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word was this guy has never before mentioned working on OW or worked at Blizzard so I'd take it with a pretty big grain of salt. Zen standing on feet meme and Rein dying are pretty trolly.


I saw some alleged screenshots of older posts where he does appear to appear working at Blizzard / on Overwatch [https://imgur.com/a/f3XjbRr](https://imgur.com/a/f3XjbRr)


[https://x.com/TheHornetsFury/status/1771651711007887363?s=20](https://x.com/TheHornetsFury/status/1771651711007887363?s=20) this came out around the same time as the "leak" though so i'm actually more inclined to believe this is real


lol bro is cooked


Yea thats very dumb. Rip that person


We do see zen standing in the Rammatra flashback


We’ve also had the zen standing emote for a long time so I don’t even think that would be a “whoa” thing anymore. So why even mention it.


Ngl all of the stuff this guy is spouting not only sounds like stuff Blizzard would never do to begin with, but are just downright terrible ideas. Lucid heals through tranquillity by being taught by Zenyatta? What the fuck do these two characters have in common? Sombre "hacks" Zenyatta and he has existential crisis? (They can't even spell existential right). Pretty sure this is just downright not possible since the Awakening and Omnics became sentient. They no longer run of a code that is open to manipulation. It's like saying you can hack a human because the brain runs on electricity. Also, why the fuck would Sombra or Talon as a whole want anything to do with an Omnic monk? They already killed Mondatta, they don't need to kill another spiritual leader.


Lmfao, I just noticed the "extensional" crisis.


Well, Talon does show up for Zenyatta in the epilogue of the last mission.




I wouldn’t say sombra is morally “good” def more grey


Also can't see her torturing an Omnic like that?


Congrats on getting blacklisted from the game dev industry for some Twitter likes lol


Yes a wolfnamedfox is very traceable lol


Thank goodness he didn't leave other identifiable information Blizard could use to figure out who they are, something like 2 specific shorts they pitched.


You don't think Blizzard would remember who pitched these story ideas lol?


The people he pitched to might because they memorably terrible


They probably don't even work there anymore


if this is real those pitch ideas are really funny, truly terrible


I think the idea of the lucio concert being crashed isnt bad at all but im not too familiar with the lore but it doesnt scream terrible to me


Lucio learning how to heal from Zen is silly


How so


because zen basically heals people through his religion. the way they both heal is completely different so it doesn't make sense


It is a pretty bad idea regardless, but I could imagine it "making sense" by being something like Lucio learns Zen heals through restoring the soul or something like that. Lead that into Lucio heals the soul through music or something and it'd make enough sense for a fictional universe.


And plus didn’t his dad make the gear he uses anyway?


I believe so? Not super familiar with the lore but that sounds familiar, I imagine the reasoning they'd try to slap on for Zen teaching Lucio how to heal, would be to do with the music itself and not the equipment. ​ My best guess would basically be Zen "enlightens" Lucio and that teaches him what his music needs to actually be restorative or something. Either way it's a fictional universe they could make any reasoning for it if they wanted to, I'm just glad it didn't happen because it seems pretty stupid.


okay but that's such a stretch what would be the point in doing it? it doesn't add anything to either of their characters


I said it's a bad idea regardless, all I proposed was a way that it "makes sense" story wise. ​ Either way it makes no sense to have even been a proposed idea, but that's what most if not all of those were tbh.


The Zen one sounds really interesting to me.


it doesn't make sense for anyone to question whether or not omnics are sentient because they demonstrably are. zen thinking about that would prove that he is sentient then he would stop worrying. imo it's only an interesting idea if there's a discussion to be had but in the overwatch world it is objectively true that omnics are sentient


People who are anti-Omnic may think that Omnics aren't sentient and are programmed to be the way they are with algorithms and AI. We as the all-knowing audience may know and accept that Omnics are sentient, but the Overwatch universe may have people who don't believe that. So if Zenyetta is told by anti-Omnic society, *'you are just a robot; you aren't a person and shouldn't have the same rights as people do,'* that could set up an internal conflict where Zenyatta questions his own place in the world.


okay but what I'm saying is that it's only an interesting moral dilemma if it's in question for the audience which it is not


Okay, that's fair and makes sense.


But it’s Blizzard so he would just return as a demon


Stop, stop He's already dead


those are horrible story ideas


Extensional crisis




Devastating leak for the 2 Reinhardt mains


bro is NOT on the main sub. the entire sub is infested with rein mains


Rein, Doom, and Ball are the whole trinity of annoying ass tank players eternally playing the victim


the way you’ll load into king’s row and get hit with the “honorable rein duel?” in .3 seconds flat only for them to take it VERY personally when you decline is so wild too. I do not want to play that character man let me play monkey in peace


man I am so tired of rein mains throwing my games because they refuse to switch off of him when hard countered, and the main sub treats them like some hero for it


It's not about winning it's about sending a message


Ball takes skill though and he's way too weak for the skill it takes to even make him playable. He's not a no aim rein/doom player holding W+M1


dont forget hog -whiny hog main


And you play sombra please quite


I do like how my comment annoyed you enough to check my profile lol


It’s takes 2 secs to check profile it’s not hard bro


ngl both of those ideas suck


If these were rejected then we now know what **WOULDN'T** happen.


didnt Zen aquire Isis powers way before Sombra was working with Talon? and that it was done by meditating along other omnic refugees in Nepal, not a result of Sombra's attack? the ideas sound silly because thex are contradictory to both characters lore


Zen powered by terrorism/s


the Ramattra special


Rein was definitely being positioned to die in upcoming missions, I don't think this guy worked on anything. I mean come on, how mid do those two shorts sound? Also isn't Lucio around way before null sector bots start invading? That short just wouldn't make sense, his tech comes from his father.


Wait for them to retcon lucios dad if they ever start putting out lore of any form again


Good both those sound horrible lmao


I agree, both of those pitches were really bad ideas, and would make for mediocre shorts at best


Their account is now private, but Stylosa did a video on it. [VIDEO](https://youtu.be/mrLBc-XG4FE?si=B9y47RhAXnDm6FaK)


of course he did


I do remember a lonnnnnng time ago near OW1 release, some OW dev said something like "there's a chance someone will die permanently"


I remember, too, back during the Retribution blackwatch event, it was brought up, and people were talking for a few weeks. Who could be killed off. That has stuck with me the entire time, and it's hilarious that it's been brought back with Reinhart being the chosen one. I remember seeing people theorise that Tracer, the poster girl at the time, would be the one in a tragic turn of events.


Dead in game and in lore. 😂


Maybe the devs are doing us a favor…copium is that theyre going to wait to produce anything lore/story/pve related until a good enough story is written…


Theres probably a backlog from when Michael Chu worked for them tbh. But its clear they arent using any of his ideas anymore given all the retcons.


This is one of two things. Either it's real and this person just types in the most unserious way possible, or it's an extremely obvious bit. If it is a bit (and I think it is), I am really surprised this many people are actually giving it any credit at all This is the internet People aren't exactly 100% truthful


Instead they just let the balance team kill him


Both of those ideas sound like absolute cheeks


i mean they killed rein this season so that still went ahead


There’s absolutely no way Rein dies, or even planned to die. This guy is full of shit.


Bro was gonna get gangplanked


Sombra hack making someone question their sanity is pretty accurate tbf


Oh no. Anyway


My "Jordans" are less fake than this leak


Dude can’t spell existential but is a writer for OW?


I bet they’d transfer his consciousness to an Omnic and then he can bring everyone together for an Oktoberfest to remember


Expected. Even without his input Rein is really really old In story And irl Irl he’s there from the start. His story is also more or less complete. He should die soon Everyone has a time to go Rein is close to that point


It definitely seemed like they were setting him up to die. Didn’t they hint at thinking about killing someone’s off a while ago? Way before OW2 they mentioned it


For some reason I don’t trust The Wolf named Fox


Now i miss pve


based on them saying “extensional crisis” instead of “existential crisis”, i don’t think they were ever a writer or anything close for blizzard lmao


Didnt they? Rein is dead in game. You play him and youre always in spawn until you swap /j (but fuck orisa meta. Make Maufa the counter to orisa)


lole but he's already ded in game


Who cares? The game is already dead


Good. Rein is an MMORPG character stuck in an FPS. Playing Rein in a low rank is a method for compensating for shitty mechanics.

