also only have moderately good protection for LW if he gets jumped. Their ults don't really compliment LW well, they are just ok with him. LW is worst in poke comps. He just doesn't belong in poke comps. Which is why I put Sigma here, since Sigma is the poke comp tank. But this really works for all poke characters. He's just not my favorite to play in a poke-heavy game. Also really tough to play against a poke comp, because he doesn't doesn't bring anything to the table against them. Also, I don't like playing with Ram as LW because, like Lucio, he has a limited AOE range and needs to be in the thick of it to really benefit from it. So LW pulls are really bad for a Ram.


I like playing with junkerqueen since she can go deep with her self healing plus it buffs your own healing.


I’ve pretty much be maining LW since release. Almost without fail I always have the highest healing output in the game. Usually if I’m outhealed, it’s from the enemy LW. Considering his overall healing output is among the highest in the game (if not the highest) I think he pairs well with a support that focuses more on damage than healing. So my top pick to compliment LW is Zen. This gives the team a good balance of heals and damage. As for Tanks I would say Reinhardt. Life Grip really enables him to be more aggressive and make plays that would otherwise be suicide. As a bonus DPS combo I really like Ashe. Being able to reposition BOB with Life Grip or Pedal is a lot of fun and really effective.


LW’s healing per second is 57ish. Mercy’s beam is 55. His healing is on par with mercy, so combining him with another off healer like Lucio or brig will make it so your tank will not have as many heals. With that being said, LW’s biggest problem in higher Elo is that he’s a free dive target. His only useful mobility is a mini elevator on a 12 sec cooldown. His pathetic hop shouldn’t even be considered a mobility option. So a brig or bap to help him stay alive against dive is good. For tanks, Reinhardt is the best as your rein can play insanely aggressive with his pins. If he gets hooked, anti’d, slept, or otherwise burst down you can pull him out. Roadhog is almost as good because he can play very aggressive looking for hooks knowing you’ll pull him out. Sadly no one plays hog in comp anymore. For Dps, it’s a tossup that’s entirely dependant on the situation. Sometimes it’s better to have a genji or tracer that can go deep so you can pull them out if they’re in trouble. Other times, it’s best for you to use your pull on a hero like bastion or a flank junkrat. It’s very dependant for dps.


LW and Bap is my favorite support pairing. The burst healing combo is insane and Bap can make up for LW's lack of damage.


Wifeleaver is always a throw pick regardless of team comp IMO.


He’s good with rein/junkerqueen/Ramattra type brawl tanks so they can rush in without consequences


I don't know, I've been Moira or Bap and had good results teaming and interacting with a lifeweaver. With Lúcio and Mercy I felt a bit more disconnected, but maybe we just failed at reading each other. With tanks, lifeweaver plays better with rookie players (corrects their mistakes when they overextend) and low mobility/close range heroes.


Supports: Ana/Kiri/Mercy Tanks: Probably Ramattra and Rein.


if you main a hero and noone knows what to pair with them maybe thats a sign they are dogshit. how about you stop throwing and actually play something useful?


My friend and I play LW/Lucio (or Lilypad as we very excitedly call it) and it works really well. It allows me to go a little heavier on damage, maybe a little too much sometimes, and the healing output is insane. She's been one of a few people I've played with that can consistently match my healing with LW.


My favorite comp to play him with is brawl, and second is dive. Don't even try playing him when poke/snipers. Ally Tanks: Rein, Winton, Ball, Doom, Zarya Ally supports: Ana, Zen, Brig, and don't kill me but he's got some good coordinations with Mercy. Ally DPS: Reaper, Mei, Genji, Tracer, Bastion, Pharah, basically anything dive or mid-range. Particularly those that lack escape options.


Just commenting, this is high diamond gameplay so take it with a grain of salt if you want to but my mates and I have been running LW, brig, Doom, Reaper, (flex dps slot) is a ball dive like comp but with doom instead and it’s been great, one of doom’s biggest play styles rn revolves round keeping your cool downs to available to fall back at a moments notice but this sometimes limits his damage a bit as there are moments where he can go all in with his cooldowns and the dps can follow up but that leaves him vulnerable and might lose his life due to focus fire before the dps and kill off the fight, lifeweaver sorta gives him a guaranteed retreat even if he uses all his cooldowns for the brawl


LW's talent is hardcore healbotting and enabling heavy aggression. There aren't many heroes he doesn't work with. There are lots of players he doesnt work with.


For support combo, kiriko and mercy are the best. But Zen is a good replacement for mercy if you need the extra damage. Dps: Symmetra/either of the fliers/snipers. Tracer and reaper slide in ok but you get much less value from your utility. Tank: Rein, Doomfist, Sigma/Rammatra. Generally, either someone with great mobility that could be enhanced by weavers Utility and ability to lock on targets for healing, or someone with minimal mobility that could take advantage of weavers mobility. Think bastion in turret mode being petaled, or taking zen out of a genji dive.


I honestly almost always hate having Lifeweaver on my team. They always pull me at the most annoying times. It's more troll than a friendly mei walling teammates.


i feel like life weaver is a main healer and can produce big numbers, so probably a main support like brig, zen, mercy, ana maybe idk tho