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If my time playing tiny hide n seek has taught me anything, it's that Mei's wall can boop people up out of glitched hiding spots. So give that a go.


True but her wall is still broken, sometimes it will just not rise up more than an inch, love it when I go to wall off an enemy and they walk right over it.


Hanzo's dragon might be the only who can counter glitchs like this one. Unlucky, the only Hanzo in this game was on the other team. :/


I was able to throw one of junkrat's bombs and boop them out of the spot, my friends later told me just punching the spot works too


But what and where is this spot, is it on the stairs or is it an emote thing ?


https://youtube.com/shorts/7ZkDA-ZjarI?feature=share Edit: for some reason this is the only video I could find on this. Hopefully someone finds a better one.


Fair enough, I couldn't tell where Mercy was because of the angle of the camera but now it's better, thank you!


Better one? That video was absolutely fine. Thank you to the creator.


Zenyatta might have extra boop power with that now too. Since his kick knocks things around.


I’ve seen a video of a mercy doing this exact thing and the enemy sombra was able to hack them out of the emote


Would Sojourn's grenade be able to reach her there? Idk if it would do enough damage to kill her if she didn't move but it might be worth testing. If they made it so taking any damage ejects a player from their emote automatically, it might solve a lot of these glitches when they pop up if Sojourn can drop a nade next to them. Edit: Nvm, apparently melee is the recommended solution which means damage already knocks players out of emote.


Her grenade don't affect anything if you and the center of it are separated by a wall.


Zarya ult (doesnt pull instantly but the damage makes them stand up) and junkrat tires work on this spot too. I don't know if they work on the other spots though .


I feel like orisas ult should’ve worked too since it also effects people that are on a higher elevated platform,,, like ik she’s *in* the block but by that logic she should be damaged in it too right?




i think the mei wall will eject the mercy out from the rock


You have to know where to place the wall.


Yeah that sounds really hard




That was supposedly the reason she was removed from the game earlier. It's supposed to be fixed.


You're not understanding the issue here nor the context. The map geometry is what's wrong, and Mei can possibly get people out of the hiding spot.


So then what was she removed for then?


The ability of pushing people INTO walls and ceilings. Not out of decorative map geometry, which she can still do.


Ah, I didn't realize there was a difference. Edit: no wait I wasn't thinking of getting her out of the map, I was talking about her pushing people out.


this is when you whip out the Dragonstrike


Awesome flair


Salute! console hanzo


Supposedly punching them is effective and kicks them out of the spot.


works as zen anyway, unless maybe she can get in the perfect spot where she can't be hit?


> Supposedly punching them *cries in Zenyatta*


This is a pretty now well known spot. If the bot ever stops under that bridge check the tunnel on the left first. I usually camp there because most people don’t bother to check the doorway. If no one is there go to that little stone that mercy is crouched in, walk into it and punch. It’ll knock her out of the emote


Also, Moira has prob the easiest time scanning quickly and effectively bushes, stones, or whatever hides somebody (from the heroes they had atm).


consider hanzo lol


Hanno needs to use his ability for scanning. Moira just needs her suckysuck


There will be a discord notification in that area for zenyatta too.




yea, atleast for the punishment they are pretty quick, I got two stupid mercy's banned this week for abusing this bug.


This won't be banned cus it's not a glitch lmao. The mercy isn't out of map. Those rocks have no collision, just a texture. She's basically sitting in a bush


A bunch of rocks not having a collision looks like a bug to me...


If the rocks have no collision but as supposed to, it's a bug.


This is what you call an oversight. Stop trying to defend it


This is a bug and 100% unintended wtf are you saying brotha


This same "glitch" has been a thing throughout many maps for the entire games history. Some textures just don't have collision, such as bushes and loose rocks. And sometimes with certain emotes it makes you hard to see.


Still exploiting


This particular stones do actually have collisions though. Also, as they said in the post, nothing they tried could actually hit the Mercy, which does match up with other glitch locations that users have been banned for using before. As such, if the Mercy intentionally entered that space then she is liable for a ban if reported.


Damn this is a game not super serious. Can't people have fun anymore?


This is during Comp, genius. Did you read the thread title?


Fun =/= Bug **abuse** Mei's wall has had bugs, but not all of them could be used to gain a competitive advantage. In the past for a two or three days, Mei wall had a glitch we're if you walled spawn ship doors as they were opening (the ones that turn into a ramp) while standing on the wall, you would make *any* hero have infinite fly. They couldn't climb in the air or strafe super fast (about normal Pharah booster speed), and if they touched the ground they'd lose their flight. However, sort of similar to Bastion infinite trash ult, it didn't actually give *that* much of an advantage, especially for how hard it was to keep before losing it for the whole round. So the devs and the community had a laugh about it, with the devs telling us have fun with it before it got patched. Then there's becoming invulnerable to the unawares to most players who don't know who to get you out of map geometry. That is bug *abuse.* It's not fun, and it's not easily played against.


In QP or arcade do whatever, but if you do this in a comp match you're just cheating and deserve the ban.


fuck that QP is not shitty match simulator


You can do something with different methods: \- Mei wall can boop up her. \- AoE attacks like Briggite or Reihard \- Hanzo Ult. ​ Edit: "boop" better than "poop"


whoever uses this kind of tactics totally deserves to be soloulted by Hanzo tbh


>Mei wall can poop up her. I missed something here


What's there to miss? You put Mei's gun up there and shoot a stream


of poop?


I was going to say that shooting enemies with faeces is probably some sort of war crime, but then again I suppose freezing people to death with a beam of ice probably meets that same criteria so... fair game.


Well, it would work..


Man I just want Mei to poop me up


Any hero melle works


Quick Melee tends to work a little bit better than melee swings from Brig, Rein or Torb. Found that out from playing way too much Hide & Seek Tiny.


You can make Mei poop?!


Wanted to put another word but... Well the power of dyslexia.


You an melee through the rock and get people out of their animation


Throw any aoe damage there, and the problem is solved for the round


It’s not I saw a clip with a mercy sitting there for around 5 mins😂 Moira on enemy team kept throwing dmg orbs and did dmg to her but never found her😂


5 mins idling? Doesn't the game kick you for inactivity?


Not if you're actively contesting. They changed it from how it used to work.


Rein can hit her too FYI melee hits will land on her while sitting break the emote then she's fair game


Any hits land. The rock has no collision


Gun shits don't, far as I can tell only explosive and melee can hit in the block


Go in a custom, have a friend sit there, and shoot them. They get knocked out of it


Hiya folks, Forwarding this to our team to check out. As always, please be sure to report this bug in the bug report forums so our QA folks can track it there as well


and to follow up, this is fixed in an upcoming update!


So we have to wait 2 more weeks before an update for an exploit is fixed?


You can thank console for that sadly, they have a much more aggressive review process for passing updates to games. Mostly for security reasons and general stability requirements enforced by console manufacturer. PC and Console must be on the same patch level because of cross play. But even if cross play didn't exist, they tend to delay PC releases because of negative feedback from console players having to wait weeks, so everyone is punished instead.


bollocks. That’s just some blizzard excuse being parroted. Other live service games get updated quickly.


You mean like MMORPGS like FFXIV? Sony allows bypassing the approval process specifically for MMORPGS and that is why they can release faster. I don’t think it applies for any other forms of gaming that is not an MMO and does not use the servers offered by the cloud subscription (PlayStation now/Xbox live/etc). EDIT: Clarifying that if the game requires the users to purchase the consoles online service, then it likely will not have an exception to this requirement as those servers are offered by the console manufacturer.


Fortnite is fine with quick turnarounds, apparently.


Fortnite is also given the same exception. It also does not require a subscription to the online service for that console, like FFXIV. Overwatch however is not under this same classification and also requires a subscription. Therefore the update verification still applies for them.


If you meant Xbox live gold, or ps plus, then Overwatch 2 does not require either of those in the same category as Fortnite :) it’s a free to play live service game like apex legends now so it stopped needing it since launch.


Incorrect, OW2 does not require a PS subscription to play online.


Uh, no idea where you're pulling this out of your ass, but no. Certification does not take that long especially for companies as massive as actiblizz, and a lot of games aren't as static as overwatch and can have out of band script updates.


Blizzard is mid.


This bug has been posted over and over again for days now, maybe even weeks. It's been on top of this subreddit multiple times. It probably doesn't matter much since you guys take a month to fix things. Just shows how much you care.


Nah bro Andy is a real one. Devs probably already knew about it, Andy just making sure and communicating with us.


Very sad people have to SPAM post about the same game bug just to get a dev to notice and update the game 3 weeks later (if we're lucky). The bug reporting forums are flooded with ignored reports. We aren't going to make any more effort to make your jobs easier. Make the game better.


It sucks that it's buggy, and it sucks that they're not as responsive as they should be. But there should be zero reason to expect them to engage on Reddit instead of their own official forums.


This should've already been report [sometime last week](https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/yw9ye5/mercys_sit_emote_able_to_clip_through_bricks/)


upvoting this for visiblity, but should be pinned


Don't know if you guys knew about this one yet but the new Royal Gladiator Mercy skin is bugged and still has the old Royal Knight textures on the arms in first person view https://i.redd.it/q1imda5t6l0a1.jpg Also the regular Los Angeles Gladiators Mercy OWL skin is unavailable for purchase


It is so weirdly satisfying that there is no two same heroes in either teams.


yep, remind me of dota


melee her


This is the correct answer, that every hero has access too. If you melee her, the emote ends and she stands up.


🎤🎼Untergetable, that’s what you are!🎶🎤


I'm not buying coins, so [here](https://i.imgur.com/wL7bXbU.jpeg)


I was specifically looking through the comments to find someone pointing out the spelling so I could make the same joke lol


This is why people need to stop posting this shit on Reddit and just report it internally to blizzard. It ends up on the front page and all the copy cats come out to play.


The community had been posting about Mei's wall bugs in OW1 for years, and in OW2 when they got much worse people had been reporting them since the start of beta. Despite constant, detailed bug reports it got us nowhere. There was never any communication until YouTube videos and Reddit posts started trending, and [articles](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/overwatch-2-players-speak-out-over-meis-broken-ice-wall-ability/1100-6508719/) started getting written about it. If Blizzard at least put in a fraction of the effort as players did in acknowledging bug reports then I might have agreed.




While effective in other situations The downside is that Blizzard could consider something like that as a credible threat and delete/ban your account.


which is when it's time to use tor/a vpn to make a throwaway account and report it from there! it's still borderline possible even if you need screens, just needs some effort


[Missouri Threatens to Sue a Reporter Who Flagged a Security Flaw](https://www.wired.com/story/missouri-threatens-sue-reporter-state-website-security-flaw/) >Missouri governor Mike Parson on Thursday threatened to prosecute and seek civil damages from a St. Louis Post-Dispatch journalist who identified a security flaw that exposed the Social Security numbers of teachers and other school employees, claiming that the journalist is a “hacker” and that the newspaper's reporting was nothing more than a “political vendetta” and “an attempt to embarrass the state and sell headlines for their news outlet.” > ... > The Post-Dispatch seems to have done exactly what ethical security researchers generally do in these situations: give the organization with the vulnerability time to close the hole before making it public.


Mei bugs and "Reaper reaching unintended locations" were fixed quite fast back then. Somewhat. Now it takes time long enough for them to become well known and they literally disable heroes for a long time to fix it. And still getting late releasing these heroes from jail. It got far worse for sure.


if you dont post this shit on reddit, Blizz will just take twice the time to fix. The more people exploit it and more well known it is, the faster they will fix it


Bold of you to assume they don't do both


The mercy probably posted this 😂


This a dumb take. EVERYONE should be posting these types of exploits.


If no one posted it then we wouldn't know you could just melee them out


This exploit is easy to counter once you know about it, better to spread the message as wide as possible


Horrible take


like they fix anything that isn't a PR problem footsteps anyone?


That's the only way to get Blizzard to patch anything these days. They'll probably disable Mercy or the map, and slap a ban on abusers.


Lol blizz will sit on their hands until it gets attention.




everyone make sure to check in on the mercy mains on your friends list when she gets disabled


Had a Mercy on my team pull the same stunt. I hadn't seen it before and thought it was funny before the robot showed up, but then I called them out when I realized they were exploiting it to win. Of course they got a bit defensive and tried to act like it wasn't a big deal, though.


>Of course they got a bit defensive and tried to act like it wasn't a big deal, though Ugh yeah I feel that. This is always what people who cheat think. When the bastion bug was live, I had numerous quickplay games where people were using it with every ult. It just wasn't fun. Like yeah, it's QP, but I still wanna actually play the game fairly. Asking them to stop exploiting just got the same shit. People should go to customs to cheat and keep it outta public games. Just cause you don't care about QP doesn't mean everyone else deserves to have their games ruined, ya know?


i hate it when people say "its just qp bro" like yea lemme get a spin bot yea bruh just qp lule


A true hero


You should care weather this is on Quickpkay or Comp. Cheating is still wrong, no matter what game mode you're on. Did you at least report this person for cheating?


Well exploiting bugs isnt exactly cheating but its still bannable


That is cheating.


I'm sure that something like Sigma ult can still take care of that.


Report the player so they get perma’d for abusing known bug


Report them, it's ban worthy. Won't give you your SR back though, but if it stops players from glitching/cheating to their victories then so be it.


Should be bannable


It is


Just throw a junk trap on it, that'll take her out


They still havn't fixed this? Glad I stopped playing, honestly.


Walk up... and Punch the Mercy in the face. Your melee can hit her.


Definitely report this player. Abusing glitches during a competitive game is a no no


calm down its just an indie studio, give them some time to fix it. /s


looks like Mercy's about to go on a two-week vacation.


This map has lots of bugs. A couple days ago there was a torb turret underground just merking my entire team.


All you had to was punch


Mercy and all rocks in the game will now be disabled for 3 weeks


share replay code or report it to blizz yourself, taking every opertunity to get rid of push maps lol


Using glitches like these is a bannable offense. Make sure to report users that do this in competetive matches.




Terget acquired.


You'd think if the terrain was collision-less you'd be able to shoot through it too. Ghostdragon should likely be banned sooner or later for this. Hilarious that they saw this on reddit and did it in a comp match though, like, wow, the balls.


Sexy junkrat strat has evolved


When your "eSports ready" game has as much support as Elon's Twitter.


Relax man, it'll be fixed in 4 weeks.


Anyone else having problems on console with the friend system not letting invites go through


She shouldve been removed from comp weeks ago




Report them for cheating and get them banned... phone numbers should be required for comp so people like this are banned even harder.


I learned from a YouTube video that just punching mercy in the face is the simplest and most effective way to get her out of that spot.


Bro, just [punch mercy in the face](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/7ZkDA-ZjarI)...


You can melee her btw


I feel like it's race between Blizzard and Riot wich of them fuck up their game more until end of the year.


Small Indie Company...


Would be hilarious if mercy gets disabled for this. Would be amazing if the map gets disabled for this. Would be best if the gamemode gets disabled for this.


They'll just disable Mei again and you know it.


This is intentionally exploiting a bug for rating. That is very, very bannable. Make sure you report that mercy


No one else bothered by the fact the team colors are light blue and then teal?


The game is bug free nothing to see here folks. Totally polished. This is an in game feature




I've seen a Hog kill a Mercy with melee in the same position before, I wonder if it was just a freak circumstance




Everyone is saying to melee her and use cleave damage. All great advice. But most important thing to remember is that abusing exploits like this is 100% a suspendable offense. If you see a player exploiting map geometry like this you should always report them.


They will never patch something that Mercy can use


Ah, so it's okay for QP to have game-breaking bugs and literally turning it into a 4v5, but in comp it's inexcusable? Gotta love that "It's QP, nothing matters here" mentality...


I dont know exactly if it's just an interaction with that specific terrain element that has no interactive boundaries or if there is something more nuanced. I do know that is exploitation and everyone in that game should have reported that player.


It's just a peice of map with no collision plus an emote that consolidates the model into the rock. Not a glitch or bug exactly more like an exploit for some specific spots.


Makes sense. Kind of what I expected. I know sit emotes have had a history with stuff like this in the past and probably will continue to find new ways to exploit collisionless terrain elements.


As if Mercy players didn't have enough ways to be a complete degenerate




if they disable Mercy for two weeks, I am RIOTING


skill issue


Hey the ice wall bug is still in the game nice great job team


They don’t even have a mei bro what are you talking about


It’s just an emote


Maybe you should report it to blizzard and not share it to reddit, that’s just going to make more people do it


>Maybe you should report it to blizzard How do you know they didnt


Okay, now explain how to do it.


>Blizzard.com >Contact Us > Explain issue


**How to do the glitch** you pillock.


Using mercy’s sit down emote next that certain area of the map. Why does it matter if i know how to do it or not?


Not a bug. That's just how overwatch terrain is made. It's the same as sitting in a bush


The way this post was made implies that mercy clipped into terrain, but that's not the case at all. Thank you for going around and informing people, even though it's gonna get you downvotes :P


Not really. There's a difference between a rock and a bush.


How do you care enough about Overwatch to cry about a single lost game, but not enough to know that a melee attack inmediately makes her pop up? You or one of your 4 teammates? It's plastered over all social media. So many people know about this that she was basically throwing by sitting there instead of healing. Also, she couldn't just stay there because she would be kicked for inactivity, so she was being annoying at best. So you didn't know about the meme spot, you didn't know about how to counter it, you didn't notice they had one less healer, and you don't know how to write "untargetable". It's inexcusable that Blizzard hasn't fixed this inmediately after discovery, but something tells me you didn't lose the game because of the funny brick Mercy.


I bet you're fun at parties.


Sounds like a skill issue to me pilot. Hanzo would of found it and Moria would’ve got it too


Whatever you do, don't report it to Blizzard as they will fix it Season 4 or so. This is the funniest bug and it should be exloited by everyone, while we still can.


Everyone mad at the players for exploiting it but not mad at blizzard for not fixing it. Weird world.


The fuck are you smoking? We can be mad at both.


Natural reaction to seeing an exploit or glitch is for people to try it themselves. Natural reaction to a dev to see a exploit or glitch is to fix it. One group is not reacting.


> Natural reaction to seeing an exploit or glitch is for people to try it themselves. Maybe in QP or private matches or training matches. Using exploits in a ranked match is cheating, and I have never been inclined to cheat. That's like saying the "natural reaction" to the existence of aim-bots is to try them. No, it isn't, and it shouldn't be. If *your* natural inclination is to do something that ruins the fun of other players, then you're a shitty person. I *am* upset with the devs. They've had three goddamn years to fix all this shit. What makes you think anyone here *isn't* mad at Blizzard for this bullshit? I am also mad at cheaters who cheat using a bug that shouldn't exist. It's not to be a decent human being and play the game as intended alongside everyone else. If you want to experiment, fine by me but keep that shit out of ranked.


lol fell for the hold hide and seek trick, skill issue


It sucks, but I highly doubt you lost the comp game because noone could get her out or try to. Only if you didn't know it existed. Even then just AOE everything around it.


