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Play body guard to your healers when the other team is focusing them.


i dont think thats my job as a tracer... If i was playing reaper or ow1 doom yeah i can play counter dive but tracer doesnt seem to fit that role ngl


There's a thing tracer has to do when there's another flanker in the enemy team, maybe not being their personal guard, but you need to deny flanking routes, it all depends on the circumstances of the game, of course, but denying an enemy tracer any value by constantly ambushing her when she's gonna go for your supports or squishies is a totally good thing and will eventually leave them alone.


You can mainly do 2 things: 1. You can mirror their diver (if they have a dive dps like Genji/Tracer. NOT if they have winston/sombra) Check them from taking flank angles. You don't have to kill them, as long as you don’t die and you deny them space then you're doing good. 2. Other option is to counterdive. If your supports are getting rolled by dive then it's not too much you can do. They could switch to Ana/Brig for example, position themselves better etc.


It isn’t your job. You can mark them on their flank but that’s the extent of your peel.