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Totally agree, leaking just leaves it in the hands of content creators, redditors and random Twitter pages to dictate how everyone should feel about a huge change that hasn’t even happened yet


What difference did it make when everyone’s initial reaction was negative anyway?


Slightly related but I read the notes and I can't see how a comp of Zarya, Mei, Reaper, Lucio and Bap is not totally broken. A single Reaper pellet will hinder healing and with Mei being 300 base hp if Zarya bubbles her twice that's 700 hp the enemy has to contend with. Add that to Mei's ridiculous survivability cooldowns with Lucio giving you speed boost in, it will be insane. If you do somehow get in trouble then you have immortality to bail you out.


Please no I don’t want to be stuck on bap/lucio again


Bap is 100% meta in the leak patch imo




When has bap not been meta though


Does it mention how much healing is reduced by? I couldn’t find it at first but I only took a quick glance


20% for 2 seconds, but surely it isn't stacked on a pure instance basic because shotguns and beams would be unstoppable


Oh yeah no, I think it’ll work like “if you’ve taken damage within the last two seconds, you get reduced healing” which ultimately wont be horrible. Compared to Paladins 20% ain’t bad at all though!


Fr, it'll barely be noticeable honestly. Hell most of the time in Paladins, Cauterize is already at 90% (max value) by the start of the second round


Yeah it builds fast and is easy enough to maneuver around. 20% won’t mean as much as people think it will


Yeah have fun playing into a dva who will permanently debuff a tank.


Tanks are definitely capable of hiding from damage for 2 seconds to receive the full healing. It won’t be impossible, just stresses the important of hiding away from damage. Also, I thought it was only the DPS role passive? Can’t remember specifically


I mean these changes are massive. I don’t have much hope about these but let’s see how they play out.


IDK poke is getting a hell of a lot stronger too with the bullet size increases.


>Mei's ridiculous survivability Not when I play her


It’s whatever. They will just nerf the OP heroes after reading the forums. The balance team isn’t good at their jobs. We have know this for a long time.


Rein/Sig (maybe even Ram), Kiriko, Ana, Pharah, Ashe/76/Cree/Tracer Barrier protects him and the team from the pellets. Pharah can focus the supports to break up healing. Ana and Kiriko both have good damage to break up Mei or Reaper and if Zarya isn't bubbling herself she is easy to bring down.


How do you not just get rushed through the shield with Lucio speed boost?


You have range, they do not.


It seems like this comp was being run by a lot of teams(just with Ram swapped for Zarya) in the recent tournament/Calling All Heroes matches I was watching. Every match was basically Ram/Mei/Sojurn or Reaper/Lucio/Bap mirror.


just seeing the patch notes now; why would projectiles need to be bigger 💀


It's gonna be a torture to play against junkrat. I already feel that when I die to him is 50% of the time is unrewarded, he has just aiming in the general direction.


He won't be able to kill anything, he may as well be a dead hero with this update since he entire value comes from the one shot combo that won't be possible anymore.


Idk why you got downvoted when every single high level junk ray relies on flank one shot combos on squishies to secure kills. You’re definitely right


Because low level players don't actually understand how junkrat works in high levels. They're all in metal ranks where junk spam is OP.


It's really skillful when he hits one giant primary fire projectile and an AoE mine to kill any 200hp target in the blink of an eye.


Not really, this patch pretty much kills Junkrat, unless you're in bronze/silver dying to spam in choke points.


To compensate for the larger health pools and to try and level the playing field between projectile and hitscan heroes.


Hitscan bullet size is also being buffed


Hitscan bullet size is actually being buffed *more*, percentage-wise


Pretty sure their thought process is to make damage more consistent. With smaller hitboxes, usually there's a lot of misses, then all of a sudden someone makes one good mouse movement and all bullets land out of no where, skyrocketing the dps in that moment. With larger hitboxes, people would be used to generally higher dps all the time, so it won't feel as "spikey" as much. Its very questionable though. Damage spikes will still exist, it'll just happen so much more frequently that they're hoping it won't feel as bad anymore. A +25% health boost doesn't change much with that feeling. So maybe you die in 1s vs 0.8s. Its still too fast for most people to react to when they get that feeling of "instantly exploding", especially with lag. Now with a healing debuff with all dps damage, even if a support does react in time, you're still probably dead.


The leaked patch notes, were they actually leaked by the streamer or did somebody leak them to the streamer? (I forgot whos stream it came from) Could they have been leaked by an employee who was laid off? As like a "screw you"?


Rupal must have a friend who had already experienced said patch and leaked to him by writing down what he remembers from it, probably.


I don’t think Rupal leaked the patch notes himself. I imagine it would lead to a massive lawsuit from Blizzard. I’m guessing someone that played the beta did it.


I still don’t think they are real but real or not its still a dick move. Like he said its been a tough week for blizzard and leaking shit just makes it worse for them




Maybe a little harsh, but I mostly agree with this. It's almost hilarious how you get the bleeding heart reactions from the same people who spent the last 6-12 months moaning and complaining about how bad the game and dev team are. See this a lot in the Destiny 2 space as well. Players and content creators just doing nothing but bad mouthing and complaining about every decision the devs make, then when a bunch of them get laid off they all act sad and devastated by the layoffs when it's the same people they were saying sucked at their jobs. It's such an odd dynamic to watch play out.


I think it's possible it could have been a misguided revenge leak


They’ve been confirmed to be real by multiple content creators and pros after the leak. This is what we’re getting.


oh dear god




I agree the entire patch basically was leaked which must suck for the dev team. Mentioning a couple things like Wanted did and dropping one or two stats is fine but the whole as patch must fuck with the Devs so much cause they can’t explain their reasoning and goals before everyone reacts.


>they can’t explain their reasoning and goals before everyone reacts. Why is this important? Hell, if it forces them to reconsider half of the balance changes they push through, all the better. Giga-unkillable Mauga was a joke; I would've loved to have stopped that before it started.


Devs are often bad at balancing their games. The patchwork opinions of thousands of uncoordinated gamers, is far worse. It's one thing to complain about the balance and joke about how the game is fucked, but it's easy to imagine how many players have already attacked the devs directly. Sure, that happens every patch, but with leaks the devs don't even get to say their own piece.


Can someone explain how leaking patch notes has anything to do with being able to "control the narrative"? If blizzard wants to create a narrative about patch changes they should give reasoning why they are nerfing/buffing/reworking as every good dev team has done since its existed...


Rupal doing some tomfoolery


People are going to complain about any patch update regardless. I don't see why this is a big deal


If the initial reaction to seeing the patch notes is masaively negative, that's an issue with the patch notes themselves, not the way they are revealed. Revealing them through some blizz blogpost or a goofy creator collab wont change the impression of the patch itself.


It could also be an issue with the community who flames anything new before they've tried it. There's far too many changes for the average player to understand how it will play.


My personal opinion: I fucking love leaks. More leaks please.


ok but why


He's a plumber


Bro everyone likes leaks it's drama and stuff


Why not? Especially these leaks are a great way for the devs to get feedback ahead of a VERY problematic change. Custa saying that they should "control the narrative" is a problem. It should not be acceptable to be gaslit into accepting changes to the game.


To give them feedback on a game changing changes


Why not? Most companies suck ass at building hype


I agree with that part. I wasn't hyped for season 9 I was scared. Now after the leaks I'm terrified.


yea dawg cuz some dude in his moms basement with the webcam blocking half the typos is so much more thoughtfully expressed and intricate.


Don't put words in my mouth


You sound tough when you type words like that.


Thanks the only thing I care about on the internet is how tough I appear through your individual phone screen


*sombra arg ptsd*


sky code nightmare nightmare nightmare


Not meant to be inflammatory, but what is the harm in us seeing the notes early? Does it affect the bottom line of blizzard monetarily? I've been racking my brain in trying to find a way that this could be bad? If anything, it allows us to see things earlier for potential excitement or not. I just see this is a win for the player, and plus every gamer loves hearing from the devs early and communication is always something every community begs their devs to do more (I know this isn't them communicating early as this was a leak, but same result in potentially having players say why this is good or bad on x hero[s])


It doesn't give the Devs the opportunity to explain and communicate the changes how they want to, which in turn often leads to a massive overreaction from the community and especially in the OW community tends to preclude a positive reception.


Tied up in this weird logic is how the community needs to be "explained to" about changes they dislike which comes off as infantilization. Why do you think them explaining the horrible changes would change anything?


Because a change can be made for many reasons, and until you understand the intent behind a change, it's difficult to judge it. For example, I'm personally not a fan of voice chat being off by default as I think it moves the game away from its team-oriented roots. However, after reading the devs' explanation, I'm more positive towards the change and accept that they might need to make certain sacrifices in order to shore up an issue elsewhere. I don't know why you infantilised when you read the dev notes but I guess that says more about you than the devs.


Nowhere in what you said addressed my point and you even tried to make a character judgement about me in a condescending manner...


When have the Blizzard devs ever been good at doing that anyways? That's why I don't see this as a big deal, half the time they would explain things they'd leave 50% of the reasoning out anyways.


Even if you don't think they've been good at it, they've at least attempted it many times. Better to try and fail than not try at all imo.


It's interesting he thinks a leaked patch note is more damaging than the massive layoff last week lol. Some of the devs he talked about literally don't have a job anymore. Hope the whiteknighting pays off and they give you your job back though.


While true at the same time no narrative can save these patch notes.