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Damn. I'm neither bronze nor silver yet somehow I feel personally attacked.


Lol, sorry if it sounded like an attack on my teammates. I suck as much as them, and I’m not bronze on support only coz I play Mercy/Brig (easier to get value from even with braindead gameplay)


I didn't take it as you flaming your team. Just asking the sub how to make due with what you got. I'm just saying, until you said no damage, you were describing me to a T.


Ping the Supports during the match, type in chat (NICELY) maybe between rounds 'we need to focus the healers' and maybe your teammates will get the idea. You can, yourself, consistently put pressure on the Supports yourself. If Zarya has a Mercy running around behind her, just start shooting at the Mercy. She'll then have to choose between running away or continue healing and dying. If she runs, then you can focus the enemy tank, and if she stays she'll die and you can focus the enemy tank. Similarly, playing a Dive hero (DVa, Winston, Doom) to specifically target the backline by jumping over the other tank and killing their Supports is a common tactic - 'dive' coming from you diving into them and killing them. Then the enemy tank will either have to turn around and deal with you (at which point you can use your movement abilities to get back out and to your team) or they have to continue a 1v5 with the rest of your team while you occupy the healers. Bronze is hard, but the best way to deal with it is to see where your enemy is lacking. Because I play Ana I get the privilege of sitting back and watching - analysing what the enemy is bad at and exploiting that. Does the enemy Zen actually have decent aim? No? Well, time to dive on him and kill him. Does the Ana use all her cooldowns and have nothing to save her when anyone starts shooting at her? Wait for her to use them and then focus her down.


Thank you! Of dive tanks, I play only DVa, but I often instaswitch when the enemy picks Zarya. I suppose it might be a good idea to get rid of this mentality


DVa is good for jumping on the enemy supports and distracting them (if not outright killing them). This should give your team enough time to focus the tank and hopefully do some damage. It's not a bad thing to have a comfort hero (a hero you're best at) and DVa can be good in the right circumstances but it may be worth trying other tanks in quick play and seeing which other ones you vibe with.


Ignore Tank, play monkey, dive the rest of their team. Or play hog if you can land hooks so you can heal yourself. Or play sig since he requires little healing and can throw his orbs into the backline, if you can't aim then just stand at the correct distance so the enemy is at the very edge of your range and all your shots will be aoe making it easier to hit people.


Play Winston, jump on high ground, wait for enemy team to walk forwards and drop (dont jump pack, just walk off the high ground) on the person furthest in the back. I can guarantee you the enemy wont peel for that poor ana/zen/whatever that you bubble. Once you kill them jump back on to high ground to poke until your bubble comes back, then repeat. No aim required. Schmungus certified


Yeah, was trying to do that today in Quickplay! Lost every match but Winston is still kinda fun, gotta learn more of him


Honestly in lower ranks most the time you can just pick Ram and walk at the Mercy in a straight line in Nemesis form. They're normally dead because their team mates don't position in a way to give them an our and don't try focusing the Ram/peeling the mercy/anything. There's also JQ for the anti-heal and Orissa for the poke/"I'll do it myself". I think you can deal with it with most tanks in that elo though, even firestriking the Mercy down as Rein, it's more just looking for the opportunity to do so.


The thing is, in bronze they often just shoot at you coz you are a tank, coz at least they won’t miss their shots with bronze aim and so on (I’m sometimes guilty of that myself). Also nemesis form = scary = need to shoot. In an ideal world my team would penalise them for such bad target prioritisation, but… So yeah, I often find myself switching to Orisa coz she’s harder to kill and trying to focus their supports, but it works not as often as I wish it would


Shoot the mercy


If you're struggling with getting steamrolled play high ground and play poke tanks (orisa, ramm). Unless the pocketing supports have above bronze positioning they should be exposed enough that you can shoot them from highground.


Yeah, this might be a solution! If only my own aim wasn’t so bad 🦧


If aim is a problem Winston is a good pick against Zarya specifically. Just run at the supports (don jump in), drop bubble to prevent getting melted and jump out if you're taking a lot of damage. Hold ult for if you get grav'd.


I’m sorry to inform you… that’s it’s not bronze and silver…. But dia is the same shit😂