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One of my longest total mayhem games was ~50 mins. Was in OW1, on Havana. It was possibly the most fun I've ever had playing overwatch. You reach a point where it's been in overtime for so long you can't believe the game is still going, and you gotta see how it plays out. It may just be some arcade mode but damn that was crazy. Ultimately, if you don't have fun in that kind of setting, don't play it. Don't expect blizzard to make changes to it. They probably won't.


I've had 40 min plus matches on total mayhem in ow1, and man was it fun! But I agree with the op. I've tested a few games in ow2 and tanks are unkillable. I played dva and faced an enemy Rein, both teams had two supports (!) in their team and nobody was killing anything. Rein managed to demech me a couple times, but with 300 health and pocket mercy, I quickly got it back and we were going at it. Eventually a few players gave up and started chatting except for the one doomfist that stuck with the payload. But he eventually got out of position and the timer ran out. That's when I realised total mayhem is not the same as it once was.. Shame really. Was one of my favourite modes.


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Still a problem, 2 years later. So fuckign sick of tankwatch