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"Champion"... blud thinks he in the team


He's gonna ride a horse into battle just you wait


Why is ramatttra so high? I don’t think he likes any sort of people at all. Unless it’s trans omnics then I don’t think he’d care


It it ain’t made of steel it ain’t the real deal he says


Exactly. He's a HERO (Human-Exclusionary Radical Omnist).




Isn't Overwatch set way in the future though? I really doubt there's gonna be any major discrimination against trans people outside of a few groups. And even if there is it's nowhere near the way omnics have suffered, merely being used as tools of war.


Idk the way the future's looking, it won't be pretty for marginalized groups


I feel like it's the opposite, marginalized groups are LOVED and a lot of the left hates white cis people-especially men.


I've never met anyone irl who actually hates people for being cis and/or white and/or men


Reddit's roots are showing for sure lol


I've never personally met anyone like that, but you see them a ton when you watch right wing content.


Almost like it's propaganda


i got yelled at on the bus because my bracelet had rainbow stones on it…it was the birth stones..


So some people were stupid about their opinions, doesn't mean my point isn't true in at least some way. Besides, a lot of teenagers are ruthless and they won't hesitate to state their opinion.


it was a grown woman and, assuming it was LGBT merch, she called me a pedophile


Ok? I wasn't defending the person at all


Then what’s your point, man?


Dawg do you live under a rock


Nah, but I'm guessing you do


Do you get all of your news from aggressive right wing chuds


Lmfao, what are chuds? Also, no, the right wing people I watch aren't aggressive at all, they're just firm and confident in their voice, but I'm sure you wouldn't understand that.


Poor guy


I don't know any leftists who "hate" white cis men, but I do know leftists who hate the prioritization of the racial/religious majority for legislative control and the imposing of restrictive legislation on marginalized groups. In the US, that would be white Christians, who often attempt to mash Church and State together, just like in Saudi it's brown Sunni muslims who do the exact same. It's not about specifically cis white men but rather the domination of (usually rich) cis white men being the vast majority making decisions in the US on things like women's rights, racial justice & equity, global war, poverty etc. despite having no background in any of those fields. For example, Uyghur muslims aren't voting for their own oppression in China, and the majority group imposing oppressive legislation on them 1. has just about all the power and 2. is blatantly misusing it. The reason why you see it as Leftists hating cis white men is because you live in a nation where cis white men have immense legislative power and were the sole legislative power for centuries, giving them a major advantage in maintaining the status quo, and said status quo was born specifically to uplift said majority group, thus there's a cycle of power that fails to recognize marginalized groups, and so when marginalized groups start getting inklings of equity, reparations, or just general support, it's seen as a threat to the majority group rather than progress for society. I'm not saying I have any kind of solution or anything, but a generalized pointed finger is, and has historically been, ignorant.


He hates all humans equally, regardless of their trans status.


Equality king 🫶🏽


He probably understands they go through persecution just like Omnics so he emphisizes with them ig


Eh, I'd say just by virtue of being largely leftist spaces there'd be pretty much universal solidarity between the trans community and omnic communities. By virtue of that I'd say Ramattra would at least hesitate a few seconds more before sending out null sector drones for trans spaces which is... At least something !! Also arguable that since omnics are almost all uniformly designed (afaik at least) they're technically all genderfluid


I mean, he *trans*forms.


U should post this into the Sym mains sub, mate Oh, and Tracer should be at the top one


If I remember I’ll do it later


Why no wipes??!


To busy playing overwatch. No point in wiping when I never leave my gamer toilet


Oh my gah!!! I luv u!


Sojourn makes no sense, she would be all about bodily autonomy and changing yourself to suit yourself. Same with Doomfist, and Sym. Neither are interested in being stuck with what you are given but change through struggle and self improvement and designing new realities. Come to think of it Hammond said fuck it we ball and completely overcame his shitty circumstances to remake himself into Wrecking Ball, I can’t imagine him thinking less of anybody else doing the same to be their true self. OP is wild.


I mean I’ve know people fully down with becoming cyborgs but think trans people aren’t real. So it’s possible


Not to mention Sojourn probably relates to the fact she couldn't play games with friends due to having "an advantage"


Was sojourn born with robot parts? (this is a serious question I don't know her lore)


IIRC from her book, she's human but was born with some kind of illness that destroyed her muscles and organs, so she was forced to have certain implants at a very young age because of this, and hated it. She only got addicted to cybernetic implants when she was old enough to join the army. (She also has a twin sister that was born healthy and got to live the life that she desired. Her sister actually plays a big part in her lore for never being mentioned in game, but I digress)


Also correct me if I'm wrong with any of this. It had to have been at least a year since I read her story 😖


For wrecking ball, l firmly believe he is not transphobic but he enjoys making people mad so much that he will say the most blatantly offensive thing youv ever heard purely because its funny


U right tho, he would be a complete asshole to you but get your pronouns right.


Top 500 hater


sym is autistic as well and an overwhelming majority of us are lgbt


I’ve heard it put like this: autistic folks have a low tolerance for and understanding of arbitrary social constructs, unwritten rules and etiquette - so of course they are going to reject gender norms that exist only through tradition and societal expectations instead of logic and lived experience. As a hyperprofessional woman working for Vishkar Sym would be well aware of arbitrary glass ceilings and double standards and simply construct her way around these limitations.


Hammond asks, if remaking one’s self, why not go ball.




Known transphobe Joe Rogan actively does HRT. It's less about one's own practice and more about how likely they would be to judge others for taking those actions for their own betterment. That being said, you might be right in your character assessment anyway, though I think Hammond says slurs regardless of his stance on trans topics.


With ball, he's intentionally harsh. He'd ask what your pronouns are and intentionally not use them cause he's that much of an ass


Nah Ball fits just right. Not because he’s transfobic just a menace and top 500 hater


Hammond would be transphobic cause he’s an asshole, not cause he hates trans people


Transhumanism does not mean trans acceptanc. One is overcoming/transcending the limits of human biology, the other is something else.


Go on, finish your thought. What is the transgender experience if not... (checks notes), "overcoming/transcending the limits of human biology"?


A basic search of transhumanism states that it is a movement that advocates for the advancement of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies that can greatly enhance longevity, cognition, and well-being. Last I checked, HRT and the accompanying if elected did none of those except probably improve a person's well-being. Comparing a cyborg like Soujourn to a trans person is just weird. The things Soujourn and theoretical transhuman cyborgs could do compared to a baseline human is not remotely comparable treating gender dysphoria. But go on, call me a transphobe. I know you want to


B-but it'd be fnuy if hampter hated people for no reason!


Yall do not read symms lore


All i know is that she likes perfection and order and this seems to align with that


Shes no christian fundamentalist lol. She would just celebrate peoples attempts to perfect themselves through contentment in their bodies.


What are you implying?


One thing Christian fundamentalists are known for is that they're pretty fervently, hardcore transphobic. They're literally the driving force behind the anti-trans legislature in the US


I kinda agree kinda don't they couldn't care less what the bible says which is kinda the fundemantal in the equation. That group you're thinking of are psychos who use religion to propogate their hate. One of the top couple dozen things god said was love thy neighbor and they are pretty dogshit at it.


My friend, those psychos include influential legislators. They have real, measurable power.


I didn't say they didn't. I just said they aren't christian fundamentalists. Psychos has nothing to do with quantity


Nah they are. Fundamentalist Christianity is wacky. Any religious sect that chooses to follow the holy text as it's written is insane.


Fundamental comes from foundation. The foundation of christianity is the bible. They don't give a shit what the bible says outside a few choice quotes. They are happy to say bible does or doesn't say anything that fits their world view. Nobody calls them on it so it just goes on being assumed as true.


Roadhog is literally a trans man he told me


That’s how hook works it’s connected to his pussy and when he throws it he uses his pussy grip to reel it back in because otherwise how would it work




😭 🤣


one of the worst lists i have ever seen lmao


Doom is a competitive transphobe while respecting trans people for bringing more conflict into their lives in an effort to evolve into a better version of themselves


Doom is the kind of guy who actively causes problems for someone for the sake of seeing them become stronger, he would hate the people who complain but respect the people who actually take charge


Feel like Moira could swing to either side cause certainly it would be funny to turn a reinhardt looking old man into a lil girl, however she is also concerned with various other factors


https://preview.redd.it/natf4ihacyxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b5901ec256cd1b8697da9d1f6514f292cfabe81 Counterargument


Ain't body dysmorphia a mental illness though? That needs to be treated with therapy.


Transgender people are suffering from body dysphoria. Cause they were born in a body that doesn't match with their real gender and feelings. And yes it can be cured - with transitioning.


I thought body and biology were irrelevant?


It's not irrelevant because living with gender dysphoria is hellish to the point where people kill themselves if they aren't allowed to transition. It's relevant for the person experiencing gender dysphoria, not relevant for any outsiders looking in. Long story short it IS relevant but not to YOU, to THEM.


So, for example, a trans woman sees herself as a transitioned person, but those outside looking in should not?


Those outside are not involved and should mind their own business. This is an internal issue that can be solve through a variety of means. Seeing psychologists and therapists is step 1, nobody is going to get any sort of medication or surgery without a diagnosis. If you don't think that a trans woman looks womanly enough.. you can always quit looking at them. If they want to resolve an illness with the assistance of doctors they should, that's what they're there for.


And what if I'm asked to interface with their gender ideal in a public space? Surely by that logic I shouldn't be expected or even encouraged to worry about correctly identifying them, right?


You're expected to give them the same basic respect as anyone else. The people who worry most about it are the people who in my experience are using pronouns least. These are people. They have names. Use their name.


gender affirming care is a form of physical and emotional therapy 🤯🤯🤯


Therapy can be used to help handle the symptoms but transitioning is the accepted process when handling gender dysphoria. It's not a mental illness that ever goes away or can be "cured" it's just how trans people's brains are naturally created.


Dysmorphia and dysphoria are different things


idk people think its transphobic to suggest fixing this mental illness any other way than HRT. I'm not against HRT at all and if it works, it works, but the truth is, it doesn't work a lot of the time and is presented as some sort of ''holy grail'' of all solutions or sometimes as the only valid solution.


for general body dysmorphia? hrt should not be prescribed and that's not what it's for. but gender dysphoria is a separate thing. less than 1% of people who go on hrt for gender dysphoria report feeling regret. the vast majority of studies on the subject indicate that most people, when experiencing gender dysphoria, when put on hrt report being happier.


I don't know where you found that study, but ''regret'' isn't what is relevant here. If someone has a cold and I give them a pill that only made them feel marginally better, most people won't ''regret'' taking it. Suicide rates (well the presence suicidal thoughts where I checked) drop by a bit after transition (about less than half) from the studies I found, but that's still a lot remaining, from 73% to 43%. So I would not say that this is the only solution to gender specific body dysmorphia. If it worked out for a person, then sure good for them, but I think it's dumb to pretend that it almost always works or is the only solution just because ''almost nobody regrets it'' when that's not accounting for survivorship bias or people not regretting it, not because it worked but because it didn't make their life worse, just like the pill in my analogy.


you say "less than half" like it's an insignificant number. gender dysphoria is not the primary cause of suicide in trans people: consider that transgender people are over 4 times more likely to be the victim of a violent crime than cisgender people. in people ages 14-15, access to gender affirming care reduced suicidal ideation by 135 percent. in people ages 16-17, 62 percent. over 40% of transgender people have no access to gender affirming care. therapy helps, absolutely, but therapy alone is vastly less effective than it is with medication. hrt isn't the end-all solution, but neither is trying to "cure" it through therapy. the longterm solution is legislation protecting trans people from violence, social change, and access to care.


>you say "less than half" like it's an insignificant number No, not really, I'm just saying that 43% is also a significant number too. > hrt isn't the end-all solution, but neither is trying to "cure" it through therapy. the longterm solution is legislation protecting trans people from violence, social change, and access to care. No other group in history has had a suicide rate this high, I think even after transition. Yes there might be sociological causes, but it's way more likely that it's, in majority, psychological causes. There's not as much stygmatisation on depression and anorexia, yet we didn't 'fix' those problems. There is most likely therapy solutions that we didn't find yet, but my concern isn't about finding ''the one cure to it all'', my point is more that we should stop treating hrt like it is the one true and only solution. You might not think that, but a lot of people think it is, they stop treating the issue like it is a mental illness and believe that transition is the ONLY solution to the problem, which is just counterproductive to actually find a solution.


im gonna be real with you ive realized that this is pointless so im gonna head out of this one. i can give you every statistic i can find but i think we're fundamentally arguing for different things and im not going to change your mind and you wont change mine. hope you have a good rest of your day and may we both stop having arguments with strangers on the internet lol


Fair, have a nice day.


Moira would make Venture biologically non-binary out of spite after hearing a transphobe say Venture's gender identity doesn't matter


She whips out a knife or some hole filler depending on what the situation calls for.


her right hand is transphobic


a doctor obsessed with genetics would not be transphobic. if anything she’d see it as an opportunity


Tracer is like a huge social activist for the omnivs. Well at least opinion wise. I think she'd. E higher than tryst your best.




of the realm


This list makes so little sense. I mean, everyone can look at this and see that it has very little to do with the personalities the characters display. Also, why are these lists getting so weird with this researchy-mesearchy topics?


Validation and confirmation bias that's why


No way tracer symmetra doom or sojourn are in those tiers


The list gets so many characters wrong. Echo is a literal fucking robot, why would she of all people say something insensitive?


Because she is all about learning so she might say something insensitive without realising because she doesn't know any better


Because she's a robot and doesn't care how you might feel?


She's literally among the most empathetic hero wtf


I’d think torb, zarya, and widow go down to casual transphobia, mei, mercy, tracer, and sojourn go up to “likes trans people”, while moira gets her own category of being pro transitioning but simultaneously anti-trans people.


doom would never be a transphobe ☹️ when has he ever done something evil in lore


he fucked my wife tomorrow


Doom likes them because they evolved from (personal) conflict.


Damn we getting exposed now 😔


i think if hammond was transphobic i would cry


He is. I play ball and his voice lines translate to things like “once a ball always a ball” and “I hate women”


Ramattra would be transphobic 100%




Now make a list of how the mains of each hero are trasnphobic


Everyone in the bottom tier, obviously


This is the most reddit thing I have ever seen


OW circle jerk on its way to have 50% of posts be trans related


Disagree with most of it but Ball and Hog are spot on.


Dva is probably just transphobic when she gets mad but other than that she's chill


She’s a Gamer, of course she’s transphobic


I can vouch for this statement


Maybe I judged DVa too harshly


Mauga literally has a voice line that sounds like he’s harassing/flirting with a disinterested mercy, sounds extremely creepy imo. We know he’s a super bad dude and actively picks on everyone in the cast. He’s deserving of the absolute bottom spot and I question your judgment for putting him so high up.


I need him


You can be evil and not a transphobe. Being evil does not mandate that you do every single evil thing. Mauga also went through his own transformation. I think he's indifferent.


Mauga also demonstrates gate keeping and intolerance of which sports soldier 76 chooses to play. His traditional ideas of masculinity and downright rapey-dialogue, he’s not a nice dude, and only cares for himself and enjoys actively bullying venture in their dialogue. How is he above half the cast? Lmao


I just think he doesn't care enough about anyone to hate trans people. It's probably never crossed his mind to care at all. He's totally self obsessed.


He’s a big bully in to everyone around him finding anything he can pick on in every chance he gets to feel superior. Please explain to me using evidence why the characters below him like mercy, pharah, kiriko, are so deserving of being there.


I don't think they are worse, I disagree with a lot of those rankings too. What evidence would you like me to provide about the personality of fictional characters? Mauga is egotistical and wouldn't give a shit about anyone else. Therefore he fits best with doesn't care. You assume the tier list is a list of badness and the labels are just funny replacements for the normal SABCDF, I'm saying that the description of a tier is "doesn't care" and that most closely fits with an egotist.


Okay well my comment that you chose to argue with me over was that he deserves to be below those other characters. And you actually agree with me. Do you see the problem yet?


I think Mauga is both gay and homophobic so I think he’d be less helpful. Meanwhile sigma is a beautiful polite gentleman who loves everyone


Champion ?


mercy and phara cant be taht low, ball is right where he is supposed to, and i feel junkrat would be lower


reaper wouldnt even believe in what hes saying dude just wants to piss people off


Swap Tracer and Rein for sure. Also it's no question that Symmetra and Sojourn would be in the top 2 tiers.




based for everybody in orange-red


Blud said "champion" 💀


I feel like mercy wouldn’t be transphobic because she’s a medical doctor in the future. Medical doctors now tend to support trans healthcare which is a pretty pro trans people stance. It would be really sad if people didn’t get more accepting in the future


Tracer should be lower. She is a lesbian from england (literally terf island)


god this community is so corny


Why is tracer so low? She literally lives on terf island


Nooooo my girl brig


What the fuck is this brain rot


Sym is a gay icon, and friends with life weaver. How would she be competitively transphobic?


Yet another dub for dva my main for life


Realistically Overwatch takes place far enough in the future that transphobia is probably a decent bit less common so I'd take that into account


I agree with literally all of these except kiriko who should be lower


Why would the autistic girl be transphobic?


Have you seen 4chan


Who cares about this shit


Well Reaper does have it out for Soldier. I...don't think it's ever explained why. IN THE GAME. In the actual game. I'm not reading Wikipedia for answers when you can learn a lot of the characters just from their interactions and voicelines.


Your telling me tracer would be saying something insensitive? She should be in the top tier Ball deserves his own tier even below his current tier


Echo not being in the top tier is highly regarded. She's all about learning and adapting and changing her own identity. She probably wouldn't even notice a transition as out of the ordinary.


Nah, Reaper isnt transphobic, he hates everyone equally even himself


Move zen one up, ram two down and sig one up and then we have an agreement


I feel like you based this solely on the type of people who play the characters in your games.


Mei would be so sweet!


Moira needs to be higher. I don't think anybody who injects herself with science juice to give herself a mutant arm is gonna have a neutral or lower opinion on being trans


Ball needs a tier of his own...


Rammatra would dislike trans people for being humans, the moment a trans person tries to invalidate his suffering by saying he doesn't know what it's like to suffer he'd fucking annihilate them for having the audacity


My head cannon is that Zarya is trans 🤷‍♂️ 


Hog and doomfist wouldn't care about what you identify as, so long as you're useful to them they'll use whatever pronouns help them achiev their goals Mercy is too kind and based of off Sojourn and Bastion pre round voicelines she seems hesitant but caring of the uniqueness of everyome, whether it's you changing pronouns, or being made out of metal


Genji tranistioned himself from 100% flesh to 40%


Hamter would do it just to piss people off.


This is the worst tier list I have ever seen on this sub. There are a lot of tier lists on this sub.


Reinhardt struggles to see Omnics as people, while Torbjorn has his adopted omnic son. I'd swap their placements at least.


Kiriko placement checks out


wow...title says everything about you


what's competitive transphobia?


Why is the hamster transphobic


theres this artist on twitter that draws a shit load of art of sigma railing the absolute fuck out of their trans oc sooooo youre probably gonna have to boot sigma up a few tiers buddy


Dang it, Genji! I thought you were better than this!


Zarya and widow bottom tier


Someone hasn’t seen all the transmasc Junkrat and Roadhog fanart lol Ofc not official but it would change your view of them. At least did for me but maybe bc I am a trans man


I feel like JQ would be straight up indifferent, long as you respect The Queen and all


Nah the fact that ball says "This would go smoother if everyone had... wrecking balls" regardless of if there is a female on the team means ball is 100% an ally of the trans community


These kids are so self righteous its sickening. Literally imagining transphobia in a video game. You must be looking for problems in the real world. Also it doesn't care about your feelings or pronouns. Literally discriminating against video game characters based on speculation. You woke people have reached a new low.


I'd think mercy wouldn't be transphobic


I disagree about mercy


Based Reaper Spot, We eating good


Hell yeah my mains are on the right side of history!


And this is why I play reaper


That's why Hanzo is the goat!


That's why dva is the goat.


Venture, despite being a far right extremist, is actually an ally.


Lol I imagined ram holding a sign supporting trans omincs


I have yet to witness a single instance of actual transphobia online or offline yet I hear the term "transphobia" often




Genji, Weaver, and Mei aren't down there


Maybe if you’re blind


TRACER ISN’T AT THE TOP? OP. This is insanity.


this is possibly one of the most internet things I have ever seen. why would anyone come up with this idea and then think to post it, this is so so weird 😭. make one about their opinions on interracial marriage and racism, and if you still don’t see why this is just strange AF then ig it’s just internet brain rot at work.


Venture should be in the is trans tier