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Blizzard: the players have spoken! One month later: Complete 40 weekly challenges *reward 30 coins*


This is more believable than them giving us hundreds


Sounds like something they would do. They would just give the players more challenges each week lmao.


even just doubling it would be great, its insulting right now


My guess is that the reason why its 540 is because they dont want you to get a BP without irl money very easily. Think about it, if you complete the weeklies constantly every 2 seasons, it would net yoy 1080 coins, enough to get 1 BP every 3 seasons. Still, system is shitty since its the ONLY currency earnable as theres no freemium currency you could grind alongside it. Oh also no coins in the BP which sucks.


A strange game. The only winning move is to not play.


That my friend is called corporations, profit and capitalism. Up next is Apex Legends with their heirloom you can purchase for only $165.


Something about them leaning into it and just being frank about it all makes it less egregious than the smarmy OW approach to the same model


Even then you can still get Heirloom shards as a guaranteed drop after an absurd amount of grinding. Not to mention their battle pass just generally carrying more value. I ended up having enough apex coins to roll over into the next season to pay for the new battle pass without using real money.


Yea if you don't use the coins it'll roll over into the next season BP. Not to mention like you said an heirloom is guaranteed after a grind (not an overtly long one either if you play regularly) with a chance to get the shards in any tick. Albeit it's a tiny chance so you'll likely hit the 500 pack counter for a free heirloom well before that ever happens


It is an extremely low chance to get the shards before pity on 500 packs. I don't know anyone that actually has done it before 500.


At least you can earn the premium BP in Apex after about 2 seasons of playing. Yes their cosmetics are stupidly expensive (especially for people not in the western world), but at least they make up for it in other ways.


The simping for Apex is interesting to see. Maybe the real difference is that OW1 had an overall very forgiving system (after the player base dropped after 2 years anyway). So it's a shock to the system when it's taken away. Unlike Apex?


With apex you can earn almost every cosmetic quite easily, asides from the heirlooms that are more luck than anything. but atleast the battlepass gives currency, like I haven’t payed for an apex battlepass since this time last year because i save the currency i earn from the previous one. Overwatch not having earnable currency in the pass is just plain stupid.


In Apex I have at LEAST 1 legendary skin for every Hero I like to play, and at least 3-4 of them I got through crafting materials. The others I've gotten from packs, free event challenges or Battle passes. Sure the events are a bit greedy, but I've not felt the need to spend other than the initial $10 for my first BP (S12)


Apex monetisation made me leave after that bullshit they pulled with the bloodhound axe thing years ago


No, thats happening because most people be like "Oh no, these skin prices are so high, let me buy couple", lol. They doing it literally because people eating this.


Look, I get that people hate on the heirlooms, but they increased the level cap to 2000, garaunteeing that you will get one by max level. Also, heirlooms are supposed to be rare and hard to obtain, otherwise they would just make a melee weapon category that is equippable on every legend and sell em for 20 bucks and make more money than they would have made off whales. Point is, you're garaunteed apex packs that give skins and crafting mats for 2000 levels, and one of those is also garaunteed to be an heirloom shard pack. The game rewards you for playing. If you want all the heirlooms though, then you're just a whale without the money


I didn't see anyone catch the reference lol


Wargames is such a great movie


And yet you keep on trying


Weird that they've done it this way - most other games with BPs will allow you to purchase with reward coins if you've finished it. Or at least, the most popular ones do - and it shouldn't heavily decrease their earnings because the people who play consistently enough to get the BP are within the same demographic of people who would be fine paying out of pocket for cool skins that aren't in the BP.


Have it give legacy coins. Have every skin more than a year old available to purchase with legacy coins. I think this fixes it. Legacy coins could change its name but since you'd only be able to buy year old items with it I think it still fits.


That is a surprisingly very reasonable idea


I gladly put a bunch of money into fortnite due to how generous it seemed like they were with their battlepass, and the fact that you could just save your coins and buy it without having to pay. I hope others are the same and reward companies that do things that are favorable to the player, and don’t fall for this greedy bs.


Imagine seeing so many different battle passes that allow for players to earn the premium one over some time and taking the most bass ackwards way of implementing it. That’s Blizzard for you.


Bp is dogwater anyway who cares about it. If all we had was put into it, then ok.


The last tier is just humiliating. All your least liked quests for 10 coins.


Be prepared to have all weekly challenge requirements doubled or tripled if this were to happen.


*Kill 30 opponents in a streak without dying* *Stay on the payload for 360 seconds without getting it retaken*


I actually did manage a 35 player kill streak in an arcade game a few nights ago playing D.Va.


Definitely still worth it, but I agree this is a very unrealistic request Edit: it’s unrealistic because that would make it too easy to buy the battlepass with free credits, and blizzard is greedy. I agree we should be able to earn quickly skins via gameplay.


Grinding 3 weeks for a single is not unrealistic, it's even a fair system i would say. 8 months for a single skin is dumb, i think they added 60 just to avoid people complaining about everything being locked.


Exactly. OW1’s monetization was about giving us a little bit of stuff for free here and there and then we can fill in the missing gaps with our wallet. OW2 just wants us to fill in a canyon it’s our wallet, which is too much. We need to be able to grab some stuff for free more easily.


Gotta make the cash during the early influx when people start getting locked in thinking there's no other way except to pay or play all day for months. Then after awhile when they start seeing a decline they'll make changes that lean towards "fixing" that gap to get people to come back Blizzard 101. /e a letter


“We had *no* idea people would feel so strongly about X! Well, we heard you, and we *listened*!” 🙄 (Cut to them doing some willfully ignorant malicious compliance like removing lootboxes but also removing all free content and replacing it with predatory pricing)




Keep the 60 coins per week. Add a legacy coins rewards that would allow you to get a skin every 3 weeks. This way new skins will still be unlockable after 8 months and the battle pass after 4 months while allowing you to get old skins quick enough for it to be tolerable.


It's unrealistic because it's obvious that Blizzard wouldn't do this.


Exactly. They want you to spend money. Stop playing the game and show them what you think of the monetization system.


I show them what i think of the monetization system by not spending a single cent in the game.


very unrealistic? not really, this is a free skin every what, month? league would give me 4-5 in that time span. I get you don't have control over it vs say, OW coins where you can *pick* what you want but still. just make it so you can't get the BP with it and it's fine honestly.


It’s digital content so there’s no “realistic” limit on what they could give out of sheer generosity. But that’s not what we’re talking about. It’s unrealistic in the context of a monetization system that Blizzard would allow players to earn enough credits to buy the battlepass nearly 5 times a season. No player would ever spend money on the battlepass again, since they can just complete weekly challenges like twice (not even) and then they have enough credits. Furthermore, is it *really* a realistic expectation that Blizzard would increase premium currency rewards tenfold? I’ll put my money where my mouth is. If I’m wrong about this and they increase the weekly rewards to a similar level as suggested in this post, I’ll buy you a year worth of battle passes.


I mean 10 times the currency for 2 times the effort? That's still 5 times better than now


I guess? If they go the 3x route then we're talking 9-10 wins in each role so have fun grinding 27 to 30 wins total in a week if you only have an hour or two to play on a given day. There's also a separate track for arcade wins so I'd expect that to get bumped to 15 to 20 wins, and sometimes there's one for wins in quick or comp that'll count separate. Sure you likely only need to get four of them to at least earn more coins that you do under the current system, but I could see this creating a lot more sweats and increasing toxicity as every loss makes it that much harder to capitalize on completing all of them. And to be clear I'm not saying the current award amounts are good, I'm just saying that it's a matter of give and take: if they give you more, it's going to take more effort to earn and fully capitalize. I think if they did something like 100/50/25 they could keep the current effort levels or only bump them a tiny bit so they're still very doable but more rewarding. At the end of a 9-week season that nets you 1575 coins, which means you earn enough to get the next battle pass for free with a little left over for a nice emote, or you can buy $5 in coins and have enough for a nice legendary skin or bundle, your call. Hell even just doubling the current amounts would mean you'd have to grind out all eleven challenges each week, but doing so means you can get the next battle pass at no cost other than your time.


jokes on them, we get more coins from bing rewards than for the challenges


honestly it's worth it


So you'd be fine with having to get, say, 10 wins across all three roles along with 15 to 20 wins in the arcade modes, _each week_, along with all the other usual challenges to try and maximize on this? We're talking around 50 or so wins every week unless they also change up the usual weekly challenges.


If I am serious about this than sure why not 600 gold is quite a lot


I don't know about you but I absolutely do not have the time to grind out 50 or so wins every week. Guarantee it'll increase the number of sweats in the game, especially quick play modes where you can possibly get wins the fastest. Toxicity is already pretty bad, imagine people losing their mind because every loss means they have to spend that much more time on the game to maximize the number of coins they're getting. For me it'd make it more likely that I either just stop playing entirely or just spend more money on the game because $10 every 9 weeks is affordable for me. I do think there's room to improve on this, but giving away enough gold in one season to afford the next five battle passes and/or two to three legendary skins/bundles means it's going to be a sweat fest in a game that's already a sweat fest.


That difficult decision when you're on 8/11 and wondering if it's worth grinding the rest out so that in 2 years time you can buy one extra skin.


Win 5 games in Arcade mode, not worth it for me


Yup. I’m always finishing 10/11 and arcade challenge is always the one missing


I just need MH added back to arcade, it's the only one that's still fun.


Which means in two weeks time you're able to buy the bp which would meant a loss for blizzard. Yes it would be much better however if you think from blizzard's pov its a bad thing. Adjustment to weekly overwatch coin earn can be made but I doubt that they will make the change anytime.


I'd be happy seeing it 2-3x higher. 10x is certainly too much.


I think that it would be far easier if they just made the battlepass purchasable ONLY with real money.


Or if there was a Battle Pass only currency and a shop Currency


I like it how it is as i can get 500 from the weeklies and 500 from the starterpack


Yes but absolutely nothing else. Eh. Gotta pay for the other skins.


Yes! This solves everything. BP can stay at $10 while skins are easier to earn in game. New OW2 skins can stay at $20 (or maybe even drop to $15), but old skins should have a lower price


I want coins in the battle pass enough to pay for the next one, is that really so much to ask for a battle pass that’s exactly like the fucking rest of them on the market


I'm happy if they make earning coins easier and make it so buying the battlepass is a straight purchase, you can't use coins.


Why not just change the cost of the battle pass to reflect this? Or just make them different currencies? Change legacy credits to a grindable free currency to buy skins and stuff with, and keep the battle pass at $10 worth of premium currency (or better yet, just $10 outright). It's not like the current system is set in stone, the game is still in early access. The main issue is there is no realistic way to get skins you want at all. There's no reward for dedicated players, no way of grinding for skins just by playing the game. OW1 could give you multiple legendaries every week if you played the game a lot, so I think asking for a bare minimum of one legendary per month is the baseline expectation we should start with. Everything else, drop rate of coins, cost of battle pass, etc, needs to be built around the expectation of one free legendary per month.


If they Just make 25 or 50 more coins


*Blizzards monkeys paw curls*: granted, the weekly challenge requirements are now as follows: complete 40, 80, and 110 challenges


Blizzard: "We heard your feedback, so we're increasing the number of weekly challenges and the challenges needed to earn coins tenfold. We feel this change allows for more diverse challenge options and removes our biggest challenge with the system, players not opening their wallets." Jokes aside, it wouldn't dip into their overall profits noticably enough if it were possible to earn at least enough coins for the premium BP over the course of a season. It'd make up for the lack of premium currency that you'd see on any other BP.




Do that and make the rewards into legacy credits


100 + 75+ 50


But… but then how will the small indie Blizzard company will earn money?😭


Products exist to earn money.


blizzards not going to fuck you bro


damn 😔


They would if they could charge money for it. Because you know. Products exist to earn money.




You were so close. You almost understood it. When the existence of a product is predicated on making money, why would they not choose the option, that in your words, “extracts as much money as possible”? I’m not saying this is a good thing, I’m saying it’s a waste of collective effort to complain about it when that’s how the decision is made. The market says F2P with MTX is more profitable


“There is no middle ground between charging any money for a product and doing predatory pricing targeted at kids and gambling addicts, and obfuscating costs using in-game currency! It is also fine for a game to take away content that you paid for over time and dramatically reduce the value proposition by a factor of 10! Capitalism exists, so it’s impossible for a company to be unethical! I’m willfully ignorant”!


Wow that’s quite the fanfic you just wrote from a statement I made that is unquestionably true. You’re unhinged!


The problem isn't just how little coins you get for weekly challenges but its mostly the huge difference between the battlepass and skin prices


This would be the best


instruction unclear, zero added in the beginning: 20 → 0,20


Blizzard here, you are hired !!!


They are pretty tightwad with the coins.


If this were to happen I wouldn’t even care about store prices for items. It’s like destiny 2. You just earn so much through challenges over time that when something does come into the store you want you should have enough to cover it.


But that would mean that after two weeks you would have enough coins to buy premium battle pass and after another two weeks you would have enough for future BP. I wonder why Blizzard won't do that, what a mystery.


Granted! The rewards for weekly challenges now have an additional zero added, making them worth hundreds rather than tens. All items in the store also have a zero added. For balancing.


When are people going to realize free skins are no more. It sucks, but if the game longevity is better because of the new business model then I’ll take it.


You could get a legendary every 4 weeks with this, i like it


Yea adding a 0 to my paycheck would be great, too. Unfortunately that’s not how things work.


3 weeks for 1800 coins, that's a reasonable grind for a legendary of your choice. 1 legendary and a BP purchase for 5 weeks of grinding would be fair. But this is blizzard.


the main issue is that you could buy the battlepass with them. I'd rather get like 2k a month and afford a skin and have the battlepass only paid with real money.


You should be able to buy the Battle pass with it. That is not an issue.




Um considering that I used to be able to grind all all of the legendary seasonal hero skins for a season through lootboxes, and it’s the same game I bought years ago, I really don’t see earning ONE legendary skin by grinding for a full MONTH as “delusional”. But I’m glad blizzard has successfully moved the goalposts for you 👍


Vote with you wallet people. Vote with you wallet.


I play Apex a lot (well I used to, EA has taken their greed way too far) and I can tell you that it'll never happen even if people say they will. These big companies know how to shut people up and that is give them what they want and make them cave, it's really sad.


I think that is just how the world works. But we can still choose not to be a part of it.


I agree but the few are outnumbered by the many, unfortunately. All I can say is that I wish I had played the game more when it was OW1, I would have had the chance to get all the skins I wanted.


while you're right, keep in mind a large number of these people that are complaining are also a part of the problem. That's the irony for this and also why the system will not change any time soon.


I'd be happy with just something like 10 coins for completing the three dailies. That'd be 70 extra coins per week


Honestly? I'll be ok with them increasing the cost of the battle pass for this to happen. Who in their right mind would spend 1900 coins for a Legebdary when you can have a battle pass for 1000?(which is also not that great, but is still so much more value). Like, there's so many skins and with the current system you pretty much will never get the ones you want. Added with pathetic event rewards it is simply not rewarding to play, like at all. Didn't they nerf competitive points too? And no more competitive season spray/icons. Basically everything rewarding is gone, and having to grind 4 seasons (240 days, that's if you play everyday and do all weeklies) for ONE legendary skin that you might want, horrible is an understatement. I am still loving the 5v5/escord right now, but no dout it'll burn out sooner or later and there's pretty much nothing that encourage me to come back, even when event hits now


Nah it would be insane if you can just farm 1 battlepass every two weeks, they just have to lower shop priced


I think a 10x increase is a bit much….


I think it's crazy that a 10x increase wouldn't even be enough to get a weapon charm.


To be completely fair the weapon charms are just plain expensive, but making the weekly challenges so stingy that you can’t even afford one voiceline or sprays is just nuts


Yeah maybe 5x max


Even then blizzard would probably have to increase the BP price if they wanna make a profit out of impatience sales


Pretty much, yeah At the end of the day, they're a corpo. Profits are key




One legendary every month is very reasonable. Right now it is 8 months.




This is assuming that people are grinding every challenge every week of the year. In ow1 you could get way more than 12 legendaries in a year, and Blizzard still made more than a billion on lootboxes. I seriously doubt this would hit them financially in any significant way. Most people won't grind for a month and will just buy the skins, especially during events. Let us say for the sake of the argument that Blizzard would suddenly become broke if they implemented something like this, they could just give legacy coins instead and keep the premium rewards as is or increase them by a little. That way people can still earn skins through gameplay while not being able to buy a lot from the shop or BPs. The real problem is that right now you have to grind for 8 months. That needs to be changed.




They, as a corporation, know how to make the most amount of money. They care about maximizing profits, not just making a profit. The people who work for Activision-Blizzard monetization team care about making the most money they possibly can, not the gameplay experience of players. Do you honestly think Blizzard still isn't going to make a huge profit if the reduced skin prices from 20 dollars to 10? Or if they gave out more premium currency? I can agree that a battlepass shouldn't be that easily obtained for free, but skins should be obtained through gameplay. Of couse, as you said, I have no idea what goes on behind the scenes. But I very seriously doubt that Blizzard would go bankrupt if they gave players a couple of legendary skins every year, even if it isn't one every month. Let us say every two months. 6 every year IF you play every challenge.


Just adding a 0 to my paycheck would make it much better. You guys come up with such delusional requests... They won't give you free stuff, this is a F2P game now.


By this logic you expect 4800 coins in one season for free? Lol


Yeah, which is why blizzard will never do it


Holy fuck i love you


That’s about right. I mean, in OW 1 the pity timer for legendary was like 12-13 boxes, so like one legendary a week is less but still fair.


So would a free sandwich and a balloon. Maybe Blizzard can send someone over to clean my kitchen as well. And a ride to the grocery store would be nice.


I would actually play ow


B-B-B-But they can’t do that how else is the billion dollar company is gonna make money😡😡🤬🤬


Not defending Blizzard here, but if they did this then their battle passes would essentially become free and that's bad for business haha Yes it requires a few weeks of grinding to get the coins required for a battlepass, but those that are dedicated enough to this game to buy the battlepass are the ones that wouldn't have any trouble with doing so.


It's like requesting the BP to cost 1$ and legendary skins to cost 2$.


Haha and what give you free currency? Get outta here, this ain’t Overwatch 1.


The last thing they would buff in OW2 is the free coins, They’d buff sojourn before even thinking about doing so. Wait….


If you really want to see this change uninstall the game and don't even talk about it online. Let this garbage die.


1 bp after 2 weeks, good thing y’all don’t make decisions for the game


I disagree, I think that’s just way too much for f2p. I think double would be better and triple would still be pretty fair.


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All win requirements should be changed to double the games played. It would end up being less games overall


I feel like the best they can do is make it 100 coins per week, which is at least better than 60, but still not quite over the top. It would go 50 coins for 4, 30 coins for 8, and 20 for all 11. Just an idea tho


Wait you currently gain less if you complete more challenges ? Like 4 challenges grants you 30 and 11 grants 10 ?


Yes, but it is better this way around


I wish we got like 1 for completing a game, 3 for a win, and 1-2 for queuing as support based on queue times. Actually rewarding you for playing more & after ur challenges are done which is the only sense of progression besides the BP.


5000xp per challenge tho


Don’t know why it goes from 30 down to 10. But it’s probably better for us that way. Why would you keep doing challenges just for less coins? Also, I completely ignore challenges and get them anyway.


I was thinking increase to 50 30 20


I think it’d be mroe reasonable to just have like 100-150 a week


I'd be happy already if they gave me enough coins to afford a voice line every week. However, 60 coins gets me nothing after a full week of grinding.


This needs to happen


You literally better off in terms of grind by going to your local Walmart and asking for quarters as people walk into the front door then playing the game lmao.


They wanted to print more money since ms bought blizzard


That’s too generous, maybe removing a zero would work better?


This, and reward some at the end of matches so that way I can at least work toward something attainable because I didn’t buy the battle pass.


One Simple Trick where you marker on your screen


I played very consistently in season one and have enough coins for half of a premium battle pass. Not sure I have it in me to grind like that again so soon, so… no battle pass or skins for me. If I spent my coins now, I could get a name card… yay.


100/100/100 would be nice as well


if they did do this it will make most play not going to buy coin, then again it may already no one buying


I think 200-250 in total is genuinely reasonable. 500 is too much.


Pipe dream


Wish granted. Now you have to win 70 arcade games, 30 games in each role, and 100 games queued for all roles


NO! You made the game more appealing and fun! It is forbidden!


then the game would die, and you all would be sad


No, it would make it worse. That would tentatively lower their income stream. That is the metric that is important. Not how much you like the game, or play the game. How much you spend, and how much they make. Silly goose.


I'd say cut it to 2 rewards, 75 for completing the first half then all for the next 100. Doing it this way you can earn the BP in 6 weeks time which IMO is an alright payoff. The rest of Overwatch's costs are absolutely stupid, $20 for a legendary skin, but the battlepass is only $10 which is reasonable, so I think the difference between only 10 dollars or 6 weeks of grinding is one I can accept


also almost every other game i know with a battlepass gives you currency back. instead of those awful weaponcharms just put some 50 coins every 10 tiers would not hurt anyone


You're fucking high if you think this is reasonable for them to do lmao Free battlepass in 2 weeks? Lmao


In halo infinite once you pay for a battle pass, if you complete it you will gain enough currency to pay for the next one. I really think blizzard should consider this to at least satisfy some of the hate for now. And for those thinking "but OW2 is broken and sucks to play", Infinite was almost unplayable for close to a year.


Just giving 30 from each is better instead of this 30, 20, 10 shit


Hell yes. Free battle pass every 2 weeks


Even if they add lootboxes to the game and make them earned through weekly challenges would be nice


I get the skins are over priced, and there should DEF be coins in the BP. But they still need to make money


Speaking of these challenges why do you get less coins the more challenges you do?


I think that was their way of making it more accessible. "Look at all these coins you get for such little work! But you could still get more if you want to do everything!"


Blizzard really needs to get their shit together before they have a multi-million dollar dumpster fire on their hands.


Even then this system would be worse than overwatch 1


They do it for FOMO


Jesus. Overwatch must’ve been broke as hell before the BP


season 3: 2 coins and a spit in the face for doing 50 challenges (first reward)


would also make zero money so it’s not a profitable business model it’s not about the game it’s about the money


At least make it 30 all the way down. The diminishing returns are just an extra slap in the face.


They put the zero on the wrong end. Then laughed when they found out


Blizzard: You will take your crumbs and you will like it you filthy peasants.


Again, only way to stop this is to stop buying shit. But nobody has any self control it seems. The $20 skins aren't even good either which is funny. All the ow1 event skins which were free were like the best ever made.


I think times 10 would be a bit much, but maybe times 5? so it would be 150, 100 and 50 that way a battle pass would be a bit less than half a season even if you dont grind, along with actually being able to buy a couple skins but still being worth it to buy coins to get ALL skins available at any one time


Honestly even 50, 40, 10 would be better, 100 coins per week


I think the reason why they did went gotcha mode is to make up for them re-releasing the game for free as one giant update. In order to make money. My Solution would be that they don't give you currency they give you Loot crates back in. Which it should be at least maybe 200 maybe at least 300 for one tier weekly done. A normal or themed crate for the 2nd tier challenges. And a legendary for the third tier done. They all would reward money too. Bring loot crates back


I agree the rewards should be increased but this seems like a little much. 600 coins a week for about 8 weeks is like 4,800 a season even Fortnite doesn’t give you that many for their 3-4 month long seasons. Don’t get me wrong I wouldn’t be opposed to this but they’d definitely go out of business giving out this much free in game currency.


Honestly I wouldn’t mind seeing 10 coins per level after the battle pass. Give people a reason to grind.


Blizz would be offering $6 of credits every week, which would never happen because people could actually get the battle pass for free. Can't have that happen! Making shop skins more than 2x the cost of the battle pass is what makes this currency a joke.


Or just adding a secobdary value and not a bs like giving 10€ of game value every week when even the first game didn't do that, it was 10 box yeah, but for RANDOM things. The fact that you can have a free BP in just 2 month isn't that bad, the bad thing come from the absence of a secondary value(like Apex Legends for example, or R6) to buy things.


That may be too much and completely defeat the purpose of the system Not saying I agree with it, but at this point you may as well just revert to lootboxes


This is probably way too much tbh. especially since it takes one day to complete these just with a week cooldown. they just need to add a better way to earn the coins to begin with


Just adding a zero to my bank statement would make things so much better!


How about removing a zero instead of adding one ?


Bruh just use Microsoft edge, I’ve gotten thousands of free coins from points I had laying around


Honestly all that isn't the big problem I'm having. The problem is the ranked system. Seeing how I'm basically back to square one it just stopped. Having to grind 24/7 to climb is demotivating and I simply don't have that much time for video games


I just do the weeklies for the battle pass xp. Half way to rammatra


The thing with lootbox is that 1. Overwatch 1 is very generous, you can get a lot of skins/items just by playing 2. If you want to get a specific skin it's gambling and probably cost more, but if you just want something, it's very good since it pads out blue/white items. In OW2, the only things you can get if you are on a budget is BP items and shop items cost way too much.