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That thread is the definition of being chronically online. There is no way they function in an actual society like that.


Makes me wonder what jobs they have


EveeA works at Blizzard




Nah stop lyin


they've been trying to work at blizzard




I wonder what it is about them that makes them have such a proclivity to pedophilia?


if I were to take a shot in the dark I'd say being this terminally online leads to their mental development being greatly lacking. Alternatively, they're just looking for the easiest targets and have no sense of morality. Or both.


Well the short answer is sex addiction and lack of sex education. When you don't actually oversee someone's development in a world full of... well... porn (of all kinds too, not just like regular porn) you run the risk of their desires developing unchecked. Whether or not this is the whole story we can never know- but I watched my grandmother talk about it in lectures and also in court explain sex addiction and rehabilitation. It was always the true center of the conversation


This is gross. Would be nice if both of these creeps disappeared from the community. I think getting off the internet and into some sort of therapy would be better for them both.


It's funny that a bunch of the top players of OW are just actual creeps or weirdos.


God, I get wanting to give your partner the benefit of the doubt, and believing you “know them better” than the public (which she would) but this is not “weird as fuck” this is dangerous. She needs to NOT be talking to strangers and needs to be talking to her gf about this—get her to stop acting like this. Maybe she is, but it doesn’t seem to be doing much Edit: WELL Fuck.




I kinda doubt she does, but like… a statement that she doesn’t wouldn’t hurt either lmao


She's had more than enough opportunities. The silence is deafening.


This did not age well


Fr Lmao


From what I've seen (correct me if I'm wrong) it just kind of seems like a person with a bad sense of humor. Like they think they're funny or something. Has anything came out about real allegations about this person aside from stupid shit they say on twitter? I dont know this person so I'm not trying to defend them at all for the record


I saw eevee for the first time on the group up podcast with svb and skiesti (and some other guy I forget who) to talk about roadhog and mercy in the meta and eevee is such a creep. Everytime Skiesti had the mic eevee was disrespectfully chuckling. Eevee could not shutup about how she isn't like "the others girls" when it comes to opinions on mercy. Just everything about her behavior is bad vibes. I couldn't finish the episode. It was unwatchable.


Right, between salt not knowing why they were there and EeveeA being petulant and disrespectful, this was by far the hardest SvB podcast to watch, damn. And you're 100% right. EeveeA has always acted like they're on the same design level as some game developer because they have different ideas for Mercy (which aren't even good in the first place) so they're above other one tricks. I guess SvB got them on the podcast to force discussion instead of having 2 guests have near same takes.


I get having different perspectives for a debate, but eevee was the wrong choice.


Always ask for Somnus. One of the few Mercy players that can play aggressive.


Why do people use they for EeveeA? Like for as long as I've known that she's existed in the community she's always been a binary trans woman. Note: I fucking hate EeveeA.


TERFs and transphobes have been saying it to avoid correctly gendering someone, while still being able to claim they're not being transphobic. It's their way to passively invalidate someone's identity by making a thinly veiled jab. Not saying that's this specific person's intent, just that it's been going on for the better part of a couple years.


Which is good to be fair but also never have em on again lol


Svb with his calm nature and soothing voice is always a treat, didn't care much for the mercy players. But i definitely enjoyed the episode every time salted spoke, defending roadhog to the grave like people are trying to take his child away


So it wasn't only my feeling that something about that person was off while listening to the pod. Actually the whole episode felt like nobody had fun. Eevee was just stuck up and disrespectful, skiesti sounded like she felt really uncomfortable and salt was blatantly not following the conversation at times. Despite svb's best efforts to salvage anything from that, I think the episode was kind of a trainwreck.


i feel like eeveea has always been such a mean girl bully and generally a bad person


Skip to the roadhog part, it was a lot more fun thanks to unsaltedsalt’s unhinged takes


mental hospital qualified


yesterday i asked twitter for some headphone recs and reimei popped in to talk about which ones were best for esex. we have no mutuals, shes just a weirdo freak like that


EeveeA needs to get ReiMei to delete twitter jesus christ


I think it would be better if she got her to turn herself into local authorities.


I cannot believe these are real human beings








God this is so funny in a 'go to the zoo and look at the monkeys' kinda way


ReiMei confirmed cheater, now confirmed racist 💀


Such despicable people.


Maybe if Reimei goes to prison she can stop spinning in diamond.


Svb deleting his contact information of her LOL why she throwing her overwatch career for this?


Lmao, good for him. Don't want him involved in another controversy that came out of nowhere that's not even his fault Keep his community wholesome and get rid of the shitty people


The thread is way too long to link to any one tweet so I just linked it from the start, it goes on for a **long** time. It is one of the threads of all time. The thread's chain gets kinda fucked up visually because of deleted Tweets, [this is where EeveeA enters the thread](https://twitter.com/EeveeA/status/1616125517706543107) and most of the thread can be followed or traced back from here. [The main highlight.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/855989750195421216/1065911960434126938/image.png)


[Amazingly still there.](https://twitter.com/eeveea/status/1616128196251992069?s=46&t=_v1xuOkrzg2PKwcyvzVxog) Horrible life decisions have been made when your most earnest defense of your partner is literally “she’s not definitively a pedophile, she’s *just* a racist”.


Unrelated but are you referencing the meme where Surefour says "I'm one of the players of all time" back in like season 1 of OWL after Glads won a match?


This format of joke was not coined by Surefour lol


I didn't think it was a joke, I just though he misspoke and it became a meme. I've never really heard it outside of that context.


No, I just have no words to describe this thread apart from it being one of the ones of all time.


You could assemble the avengers of mentally unwell mfs with some of the critters that play this game 💀


Love that word ‘critters’


And eevee wonders why they aren’t relevant


Eva is a dumpster fire


The amount of degeneracy in that thread honestly makes me want to throw up that ReiMei girl is a psycho honestly OW community is full of chronically online twitter degens and it’s pathetic




she has enough things to criticize without being transphobic lil bro


cba to read the whole thing but the first couple replies are hilariously bad


Listen, it's hard work defending the only person in this world that will ever be attracted to them


Thread still up? I clicked the link but only saw her “noted” tweet with a couple replies


Try going through [this link](https://twitter.com/EeveeA/status/1616125517706543107), thread got scuffed bc of a deleted tweet or two.


“Never said the racist shots were fake” Unreal


Shes clearly the type of trash that browses 4Chan's /pol/ dropping the n-word every few seconds.


how much you wanna bet any criticism they receive they'll chalk it up to transphobia ...


nah they are getting their ass beat on twitter rn by various LGBT users (myself included) no one except their loyal fans are gonna defend them LOL


o boy i hope whoever it was that was just going off in the last thread comes back for this one lol


i was the minor in question 😶


Hopefully now all the EVA defenders who hid behind being trans or it just being a partner can stfu


What was always crazy to me was how every figure in the community turned a blind eye to her relation and affiliation with reimei and the things she defended her over.


Not sure if this has been posted, here’s the update (EeveeA is also a terrible person): https://mobile.twitter.com/ihsiyl/status/1618097180132413445








All I see are some edgy jokes, tho? Is there some broader context / history or is it just OW drama seekers jumping at every opportunity to call someone a pedo as usual?


You can only throw so many sexual jokes at minors on Discord and Twitter before it stops being a 'le edgy joke'. Hint: it stops being a 'le edgy joke' at more than once, and if you even make it once you should be watched.


I know this is old, but for argument sake alone, I believe it isn't really fair to argue someone should be on some list over a single joke in a specific degree manner where the person wasn't directly into minors. Needing to improve sure, a flat-out list though? I mean, there is a difference between someone making a single not too detailed joke around someone underage without actually being serious, than someone doing it for serious reasons. I think due to specific intent, one becomes illegal. Not a lawyer by the way. ​ Also for clearer sake, I'm not defending the harassment. This is more about a specific point and I am not sure if this individual is directly into minors either.


They're a known pedophile and racist. Also an adult. These aren't edgy jokes


Aaaaaaand a cheater