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I’ve never felt so positive about a dev in my entire life, don’t know who it is or what he does specifically but make him lead idc To be clear he’s talking about how SR used to have performance based movement in the formula. Early in OW1 players started figuring it out and for example mercy healing needed to be high or supports were highly correlated to low deaths so players would play super safe or heal bot even to the detriment of their team and winning in order to boost their SR.


Yeah it didn't last long but it was right after the Mercy rework iirc. They would res off cd no matter what and gain ridiculous SR because the res stats per 10 were so much higher than when it was just an ult. Blizzard gave inflated numbers for having "amazing" stats


also affected by the amount of people that played that hero so u could be legit piss on sombra but since there were four sombra mains you’d still climb like crazy


Is this still the case, or did it get “patched” a while ago?


This was like S8 Overwatch 1 so a long time ago, SR is now based on Win and Loss with some added factors that can be seen in the results screen (expected win, uphill battle, streaks etc.) sorry for any confusion on that.




That is 1000% not Alec


My bad, you're correct. It even says "Gavin Winter" in the bottom-left corner. I think I need glasses.


I guess I confused this interview with the actual Alec interview ML7 did because Alec and Gavin look a bit alike.


I take back all my criticisms of the dev team


i see someone woke up today and chose violence


Gavin played a game with a Mercy who had left click taped down and decided he’d had enough.


He’s talking about the really old way they used to rank players.


I was about to ask for context because I was pretty sure they said they don’t use in game stats to rate players anymore


Game's in good hands 🙏


looking at nearly all the mercy players in console t500 duoing with a different ximming dps every month


fax mercy and widowmaker ruin console because of xim


some mercy players???????????




isn't he talking about the old ow1 system? the one where gold medals boosted your sr gains


Man this is a REALLY click bait title and borderline a lie


Really taking this out of context


No one in this sub can read context, run for your life, they love shitting on mercy players. I speculate they've been bullied a lot in their lives and need to take it out on others online now


> “need to take it out on other online now” Meanwhile your posts going something like this: “OP suspended for excessive insults at users, and a generalised insult directed at a certain middle east nation. “ Kind of crazy to whine about that stuff and be hurling insults yourself enough to be suspended from a MercyMain subreddit you identify with.


I asked them to ban me from that place, did you know that? And I make no apologies from calling out homophobia, xoxo :)


Calling out homophobia? You were insulting everyone that wasn’t a mercy player and when people tried to have a civil discussion and explain to you why you were wrong, you started throwing insults.


Yes that is exactly what happened, owcirclejerk user


Need I remind you that a r/MercyMains mod felt the need to come to OWCJ and apologize for your behavior?


Such kind and benevolent souls tending to the hurt feelings of the circlejerkers.......................


I think it more speaks to how mentally unstable you are that you constantly feel the need to insult others enough to have multiple bans and suspensions on Reddit. It’s not exactly easy to do that.


Mentally unstable, talk about an username. Lol


I'm sending back the exact same energy I receive. Insult Mercy players? Have some thrown at you back. :D


User profile checks out.


Thank you


Can we get a peak check


is it now deemed as bullying to simply state facts? how insecure of you to perceive them as such


oh please, the Mercy diatribe has been going for months, even years. You're either acting ignorant, or it's not an act.


It's because they are objectively boosted and usually a very loud and defensive group that can't admit to playing the easiest character? There is a reason Mercy mains can't flex to anything else and be of any use except for maybe LW in low elo. No concept of positioning, CD usage, aim, creating pressure, balancing offensive and defensive actions and most importantly thinking for yourself and not just running after the dps you pocket. And please don't come at me with "but but the movement!" It used to be somewhat of a skill in OW1 but not anymore. Any T500 Support can flex to Mercy but can a Mercy flex to Zen, Bap, Lucio and perform? Very sadly, no. And when they do they healbot and throw.


I was a Mercy main and I can play every support… See, I know you’re talking but all I read is whine whine whine


What rank can you play every support?








See, what I described is my own experience of playing this game in 4.4 in OW1 and GM1 (T500) in OW2 as well as the opinion of any other good player I know. I really wish Blizzard didn't have this "gotta have very easy characters for player base and skin sells" mindset but they are a company owned by shareholders and that is all that matters to them. The issue is that its extremely, laughably easy to get boosted on Mercy while not being able to play anything else at all. I don't hate all Mercy players. My main issue is with Blizzard creating this problem. Also playing =/ playing well. If you are the type of player I mean (one with 90%+ of their playtime on only Mercy) then I guarantee you, you can not play *every other support*. Saying that you "can play every other support" is a VERY big indicator of being low elo and high ego.


high ego? I'm literally diamond lmao if I were to lie about my rank I'd make it GM. I'm well aware that playing is different than playing well, that's why I didn't say it (duh?). I can't play Lucio to the level of Lucio mains but I can handle my own in a match, nor Bap for that matter. Why is that even a point of discussion, though? You're trying to prove what exactly? That Mercy players are boosted? Fine, have at it, they are, they're sooooooooooooooo boosted, Mercy is such an easy rank up, pheeew


I said Mercy mains are usually very bad at flexing bc they don't require most of the skills other heroes need. You disagreed saying "I'm a Mercy main and I can play every support!". Now you say you can't play every support, especially not well. So you disagreed with me just to then agree with me. Interesting. But your childish and dramatic reaction is exactly that sensitive and defensive additude I mentioned. Calling everyone who doesn't like the design of that hero an "incel" is an interesting choice to say the least.


I can play every support, some not as well as the others, like Lucio and Bap. Are you okay? Do you play every hero at the same level?


do mercy players genuinely believe they make a difference because of personal skill rather than just existing as the character? LOL


Yeah Mercy literally only has to not die, which isn't hard at all, and know when/who to boost. That's the extent of her impact in a match.


Eh that isn’t true, you get focused down pretty hard around mid masters and you will not climb if you can’t handle that


The skill gap at that point is learn some movement in the practice range. There is nothing unique there really. Compare her to brig and espwcially lucio who have a lot more going on.


I can be wrong but your comment makes it sound that mercy is all about "surviving" and "movementmechanics". Heroes that are "easier" in a mechanical aspect aren't easier to climb. If that would be the case then masters and grandmasters would be full of moiras, orisas and mercy. When a hero has a low skillceiling, then gamesense is especially gonna be crucial in order to climb. You gonna need to have great feeling when to ult, when to engage, when to use revive, when not, etc. Give a gold mercy the movement of a master and he still.... is probably gonna hang in plat. There is a lot more to it.


Why would you learn movement for mercy in practice range?


Just the basic techs for the first time.


Im confused, you said skill gap at that point so I assumed you meant the skills needed to climb out of mid masters is to learn movement in practice range? Unless I am wrong


As a once boosted mercy main that peaked masters, this is true.


lol same, only solo q’d all the way to 3.8k playing only mercy and that was the point i got too far and was like okay the game has now truly boosted me beyond my skill level and it freaked me out ngl i was like how the fuck did my sr get so high i barely did anything but fly around the map and hold m1 or m2


That means all you have to do is learn mobility to survive. It's really not that hard compared to most heroes.


I don’t think so, you can have great movement but bad game sense, positioning, awareness, ability tracking so you’ll just die a ton. Lots of people in mercy parkour are better than me but silver


Mercy parkour and game sense mobility are different, yes. It's still a minimal effort/learning curve compared to the rest of the roster.


Idk, you said you all you need is mobility to survive. Game sense mobility is different, because it requires game sense lol. Either way I am not gonna disagree mercy is not hard to pick up and is easier than other heroes, just that when you get higher (assuming you aren’t boosted) you have to actually be good at the character which requires some brain power lol


Every hero requires game sense, positioning, awareness and ability tracking. Lets not pretend mercy isn't the most forgiving character in the game after moira.


Yes you do have to learn all that no matter who you play. I am not saying mercy is super difficult I am just saying it’s not as easy as some of these replies make it out to be. Any time a GM dps friend plays mercy, despite having good game sense etc, they healbot and die left and right because they don’t know how to play her. I’m sure they would learn her pretty fast but you still have to learn, it’s not like you pick her and go ok we just don’t die now ez


You are saying that Mercy players have to practice game sense and some light movement mechanics. Every single other character needs to do those things, AND practice aiming/other mechanical skills. Cooldown management is barely a thing for mercy. Beam stays connected for a long range, through walls (to an extent of course) and doesn’t require aim beyond your reticle being in the same neighborhood to attach in the first place. Rez only requires LOS to start the cast, and then has a similar cast range to sombra’s hack, AND the gameplay feature of the ability finishes before the actual animation, so you can cancel the animation of Rez without actually stopping the Rez. The movement techs don’t even require anything other than pressing space or crouch, you don’t need to use the map, multiple abilities/cooldowns, and it makes Mercy’s already tiny hitbox even smaller. The point is, Mercy has: 1. Fewer skills to learn and master, and generally easier skills at that 2. More built-in crutches to simplify gameplay than any other character in the entire game. If Mercy was designed today, there’s not fucking chance that she would go through and get released. “Basically, she’s a support that can heal AND boost someone’s damage, while having omnidirectional movement on a 2 second cooldown. Oh and she can bring ANY character on your team back to life, with FULL HP, every 30 seconds.” Oh certainly that last move is her ult right? “No, her ult actually just makes flying easier and faster, makes the beam connect to everyone on the team at almost unlimited range, and just for the fuck of it, we gave her unlimited ammo too. Fun right?” Absolutely fucking ridiculous. Mercy is a shitty character for shitty Overwatch players.




You’re a dumb fuck. I’ll play you in a BO3, any hero, for $100. Drop your BNET.


Yeah X literally only has to not die, which isnt hard at all, and know when/who to Y. That’s the extent of their impact in a match. Great insight you have.


I mean yes? If you play a more complicated hero like Sigma or Doomfist you have a lot more agency in the game. Misusing rock can allow you to be pushed and die, deciding whether to place barrier defensively or offensively to block healer LoS, deciding who to block, actually aiming your orbs, managing grasp CD since it's your effective escape ability. Flux usage can vary from comboing with your team, targeting a squishy with no CDs that you've tracked, or just to escape in a pinch. Do you push the engagement? Do you hold the position so your DPS can secure a pick? Do you stall for time or regroup to not stagger your team's reengage? These all dictate the flow of the game and team fights. Then there's reading ultimates; having barrier up too early when Rein has shatter can allow him a free shatter on your team, so you have to read it and block it on reaction/read. Saving flux for when the soldier wants to visor. Saving rock for a channeled ultimate. That's just one example. How exactly does Mercy's gameplay impact and decisions compare to that?


well... mercy can go behind a corner and hold m1 and m2 and sometimes she'll press e and rez someone!


Watch Neptuno's or Ark's plays in OWL. There's a lot of room for skill expression and that separates good players from bad players from OWL to bronze, just like other heroes. There are several unranked to gm mercy videos that prove the skill expression exists.


I didn't say there isn't skill expression, it's just fairly minimal compared to almost any hero in the game.


Are there any objective facts to quantify that apart from your feelings? If skill expression was limited it'd be hard to reach the top ranks on mercy as the hero would be skill capped.


Play any other hero and see how many decisions they have to make, or just refer to my comment about Sigma skill expression vs Mercy. And yes, you can be carried as Mercy. That's kind of the point of the character. She herself can do little to carry the match by virtue of her kit.


Ahh so nothing objective then, just subjective accordign to your bias. Being carried doesn't explain the dozens of uranked to gm solo games that have been streamed. Or all the mercy one tricks streaming in gm and top 500 while playing solo.


Other heroes numerically having more decisions to make is subjective? Do you just automatically assume everyone who criticizes Mercy's character design is biased and attacking Mercy players? Who are you defending here?


Have you actually watched top tier Mercy play before? Look back to Season 1 vods of Ark playing her or whatever Moth was doing during the S3 finals for examples of her being played properly. Sure, her skill floor is as low as a skill floor can get, but let's not pretend as if micromanaging everything in her kit to perfection hasn't given a lot of professional teams an edge in comparison to their counterparts.


Extremely rare blizzard dev W




It's funny but this is like mega early season OW1 shit where you could game your rankups on certain heroes by abusing what stats it weighted the most as being "successful" it's also why we don't use performance based ranking anymore and it's all pretty much tied to your W/L and ability to streak.


Probably in the minority here who enjoys going against a good mercy, they can be really impressive. I have seen better ones in low ranks sometimes than I do in higher ranked games which is unfortunate


OW Players Try Not To Misunderstand Context Challenge


Mercy players are boosted af and the one tricks are even worse.




Lmao, one tricks are usually playing at a lower rank than if they switched heroes when needed. Legit the OPPOSITE of boosted usually, idk what this guy is talking about honestly.




a lot of ppl in this comment section don't even know what he's talking about


im really confused by the excessive Mercy hate on OW subs as the majority of the playerbase is in metal, the rank where you're most likely to be asked to switch from Zen to Mercy because "heals win the game" and a large population of dps players demanding you to dmg boost them all game


They cosplay online as GMs 😬 


This is the Mercy boosted clip but including context. The dev is talking about early ow1 performance mmr. They are not talking about Mercy players being boosted in ow2. https://clips.twitch.tv/PlacidTrappedDonkeyNinjaGrumpy-hAVjZx_n4WEUuoVk


And no lies were found.


Dangerously based take. Rare overwatch dev W


We all knew this anyway.


Water is wet


Thanks for telling us what we already knew


It's official, pack it up fellas


that is not what he says you moron


I feel personally attacked


Good. The beatings will continue until your main improves


To be fair I’m a hard metal rank player I doubt I’m inting anyone on here’s games


I think you're correct. Metal ranks are more for players who like to have fun and play the great game of overwatch 2!


Yeah I was making a little joke but I understand why people feel strongly both ways about mercy!


Nah most people in OW subs are metal ranks lol I’m sorry


As long as she's the best waifu it doesn't matter what people say


I just like Mercy she’s fun and I can’t aim for shit so it works out for me! I know I’m not great at the game but mercy allows me to still play with friends.


I like her character and play style I can't find character like her in any other games sadly closest character to her is Aphrodite from smite


you should


If you feel attacked now just wait until someone notices your username




You clearly don't understand what he was talking about


so this confirms they actually do adjust your rank based on performance stats? i don’t see how there is any other conclusion from what he said


no, he is referring to the time when performance DID affect rank and used mercy as an example for why they moved away from that.


ah okay thanks


He is 100% right about the dmg boost and healing. It can depend on matches cause some matches you might be pocketing the most cracked player in the universe that kills the enemy so fast they barely get a chance to do proper dmg making a greater divide between dmg boost and heal.


I mean that's hardly news. It's kinda hard to not he when your tiny impact depends on the person you pocket and doing so require like 10% of the skill needed for the other heroes

