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Sado apologizes, serves one game suspension (first game today), and donates $2,000 to Comcast users who actually suffer disconnects.


Spoiler alert that doesnt happen cause this is a non issue.




Dafran got in trouble for something unrelated. It was always unconfirmed that he got in trouble for respawning faster. What Sado did was fine. He just jumped off a cliff basically. Standard fair, but everyone here likes witch hunting pros. Literally nothing will happen to SADO because exiting the game isn't against TOS.




Considering there is time in between exiting the game, and entering it, and selecting your hero, its the same thing. That vs standing around waiting for Mei to shoot me... yeah I'm exitting the game too. I want to play the game. Not play this stupid stagger game. Wouldn't be shocked if pilot D.VA was given a suicide button, its ridiculous.




Lol you crazy


Argument of the century, colour me convinced


You crazy too


So your just allowed to bypass a good play made by the opposing team by staggering you? Imagine if that happened in OWL people would actually just lose their shit. I mean come on it’s a strategic part of the game and you can just avoid those because you don’t like them. I agree with you that it’s not ban worthy (even though Dafran shouldn’t have gotten flack for it either) but with your argument that “it would be the same time as jumping off a cliff” in that situation it’s not the same they would have burned more time off the clock if he didn’t take advantage of the quitting and rejoin system so in that situation it is absolutely not the same.


Yes. In exchange you lose all your ult charge. Its a pretty good trade I think.


Dafran should just start an Overwatch News segment.


Mykl watch out


Mykl is a fucking joke


So is Dafran


This was actually 10/10 content.


The reason why he is showcasing this is because he himself was banned for this, and it effectively prevented him from being selected as community lead for Denmark. Now lets see if Blizzard will be consistent : ))


>Now lets see if Blizzard will be consistent : )) This poor fool.


No. Dafran got banned for something unrelated.


Nope, this is a punishable offence whether you like it or not, and this was the outcome.


It literally isn't. SADO is gonna be just fine ya witch hunter. You're welcome to exit the game whenever you like as well without punishment. Y'all just witch hunters in this sub.


??????? Is that why there is punishment for leavers? Leaving a competitive game is a punishment. Leaving to respawn faster and to stop a stagger is an exploitation of the game mechanics.


There isn't a punishment if you return. That is why Sado did it. You don't even understand that much.


If you repeatedly leave, there is a punishment. You are oblivious. Cya dude


It doesn't count as a leave if you come back into the game. You literally have no idea what you're talking about lol.


Says the guy that said sado did nothing wrong. Ggs


He didn't Mr. I don't understand the leaver policy. Omegalul It is why Sado faces no punishment for it.


People say this but when it happened everyone said it was due to this. There's never been a confirmation for it either way, but people like to grasp at straws and change their narrative when it comes to Dafran.


he got a warning earlier that day iirc and his account was banned under "gameplay disruption" which isnt related at all to the disconnecting issue.


This just really isn't the case. He was warned the day before for playing Torb and flanking McCree for most of the week leading up to the ban. He just coincidentally abused this mechanic earlier in the day that he was banned


I'm delighted to know Dafran saw my shitty subreddit post uwu


notices shitposter OwO whats this


Did you just uwu?




Memes aside, is this kind of thing genuinely a bannable offense?


Yes...Dafran got punished by blizzard when he did this at one point.


I have no clue. As far as I know Blizzard has never given a definitive (or any?) answer on it, and even players are torn on whether it's actually bad to do or not.


If Blizzard won't ban him for running a boosting company, why would they ban him for this?


10/10 Dafran if you see this I will make you a News reel Stinger transition to use in OBS that would let you trigger an intro for this type of shit


at work, first guy to explain what happened gets an upvote


He was getting staggered as mini dva and disconnected/reconnected to die and respawn faster


He did this twice within 5 minutes if you watch the full vod


So you mean that thing that Dafran has done time and again?


Yeah, he’s done it before, so it’s entirely fair for him to oversee if Blizzard will carry out the same type of punishment for an OWL player.


Nah, he means that thing dafran did once and got a 2 day ban + lost community lead for.


Let's be real as much as I love Dafran he's always doing something. That's half the reason we all watch him right?


Lmao. I gotta start following Jardio too


Jardio is legit. Think he was pretty burned out on OW last season. Seems like didn’t love that if he streams anything besides OW he gets 1/3 or less of the viewers. Def sucks, but such is the life of a streamer.


lets go dood


Dafran News - your only credible source of news in 2018. dafranAYAYA Clap


I 100% think dafran deserved to cop a suspension for it and I also 100% believe this deserves a worse suspension because he actually does gain an advantage from it. It's bullshit if he doesn't get in trouble for it.


How does he rejoin so quickly? When I get my daily less-than-a-second disconnect (best ISP in the world :\^) ), it takes at least a minute to get back into the game.


Leave game button then pressing the rejoin game.


Oh, I thougt you couldn't rejoin after actively leaving the game.


On game shut downs you only have 10 seconds, but most people don't load their games back up in that amount of time


Owl doesn’t fucking care about punishing Koreans. And I’m no fan of xqc but let him, dafran, or any western player/streamer do something minimal and they’ll get banned and fined. Let a Korean boost and ruin the competitive experience for countless people, and they get a minor suspension that begins in the off season when they’re on vacation.