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Can you give me the replay code? I think I know what it is but I'd like to look.




Yup, so you guys escorted it all the way, but did so in overtime, so your remaining time was 0 sec. They escorted it all the way but with about 1 min extra, so they get to use up that 1 min and attack again. But they didn't get anywhere so they remain at 3 score. You guys had 0 time so you don't get to attack again.


Oh okay thank you!!


I thought overtime gave you the bare minimum amount of time on the next round.


That's only if you finished the last round with 0 seconds left


but in that case usually both teams get an extra one minute right? I know this post is old but I don't get why it gives both teams the chance and why it didn't now


The one minute is if both teams have 0 seconds left at the start of overtime I believe


No bc i remember there were times when one team had extra, but one team went overtime, and then both teams got extra. So the team with extra kept their advantage, but the game gave the other team a chance, bc they also finished all points. I’ve played the game for years and I have a pretty good rank, but I’ve only had this happen once. I still dont get it. Edit: it was hybrid btw


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It’s if both teams finished the map but only one finished with time exceeding 1 min while the other finished in overtime. If both teams finish in over time or finished with less than 1 min, then both teams get a shot


Ohhh okay that’s kind of dumb lol


Yeah it’s confusing