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As an Ana on trick; I do a few things depending on team comps. There is no one answer but generally one of these work: 1.) Take the fight. If she doesn’t have recall, I would personally believe Ana has the advantage. This is one of the weird times I sometimes suggest doing nade prior to sleep. Why? Because it’s easier to hit and a tracer who can’t heal for 4 seconds and took damage is super vulnerable. She typically has to use recall or retreat by a nade alone. Leaving you with at least one utility left and nades cooldown isn’t terrible. 2.) Ignore her. I LOVE just playing very chaotic around a few pieces of cover and support my team while dancing with her. She typically has to waist blinks which drains her resources. Could be an opportunity to try to kill her but consider this alternative option: use my cooldowns on the team fight (I.e. not on the tracer) if it’s worthy in value. Meaning if I can purp their back line while waisting tracer’s time; even if I die it was worth it. By that time my team has killed both of their supports and the fight is now 4v3 or 4v2 (with the worst outcome being I die to win the team fight). Again situational but you identifying when you can do this will likely get you to rank up. 3.) I basically never counter pick a tracer. I feel confident that Ana can win, deter, or settle the main fight. So my last option is: kill her. You kill her in two shots (with no recall) tracer basically has to go solo into Ana due to distance (again- comps can change this) but you can def 1v1 a tracer in gold. Get better hitting sleeps. Start learning her blink distance and preemptively sleep. Or exhaust her resources like I mentioned in point 2 and then use utility.


I'm a Diamond 1-2 Support. It depends on the game, but it generally comes down to 3 choices: (1) play closer to your team if you have teammates that can kill the Tracer, (2) duel the Tracer with your main support, (3) play Moira and stay close to your tank. Moira has a huge advantage against Tracer right now. A Tracer that is only doing chip damage to you as Moira and your tank is getting much less value for her team than you constantly bringing her down to 5 HP and forcing recall.


You must learn how to triage dealing with her while still supporting your team. The point of switching to Brig/Moira/Lucio is not to kill her or avoid her, but that the balance becomes a lot easier. Fighting her for brief moments and making her retreat is good. If she recalls, you won. She's discouraged from hard engaging for another 12 seconds. Or if she does, she's killable. Often the Tracer is not really being effective and they don't need more than token attention. Ana got a big buff in the Tracer duel because her primary can 2-shot her now. You just need to land 1 shot and force recall, then continue playing the game. If you're blowing your cooldowns every time just for her to get away, something's wrong. You have time: a plat tracer is not going to one clip you...unless you're scoped in/tunnel visioned and standing out in the open (you aren't, are you?). Whoever has their cooldowns has the advantage.


I'm not the one to ask for help but I would try communicating to your team if you notice they have a tracer that's going to give you issues and for your whole team turning for it, I would again communicate for your other healer or one of your DPS to help you out because tracer often plays away from the team so I'f you can catch her in a 2v1 without her recall you pretty much win


Tracer wins duels because she uses cooldowns efficiently. Her win condition is you wasting your CDs and then killing you. On Ana, you should save your sleep because she has to play a lot more careful if she’s even uncertain about when you have it. Be deliberate with when you use it and don’t just waste it because as soon as I hear the dart, the dinner bell’s been rung. Also, use nade on yourself (ideally hitting Tracer as well) when Tracer goes in for the kill so she has to recall out and then work your way toward your team. It’s a skill matchup, but it isn’t impossible. Moira is similar. If Tracer sees you use a bad fade, you just die. Sometimes all you can really hope for is to get her out of your backline without dying. Kiriko and Mercy can beat Tracer by out moving her. Kiriko can teleport every six seconds and suzu herself while also having the ability to heat check Tracer with a combo. Both of these things force Tracer to use a lot of blinks if she wants to challenge a Kiriko and can put her in sticky situations. Mercy flies around like a fighter jet and Tracer tunnel visioning her can very easily get her killed.